~the night of the full moon~

De az1029383756

1.1K 65 4

~sterek~ *we can't be together* *who is going to stop us? huh?* *Stiles, you know that if you stay with me yo... Mais

~the end of our pack~
~what's wrong ?~
~the cabin~
~a long ride~
~like a 5 year old~
~phone calls~
~not a single word~
~stronger than anyone~
~what do I do?~
~let's talk~
new profile

~the lake~

69 6 0
De az1029383756

The sun has now left the sky and the moon took it's place.

Stiles' voice wasn't heard all day and the house was quiet. The only thing that was heard was the ticking of the clock placed above the fire place.

Almost an hour ago Derek went inside the room to get his laptop and Stiles was still in bed while the plate of food was still there, untouched.

Derek's thoughts have took over his mind, not making him realize that many hours have passed by.
It was now 1 o'clock in the morning and Scott has already gone to bed.

Derek: I should probably go to bed.

As the werewolf got up from the couch and went into his room so that he could grab some blankets to sleep on the sofa, he saw that Stiles was still awake.
Derek thought that this was probably his only chance to say how sorry he was.

Derek: Stiles?

The brunet didn't answer. He didn't want to.

Derek: Stiles please... let's talk.

Stiles looked at Derek's eyes and he realized that the werewolf really wanted to apologize for his actions.

The honey-brown eyed boy got up from his bed and sat down, motioning for Derek to do the same.

Stiles: what do you want to talk about?

Derek: I think you know.

Stiles: so can I go back to bed, if I already know?

The black haired man quickly grabbed Stiles' bicep, stopping him from getting up and leaving.

Derek: please let me tall to you.

Stiles: you have five minutes

Derek: look, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. I swear I'll get you a new phone and I'll do anything to find a picture of your mother. Just please...

It was hard for Derek to ask for forgiveness and Stiles knew that. It didn't matter though. The brunet wanted the memory of his mum back and the picture was part of his memory. Derek took a peace of his past and he had to give it back. No matter how hard it was, he had to find a way.

Derek: ...please forgive me.

Stiles: I don't want you to get me a knew phone.... I don't want you to apologize. I just want the peace of my past that you stole.

The brown eyes of the boy had tears in them. Tears filled with sadness, pain and betrayal.

Derek: I'll give it back to you. I just need a time. And I need your forgiveness.

Stiles looked at Derek through teary eyes making his decision.

Stiles: I forgive you.

Derek smiled, feeling relieved.

Derek: thank you.

Stiles: go to sleep. I'll sleep a little later.

Derek: do you want company?

Stiles: no, its okay.

Derek: are you sure?

Stiles: yeah I'm sure.

Stiles may have forgiven the man but he was still sad.

Derek: okay, if you insist.

The werewolf went went under the covers once Stiles was out of the room. As he closed his eyes out of tiredness he quickly went into deep sleep while dreams started filling up his mind.

It was dark in Derek's mind. There was only one light at the end of a long dark hallway.

The light was so bright wet it was so dark everywhere else.

What's the source of the light?

And what did it represent?

Derek: HEYY

There was no answer, just complete silence.

Derek's wolf was pulled from the light and Derek couldn't resist the urge to get closer and see what the weird source was that was causing the light to be that mesmerizing to his inner wolf , that was trying to escape his body and run to the brightness at the end of the tunnel.

As Derek was getting he could see the outline of a man's body.

The body seemed familiar but yet so unfamiliar at the same time.

Who was that boy that made the wolf so eager to get closer and maybe risk his life?

Derek: who are you?

As the boy opened his mouth to speak he was pulled back inside a cage made of mountain ash.

His brightness had left his body and his smile was now a frown.

Derek stepped closer.

He now had the chance to see who was hidden behind the light the whole time.

Before he could see the boy's face he was pulled out of the long tunnel and back where he was in the beginning.

A big dark room and no light to be found.

Derek: no

Derek started to panick, feeling like he lost something. Something very dear to him.

Derek: NO

The darkness was now slowly fading away as the boy from before stepped infront of the sad werewolf.

The black haired werewolf then opened his eyes.

The dream was now gone.

The bright figure had been replaced with a worried Stiles.

Stiles: are you okay?

Derek was out of breath and he was panting.

Stiles: Derek! Are you okay?

