stessed out (bakugo x little boy reader)

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(m/n) pov

Today hasn't been the greatest. I've been tired and stressed all day long. All I want to do is go home, but I have classes to finish.

After lunch, I couldn't control myself anymore. I tried not to bump into people as I rushed to the bathroom.

        Why does it feel like everyone is staring at me? I can feel myself starting to hyperventilate, and tear up. I feel stuck, but I managed to stumble and fall. I feel myself crawling towards the corner, it feels like my legs are jello.. so wobbly? The terrible feeling, the feeling that everyone is staring at me. Is making me lose my sanity.

        I see tears fall on to my school uniform 'everyone is watching and judging.' That phrase, contiues to echo into my brain. I could feel a gentle tap on my shoulder, and out of instinct and fear, I jumped. "Hey, its okay." They speak in a gentle tone, I looked up at them.

       "B-bakugo?" I said meakly. He lifts me up and carried me in his arms. I hide my face in his shoulder.

"Shhh baby, its ok." He walked for a while, until I heard a door open. I look around and notice we are now in the dorms. I started to relax a little, my tensed shoulders drooped a bit.

I mumbled "W-what happened?"

"I don't exatly know but you're safe now"

I snuggled close to Bakugo. "Sowwie.." He plays with my hair.

"Its alright, lets go hang out in your room." He lays me in his arms and walked to my room.

"Daddy's paci?" I giggle softly and reach for my paci.

Daddy looks down at me with a smiles, saying. "Nope, your paci" He laughs and handed it to me.

          I slip the paci in my mouth and tug on my shirt. "Whats wrong buddy?" Daddys face, frowned a bit as his expression was quite worried. I pull my paci out. 

"Off" I spoke sternly and tugged on my shirt once again.

"Do you wanna be in your onesie?" I nod in response and giggle. Daddy pulls out my onesie and starts to help me put it on. I smiled happily and hug daddy tightly.

"What do you wanna do bubba?" He asked as I snuggle close to daddy and, close my eyes for a second.

"(m/n)?" Daddy pokes my arm gently, I weakly open my eyes.

"Eepy." Daddy lays me down and covers me up in in warm sheets

"Lets take a nap, sweets." He kisses my forehead and lays down next to me. I start to doze off.

Timeskip (cus im lazy)

       I wake up to someone banging on my door, which scared me. I shake daddy awake, so he could deal with it. I hid under the nice soft sheets, the soft pushy blankets will protect me. I stayed there quiet, trying to calm down my breathing so I'd be silent.

       I hear daddy talking to a person ....kirishima? "Wanna play video games with me and Denki?"

I take out the paci from my mouth, placing it by my side. I slip out from under the sheets and frowned "No! Dont go!" My voice was whiney and I crossed my arms. Daddy and Kirishima both look at me.

"Sorry, I'm hanging out with (m/n) right now." Kirishima nods in response and walks away.

     "Daddy." I spoke. He chuckled softly, and headed back to the bed. I looked up at him with large puppy dog eyes. "I wost my paci"

(a/n) this is a bit shorter but im just trying to get back into the swing of writing i hope y'all like it!

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