By daisugaaa

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πŸ’ŒCOLD HEARTED JERKπŸ’Œ "So..we meet again.." It's Three years into the future. They meet again at a unexpected... More

16 πŸ“₯


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By daisugaaa

      "It's can tell us..."

        "...They will never find the bodies..."

" stop- You're scarring me.."

Jisung quietly said as his wide eyes stared back at the reflection of his two best friends, who had this scary and murderous aura coming from them. Slightly getting the chills by how creepy the situation was as he didn't expect this type of greeting the moment he accepted the facetime call.

"The one's who are supposed to be scare are them! Not you!"

"Those rascals-.. why did they had to force you to go?!"

"W-Wait- it wasn't like tha-!"

"NO NO SUNG! Don't defend them!seungmin and I will handle it!"

"You can count on us Jisung! We will wrec-!"

" IM TELLING YOU-!... I went on my own..!"


Jisung let out a small sigh, finally catching the attention of the duo that were ready to commit a crime. There's no way Jisung had enough money to bail them both out. Seungmin and Felix were shocked to hear the words that had come out of his mouth, especially knowing the many things Jisung did to avoid crossing paths with Minho, how he ignore the texts and phone calls from Minho. Though that only happened for a few months until the older finally stopped contacting him. Jisung never bothered to read them and instead went on to get his phone number changed in hopes that he'd never get contacted by The older again. Kinda cruel but it showed how much Jisung just wanted to cut him out of his life and move on like their relationship was nothing. Knowing all of that information made it seem so surprising to hear that Han Jising would go out of his way to meet up with Minho after all those years he spent trying to erased him.

"Changbin hyung... Didn't force you to go..?"

"It wasn't channie Hyung either..?"

"No-.. I was the one who made the decision to go see him. No one forced me to go"

"You're not lying to us.. Right?"

"It's unbelievable I know but I mean it..


"This is My daughter... Hana"





It's been almost an hour since the called between his best friends had ended. They didn't really talked much since the duo wanted to pry as much of information from Jisung about his meet up with Minho. But the blonde head would not a budge a bit, it was clear that Jisung did not want to talk about it so they finally dropped the subject and moved onto a different topic. Soon enough they said their good nights and ended the call,45 minutes had pass since then and Jisung had spend them lying on his back as he stared up at the ceiling. his head was pounding with countless thoughts and countless memories. Making him grow an annoying headache that's been going for the past 10 minutes know.

He grunted as memories kept on repeatedly flashing through his mind, memories from a couple days ago. Memories of when he met up with Minho and met her....


Jisung exclaimed quite loudly as turned onto his stomach, buried his face into his fluffy white pillow and yelled as the image of him freezing up at the mention of Minho's daughter. How he awkwardly stood there as he was introduced to her, just for seconds later for him to make a sharp turn and ditched both of them by running away. He could still clearly hear Minho calling out to him but the blonde head never once looked back. He begin swinging his legs, hearing how his feet kept on slamming into his bed as he kept on whining of how embarrassed he felt for running away. Complaining how he wouldn't be able to step a foot in that hospital ever again, how could he ever face Minho ever again...?

"Wait a minute..."

He slowly stopped trashing around and lift his head from the pillow. There was some markings of the pillow on his face and his hair looking quite like a birds nest . He laid there as he thought things over before suddenly jolting up from the bed.

"Why am I embarrassed..? I didn't even wanted to go in first place-?!"

He suddenly exclaimed loudly to himself, slightly forgetting that it was past midnight and had a possibility of waking up his father but he continued with his monologue as he started pacing around his room.

"I only went because Changbin advised me to meet him. ... it's like he knows something.. but he won't tell me-!!.."

" We had a one night stand-!.."

"I'm pregnant with his child "

"This is my daughter...Hana."

Jisung slowly came to a stop once those faint memories flashed through his head, feeling his stomach dropped and his mouth run dry. Suddenly everything came back to him, remembering what happen on that Christmas Day three years ago. He slowly clenched his hands into fists, slightly shaking as flashbacks of Minho's daughter came to mind and How happy The older look in introducing her to him. Remembering that woman who claimed she was carrying his child.

" that the truth?... did he really sleep with her? that really your daughter...that you had with her...?"

Jisung's voice had slowly quiet down as he tried to connected the puzzles pieces on his own. Making himself grow upset even more over these conclusion that could be truth or not. He gritted his teeth as he lower his head, was this the so call 'truth' that changbin was so desperate for Jisung to see? Did they wanted to show that Minho really slept with someone else behind his back? That because of his actions he had consequences to face? That Minho really is the father of that person's child? Meeting the older and his daughter unexpectedly only made things even worse since the beginning of all this chaos. Jisung felt hurt by these conclusions he was jumping too, knowing he shouldn't but he couldn't help it.

