Lost (Naruto/Aot crossover an...

By ItzShady_lol

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The fourth shinobi war is lost, Naruto loses everything and is saved by his close friend Sasuke by teleportin... More

Hello and welcome
Chapter 1: A new world
Chapter 2: A Wall?
Chapter 3: Who are you?
Chapter 4: Dark Past, Bright Goals
Author's Note
Chapter 5: Graduation
Chapter 6: After Graduation/Trost
Chapter 7: Trost Battle/Two Monsters Unleashed
Chapter 8: Live or Die/Trost Battle Pt 2
Chapter 9: Deciding Your Fate
Chapter 10: The Scouts
Chapter 11: The 57th Expedition/Female Titan
Chapter 12: Annie Leonhart
Chapter 14: Hatred
Chapter 15: It Almost Seems Too Easy....
Chapter 16: Hanji's Experiments
Chapter 17: The Day Before the Battle for Shiganshina
Chapter 18:.....
Author's note 2

Chapter 13: New Enemies, A New Ally

2K 65 18
By ItzShady_lol

Hello, I'm back again I hope you all had a great time during the holidays and hopefully 2021 will be better. Also there might be some spoilers to the manga, sorry for any errors I make.

Third Person View

"The hard way"

The voice echoed through the jail and the voice sent shivers down Annie's spine and she could feel this energy in the air that felt...so evil.

Naruto stands up from his chair and begins to walk around "Now than let me explain how this is gonna work, I'm gonna ask you questions and if you give me an honest answer or you refuse to answer....we're gonna make you suffer."Naruto said in a cold voice while still making eye contact with Annie.

"And let me tell ya, my friend likes to take things slow...really slow."He said

"And what if I just escape again."Annie said coldly

"Well, were gonna end up in the same situation we've been in twice already...I capture you and I take you back here."

"*Sigh* go ahead ask your damn questions."Annie stated coldly

"Alright...why did you do it Annie?"Naruto stated while looking into her eyes

Annie turned her head so that Naruto wouldn't be able to see the face of regret she had on. A long moment of silence took over except for the sound of water drops hitting a puddle, but then the silence is broken.

"Are you gonna answer or what?"Naruto said crossing his arms and leaning on the wall

"It-its just....I want to see my father again."Annie said with the coldness leaving her voice and she's still looking away

"What are you talking about...so taking Eren will make you see your father??"Naruto says in a confused voice raising an eyebrow

"Yes you knuckle head"Annie stated with a bit of anger turning to look at Naruto in the eye

"Well why do you need to take Eren for that reason?"Naruto stated confused

"You don't understand Naruto...theres a lot more to this world than you think."Annie said

"Okay then tell me."said Naruto

"Well for starters....there are humans outside of these walls."Annie stated

"okay what?...with all those titans out there, there is literally no possible way for more humans to live out there."

"You idiot I don't mean like that...this place is an island and humanity is over seas...entire nations are out there."Annie said

Naruto's eyes widened at what she said "How do I know you aren't lying to me."

"Because...one of the nations...named Marley sent us here to wipe out the people within these walls."

"Us?"Naruto asked with confusion

Annie realized what she said and she turned away, while Naruto walked over to her angry. He sat in front of her, grabbed her shoulders and shook her violently.

"What the hell do you mean us?! You're telling me theres more of you?!"Naruto said angrily and stopped shaking her.

Annie didn't say anything in which Naruto pulled out a kunai from his little bag on his side and started to remove the covers off of her. He started putting the kunai on her leg and was about to start cutting it but Annie then started talking.

"There were 4 of us that were sent here."She said

Naruto stopped and placed the kunai on the side of the bed and he looked at her blue eyes.

"However one of us got eaten by a titan which left 3 of us."Annie said recalling when Marcel was eaten while saving Reiner.

"Alright now tell me who are the other two bastards."Naruto stated with anger.

Annie hesitated a bit and her face expressed worry, then she looked down and tightly grabbed the sheets of the bed.

"...Reiner...and...Bertholdt."Annie said with regret

Naruto's eyes widened but then he was filled with rage as he couldn't believe how some piece of shit could act like a comrade to everyone and then back stab anyone so horribly. He got up which made Annie look at him with confusion and worry, he walked to the wall, balled up his hand into a fist then gritted his teeth and punched the wall with so much force that there was a hole in the wall. It startled Annie a bit and then she saw him start to walk over again, took his kunai and began exiting the jail cell.

"What will you do?"Annie asked

"I'm gonna kill them."Naruto said with rage while having his back turned to Annie

"I...I can help you."Annie said firmly

Naruto turned to her, his eyes filled with rage and then he asked.

