Our Time Will Come (Kamijirou)

By tokoyamimain

13.5K 331 517

Denki Kamanari never confessed his feelings for Kyoka Jirou and after UA, they both went their seperate ways... More

Chapter 1: The Copycat
Chapter 2: The Break
Chapter 3: The Reunion
Chapter 4: The Patrol
Chapter 5: The Hospital
Chapter 6: The Discovery
Chapter 7: The Confrontation
Chapter 8: The Plan
Chapter 9: The Confession
Chapter 10: The Final Fight

Chapter 11: The Confession Part 2

1.2K 28 59
By tokoyamimain

Kamanari woke up with the worst headache imaginable.  He slowly sat up clutching his forehead while groaning in pain.  The last time he had a headache like this was when he would go over his power limit back in high school. His vision was blurry and his head was pounding, but he was almost certain he was in the infirmary at Deku's agency.

"Woah Woah easy there big fella"

Kamanari felt a pair of hands pushing him back down.  He opened his eyes and saw a mass of spiky red hair.


"Yeah its me buddy"

The red head laughed.

"It's been years since I've seen Jamming-Whey.  How many volts did you blast him with?"

"Ten million.  God I can't remember the last time I went over my limit"

Kirishima whistled

"Dang ten million?  I remember when you would fry your brain from just two!"

Kirishima's smile disappeared and was replaced by a look of sadness and regret.

"Hey man, I just wanted to say, I'm so sorry.  We all are.  We should never have treated you the way we did.  I was being so un-manly. You were right the whole time about Damasu.  I hope you can forgive me" 

Kamanari felt like a giant boulder was lifted off him.

"It's ok man.  Of course I forgive you. I basically accused him without any hard physical evidence.  I can see how you guys thought I was just being jealous because he was dating Jirou" 

Kirishima's face lit up again

"Speaking of Jirou"

He nudged Kamanari with his elbow.

"What happened earlier today?  She carried you in here and wouldn't leave your side for hours"

Kamanari blushed and turned away.

"What are you talking about"

He muttered.

"Hey Kiri, how's - OH MY GOSH DENKI!"

Kamanri looked up to see Jirou sprinting over to him, wrapping her arms around his torso and placing her forehead on his sternum.  Craning his neck, Kamanari could see Kirishima raising his eyebrows while grinning from ear to ear.  

"I think Imma head out now"

He gave Kamanari a thumbs up before disappearing. Jirou pulled away, cupping Kamanari's cheeks in her hands.  

"You're such an idiot"

She smiled and laughed through tears.

"HEY I am not!" 

Kamanari retorted 

"I got to see Jamming-Whey again"

Jirou got off of him and was stumbling around the room doing the double thumbs up, making her best brain-dead Kamanari impression. 

"The only reason I went above my limit was to save your sorry *ss"

Kamanari stood up.  Jirou stopped what she was doing and took his hands in hers.

"Yeah. You did save me" 

They were inches apart and looking into each others eyes.  Both were blushing mad, but they couldn't look away.  Kamanari could get lost in Jirou's eyes for hours, and she felt the exact same way about him.  But Kamanari had to get something off his chest that had been weighing him down all day. 

"Hey Jirou"

"Yes Kamanari?" 

"In our battle with Damasu you said you heard everything."

He turned away and started rubbing the back of his head

"Did you hear everything I said"

Jirou blushed and covered her face.

Did I hear you secretly confess that you've been in love with me the past seven years? Why yes I did


Was all that she replied with.


Kamanari's face fell as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry then. Forget I ever said anything"

Jirou felt a sharp pain in her chest.

"Wait. You didn't mean that?" 

Kamanari sat back down on his bunk.

"No I did.  I just know you don't feel the same way.  You never have" 

Kamanari wiped away a tear. 

"You're just so amazing Jirou.  Every time I heard you sing I got butterflies in my stomach.  Every time you called me by one of your dumb nicknames it made my heart soar.  I dreamed every day since our first festival that you would be mine.  That I would get to hold you and-"

Jirou had cut him off with a kiss.  Kamanari still had his eyes open he was in so much shock, but he leaned into her once his brain could register what was happening.  Kamanari couldn't remember how long they had been kissing but it didn't matter to him.  This kiss was seven years overdue.  Jirou finally pulled away after an eternity keeping her arms wrapped around Kamanari's neck. 


She jumped at being addressed by her first name.  He hadn't called her that since the last time she saw him all those years ago.  It felt good to hear it again.

"Yes Denki?"

Kamanari took a deep breath

"I love you"

She pulled him back in for another kiss

"I love you too"

They just stood there hugging.  Feeling each other's warmth and the comfort of their embrace. Kamanari thought he heard giggling.  Looking over his shoulder, he could see Sero, Ashido, and Kamanari watching them through the window, laughing. Mina had her phone out and was taking pictures while Sero was giving him a thumbs up.  Kamanari just sighed and closed his eyes.  He wasn't about to let anyone or anything ruin this moment for him. 


Kamanari and Jirou jumped apart.  Deku stood in the entrance grinning. 

"Kamanari glad to see you're awake.  If you and Jirou could follow me, we have some things to discuss" 

The three heroes made their way to the conference room where everyone else was already waiting.  They all stopped talking and looked down at the table as soon as Kamanari walked in. Deku took his place at the head of the table. 

"First off, we all owe Kamanari an apology.  He was right about Damasu the entire time, and we completely disregarded him." 

Everyone went up to Kamanari and apologized while giving him a big hug. Especially Mina who was still crying.  

"Second, I'd like to offer you your job back as well as a promotion!" 

There were cheers and applause from around the table.

"Me? Promotion?" 

Kamanari gasped in surprise?

"Yes of course.  You're the most heroic out of all of us.  You never gave up and kept on fighting for what you believe in.  Should you accept, you would come back as our newest squad leader!"

Kamanari couldn't believe the day he was having.  He had finally gotten back everything Damasu took from him.  HIs job, his friends, and most importantly, he got Jirou. 

"And finally"

Deku turned to Jirou.

"How would you feel about being a permanent member on this team?"

Jirou's jaw dropped.  This was a dream come true!  She really enjoyed working with her old friends, and was sad about having to leave them. But there was one issue.

"I-I'd love to but.. Gang Orca"

"I already called him and he gave you the green light"

Jirou was ecstatic.  She hugged Kamanari tightly before turning back to Deku and bowed.

"Thank you sir" 

Deku laughed

"I'm your boss but also an old classmate and friend. Just call me Midoriya like everyone else" 

They all spent the night celebrating the capture of the Hero Killer Copycat along with Jirou joining the agency.  Mina cornered the new couple, berating them with questions until Kirishima had to physically drag her away.  Kamanari felt Jirou tug at his arm.

"Denki, can we go somewhere a little more private?"

Kamanari smiled down at her

"C'mon I know just the place"

Kamanari took her by the hand and led her to the roof.  It was quiet and peaceful with a great view of the city.  Kamanari led them to a bench as they sat down.  Jirou looped her arm through his, resting her head on his shoulder. 

"Thank you"

He heard her whisper.

"For what?"

"For not giving up on me" 

"I would never give up on you Jirou.  I've loved you all this time and I'll love you forever.  I have no idea how I got you to feel the same way but-"

Jirou reached up and kissed him. 

"You talk to much Pikachu" 

He pulled her in for another kiss.  Kamanari felt like he could kiss her forever.  He had dreamed about this moment for seven years, and the real thing was better than he could have ever imagined.  When they finally came up for air, Kamanari was giving Jirou that signature smirk that still made her go weak in the knees.  

"I love you Kyoka"

"I love you too Denki"

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