Precinct Love || Jelsa AU

By theperson6789

23.5K 1.8K 1.9K

C O M P L E T E D Highest Ranking: #1 in Jelsa 10/11/20 Elsa Arens is a detective at the 56th precinct in Bur... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Final A/N

Chapter 46

364 28 50
By theperson6789

Elsa's POV:


And I pulled.

I shut my eyes.

I waited for something.


Then, an automated voice came on.

"Bomb Disabled."

I opened my left eye and looked at the bomb.

The beeping stopped, and so did the timer.

Holy shit.

I did it.

"Oh my god..." I whisper.

"I did it." I say in astonishment.

My head starts to spin, as I fall to the ground with a smile on my face.

I hadn't even noticed that my leg had gone limp, and it was starting to bleed through the fabric of my dress.

But I couldn't even be sad.

Because of me, I saved countless lives.

Because of me, I was able to save the remaining people in the building.

And because of me, Jack might be able to live.

I sigh, as I feel my eyes roll back.

I'm tired.

So very tired.

Jack's POV:

My eyes shot open.

Air filled my lungs.

I could see a woman and a man hovering above me.

"He's awake!" The woman shouted.

I couldn't say anything, and all I could do was dart my eyes around.

"You're going to be okay Mr. Moon. Everything is going to be ok. But you need to calm down."

My eyes looked back and forth.

Everything was so blurry.

I couldn't even tell if we were moving or not.

But the only thing I could think about was Elsa.

"D-Detective..." Was the only word I could manage to say, before I felt my eyes roll back.

"HE'S CODING! I NEED A-" Her voice blurred into the darkness.

Everything started to feel numb, and I just felt so suffocated.

Where is she?

Where is my Detective?

~Time Skip~

~ December 20th~

My eyes feel droopy.

Slowly, I try and pry my eyes open.

It's so bright.

"Oh my god, he's awake!"

I winced at the loud sound.

However, I recognize the voice almost immediately.

Without thinking, I call out.

"D-Dad?" I whispered.

I heard someone's breath hitch.

"Yes, I'm here Jackson."

I just groaned as I tried to pry the mask off my face.

My eyes opened fully, to see my entire squad, and my father.

"W-What happened?" I asked trying to not wince in pain as I sat up.

Detective Sandy, and Sergeant Toothiana look at each other nervously, while Lieutenant North looks around nervously.

"Tell me damnit." I said in a colder voice.

I was not in the mood for them to be withholding information.

Lieutenant North cleared his throat  spoke up.

"There was an accident at the Burgees Ball sir. An active shooter killed over 15 civilians and injured dozens. By the time we had entered the building..she was already dead."

My memory started clearing up.

The screams, the blood, and the Detective hovering over me, as I closed my eyes.

I shiver.

Where is she?

"The squad and I bursted through the doors first, and found you, Hailey Saunders, and Miles Turner on the ground bleeding out." He continued.

I stayed silent.

"We saw a trace of blood and followed it. It led to these huge oak doors... And inside was Elsa."

My breath hitched.

"She-" Lieutenant North was interrupted by Sergeant Bunnymund.

"She was lying in a pool of her own blood. Cold." He said in a monotonous voice.

I grip my fist into a ball.


"We're lucky we got there in time. She was basically dead." He said in a harsher tone.

He looked at me.

"Because of you, Sir, she could've fucking died. Because she went back in to save your sorry ass." He snarled.

Sergeant Toothiana held him back.


"No Tooth! You all need to stop acting like he's the victim! He treated us all like shit, and then threatened the life of our best friend. No. I am no longer going to put up with this bullshit."

I was definitely taken aback by this new version of Bunnymund.

But in a sense, he was right.

"Because while you sit here, like a fucking king on his filthy throne, she's still unconscious! And has been for over a fucking week!"

I hold my breath.

She's been asleep for over a week?

My Detective was suffering...because of me?

"You fucking asshole! Did you know she took a fucking bullet for you!? She diffused an active bomb, by herself, with no help!? Hm!? Did you know that she fucking risked her life for everyone?!" Bunnymund yells.

S-She what?

Oh my god...


"All of you leave." The Commissioner says trying not to lose his mind.


"Leave." He says again, but less calmly.

They all leave.

Bunnymund grumbled something underneath his breath, and I tried to just get my emotions in order.

I try not to break down right then and there.


"Take me to her."

He looked at me with a look of concern.


"Take me to her. Now." I said in a monotonous voice.

He only nodded, before asking for a nurse to help me.

Elsa's POV:

All I can remember is darkness.

Just darkness and silence.

For a brief second, I thought I saw a light.

But just as quick as I saw it, it disappeared.

My mind started replaying moments, but the one that stayed most prominently in my mind was when he kissed me.

His soft lips crashing against mine.

His sweet minty scent.

They way he delicately held me.

How my heart fluttered.

It made me feel...different.

Made me feel.


I can't feel my limbs.

It's getting harder to breathe.

Please don't take me.

I want to stay.

I need to stay.


Let me live...

Bunnymund's POV:

I was going to scream.

That fucking bastard put her life in danger, and couldn't even fucking show any sympathy!

"Bunny, you need to calm down. Please Bun." Tooth pleads.

I sigh.

"I'll try Tooth. But only for your sake and hers." I say smiling.

She blushes and gives me a quick kiss.

"I know you will." She says smiling at me.

She then grabs my hand and holds it tight.

This definitely can't be easy on Tooth, Elsa was her first friend at the 5-6, and I know she's also hurting, but tries to stay strong for me.

I just can't comprehend how or understand why a beautiful woman like Tooth would ever want to, or choose to be with someone like me, when they could have someone better.

But I try not to question it, because I'd rather enjoy what I have now and only hope my future remains the same.

I check my watch, and only sigh.