"How do I know you won't pull any tricks."Naruto asked

"I won't...I have no intention of fighting against you...besides like you said if I try to escape well end up in the exact situation that we were in twice already."Annie explained

There was a long moment of silence while Naruto was deep in thought, debating whether he should trust Annie or not.

"*Sigh*alright but I swear if you try anything funny I will kill you."Naruto said firmly

Annie gave a soft smile and she showed the chains on her arms to him.

Naruto sighed and took his kunai and put some chakra in it and he started walking over.

"Hold out your hands."He said calmly

Annie did that and watched as Naruto completely broke the chains with the Kunai. Annie had a shocked expression on and watched an Naruto moved down to her legs and broke the chains.

"Alright now to get you out."Naruto said

Annie nodded and they left the cell and as they got out they saw Annies Mp cloak and jacket along with her boots. She started putting them on while Naruto looked around making sure no guards would arrive.

"There aren't many guards here but we have to be quick since the sun is starting rise because more guards will appear."Naruto said

He crossed his fingers and summoned two clones and they started their plan to escape the jail.

They could see a few guards taking with each other and playing with the cards and arguing about how they cheated while playing. In total there were 7 guards waiting at the entrance/exit.

"*Sigh*well lets do this"

Naruto and his clones snuck over and to the guards and they started fighting. The clones and Naruto grabbed three guards into a choke hold in which some the rest of the guards turned and pointed their rifles at Naruto in which he put his hand in his little pouch and threw kunai at the rifles in which the rifles went flying and hit the walls. At this point the guards he and his clones had in a head lock have been knocked out and then they went over and punched and kicked the guards which knocked them out. Annie sat back and watched the beating show unravel but a guard came out of nowhere and while Naruto was turned he had his rifle pointed at his head.

"Surprise bitch"The guard said to Naruto

Naruto pretended to surrender and put his hands up slowly showing he was unarmed and was about to take the rifle out of his hands but Annie came out of nowhere and hit the rifle so the guard would be unarmed and she took his arm and put her arm up to his neck and kicked the back of his legs in which the guard fell to the ground injured and Annie turned at him and punched him in the face which knocked him out.

"I could've handled it myself but...thanks anyway."Naruto said looking at Annie

Annie just nodded in response and they left the jail.

"So how do we look for them."Annie asks

"Well I heard that Eren and his squad are looking for Christa and that's where Reiner and Bertholdt are located. Which probably means that they will strike at the moment they meet."Naruto states

"But we don't know exactly where they are and how will we look with the limited time and such a huge place to look for them?"Annie asks

"Have you forgotten my clones?"Naruto states

"Oh..yea I kinda did well I guess that'll help."Annie said

"Alright let's get to the walls."Naruto said

"But I have no ODM gear."Annie said

"*sigh*Well I guess just get on my back...we don't have time."

Annie looked at him with like a "Are you serious"look.

"Annie we don't have time so hurry up."Naruto said firmly

Annie got on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck and Naruto felt the back of her knees as he ran over to the walls and began climbing them using chakra.

Annie seemed very shocked and wrapped her arms tighter as she looked down but she didn't realize that Naruto was almost choking.

"Jesus Christ loosen your grip."Naruto said while choking

"S-sorry"Annie said

They got to the top of the walls and he let Annie down, as soon as he did that he created a bunch of clones and ordered them to look for Eren and the squad in which they all nodded and left.

"Were gonna look for them too so lets go."Naruto said signaling Annie to get on his back

Annie got on his back again and he started running on the wall looking for any signs of titans and Eren.

Somewhere else

"Damn you, you fucking traitors!!!!"Eren thought to himself as he transformed into his titan and punched the armored titan straight in the face while roaring. Both titans came crashing to the ground and caused a huge crater to appear where they landed.

Mikasa looked down at the two titans and back up at the colossal titan that was on top of the wall thinking to herself why she hesitated when trying to kill them both...Reiner...and Bertholdt. She looked back down and sees Eren's titan and Reiner fighting.

Eren throws a punch at his face and then an uppercut but it has no effect and ends with his hands completely ripping apart from the armor that was virtually impossible to penetrate. Eren helps his right hand, got into a stance and threw another punch at his face and Reiner threw a punch as well. Both punches heading towards their faces but Reiners punch was a lot stranger and sent Eren flying in the air landing on his back.

"EREN!!!"Mikasa screamed his name as he seemed to be unconscious.

Eren lowered his eyes and saw Mikasa trying to cut through Reiner's armor with her blades but it had no effect.

"EREN GET UP!!"she yelled again

Eren collected his thoughts and slowly stood up, healed both his hands and released an ear piercing roar as he threw a right hook at Reiner who was slowly walking to him but was punched again sending him flying towards the walls. Mikasa and Armin panicked and they used their ODM gear to get to Erens chest.

