bnha x little reader any gend...

By gayweebwriter1

102K 1.1K 469

I saw that there wasn't many little stories or even little male readers and idk if anyone will read this but... More

request page{closed until further notice}
the discovery (kiri x little male reader)
punishments (todoroki x little boy reader)
a/n please read
wheres daddy? (aizawa x little girl reader)
i've decied something
I'm sorry
celebrateion story
this is the last a/n
stessed out (bakugo x little boy reader)
i have no power
i want to use neopronouns in a chapter
Im sorry
Im sorry

switch todoroki x switch ftm reader

3.9K 79 5
By gayweebwriter1

TW: there is going to be transphobia and dysphoria for reader-kun
i will put a warning before it starts and a little note for when it ends if you'd like to skip it

(y/n) pov

i woke up in littlespace at about four am . after awhile i crawl out of bed and go into todoroki's dorm. "d-daddy?" i mumble quietly and crawl onto his bed.

"oh seepin." he moves around in his sleep, i try to snuggle
him.  after my attempt at snuggling him he wakes up. "hi (y/n)." i wave. "are you little?" i nod shyly, hiding my face in his chest. "sowwie" he rubs my back and we lay there quietly "you didn't do anything, do you want to go back to sleep?"   

i nod again. "i weft my tuffie in my woom." i play with my fingers. "lets go get it, then we can go back to sleep."  daddy gets up, and picks me up. "taytay." daddy walks us to my doom and picks up my stuffy.

"back to daddys woom!" i smile and take my stuffy from daddy. "fankies" he kisses my cheek "of course my little prince." daddy walks us to his room, and lays me down. "how old are you right now?" i hold up four fingers. "alright lets to back to sleep." he lays down next to me and snuggles close. "goodnight my adorable little prince." i nod "nini daddy." i fall asleep in his arms. 

the next morning i woke up to bakugo shouting downstairs. "whats goin on?" i mumble and walk downstairs with my stuffy. "why shout?" i notice daddy in the kitchen with bakugo. i rub my eyes. 

"sorry (m/n) i was trying to make you breakfast but i burnt it" daddy looks at me now ignoring bakugo. i nod and sit at the table. bakugo shouts, "I'm going to remake it, because you don't know how to cook todoroki." daddy sits next to me. "ok bakugo." i lean on daddy being smaller than i was last night. "how'd you sleep dear?" slowly i extend my hand out, and put my thumb up.

bakugo finishes cooking. he gives daddy, and i both plates. "thank you bakugo from both of us" daddy thanks him for both of us and we start eating "num!" i whisper yell so baku doesn't hear.

we finish eating quietly, and he takes me back up to his room. i was scrolling though my phone, while daddy snuggled me. while looking at posts there was people commenting on my Instagram page.
(transphobia starts here) when i looked it was all hate comments, things like 'you're not a man' and 'you can't change your chromosomes' or 'you'll always be a woman'. (transphobia end)

(another warning i accidently gave myseld dysphoria while writing this be careful pls)

i threw my phone on the floor, and hid my face in daddy's chest. crying silently, daddy feels my tears soaking though his clothes. "what happened my little prince?" i point to my phone. "m-meanies! cawwed me a giww" i sniffle "i a-a-am a-a boy-oy-y" daddy holds me close. "you've always been a real boy little prince." he kisses my head. "you'll always be my boy, when you're big and when your small." i start to sob. "daddy i don w-wanna b-be a giww!" he rubs my back, and speaks softly "good thing you aren't a girl then love." he rocks me gently. "you're the most handsome boy I've ever met." i look up at him, and he wipes my tears. "reawwy?" he continues to rock me, "of course babyboy."

daddy spent the rest of the day snuggling me, and telling me how masculine i was.

bonus: (little todoroki x cg ftm reader) hide and seek

(y/n pov)

little sho and i were playing hide and go seek tag. i found him, and said, "I'm gonna get you sho" he gets ready to run away. "nuu papa!" little sho runs and i chase after him giggling "papa!" he giggles and tries to freeze my foot "oh so we're using quirks now!" i teleport infront of him, and pick him up. "I got you!" i said as i started to tickle him. "Papaaaa nuu!" he giggles loudly and squirms. "papa stop!" i stop. "are you alright babyboy?" he nods. "jus too muchs." i cuddle him. "alright dear." i smile.

bonus #2 (little todoroki x little ftm reader) playdate!

(y/n pov)

"hihi sho what ou doin?" he looked up at me, and shrugged. "ou non-debaw?" he nods. "wanna pway tea pawty?" he smiled and nodded. "ou wan da bwue one or da pint one?" i hold up both the tea sets. he points to the pink one. "otay!" i set up the tea set with sho. "we gotsa gets a big tos pouw da tea." i pulled my phone out and call midoriya. "hello?" i mumble quietly, "mido we needs hewp." we heard ruffling from the phone and mido replied "is todoroki small too?" sho nodded, and i said "yeses he non-debaw(non-verbal) doe" sho snuggles close to me to hear mido. "ok I'll be right over buddy" mido hangs up. sho and i were waiting for mido. we opened the door for mido. "hihi we habin a tea pawty." mido nods. "need me to get you your tea?" we nodded. "tankies mido" mido gets us tea, and helps us cool it off. we spent the next hour having a tea party for mido.

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