246 Days With an Overgrown Po...

Dekusbr0kenfinger द्वारा

7.4K 472 267

"Who the hell are you?" Bakugou asks the stranger, the stranger was shorter than him and had green hair. The... अधिक

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Part 3

593 36 26
Dekusbr0kenfinger द्वारा

King Explosion Murder's Pov:

Freckles is very confusing, nothing that she says makes sense to me, like how am I supposed to put away junk? The two of us were walking back to my camp and she kept stumbling over branches so I walked behind her and just pointed to the direction of where we were going.

"Um, so are there any monsters out there?" Freckles asks, is this girl serious right now?

"Monsters? Silly monsters don't exist," I huffed as I stopped.

"Well yeah I know but like, I recently watched sweetheart with Kirishima and I'm still kind of freaked out," she says looking around anxiously, "Ya know that one movie on Netflix."

"You're crazy, I don't know what you're talking about half of the time," I say pushing a leaf out of my way.
"Uhhhhhhhhh, what part do you not understand?" She asks.

"What is a netflix?" I asked, "Is it food?"

"What, oh yeah, you've probably never heard of it since you've been living on this island your entire life," Freckles says, "Anyway Netflix is an app where you can watch movies and T.V. shows on."

"Yeah I don't know what a movie is either but that's not the point. How did you end up here on this island," There I finally asked the question that I really wanted to know.

"Oh, that's a long story..." Freckles replies.

"Well we have time, so go on with the story,"

"Oh well basically it starts back with Kirishima, he said that he had tickets to go on a cruise together since his girlfriend broke up with him, I agreed to go with him. Oh yeah a cruise is when you chill out on a ship or some shit. Anyway yeah, we hit something while me and Kirishima were still in the cabins, I passed out, I ended up here, and I hope that he is still alive and safe." At the end Freckles took a deep breath and looked at me expecting a response.

Well of course all I could think about was who the hell is this Kirishima, and is he a guy? If so I know who my next target is. The very thought of having another guy near my bitch makes me want to find the guy and rip his head off.

"So is this Kirishima a guy?" I ask choosing my words carefully.

"Um yeah? Why do you ask?" She looked at me with a confused look on her face.

I stayed silent the rest of the walk back but my mind was definitely not silent. All that was going through my mind was 'who the hell is this kirishima guy and has he done anything to freckles' 'Freckles seems to worry a lot about him does that mean that she's in love with him' 'maybe I should ask her.'

We soon arrived at my magnificence tent, and I pulled out a chair for her to sit in, "Um so do you like collecting luggages or something?" She asks pointing to my stack of multi colored leather bags that I had piled on top of each other, 'Oh that's what they must be what they are called.'

"Yes I do, I have a lot of them that drop from ships," I say moving over to the pink one that I had found the day before, " Is this one yours? I saw it earlier."

"Well not exactly, I found it on the beach yesterday. I looked in it to see if there was anything useful for surviving, I didn't think that anyone was living on this island alone though," she says.

I handed her the luggage and she took it, she started going through the contents inside of it, she pulled out a silver looking thing and a pair of scissors.

"Alright, first things first, you said that the beard bothers you right, do you want me to trim it or just take it all off?" She asks fiddling with the silver thing, I recognized it, I've seen it before. I reached into my tent to where they were and pulled them out to show her. Not to brag or anything but I've collected a lot of them even though I didn't know how to work it. I tried figuring it out once but I ended up cutting myself, after that I never bothered with it again.

"Um, well every time I try doing stuff to my beard it hurts, like when I pull it out, will that hurt?" I ask hoping that it wasn't going that it wasn't.

"No, no of course not, I will show you how to shave it, usually you would do it in a mirror but you don't have one. Instead I'll just do it for you, it seems that you have quite a lot of them that you've collected there, I won't need to worry about it being dull," Freckles explains, it seems that she has done this before, has she shaved other people's beards before? It seems like she has done a lot of things with other people before, I've read this term somewhere apparently she's a player. That's not going to stop me though, she has been so nice to me so far, she even offered me a banana. That means that you like someone when you give them gifts, right?

Freckles reached back into the luggage again and pulled out a grey bottle, "Good there was conditioner in here, now all I need left is maybe a bucket of water and a plastic bag so that I don't make a mess all over your area," I did as she told me and grabbed the bucket of water that I refill every morning. "Alright, this is going to feel kind of weird for the first time but you will get used to it, and also please don't move suddenly because there is a liability that I might end up cutting you."
"Alright I'm ready Freckles, anything to get rid of this beard," I say.

