Equestria Sonic✔️

By Number1KB

2.4K 33 19

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver were fighting Mephilies in Super form when they were forced to flee to another worl... More

Battle that Starts it all
New World
Old Friends and Rivals
Getting ready for Party
Meeting New People
Dates go Wrong
Evil Grows Stronger
Stronger Connections
Searching for Chaos Emeralds
Seelkadooms Death Day
Villains Plan/Shadsy and Pinks Bonding Time
Sonic and Rainbow Bonding Time
Silver and Rarity Bonding Time
Found Another Emerald
Moment Interrupted
Finale Part 1
Finale Part 2
💙Sondash Ending🌈
💗Shadpie Ending🖤
💟Silvarity Ending💜
🧡Tailslight Ending💜
☀️Sunarry Ending🐯
💙Flamy Ending💗
🔥Blimber Ending🌲
♥️Knucksjack Ending🍎
💛Flutternite Ending♦️
A/N Announcement

Finding Mobian/Pony Forms

87 1 0
By Number1KB

New day but not just any day. The dance is just that tomorrow! "Remember that tomorrow night is the the big night. The costume party is going to be one of the best events we ever had since the Camp Everfree field trip. Have a wonderful day students!" Celestia announced. The friends are setting up for one last practice session but this time with an audience. "You really didn't have to come and watch us practice" Blaze said. "We insist" Timber said and Flash nods. "Just practice in front of an audience" Flash said. They all played and it was amazing and the features showed up. "That was incredible guys!" Flash said, clapping. "You wrote that one too?" Timber asked. "Fluttershy and Sonic did" Larry said. Sonic gave a thumbs up and Fluttershy shyly waved her hand. "Hey I'm getting a message from Princess Twilight" Sunset said and everyone gathered around her. "I've been writing about you guys to her and now she's wanting to meet you" Sunset said. "Portal at the statue?" Rainbow asked. "Portal at the statue" Sonic said and the two speed demons ran to the portal while Flash and Timber went to do their own thing. When everyone caught up they waited for the portal to open.

Rarity was doing Blaze's hair, Tails and Twilight were sharing past breakthroughs, Applejack and Knuckles were testing who's stronger, Fluttershy and Larry were having a conversation between birds, Sonic and Rainbow were racing around the School, Sunset was writing in a diary, and Shadow was standing silently being annoyed by Pinkie Pie. "Can we please play?" Pinkie asked. "I'd rather not right now Pinkie" Shadow said and turned away from her. "What are you thinking about?" Pinkie asked. "Things" Shadow said and closed his eyes. "What sort of things?" Pinkie asked. "Please Pinkie. I just need to be left alone for now" Shadow said. Seeing that he's serious Pinkie backed away and the portal starts opening. "Twilight's here!" Pinkie yelled.

Shadows POV:
Pinkie shouts that and I stopped thinking turning towards the portal. Out came a lavender girl with cyan shirt, pink bowtie, purple skirt with star pattern, purple, pink, and black boots, and the same hair as Twilight just let down. "Hey guys" the girl said waving her hand. "Twilight it's so good to see you" Sunset said hugging her. "It's good to see you and the girls Sunset" the girl that Sunset called Twilight said. Wait. Twilight? "Twilight these are our new friends. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Amy, Blaze, and Larry" Rainbow introduced. We all said hi and she said hi back.

"My names Princess Twilight Sparkle. Her pony counterpart" other Twilight introduced. "Nice to meet you princess" Sonic said bowing. "Oh no need to bow. I'm just the princess of friendship and of Equestria" Princess Twilight said. "Princess of Equestria? Man you've been busy" Applejack said. "Yeah but it's nothing I can't handle" Princess Twilight said. "You're from a world of ponies correct?" Sonic asked. "Yes I am. I also understand that you will stay there for a day?" Twilight asked. "Wait. What?" I asked. "Yeah it was a surprise" Sunset said. "Wha-? Um.. what about the dance tomorrow?" Amy asked. "Like I said a day. You'll be back by tomorrow morning if my calculations are accurate" Princess Twilight said proudly. "I'm going too since it'll make time telling easier" Sunset said. "So..?" Princess Twilight asked. "Don't worry. We'll make sure ol' Egghead doesn't cause trouble" Applejack assured. I looked at Sonic not wanting to go. "Want to stay Shadow?" He asked. "If both Eggman and Infinite are here then it's best if I stay to help in case of danger" I said. "Same here" Knuckles said. "Suit yourself guys. Let's go" Sonic said. Princess Twilight nods and jumps into the portal the others going in after. "Watcha wanna do Shadsy?" Pinkie asked.

