Hanahaki || DNF Fanfiction/AU

By GogyStyle

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WHY IS THIS STILL GETTING READS IT'S FREAKING 2022 HELP Dream grew up in a world where when you turn 16, you... More

The One Where We Meet Clay
The One Where Dream Figures It Out
The One Where We Time Skip
The One Where They Properly Meet
The One Where They Simp More
The One Where They Late-Night Call
The One Where They Do The Thing
The One Where They Meet The Parents
Dream's Backstory // SHORT
The One Where They Do Illegal Shit
The One Where They Take A Hint
Intermission Numero Dos & Social Media
[Book 1] Finale
Alternative Title [Cursing]

The One Where They Talk

3.4K 147 581
By GogyStyle

//Switching to George's POV bc yes\\

George was laying on his bed in his room, starfished on top of the messy blankets. His head wasn't even on the pillow, as they had been accidentally tossed aside after George had tossed and turned all night. He had been struggling to sleep for a while now, almost a month and counting. The most sleep he'd gotten in one night since his family had moved to the U.S. was a little under 5 hours. And that was added up the short 45-minute snooze sessions that he was able to get in before waking up from a vicious coughing fit.

The hanahaki was starting to become unbearable. His mother, after trying for a year in the U.K. to find George's soulmate, was convinced that he lived in the U.S. and moved them there. But all George got out of it was a horridly hot new home and weird accents with weird people. Florida wasn't as great as his parents made it out to be.

She would always say things like, "You need to try harder, Gogy." or "He's here, I can feel it!" or "You gotta look a little harder, Hon." It was exhausting.

There was all this pressure on George; having to find his soulmate within 5 months and 27 days. Having to adjust to this new state and its cultures and people. Having to adjust to a different kind of government, it was just...


It was so weird, George couldn't bear it.

Though he had to admit that seeing the Florida beach was nice.

George unlocked his phone and went into his photo gallery. He scrolled down a little, to about a week ago, and clicked into the pictures of the beach he'd taken. He smiled, scrolling through the different angles that he'd captured. There were sunset shots, wave shots, selfies with his family members, photos of sand castles, and even some pictures of fish.

George got lost in the moment and scrolled to a photo of him and his friends. His smile faded as he stared at them, their faces sad but trying to hide it. He had gone around his school taking some last photos with his friends, already missing them once he left school for the last time.

There was Jenni, his closest female friend. They'd been closer than his male friends, mainly because she liked strictly girls and not boys. Of course, they had each other's phone numbers, but the time difference really limited what few chats they were able to have.

Jenni had long, chestnut brown hair, pale skin, and shining cyan eyes. She liked to wear necklaces and bracelets, as well as sweaters and jeans. In the picture she was wearing her favorite sweater; it had the lesbian flag colors on it, and the collar was pulled down to show off her purple jeweled necklace.

She was George's best friend, and when he saw her, he... he couldn't explain the amount of pain he felt knowing that he'd likely never see her again.

George pushed the feeling away, although it still lingered. He pressed the home button, refusing to look at the other pictures, fearing that he'd be on the verge of tears if he did.

Instead, he opened his contact list. He clicked on the one labeled "Darryl (Bad)" and clicked the message icon.


hey bad

Oh hi George :D
What's up?

just bored is all
wanted someone to talk to

How was the rest of your day
at school?

boring, to say the least
nobody else really talked to
me and the ones who did
thought my accent was weird

I'm sorry, buddy :(
You doing okay?



George stared at the three dots that appeared and disappeared, then reappeared again only to leave the screen once more. Bad had been typing on and off for about three minutes.


Have you given any thought to who might be your soulmate? :0


George's eyes widened slightly. He sat up, his eyes lingering on the word.


The image of a tall boy with dirty blonde hair- it looked somewhat brown- and bright emerald eyes flashed in his mind. At least he thought they were emerald. Green eyes seemed more natural than yellow ones. The boy had tons of freckles dotting his face, trailing down to his neck as well. His smile was bright, charming, beautiful.