That's all he thought about since day one, those thoughts about being betrayed. The thoughts that Minho really cheated on him even when he had his doubts, he remembers how Minho pleaded to believe him. The word ' misunderstanding ' would every now and then float around his head each time the older came to mind. Though he had his doubts, he couldn't full on let go on the possibility of Minho sleeping with her... he just couldn't. She went out of her way to tell him she was expecting and Minho never once denied that he slept with her either.. not a single time.

Jisung brought his now unclench hands onto his hair as he slightly tug onto his hair. Becoming stressed about a situation he decided to dropped the moment he ran out of the hospital that day. But yet he couldn't stop thinking about it.. there was even more questions then there was before now that Hana came to picture. He just felt  so annoyed and frustrated that he still didn't know anything but was allowing himself to jump onto conclusions and getting hurt in the process. The way Minho act during those days they met up did not make the situation between them any better, it just irritated Jisung and maybe even hurted him. How could he act like that...? Acting as he didn't break his heart on that Christmas Eve three years ago..?

The grip on his hair tighten as anger suddenly flame throughout his body, making him wanting to lash out on the nearest object. That being his dresser  he ending up kicking but soon enough that anger flew out the window once Jisung realize what he had done and the visible tingling sensation of pain he felt shooting through his toe.


The boy started whining of pain as he hold his foot, hopping around in one leg before letting himself to flop onto the floor. Having his back lean against the dresser as he let out an exhausted sigh,thinking how ridiculous the whole situation was as he let go of his foot.

"..what is this... what am I doing?"

Jisung quietly mumble to himself as a conflict expression filled his face. All he has done was nothing but runaway and jump onto conclusions, in reality he doesn't know anything. He didn't even try to figure out what was this so call truth that Changbin was trying to show at the end. He just been avoiding to face anything, just how he has been avoiding to face Minho all those years . Jisung is hurting but he never thought of the possibility that maybe Minho was hurting too...

there's so many ifs or maybe but Jisung just isn't sure of anything.

The blonde head slowly brought his knees up to his chest and slowly wrapped his arms around his knees, hugging them close to his chest as he let out a small sigh.

"I just.. Don't know anything..."

The boy quietly said as he slowly leaned back his head against the dresser. Though it was just a gentle tap, it was enough to make something suddenly fall and slightly tap him on the face. Making jisung quite startled by the sudden interaction, making him let lose the grip he had on holding his knees close to his chest. He blinked as he reach out to grab whatever had landed on his lap. He slowly turned it around and the moment he did, his eyes slightly widen and soon were filled with sadness and maybe a hint of adoration in them.

"Oh...I kept this photo.."

Jisung said as he stare at the picture he was holding in his hands. It was obviously an old picture, you could tell by the slight tears on the corners , the marker marking being slighty smudge and the stickers on it were already loosing their color. It was a picture of Him and Minho. It was from one of their dates, He remember Minho taking him to an orchard to pick apples. He could tell by their outfits , he was sure of it , it was that day. The older was wearing a bucket hat while Jisung wore a cute straw hat to protect himself from the sun. Of course Minho had tease him about the straw hat, but that was just a way of saying it looked cute on him. Throughout the trip, they were always holding hands to make sure neither of them got lost but somehow Minho lost Track of Jisung. Eventually they found other again, figuring out that Jisung had wonder off to take picture of squirrels he saw. He definitely got lectured about it but soon enough They laughed it out.

They had a picnic afterwards, he knows cause you could clearly see the Picnic blanket in the background, the basket sticking out on the edge of the picture. The open bags of chips and soda cans were caught in the picture, Jisung was posing for the camera with his his peace sign while Minho was too distracted in reading his book and munching on chips.

He still looked good, even if he wasn't even paying attention. Jisung let out a small chuckled as he remembered how Minho chased him around once he heard the flash go off, of course he was caught and fling around.

But they were happy...

Jisung still remembers the sound of his laugh, he remembers being swept of his feet. Remembers being toss to the blanket and The older slowly going on top of him-

The boy quickly shove the picture into one of the drawers of his dresser. His face was blushing furiously, his heart beating rapidly fast. Trying to calm himself as he patted his chest, slightly coughing as he try to regain his cool.

"That's enough of remembering..."

He quietly said to himself as he stood up and let out another sigh to try to calm himself as much as he could. The more he thought about it, the harder it got to let go of this situation. He had found himself heading to bed, putting the blankets over him as he try to forget everything that had happen these past days. He would not give in, he would not fall again, he can't bare to get possibly hurt again for trying to figure what's right or what's not. Things are already getting complicated and messy to begin with, he doesn't want things to get even worst then they are. Maybe if he just continue his avoiding strategy and maybe everything will work out just fine...

"JISUNG?! where are you headed at this hour?!"

