Hero Hunter Deku [My Hero Aca...


637K 15.2K 5.8K

80% of the world is born with quirks but not izuku. He's one of the lucky 20% that has no powers. He lives hi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Thank you!
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Quick update
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
The Final Chapter
The New Generation
The Aftermath


5.9K 128 52

9 years in the future

Bakugo sat in the back room of the conference center waiting for the ceremony to start. It had been a long 9 years for him. He spent his final years in high school training his ass off and constantly interning under the top ranked hero's. But because of all his hard work it made the exam for his pro hero license a complete cake walk.

After graduating from UA he and his friends finally had to split ways with each of them choosing a different hero to intern under. But Bakugo chose a different path. After interning for three years under the top hero's Bakugo put his foot down. Deciding he would never have to work for someone again. He respected his higher ups for teaching him all they could but after each internship ended, Bakugo knew he could do better then them. So within 4 months of graduating and becoming pros, Bakugo opened the Ground Zero Hero Agency.

Bakugo was reluctant at first to hire any sidekicks and other pros but after All Mights persuasion he finally put together a team. He extended offers to the entire "Baku squad" where all but Mina and Kirshima accepted. Both had already found Internships under Mount Lady and Fat Gum and were happy with the positions they earned. The blond offered them top ranking positions and was annoyed when they refused, but in the end he understood their motives. They wanted to make a name for themselves without his help, and he respected them highly for it.

And that brings him to present day, a day he has waited for his entire life, the day he officially becomes the number one ranked hero.

The door to the private room opened up allowing a worker to poke his head in. He looked over at Bakugo and mouthed the words "The ceremony's about to start". With that Bakugo stood up and put the finishing touches of his hero costume on. First his mask, then his gauntlets, and then lastly the newest addition to his costume, his hearing aids.

Bakugo walked out of the room and made his way towards the stage. He could hear the crowd going crazy as the announcer started to speak.


"Moving up several places with him now opening his own agency, we have the hardening hero, Red Riot!" The announcer yelled as Kirishima walked onto the stage with a big smile.

"Also moving up into the ninth place we have the jet black hero, Tsukuyomi!"

"Dropping down one rank from this previous year we have the copy hero, Phantom Thief!" The announcer cheered as Monoma followed Tokoyami onto the stage.

"Our new number seven hero who has gained much attention from taking over mount lady's agency is the acid hero, Pinky!"

"Moving up 2 ranks into the number six position we have the wave motion hero, Nejire-Chan!"

The hero's lined up onto the stage as the crowd roared in approval for their favorite hero's.


"Moving up one rank from last year, our number five ranked hero, Gale Force!" The announcer cheered as Yoarashi walked onto the stage with a big smile.

"Keeping the same position as last year we have our number four hero, Suneater!" The announcer yelled as Tamaki hesitantly walked onto the stage.

As the hero came into the view the crowd erupted causing the hero to shake and pull his hood down to cover his eyes.

"Next we have our number three hero. His ranking didn't change from last year but his approval rating has risen to number two in the charts, the son of the former number two hero, Shoto!"

At the mention of Todoroki's name the roars of the crowd reached their highest point yet as the half and half user made his way to center stage with an emotionless face.

"Now lady's and gentlemen onto our last two hero's! These two men have done nothing but pour their hearts and souls into keeping us safe every single day."

"Our number two hero, who has also dominated the approval rating charts for the past five years we have the permeation hero, Lemillion!"

As Mirio's name left the announcers mouth the hero appeared from the floor causing the crowd to explode.

"HA HA, I LOVE YOU ALL!" Mirio cheered as he made his way next to Todoroki.

"And lastly we have our new number one hero. Moving up one position from last year due to Best Jeanist's retirement and his increased popularity, we have the hero who leads the power scales and who has so many resolved cases that no other hero can compete with him, lady's and gentlemen I'm proud to present to you the explosion hero, Ground Zero!"

Bakugo pushed open the curtain and stepped out into the spot light. It felt like he was in slow motion. A small grin grew across his face as he swept over the crowd. They were all smiling at him and cheering him on. Something he had dreamed about since day one.

The blond took his spot next to Mirio and smirked as he caught the hesitant eyes of his fellow hero's.

The ceremony continued on until the announcer gave every hero a chance to make a statement. Bakugo listened as it went down the line until it was almost his turn to speak.