Third POV:
They arrive at the magical world of Equestria. Well in Twilight's Castle at Canterlot. "Well now we know what type of Ponies you all are" Princess Twilight said. Sonic and Tails are Pegasus, Amy, Blaze and Silver are Unicorns, while Larry is an Earth pony. Sonic's cutie mark is his spindash, Tails's cutie mark is a wrench, Amy's cutie mark is her hammer, Blaze's cutie mark is a ball of flame, Silver's cutie mark is a time stone from Sonic CD, and Larry's cutie mark is a destroyed robot. "I'll let you get settled" Princess Twilight said and lead them to the guest rooms. Sonic and Tails shared a room, Amy, Sunset, and Blaze shared a room, and Silver and Larry shared a room. Princess Twilight showed them around the Castle.

"How long were you Princess of Equestria Twilight?" Sunset asked. "Well just two months" Twilight said. "What happened to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?" Sunset asked. "Oh they retired" Twilight said. Sunset Shimmer was shocked by that. "They what!?" She asked. "Retired. Yes I was surprised by that too but it turned out well in the end" Princess Twilight said. "Last but not least this is the throne room" Twilight said and everyone gazed upon it. "It's beautiful" Amy comments. "Thank you" Twilight said. Just then a flying dragon with light purple scales, dark green spikes, lime green thingy on his cheeks, and light green belly came flying in. "Twilight, Pinkie has a surprise for our new guests" he said. "Thank you Spike. Now the surprise should be outside" Twilight said and indeed there was a party. An earth pony that looks like Pinkie Pie came bouncing in. "Thank you for coming to the Welcome party!" The pony exclaimed and puts a party hat on them.

"Uh..." Amy said. "Oh I didn't introduce myself. I'm Pinkie Pie! You're go to party pony in Ponyville and Canterlot!" The pony introduced. "I'm Sonic. They are Tails, Silver, Amy, Blaze and Larry" Sonic introduced. "I know. You're also not from Sunsets world! You're from a place called Mobius where you are the heroes that defends both there and a different kind of Earth! You also went through lots and lots of hard times in your life future or present that you to where you are today! Did I mention the mad scientist? *Squeal*" Pinkie said and the mobians turned confused. "How did you-?" Sonic asked. "Just a hunch!" Pinkie said. Twilight slowly shook her head and the mobians and Sunset shrugged. They went in the huge crowd in the Party and played. Once party is over Sonic volunteered to help clean up. "Thanks Sonic but I got this" Pinkie said and pulled a rope coming from nowhere. It was like nothing happened! Sonic tried to not question it but it was very tempting to ask. Pinkie smiled and hopped back in the Castle, Sonic coming right behind. Night came and everyone got some sleep. Well almost everyone. Larry got up and went to the balcony and stared up and the stars pondering.

"Something wrong Lar?" A voice said behind him. Larry looks behind him and Sunset is standing there with a worried look. "Yeah I'm fine just.. worried about if we will ever return home or how would my friends react when they learn my secret. It can't stay hidden forever" Larry said. Sunset pondered about what Larry is saying for a moment. "Then tell them" Sunset said. Larry looked back at her surprised. Sunset walks up to him and illuminate her horn. "Just tell them about what you experienced and contributed in. Besides they probably already know about it deep down in the back of their minds" Sunset said. "I don't know" Larry said. Sunset smiled and started singing.

Sunset: Power was all I desired, but all that grew inside me was the darkness I acquired. When I began to fall and lost the path ahead. (Larry went up to Sunset and put a hoof on her shoulder making her smile) That's when your friendship found me an it lifted me instead. Like a phoenix burning bright in the sky, I'll show there's another side to me you can't deny. I may not know what the future holds but hear me when I say that my past does not define me 'cause my past is not today.

Larry: Ambition. (Sunset looks up at Larry seeing a weak smile on him) Is what I believed, would be the only way to set me free. (Larry gained memories of accepting Rosethorns help and lead different Sonic teams into traps leaving them helpless) But when it disappeared and I found myself alone. That's when you came along and felt like I was home.