George had imagined what his soulmate would look like many times, only to shake off the images. His imagination made the boy too... unrealistic. Just the thought that the boy was actually real, let alone George's soulmate?

A guy like that would definitely have a female soulmate.

C, he called him. He had just picked the letter that suited him the most. C was seemingly the best choice.

George snapped back to reality to see that Bad had texted him a few other times.


George are you okay?
If the question made you uncomfortable, you don't have to answer

im okay, bad. sorry i just
spaced out for a second

Oh thank goodness
I was about to call 911 lol

dont do that, haha

But back to my question

i havent, no

Have you ever thought about
what he'd look like?


George wasn't sure if he should tell Bad. After all, it was weird. Imagining what your soulmate would look like?

Of course everyone imagines their soulmate to look like C. Tall, handsome, smart, perfect...

George nearly slapped himself.


yeah, i guess

Ooh! Can I know? :D

sure. not like he's real

You never know, it may be
someone I know :p

well, i imagine that hes tall,
got green eyes, a fuck ton of
freckles, dirty blonde hair,
and he likes to wear green


Bad was silent. George was about to ask him if he was okay until the familiar three dots appeared.


What name did you give him

i just call him C

He looks like a friend


One of my friends looks
like that, George!
He could be your soulmate!


George nearly fainted.


Knew his soulmate??



whats that for?

It's Dream's number :)
You should call him or

oh, thanks


George took a deep breath. He clicked on the number, and the screen pulled up a new contact. George clicked on the text box icon and he was sent to a new message screen.

He started typing.

"Hey, Bad gave me this number. i think im your soulmate"

George deleted the words and started over.

"Hey, you might remember me from first hour. im george, i think im your soulmate"

He deleted it again. Why was this so difficult?

"Hey, im George from first hour. is this Dream?"

George hesitated, holding his finger over the send button. In an act of pure adrenaline, he sent the message and almost immediately regretted it.

He stared at the left side of the screen, waiting for the dots to show up.

After what seemed like forever, Dream started typing.

George's insides did a flip as soon as he saw a bubble pop up.


Hey, im George from first hour.
is this Dream?

yeah. who gave you my


George could only stare.


Bad did

of course Bad gave you
my number, smh
what do you need?


George had always been so extroverted, obviously a people person. He had no problems making friends, and almost always got along with everyone.

So why was he so... awkward all of a sudden?


oh, my real name is Clay
just thought i should say that

like sculpting and stuff?

yeah. my moms obsessed
with art

are you?

you could say that

ive always been more of a
book person tbh

i like reading too :)


Smiley face? Really?


whats your favorite book?

i like To Kill a Mockingbird

thats a good book



There was a long silence, then Bad texted George. He opened the chat.


How's it going?

we both like To Kill a
Mockingbird. does that count
towards anything?

Of course it does!
You should ask him about
his soulmate :D

i will. thanks Bad

No problem owo


George sighed. Bad and his text faces.

He went back to his chat with Dream.


so who's your soulmate?

havent found him yet


yeah, delft blue roses

ive got chamrock green

thats my favorite color-

thats weird lol

yeah lol


George facepalmed. Why'd he say it was weird??

It was weird in a sense of coincidence.  It wasn't weird in the way that weird is normally meant.


whats ur favorite color?

its gonna be kinda weird but
delft blue

either a big coincidence
or some kind of fate

probably a coincidence

yeah probably


There was a pause before Dream sent the last message.


well goodnight

yeah night


George put his phone on the charger next to his bed, then rolled over onto his side. He didn't bother with the covers- it was too hot. His mother still hadn't gotten any fans or the air conditioner set up, and with their house being made partially made of metal, the heat was a lot worse inside than outside.

George closed his eyes, not even realizing that he was thinking about Dream.

//1537 words\\

Hey! I'm gonna try to post daily now.

Let me know if you like George's pov :^

I wanted a short break from Dream so i did this :D

Anyways i hope you enjoyed! bye :]

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