I watched her take a deep breath and take some water from the bucket into her hands, she started dabbing the water on my beard making it wet. She squeezed what she had called "conditioner" into her hands, the substance was like nothing that I've seen before, the texture looked peculiar. She started applying the white substance onto my beard and I heard her murmur, "I really wish that we had shaving cream though."
Now that there was a generous amount of conditioner on my beard and above my lips, now she was taking the razor to it. I squeezed my eyes shut as I listened and felt the weird tool on my skin, it had a weird scratching noise as it went up and down on my chin. I heard her squirt more conditioner in her hand and rubbed it at the top of my neck, she proceeded to do the same as what she had done before.
"Alright I'm all done" Katsuki opened his eyes, he looked down to see the hair all over the floor and blood on Freckle's hands.



"Oh yeah, sorry, I nicked ya. The cut's really tiny though, it's just a lot of blood," She explains grabbing the end of her shirt to wipe the remaining blood off of his face, "You won't die I promise."

"Sooooo, you seem to really know how to do this... Have you done this before?"

"Yeah, every 2-3 days or so, probably twice a week depending how lazy I am,"


"Alright, now, a haircut," She says, smirking. My hair was pretty long and tangled so I guess she could cut it, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. As long as I look the best for Freckles.

"Ok," I said nodding. She pulled out a pair of scissors and started combing through my hair with her fingers. That's when I noticed it, I grabbed her hand and pulled it down to where I could see it better. Her arm was littered with a whole bunch of scars and there was an even larger one farther away, but it was mostly hidden by the pink shirt she was wearing.

"How did you get the scar?" I ask tracing the smaller ones with my fingers.

"Oh well, I was a really reckless teenager and I got in a car crash like a month after getting my license," She explains.

"I think I know what a car is, I've seen it in a book before, so they actually exist, anyway I think they look really cool."

"Thanks, I think so too, sometimes I tell people that I got it in a fight just for jokes."

We had a conversation while she was cutting my hair, "Hey, so do boats and ships usually pass here often?" She asks, snipping another long lock of my hair.

"Well usually it's about a couple times a year."

"A year?!"

"It's not my fault that ships don't really come out here."
Freckles was really quiet after that, she just kept cutting more pieces of hair and grumbling things like 'how am I supposed to get home now?' And things similar to that. It makes me kinda sad that she wants to leave but I can't force her to stay here with me.
"Alright all finished," she says cheerfully as she backs away from me. She slightly tilts her head to the side, picks up the scissors again and takes another chunk out of my hair, "Neverminds, now you're finished. Now do you have a mirror anywhere so I can show you how smoking hot you are right now?"

"Wait smoke? I don't smell any smoke, are you sure? I don't feel hot. And no I don't have a mirror, my last one broke, I got mad and I ended up throwing it in the ocean, sorry." I say looking down at my hairs that were scattered all over the floor. Maybe I should have just given her the plastic bag so that there wouldn't be such a mess, now this is going to be really hard to clean up later, hopefully this won't get into any of the food.

"I know we just got back from the waterfall but I feel like we should go back and wash your hair. I know it seems like a pain in the ass to go back and forth but seriously, after cutting all that hair, there are probably more pieces of hair still in there and it might itch." Freckles says running her scarred fingers through my hair, she pulled her hand back and there were hairs caught up in it.

"Ok thanks for the cutting of the hair, sometimes it's really hard to manage so I usually don't do anything about it," I say running through my now shortened locks.

"Ha, your hair is funny," she says snorting.

"Hah? How so?"

"Well your hair sticks up, like spikes, it's weird and definitely not natural," Freckles laughs.

I went over to where my tent was and started rummaging through my stuff, I found the only picture of my parents I had and showed it to her, "That's my mom, I got the hair from her."

"Holy shit, thats pretty fucking cool how it just sticks up like that in perfect spikes, my hair is just always messy, I dont bother to comb this green mess so it just naturally sticks up," She says running a hand through her own hair only to get her finger stuck in a knot, she shook her fingers out of her long curls.

"Anyway what was your name again Freckles? Wasn't it Deku? I feel bad for just calling referring to you as bitch or freckles," I say

"Deku? Doesn't that mean worthless?" She asks.

"Did your parents hate you or something,"

"No, my parents loved me very much, er not really my dad though, anyway my name is Izuku, I-z-u-k-u, not deku, how the hell did you get that name from?"

"Yeah, your name is too hard to pronounce, Deku it is."

"Fine whatever, you're lucky you're pretty or else I would kick your ass," Deku frowns.

"I'm not pretty, you are."

"But being pretty is for girls."

"Uhhhhh what? Then why does it have to do with me then?"

"Well aren't you a girl"

"No, I'm not a girl. What the hell gave you that idea, I have a dick just like you."


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