Mr.Han exclaimed, being woken up by sudden bumps and yells he heard coming from his son's room. Suddenly getting up to scold his son but just to see him dash out the front door, struggling to put on the sleeves of his jacket.  Jisung didn't stop to explain, he just ran to the one place being in mind.
The one person he wanted to see the most after

Lee Minho

his address..? Why are you suddenly asking for his address at this hour..? '

Jisung nervously bit his bottom lip as he his eyes kept jumping onto the text messages between him and Changbin, and the big fancy tall apartment building that was across the street. His hands were slightly shaky, he was already having second thoughts even though he had already made it this far. There was no way he could bring himself to chicken out on the last minute, besides that Changbin will not let him Rest In Peace . Especially since he woke him up from his so call beauty sleep just to get the address.

Gathering all the courage he could muster up, he slid his phone into his jacket's pocket and made his way across the street, of course he had looked both ways before crossing. Jisung nervously gulp as he open the door to step inside the apartment, even when he got to the elevator he was already trembling by how nervous he was. It was way past midnight to even be out here, especially to go even visit someone. Why did he think it was a good idea? All he could think of why did he suddenly had the urge to go see the older, even after saying he wouldn't see him anymore?

"I must be out of my mind..."

Jisung breathe out as he lean back against the wall of the elevator, holding onto the railing as Minho was living on one of the highest floors of the building. Once the the light of the number ' 1 0 ' button went off and the doors slid open, Jisung step out and slowly made his way down the hall. Checking for each door for the number ' J 2 5 ' . Once that number finally came into view, he slowly came to a stop. He felt himself getting worked up again, the nervous and anxious feeling kicking in once again as his heart pace rapidly picked up. For a second his mind blanked out, the door was right there but for some reason he couldn't even bring himself to knock on it..

' what if.. he's not a home? Doctors are mostly at the hospital ...'

The boy thought to himself, hesitating for a moment as this was something big coming from him. A huge step to be exact, he never once imagined he would been running back to Minho once again. Though this time there will be no running away, this time Jisung wants to know and hear what really happened back then. He wants to know whatever everything turn out to be a huge misunderstanding or not. Jisung inhaled a big breath and exhale it out before slowly raising his arm, getting ready to knock-

" I'm her mother! I deserve to see her as much as you get to see her!"

" Go back home- you can't take her away at this hour-!"

"She's My daughter! I do what I want to do with her?! Stop interfering!"

"....Why couldn't you wait until tomorrow to pick her up?!"

The door loudly flung open and out walked a very dressed woman. Wearing a typical white blouse with a pencil skirt and black high heels, her hair up in a tight hair bun. In her arms she carried a familiar child that clearly could barely keep her eyes open. A distressed figure soon step out of the door frame, who was clearly in sleeping wear which concluded that the woman had burst into their apartment while the two were already sleeping.

"Drop the frowning face Dr.Lee.. you'll see her again on Tuesday-Friday."

The lady said quite coldy as she rolled her eyes before walking away with the sleeping child. Minho clenched his hands into fists as he couldn't do anything but just watch her walk. The brunette ran a hand through his hair as he let out a frustrated sigh. She always does what she wants, she has no remorse or whatsoever. A mother she claims to be, how can someone who abandoned their child for almost 2 years call themselves a mother? It only irritated Minho even more, it made his blood boil.

He really hated her.

He was only putting up with her Because Hana at least deserves to meet her mother... she seem happy to be with her at least. Minho let out an exhausted sigh, not only was work stressing him out, so was this whole situation with Hana's mother. Just randomly bursting through his apartment to take Hana and even taking her from his workplace without even talking to him first. Minho got the favor to see Hana more than her own mother does, which clearly pissed her off . But that's on her abandoning her child, her only reason for coming back from her disappearance was that fact that-

Minho's thoughts were cut off the moment he heard a sound of ringing coming from the right side of the building. Peaking over from the doorframe he realized the sound was coming from the hallway. He hesitated at first but he eventually found his body moving on his own, walking down the hallway towards it. The sound became louder and clearer at each step, he even heard some faint voices and fumbling around noises. Soon enough the ringing stopped but that didn't end Minho's curiosity, he had already reach the end. The brunette then slowly peak over at the corner, the moment he did his eyes widened.



[ Damn a cliff hanger, sucks to be y'all 🙄
Anyways here's the update everyone has been waiting for. It's not the best so I'm sorry if I let y'all down :( I think my creative days are done. I suck on updating , it's been months since I last updated. But I do hope to update again since I want to end this book as soon as I can.
I was planning to bring a certain dumpling this chapter but it's too soon for that 😔maybe later on since I want to focus on Minsung before shifting onto the next pairing.
But I do hope you did enjoy this chapter! If not , I'll try my best to write better!

Until next time !
Author C-💘 is out!

Hopefully I'll come back soon!!

Ps: I didn't proofread this: as always 😔so please don't calll grammar police 🚣‍♀️


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