"Eren!!You have to get up!!You can't lose to Reiner!!!"Armin yelled at him

However it sounded like an echo to Eren as he was really dizzy from the collision when landing on the ground.

"Reiner....Bertholdt....You guys really are the worst pieces of shit of all time."Eren thought to himself blocking out the voices that yelled at him to get up.

"I'm gonna....tear you guys apart piece by piece you pieces of shit bastards."He thought to himself in pure rage

"I'll make you wish you were dead."After he said this he remembered the techniques that Annie had showed him and he realized he could probably beat Reiner with that.

He took a few deep breaths to calm down and he started to get up slowly and he could see Reiner walking closer and closer to him.

"bring it you oversized vermin."He said

Eren ran over to him and threw a punch at him in which Reiner threw one as well but this time Eren lowered himself and wrapped his arms around his right arm, right shoulder and neck and he locked his arms. He used his right leg to make Reiner fall to the ground.

Everyone stares in shock as they see that Eren now has the upper hand In this battle.

"Holy crap, Thats Annie's technique."Armin said in shock

Eren lifted himself up and was ready to punch Reiner but Reiner flip the both of them over so that he was on top but Eren responded by Wrapping his legs around his neck, right shoulder, and right arm, putting him in an armlock.

"You dumb piece of shit, you should've thought twice before teaching me how to fight!!!"Eren yelled in rage as he squeezed with his legs which crack Reiners armor.

"I've got him locked, there's still a chance I can beat him."Eren thought to himself

Reiner placed his left hand on Eren's right leg, trying to pull his leg so that the strength of the squeeze would decrease, but Eren had something up his sleeve.

"Where do you think you're going!!"He said as he moved his legs to Reiner's sides and pushed him to the ground while still having a firm hold on him arm.

"You thought you could escape!!!"Eren yelled as he pulled Reiner's arm with so much force that the arm completely ripped apart and was thrown into the air.

"He's got him."Mikasa said in disbelief

The rest of the scouts watched as they couldn't really do anything because the colossal titan was getting off a lot of hot steam which made it impossible to get near him.

"Eren, make a break for the walls!!!"Armin yelled at Eren

Eren nodded and he ran towards the wall and got to Armin and Mikasa.

"Alright it looks like he's in control again."Armin says

All of them looked at Reiner who had his right arm missing and was slowly walking over to Eren and the scouts.

"Bring it on Reiner."Eren said with determination but his eyes widened as he saw Reiner started running at incredible speed.

"Damn it!!"Eren said as he was tackled into the wall and landed on the ground. Reiner started punching but missed since he only had one arm and then Eren used his legs to kick him off which gave Eren enough time to get up and prepare for his next attack.

Reiner got into position to strike again and he tried tackling Eren again but Eren was prepared and he wrapped his arm around his neck under his armpit, wrapped his legs on his abdomen and his left arm went over Reiner and locked his arm under Reiners right arm pit and began to pull with all his strength.

Mikasa came in and sliced at the back of Reiner's left knee and this helped Eren as he pulled with all of his strength which sent pieces of his armor up into the air.

Everyone saw this and started yelling things to motivate Eren and it was working because his Reiner's neck was slowly ripping apart and blood spewed out of his neck.

But then Reiner started dragging himself along with Eren right under the colossal titan and he roared loudly.Everyone covered their ears and when he stopped roaring people were very confused and thought that he called for back up.

"Why would he yell so suddenly like that, there must be something they have planned."Armin said worriedly.

Naruto POV

My clone found Eren and the squad and so me and Annie are heading there right now. I won't lie my back kinda hurts from carrying Annie all over the place but finally we found the scouts and the traitors.

"Were close so let's get ready alright?"I tell Annie

"Right"She responds but she sounds a bit scared and hesitant

We see in the distance, that big ass red giant appeared again from Trost.

"Thats Bertholdt."Annie said

I gritted my teeth in anger as I remember his stupid face, that fucking bamboo stick.

I get closer and I see Eren's titan and Reiner fighting and it looks like Eren has the upper hand.

But then I see the colossal titan start tilting and falls straight for Eren and Reiner and I run even faster and lunge off the wall turning into my nine tails form zooming right pass the scouts.

"Shit, we need to make it in time."I say to myself

"ABOVE YOU LOOK OUT."Someone yells

Annie jumps off my back and transforms into her titan and gets to Reiner and I get to them as well and look up to see the colossal titan falling right on us.

I put my hands together and yell at the top of my lungs seeing Kurama appear from the ground and then.


I hope you guys enjoy, please comment your thoughts :)

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