Sunset and Larry: Like a phoenix burning bright in the sky. I'll show there's another side to me you can't deny. I may not know what the future holds but hear me when I say, that my past does not define me 'cause my past is not today!

Sunsets POV:
I'm glad I made Larry feel better with one of my songs. He even sang along without knowing the lyrics! "Thanks for helping me Sunset" he said and hugged me. "What are friends for?" I asked and hugged him back. We walked around the Castle for a bit and went to bed. Inside I saw Twilight smirking. "Like him?" She asked. "Yeah he's a cool guy" I said. "Uuh huh" she said. I was confused until I noticed what that smirk meant, making me blush. "We-we're just friends" I quickly said. "Alright suure whatever you say" she said and I crawled into bed falling asleep.

Larry's POV:
When I got in the room Silver was sitting in bed smirking. "Where'd you been?" He asked. "Uh.. enjoying the stars?" I answered wrongly. "Mhmm" he said. "Aw I was dealing with some issues but Sunset helped me with them" I answered correctly. "What issues? If it's going back home we'll figure that out" Silver said in concern. "Remind me how you guys found me?" I asked. "In one of Eggmans bases. Why?" He asked. I explained my story and how I'm really sorry about what happened. "Well we forgive you. Wasn't like you had a choice in that situation" Silver said. I nodded in response. "You and Sunset were out?" Silver asked.

"What?" I asked. "Don't think I didn't notice that blush when you came in" he said. I blushed immensely. "Wha-? But it's the middle of the night! How can see it!?" I asked. "Who said I saw it?" He asked. That's when I realized what he just did. "Silver!!" I said hiding in my hands and playfully pushed him. "Hahaha!!! That was fun" he said and I went into my bed. "What about you and Rarity?" I asked. He didn't answer. "Larry it's bedtime" he said after some seconds. "Heh. Gnight Silver" I said. "Night Lar" he said and I fell asleep.

Next Morning still Larry's POV
We woke up and had pancakes. Pancakes, Apples, and muffins. "Looks good" Knuckles said. "Thanks sugarcube always try my best with Pinkie working with me" Applejack said. We ate and Twilight gave a tour of Canterlot. "Everypony? I'm going to my Animal Secretary if you don't mind" Fluttershy said. "It's no problem Fluttershy" Twilight said. "I can come" Amy said. "Really?" Fluttershy asked. "I'll also come. Make the most of it" Black said. "Alright. Follow me" Fluttershy said and they left. "Well I guess we can walk around Canterlot" Sunset suggests. "Sure" I said and we went out.

Sunsets POV:
We start walking and got to know each other better. "Hey Sunset do you think the others will be okay in the other world?" Larry asked. "I don't see why not. How long had you own that blaster of yours?" I asked him. "Oh you mean the one I used in the Eggman attack?" He asked. I nodded. "Well I've had it since months. First found it after Rosethorn was defeated and a Tails from I think the Archie Universe fixed it up. He also personal customized it for me which was nice. He also taught me how to use it. Wandered around and found myself trapped in an Eggman Base where Sonic and his team set me free" Larry explain. "That's pretty cool" I said and blushed lightly looking at him. Larry smiled and I laughed. "Man this place looks a little different since the last time I was here" I said. "Now I get to see it" Larry said.

I laughed and we finished our walk. Teleporting us back we surprised Sonic and Tails. "Oh geez" Sonic said. "Sorry about that" I said. "It's alright" Sonic said. "Well what are we missing out on?" Tails asked. "I have an idea!" I said and told Tails and Sonic. "Not a bad idea. Tails? Can you get Knuckles? It's time for a show" Sonic said. After a while we got the boys together and Knuckles counted them down. "3.. 2.. 1" Knuckles shouted.

Sonic: Whoo! Alright! Oh yeah! Look out down below, Sonic is on the go. Can't stop this party 'till we save the world! This time, not alone; we've got some friends along and as a team. We can become even stronger.

Tails and Knuckles: Together, we can overcome all the odds. It's never as hard as it seems.

Sonic: If everyone can do something special, the secret is sharing our dreams.. Yeah!

S, T, K: We can make it if we all stick together. We won't give up, not ever. And everything's going to be alright. We all bring out the best things in each other. Together, we are stronger than anyone else could be on their own. So what's better than alone!