"I haven't saved close to the amount of people I need to be yet. I won't rest until I save every last person in trouble!" Mirio cheered causing the crowd to explode.

The blond smiled and handed Bakugo the microphone.

"Let's see what you've got number one, the worlds been waiting for this." Mirio whispered as he turned his attention back to the crowd and waved.

Bakugo looked down at the microphone before turning his attention to the sea of people in front of him. The look of anticipation among the people was clear as day. Each person wanted to know what their next symbol of peace would do for them.

Bakugo slowly raised the microphone to his mouth causing the room to fall silent.

"For the past 10 years hero society has been rebuilt more or less from the ground up. But I'm annoyed to say it's still riddled with holes. The people on this stage share that same view as me but their too afraid to say anything. But being honest, I couldn't give a damn. The people of this nation deserve to know we have real problems that need to be solved." Bakugo explained before taking a pause.

"And I'll be damned if I let any one of them go unbeaten."

The crowd was silent at first before a few people started to clap. The few rapidly turned into more until the whole sea of people erupted in cheers.

Bakugo took this as his moment and made his way off stage followed by the rest of the top ranked pro hero's. As the blond pushed open the door to the back rooms he was met by a handful of reporters, eager to get an early interview. But Bakugo didn't care about any of them, he had a more important place to be.

"Ground Zero can you spare us a moment!"

"How does it feel to be the new number one hero?"

"Do you plan on working along more with the the Red Riot agency?"

"Is it true that you threatened to beat up a few high schoolers within the past month?"

The last question caught Bakugos attention causing him to stop dead in his tracks. He turned around and met eyes with the reporter who asked the question.

"You, what was your question?" Bakugo asked as he stepped up in front of the reporter.

"Uhm well, there was rumors speculating that you made threats against underaged minors at a local high school. Can you please elaborate?"

Kirshima and Mina shuffled their way closer to Bakugo. They knew their friend could run his mouth, but a speculation about threatening minors was too far for him. Right?

"You're misinformed. I didn't anything close to that." Bakugo huffed.

Mina and Kirshima both let out a sigh of relief.

"Well then what did you say to those high schoolers?"

"I told them if they keep acting like they were I was going to make their lives a living hell."

"YOU WHAT?" Mina screamed as she grabbed on to Bakugo's shoulder.

The blond gave her a death glare and she instantly backed off. Bakugo turned his attention back to the reports and looked down apon them.

"Listen closely because I'll only say it once, those boys I talked to at that school deserved every little bit of it. I was just getting off patrol when I saw them bullying and roughing up a defenseless kid. Once I intervened the only excuse they gave me for bullying the kid was that he was quirkless. If anyone is going to bully someone for being quirkless then they should know they make an enemy out of me and a lot of other Pros. It's a new area with me being number one now, and I won't stand for any discrimination against the quirkless population."

The small group around Bakugo was silent at his response. After no one spoke up the blond got annoyed and pushed his way past the crowd before making his way out of the building.

"Bakubro wait up!" A voice yelled from behind him.

"What do you want shitty hair?" Bakugo asked annoyed as he turned around to find the red head and Mina chasing him down.

"You threatened a group of high schoolers? The association won't like that." Kirshima said as he caught his breath.

"I couldn't give two fucks what they think. I'll be damned if I let a bunch of quirkless people be treated like second class citizens."

"Ya but can't you be nice about it?" Mina asked.

"No I can't. People need to understand it's a real problem and if my name gets dragged through the mud because of it then so be it."

"Are you sure about that Bakubro?"

"Of course I am shitty hair! They can strip the damn title away from me but everyone will know I'm still the best!" Bakugo shouted.

The two looked at one another and smiled. Their friend really was going to try and save the quirkless population. Something that Bakugo had promised to do back in his UA graduation speech.

"Oi I've got to get going now, so leave me the fuck alone." Bakugo said calmly as he opened up his passenger side door and tossed in his bag.

"Wait you don't want to catch up or go grab some food? We haven't seen each other in a while." Mina called as Bakugo slammed his door shut.

The blond rolled down his window and looked up at the two.

"I see this ass hat every week when our patrols meet. And your guys wedding wasn't even a year ago so cut that guilt tripping bullshit out." Bakugo replied as he rolled his eyes.