I wish we could stay beside Elsa until she wakes up, but we still have to protect the city.

It's our job.

"We need to head back to the Precinct."I say sadly.

I can hear everyone sigh, as they start packing up.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Captain Frost in a wheel chaired I can't help but scoff.

I wish he died that day.

I can't forgive that asshole for what he did.

And I may never.

Jack's POV:

As he pushed me through the halls, I just kept a straight face.

Showing no emotions.

People whispered but I didn't care.

I was just concerned about her.

Nothing else mattered.

Nothing at all.

As I entered her room, I couldn't look at her.

"I'll give you some space." My father said closing the door behind him.

I finally gathered the courage to look up.

Almost immediately, a wave of sadness overwhelmed me.

There she was.

Lying in that bed.

Tubes sticking out of her.

A steady beat in the background.

Everything seemed so, sterile.

My hands reached down to the wheels of my chair and I pushed myself closer to her.

I tried my best to get as close to her as possible without accidentally knocking something over.

I finally got close enough to see her chest rising and falling gently.

My hand immediately went to hers and intertwined our fingers.

"Hey Detective." I said in my gravely voice.

She remained the same though.

I took in a shaky breath.

"You know you're crazy right?" I asked.

My hand gripped hers tighter.

"You are so fucking crazy thinking you could go diffuse a bomb by yourself. And yet you did. You did it. You saved countless lives, and mine..."

I feel tears start to spring in my eyes.

"You know, it's funny, I feel like the only time I can actually talk to you is when you're in a hospital bed." I joke.

She doesn't laugh back.

Of course she doesn't.

I gaze at her.

How is it even possible for a human being like her to be real?

My gaze softens as I remember the earlier occurrences of that night.

"When you were drowning, I didn't think I could save you. I thought- I thought I lost you."

I smiled and rubbed the back of her hand.

"But when you started breathing, it was a miracle."

I wiped a tear that started falling down my cheek.

"You saved me Detective."

"I don't care how many times I have to risk my life for yours, because YOU saved ME. When I was at my lowest, you pushed me. Pushed me to be better, to be stronger. You are the reason I am here today."

My mind wandered to when she told me I was going to end my life in my living room.

"You were the light in my darkness." I cried.

"You were the only one who would dare challenge the cold hearted Captain Frost. A man who could never love again." I chuckled sarcastically, wiping a tear.

"It's ironic really, for a man who could never love again, he ended falling in love with the clumsiest, most gorgeous, most intelligent Detective he had ever laid eyes on."

I remembered when I walked into that Precinct.

It was like yesterday.


I checked myself in the elevator mirror once more.

I took in a deep breath and took a sip of my coffee.

My head was slightly throbbing from last night's activities.

That's what I get for drinking before the first day of work I guess.

I still couldn't fucking believe that bastard was going to make Emma's case suffer if I didn't take this fucking job.

You don't know how badly I wanted to take my gun out and shoot right then and there.

The smell of coffee filled my nostrils somewhat calming me.

This is just a stupid job.

Do it, get it over with, so you can still work on her case.

The doors dinged open, and everyone went silent.

I scanned the room and quickly looked at their faces.

Some were terrified looking, others were swooning, but one person caught my attention immediately.

A platinum blonde, with big icy blue eyes.


That's the girl from the bar last night.

I cleared my throat.

"Good Morning everyone, I am your new Commanding Officer, Jackson Frost."

~End of Flashback~

Even then, she caught my eye first.

Not only because of her striking features, but because of her reputation.

The one Detective who never backed down from a case, and solved all of them.

When she solved the Samantha Green case, I was confused at first.

How on earth, could a Detective, one of the lowest ranks in the police force, be able to solve a case in less than a week, that I, a much superior officer, gave up on after a month of no new leads and no new evidence?

It confused me, and it intrigued me.

But once I saw her in that interrogation room with Brian Groff's father.

Boy, did I know there was something special about her.

Little did I know, that that very same Detective would be the one to thaw and steal my frozen heart.

I couldn't control it anymore.

I just sobbed.

I held her hand close to my lips and kissed her hand ever so gently.

My hand trembled as I let her hand go.

"I am so sorry Detective. I-I 'm so sorry I did this to you. I'm-I'm so sorry, I wasn't able to p-protect you." I hiccuped.

I slowly started wheeling further away from her.

Bunnymund was right.

I treated them all like shit.

I don't even know how she fell for me.

How could a Queen like her fall for a peasant like me?

I knew what I had to do.

"And I promise, you won't ever have to see me again. You will never be hurt again, because I won't be here. I will keep my distance. Even if it kills me." I cried.

Nothing changed though.

So with a heavy heart, I opened the door, and rolled out, looking back at her one more time.

"Goodbye Detective. I wish things could be different. But before I leave, I need to just say one thing."

I took in a shaky breath.

"You are, the love of my life. I will never stop loving you, and I'm so sorry I put you through so much pain. Goodbye Detective. I love you."

And with that, I left.

I have to do this for her sake.

She will be better without me, everyone will.

I got back to my room, where my father was patiently waiting.


"I want to resign as the Captain of the 56th Precinct."



Woah...What the hell happened there?!

Anyways, I hope everyone enjoyed today's chapter! :)

Thank you all for 6.2K reads and 1050+ votes! This is kinda crazy.

This chapter is dedicated to a new voter and an awesome writer I met through our discord server. Thank you for the support!

And now for shoutouts.

First off and foremost,

Happy frickin birthday Onewayrick! Party hard...But not too hard...we all know how that will end... *snickers*

Thank you to mysticscrypt who voted and added this story and soulmates to their reading list!

And MahQiaoYun who added Soulmates to their reading list!

Also, for information about said server, please PM me!

Please don't forget to 




theperson6789 signing off

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