Sonic: *Guitar Solo*

Tails: Sonics in the lead, giving us greater speed.

Knuckles: Tails keeps us flying high to stay out of trouble.

Sonic: And Knuckles by our side, makes this a safer ride.

S, T, K: We'll save the world and teach that Eggman a lesson! Together, we can overcome all the odds. It's never as hard as it seems. If everyone can do something special, the secret is sharing our dreams

Tails: Oh ho! Yeah!

S, T, K: We can make it if we all stick together. We won't split up, not ever. It's easier with my friends by my side. We all bring out the best in each other. Together, we are stronger than anyone else could be on their own. So much better than alone! Better than alone!

Sonic: *Guitar Solo* And together, we can overcome all the odds. It's never as hard as it seems (Yeah, yeah!)

S, T, K: We can make it if we all stick together. We won't give up, not ever. And everything's going to be alright. We all bring out each other. Together, we are stronger than anyone else could be on their own. Can't stop us 'cause together, we are strong!

Sonics POV:
Well that was fun. "That was amazing Sonic" Twilight said. "No problem princess. Might as well play something special to Team Sonic after all. Why are we called that again guys?" I asked. "We're called Team Sonic because your the leader" Tails said. "Well Amy is the leader of Team Rose and Shadow is the leader of Team Dark. Then Vector is the leader of Team Chaotix" I explained. "Oh well I guess they technically didn't name themselves after whoever's leader" Tails said. "Then what's our team name?" Knuckles asked.

We start pondering when an idea came into mind. "What about Team Hero?" I suggest. "Not bad" Tails said. "Sounds cool" Knuckles said. "Team Hero it is" I said and gave a thumbs up. "You're from a place called Mobius correct?" Twilight asked. "Yes we are your highness. There we each are different antamrophorbic animals. For example I am a hedgehog" Sonic said. "Amazing" Princess Twilight said. "Heh" Sonic said. "Well it's noon. You should be getting home after lunch" Twilight said. "Aw already?" Sunset asked. "Yeah it was nice seeing you again" Twilight said and the two ponies hugged. They have lunch and went back. "Hey guys! Shadow found a way for us to see what animal in Mobius we are!" Pinkie shouts when they came back. "Wait. Seriously?" Sonic asked. "Yeah and it doesn't require you or your friends to be at Mobius Sunset" Shadow said. "Is it dangerous?" Tails asked. "Not when I'm careful" Shadow answered and they sat at the Soccer Field. "Here goes nothing" Shadow said and holds out the emerald towards the girls. Taking a deep breath, "Chaos.. control" he said and a green flash was shown. In front of the girls and Spike are projections of their mobian forms. "Woah/Amazing/Incredible/Nice/That's cool" everyone said.

Sunset Shimmer was a tiger. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity are hedgehogs. Pinkie Pie and Applejack are wolves, and Fluttershy is a rabbit. Everyone seemed to have their normal clothes but different. Sunset also has a belt with a light orange pistol. Twilight has a light blue tool belt. Rainbow has buckles on her shoes. Rarity has a cyan glow on her gloves. Pinkie and Fluttershy has inhibitor rings and rocket shoes. Applejack has shovel gloves on. "I guess this is how you'll look on our world" Sonic said. "This. Is. Awesome!" Rainbow said. "How did you do this Shadow?" Sonic asked. Shadow crosses his arms and say, "it wasn't really hard". "Look I have skates!" Pinkie screams. "I can also give you the Mobian powers to use whenever but while in use of the Mobian powers it'll neutralize your original Equestrian abilities temperarilly" Shadow said. "How long?" Sunset asked. "24 hours for the first time using it and Pinkie also figured out how we can use Equestrian magic" Shadow said. "Wha-!? How!?" Twilight asked. "Like this silly!" Pinkie said and handed it to Shadows instrument. Shadow plays it and the meddalian changed to black and pink. "Same rules. Once we use the magic it'll be neutralized for 24hrs" Shadow said. They gave everyone their new powers and little did they know someone's watching them. Not a good one.

"Looks like I finally found you brother. Everyone? Time to place our plan to motion" the figure said and ran off. Sonic felt like he sensed something but didn't mind it thinking that he was on edge and it was probably nothing.

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