Derek: yeah it was just a dream.

Stiles: was it scary?

Derek: ..no... it was weirdly peaceful but confusing.
I didn't get to see his face.

Stiles: who's face?

Derek: it was a boy and it was surrounded by a bright light

Stiles: what does that mean?

Derek: I don't know.

There was silence in the room and Stiles decided to speak.

Stiles: well we are not going to figure it out now. Let's go to sleep.

The two men laid down on the bed, closing their eyes and going to sleep.

Derek felt warmth. It was the same warmth he felt in his dream when he was close to the faceless boy.

The warmth made him and his werewolf feel safe so he just closed his eyes drifting to sleep.

The morning light spread into the room, hitting the werewolf's face and eventually woke him up.
Derek took that as a chance to get up early and make some breakfast for the boys.

One hour had passed by and Derek was finally done making breakfast.

The kitchen table was full of plates with pancakes, bacon and eggs. In the middle of the table was a carton of juice and some glass cups waiting to be filled.

The black haired man wasn't used to being this nice, he was always grumpy and sad.
He wanted to change though.

After everything was ready the werewolf started walking towards the younger werewolf's bedroom to wake him up.

Derek: Scott... wake up... I made breakfast.

Scott's raspy voice was heard, letting Derek know that he had just woken up from his deep sleep.

Scott: okay...

Derek's next target was the young human that shared the same room with him.

The black haired man opened the door to his and the boys bedroom and stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

He stepped closer to the sleeping boy, looking at his face he realized what a dick he has been to him.

From the moment they met till this day Derek was nothing but an asshole to Stiles.

Derek shook his head trying to get back to reality.

Derek: Stiles...

The werewolf's voice came out as a whisper.

Derek: Stiles wake up...

The boy started to move, turning his body towards the man.

Stiles: Goodmorning.

The boy's voice was raspy and low, making the werewolf's ears vibrate.

Derek: Goodmorning to you too... Get up I made breakfast.

Stiles: oh no. Did you light the kitchen on fire.

Derek: I see your sarcasm has appeared even though it's still pretty early.

Stiles: I would say the same thing about your dick actions but they never disappeared in the first place

Derek: Is that a compliment.

Stiles: Take that however you like.

The black haired man laughed a little and started talking again.

Derek: get up.

Stiles: kay

Derek's posture turned around, away from the boy and started walking out of the door.

Scott was already sitting down while devouring the food that was on the table.

Derek sat down next to Scott waiting for the other boy to come and eat with them.

As Stiles got out of the room, the two werewolfs realised the he just passed them and went into the kitchen and making a bowl of cereal.

Derek: ay! Aren't you going to eat.

Stiles: I'm not really hungry

Scott: Stiles! Get you fat ass here right now and eat with us.

Derek: Scott is right.

Stiles: You think I got a fat ass?

Derek: no I think that you should sit down and eat something before you pass out.

Stiles didn't have the chance to walk back inside his room as the wolf grabbed the bowl out of his hand and dragged him back to the table.

Derek: If you don't eat, Scott and I will feed you.

Stiles: okay okay I'll eat.

Stiles' mood was better that yesterday but it still wasn't the best.
His eyes were still red from all the crying and his lips were still puffy from the biting that kept his tears away.

As the boy sat down and started to eat he felt his mood lighten and get better.

The food filled up his tummy, but what about his heart?

His heart felt like he was missing something.

The boy may have lost his mother from a young age but losing her photo made the same filling he felt a long time ago come back.

The filling of sadness, emptiness.

He hated that filling.

Scott: Stiles? Are you listening?

Stiles flinched and looked up from his plate, eyeing Scott waiting for him to talk.

Stiles: yeah sorry. I'm listening.

Scott: Do you two wanna come with me to the lake to do some research about the threat.

Stiles: I'm-

Derek: Yeah we'll both come.

Stiles: okay...

Once they finished eating they got up and went inside their rooms to get ready.

The three men took some snacks and their laptops and got out of the house, their destination being the lake.

They all sat down and started their research.

Four hours had passed by and they still haven't found anything.

In the complete silence one voice was heard making the two werewolf's heads spring up.

Stiles: I FOUND IT.


Thus was a long ass chapter lol.

1700 words.

Anyway hope you liked it tho.


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