The two blushed at Bakugos comment and backed away from his car.

"What ever happened to that brunette chick you brought? Did you scare her away?" Mina teased.

"Fuck off pink cheeks, I don't have time for that shit right now. I've got to focus on picking up all the slack your dumbass of a husband leaves for me with his shitty side kicks.

Mina chuckled at the comment and Bakugo took this as his moment to escape. But before he could, he was stopped again.

"You should really get out more Bakubro. The hole gang misses hanging out with you outside of work." Kirshima pleaded as Bakugo started to rev his engine.

The blond went to give his usual whatever response but stopped when he met eyes with the red head. He was trying so hard not to show his exitment from getting to talk to his best friend about something other then work.

"Ugh fuck me. I'll see you on Friday after patrols. But I swear to god if anyone's late I'll make them work the fucking graveyard patrols." The blond grumbled.

"You got it bro!"

Bakugo punched his foot down to the ground and sped out of the parking lot.

The blond continued through the city until he pulled up to a large gate. He rolled down his window and punched in his code, gaining him access to everything beyond the gate.

The blond slowly made his way up the road until he finally reached his house. It was a decently sized home with three bedrooms. One for him, one for his parents, and one for if he ever had a guest over. It also had a a main office and a smaller sub one connected to the main bedroom. But that's not why Bakugo chose the place. He chose it for the view.

The house sat on top of mountain over looking the city of Musutafu. It was all private property that Bakugo quickly purchased on his own. He liked the quietness and calmness that came with being alone. Also since no one was around he could go all out with his quirk in his outdoor training area.

The blond opened up his door and kicked off his shoes before making his way over to his office. He plopped down in his chair and proceeded to open up his computer and tackle the endless amount off paper work he had.

"Ahhh fuck this." Bakugo grumbled as he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes.

"How long have I been doing this shit?" The blond let out as he peaked at his clock.


Bakugo slammed his computer shut causing a couple of picture frames to fall off from his desk.

"God damn it"

The blond reached down and picked up the frames but he couldn't help but smile as the memories rushed through his mind.

The first frame was a picture of Bakugo at his first Hero Billboard charts event. It was his third year out of of high school when he finally reached the number ten position. He was 21 at the time, making him the youngest hero to make it to the top ten.

Bakugo looked down at the other photo and felt a tear come to his eye. It was him at graduation with All Might. They both had the biggest of smiles on, ones that could be compared to All Mights in his prime.

Bakugo didn't smile much but this moment was different. He was finally about to be a pro hero and his parents and All Might got to experience it with him. His parents were proud of where Bakugos life had led him and he knew All Might would be too if he was still around. But sadly he wasn't. Soon after Bakugo opened his agency and hired his former classmates, All Might passed away from a sudden illness. The funeral was soon after and it was the first major gathering of all his old classmates since graduation. The ceremony was great and it highlighted the legacy All Might left behind as the symbol of peace. The legacy Bakugo swore he would continue.

The blond placed down the picture and went to step out of the room when he heard the crunch of glass from under his foot.

"Mother fucker" Bakugo grumbled as he removed his foot only to find a smashed upside down picture frame.

The blond grabbed the frame and shook off the access glass before inspecting the image.

This was where the real tears started to flow.

It was a picture of him and Izuku when they were kids.... and they were both quirkless. The portrait caused Bakugo to be slammed with memories from his past that he didn't want to remember. All his pent up anger towards Izuku that was never justified re entered his mind.

The blond slowly placed down the shattered frame and stepped outside his office. He slowly made his way down the dark halls until he stood in front of two traditional style Japanese doors. The blond slid them open and walked in before turning around and closed the doors.

The room of the house was covered in dust. It had been years since Bakugo had stepped foot in here. It was a room made solely for the purpose of meditation, something Bakugo took seriously when he first moved out.

After weeks of research Bakugo had found many story's of people communicating with the dead. Each one shared the same characteristics, they person had been meditating, they had lost someone they cared about, and they shared a strong connection with the deceased.

Bakugo had tired for 5 years to reach Izuku but nothing ever came of it so he gave up. He assumed the connection was too weak between him and Izuku, or his rival had no interest in talking with him ever again.

Bakugou let out a deep breath before making his way to the center of the room. The blond plopped down into a seated position and reached out in front of him to grab several dusty objects.

