punishments (todoroki x little boy reader)

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A/n this was a request by KurtTheBeautifulWeeb thanks for your request, since there is punishments I will put the rules before the story

1. dont talk back
2. don't cuss
3. dont lie to daddy
4. use your manners
5. when you're done playing clean up your toys
6. dont hurt yourself
7. tell daddy if something is wrong he will help
8. bedtime is 9:30 on school days 10:30 on weekends
9. get your outfit approved by daddy, if he says change you must change
10. tell daddy if you break a rule, lying about it will get a worse punishment
11. eat at least two times a day
12. if you're uncomfy with something, tell daddy and he will change it 
13.no putting yourself down, It makes everyone sad because the others dont think that


My room is messy, and daddy will get mad at me. I don't like cleaning, so I decided to sit on my bed with all my stuffies, and wait for daddy to be done with class. The closer the end of class gets, the more scared I got, but, I still don't want to get up. I heard the door open and mumbled under my breath. 

"Oh no.." I get up and hide underneath the bed. Daddy yells.

"Baby boy, I'm home!" I silently hid under my bed, hoping he wouldn't find me. "Baby boy?" I could hear the change of his tone, as he got frantic. "(m/n)!!!" He starts to run around. I snore softly, pretending to be asleep, so I don't get in trouble. He runs up to my room, and starts looking around. I'm still pretending to be asleep. I feel someone pull me close and hug me tightly. "Why were you sleeping under the bed, baby?" He whispered and set me on the bed.

 I pretend to wake up and whispered back "Daddy...welcome home" I rub my eyes to help sell it more, hoping it would work. 

"Did I wake you, sweet boy? I'm sorry" He rubs my head. 

"Nu daddy" "I sowies for seepin under da bed I didn mean toos" I look up at daddy and, snuggle him.

 "Its okay baby" He smiles softly at me and I giggled. "Daddy ou home for da rest of da day?" I asked. 

He nodded in response "I think we should clean your room, it's getting messy." Daddy sets me down on the bed "Do you need to be changed?" I looked down and realized I did get myself dirty, I began to cry.

"I'm sowwies I didn mean toos!'' He kissed my head and picked me up.

"Shh baby, the diaper is for going potty that's why my little boy wears it" He boops my nose and I giggle.

 "Otay" He walks over to the changing table and sets me down, changing me quickly and setting me down.

 "Okay baby, time to clean'' I start to crawl away to play with toys.

"Nuuu, neber wan cwean up!" He looks at me with a cold expression. 

"So it's going to be one of those days?" He picks me up and sets me on the bed. "I said it's time to clean." I stare him in the eye, trying toI stare him in the eye, trying to look intimidating. 

 "I don't like cweaning!"

 "If you don't start cleaning right now, I'll give you a punishment." I whine and squirm around 

"Bu I don wan toos"

I curl up and try to scoot away as he pulls me back "I'm going to count." I tear up.

 "Nuuu don counttttt"

 He looks at me "One." I look away "Two"

 I look back and start counting too "Three, four, fibe" I giggle, as he sighs and picks me up.

"Time out three minutes." he walks over to the corner and sets me down 

"Nuuuu daddy!" I start crying "I nu wike timeoutttt!" He silently walks over to my bed and sits down, I scoot away from the corner.

"(m/n) I'm watching you, get back in the corner!" I stomp my foot 

"Nu!" I turn around and run away, as he chases after me and then suddenly stops, I keep running and then suddenly I'm stuck. I yelped.

 "Daddy! Nu fair!!" My feet were trapped in ice, I shivered a bit from the cold ice. 

"You weren't listening and I wasn't going to chase you." He unfroze my feet and picked me up "Since you were a bad boy in the corner, I have to punish you in a different way" I whined and squirmed around.

"Nuuu daddy, nuu pankings!" He took me to my room and sat on my bed, setting me over his knee.

"Daddyyyyy I'll be gooddddd!" I said whining

 "I don't like punishing you baby boy but I have to." He sighed and spanked me once and as always, I count.

 "O-one" I tear up and squirm around. He spanks me again "T-two" I squirm more and whine while I start to cry.

"Baby stop squirming!" He spanks me again and I continued to cry.

"T-three" He spanks me one last time. "F-four" I squirm a lot and cry, he picks me up and rubs my back. 

"Are you going to clean now?" He said before I nod and get up starting to clean, I clean up everything and we cuddle for the rest of the night.

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