He let out a small blow of air allowing the objects to be free of any dust. It was a piece of incense and it's holder. The blond placed the holder onto the floor and lit the tip of the strand with his quirk.

Bakugo dropped in into the container and let out a deep breath before closing his eyes. He sat there for about 20 minutes before the darkness creeped in around him and swallowed him whole.

Bakugo's eyes fluttered open only to be met with a bright white light.

"Why the fuck is it so bright?" The blond scoffed as he covered his eyes and pushed himself off the ground.

Bakugo brushed off his pants and looked around him. He was in a city he had never seen before and it was filled with faces of new people. Not a single thing stood out to him.

The blond looked down at his arms and stumbled backwards. All of the scaring that had formed over the years had disappeared. Instinctively his hands shot up to his ears only to find his hearing aids also gone. But there was a huge problem with that. He could still hear everything around him.

The blond brushed it off and started to make his way around the city. Everything seemed fine until he walked passed a parked car and caught a glimpse of his reflection.

What the fuck?

The blond walked up and inspected every last part of his head. He looked exactly like himself but not for the same time period. He looked exactly like his teenage self back in High School.

"What kind of fucked up dream is this?" Bakugo grumbled to himself as he dug his hands into his pockets and made his way further across the city.

He kept walking until he passed by an open field. As soon as his eyes laid on the prairie he was in awe. The field was lined with trees of all colors. Trees of pink, purple, red, green, hell even blue.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" A voice called from behind Bakugo.

"I've never seen anything like it." Bakugo responded.

"I know what you mean. The first time I came here I had the same reaction as you.

"Ya no shit." Bakugo replied.

The voice was quite for a second before speaking up again.

"You should imagine sparring hear. That's what makes this place so special in my opinion. The colors mix and mingle with one another as you fight, it's something you'll never experience again."

"I'll pass. I haven't had a good fight in years, all you would do is ruin the scenery for me."

"Aw come on Kacchan. I've never know you to be someone that turns down a fight."

Bakugo felt his heart skip at beat at the nickname. He hadn't heard it in years.

"What did you say?" The blond asked scared to turn around.

"Turn around Kacchan."

The blond slowly turned to be met with a sight he never thought he would see again. Standing in front of him was the child hood friend he lost so long ago.

"Deku?" The blond said as he slowly reached out to touch him.

A sudden explosion of pain shot across his face as Izuku slammed his knuckles into Bakugos cheek.

"OW YOU BITCH!" Bakugo yelled as he started to get up.

The blond felt someone grab under his arms and lift him up. He pushed the person away and turned to find Izukus mentor staring down at him.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm the guy that just helped your ass up, so a thanks would be nice. But I know I won't be getting one." Garou said annoyed.

"What the fuck was that for?" Bakugo asked as he rubbed his nose.

"Oh don't be such a baby Kacchan. Anything can be fixed up here." Izuku replied as he snapped his fingers.

The pain instantly disappeared from Bakugos face and was replaced with a warm tingling sensation.

"Why am I here and what the heck is going on?" Bakugo questioned.

"You're in heaven kid but don't worry your not dead. You just had someone reach out to pull you here for a little bit." Garou explained.

Bakugo turned to Izuku and inspected his face. The green haired boy had a blank expression as if he was lost in thought.

"I'll be honest Kacchan. I had no plan on ever talking with you again. I thought that if we were to ever talk again it would be when you die, if you even made it to heaven."

"Thanks." Bakugo replied through clenched teeth.

"You didn't let me finish though, after seeing you down there trying to help the quirkless people I decided to bring you up here."


"Ya but I'm starting to rethink this so maybe I should send you back." Izuku said as he rubbed his chin.

"Not so fast Deku. Me and you have a lot of catching up to do." Bakugo threatened as he let a couple of sparks escape his palm.

"I'll tell you what Kacchan, I beat you in a fight you go back home and make peace with your life. But if you win, you can stay for the day and catch up with me and Garou."

Bakugo felt the grin growing across his face. The fire that once burned within him from rivalry has reignited.

"I don't give a fuck about that old fuck over there. But you're on Deku." The blond growled as he got into a fighting stance.


"Shut up Garou, you are and will always be an old fart." Izuku laughed as he widened his stance.

The two boys locked eyes and smiled.


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