A New Reality

By Creative_Pan

4.8K 108 65

Luna Dust was four when her father and mother passed which meant that she was taken into an orphanage. She's... More

Chapter 1 Life Before
Chapter 2 Meeting Him
Chapter 3 A New Home Pt 1
Chapter 4 New Home Pt 2
Chapter 5 Guessing Games and Movie Nights
Chapter 6 Chess Games and A Dramatic Mornings
Chapter 7 A Surprise Visit
Chapter 8 A Mind Filled Adventure
Chapter 9 The Truth
Chapter 10 Sides Bonding
Chapter 11 A Hypnotizing Fight
Chapter 12 Patience
Chapter 13 Intrusive Chaos
Chapter 14 Completive Gaming Sessions
Chapter 15 The Call
Chapter 16 His Friends
Chapter 17 School
Chapter 18 Unexpected
Chapter 19 Listening
Chapter 20 Learning
Chapter 22 Morals
Chapter 23 Trouble
Chapter 24 Hidden Within
Chapter 25 Regrets
Chapter 26 A Walk in the Park
Chapter 27 Plans
Chapter 28 Friends?
Chapter 29 Starting Over
Chapter 30 Panic
Chapter 31 Crushing
Chapter 32 Advice
Chapter 33 The Dance
Chapter 34 Finally (The End)

Chapter 21 Caught

66 4 0
By Creative_Pan

A week or two goes by quickly and our friend group grew stronger and began talking more. It was great...until today.

I woke up to another one of my alarms and got ready for school. I had some small talk with my sides making sure they were alright.

"Luna? Are you almost ready we have to leave soon!"

"Yeah one sec!"

I gotten my act together and went downstairs while my sides sink down. I grabbed my bag and phone and went downstairs to meet with dad. We went to his car and got inside. He started it and headed to the building. When the car stopped I knew we were there.

"Hey dad can I have some money for lunch?"

"Yeah sure, here's a five. Will the be enough?"

"Yeah, thanks I'll call you when it's over. Bye dad."

"Bye sweetie." He said unlocking the car.

I got out and waved him bye. When he was gone I went inside and went to my locker to exchange my stuff. Then and there I felt a certain presence behind me.

"Hey Luna!"

I turned my head to see Evie.

"Oh hey, where's the others?"

"Well, they're already in their classes-"

"Oh look it's the two idiots I was talking about." A certain someone said with a grin.

I grabbed Evie's hand now knowing what we're up against. Skylar, she was one of popular kids in the school. She was mean to almost every student in the grade except her own group. Skylar targeted at random so no one knew who was going to be next. Now I guess we were...

"What do you want Skylar?"

She walked up to us with aditude and sass waiting to be said.

"Awe what was that? I don't understand stupidity."

My former 'dark sides' wanted to destroy this person. I didn't allow it mostly out of fear. Then my logic kicked in.

"Can you just stop?"


"You know just quit this foolish act of yours. It's not going to get you anywhere by acting like a child. All your going to get is a metaphorical fist of facts that are actually useful to you."

This is where she's had her limit.

"And idiots? How is that even an insult? All your giving people is low self esteem. So thanks but I already have my own issues to deal with besides you."

As soon as my logical aspect was done I was back in control. I saw Skylar's face go red as she cornered me to a locker.

"Alright since your 'facts' did nothing but prove how worthless you are how about we settle this my way. Me and you fist fight after school. Got it?"

I nodded as she left us there now scared.

"Luna I-"

"It's alright Evie. It wasn't your fault. If I haven't said anything she would've tried other methods. You don't have to go. I'll be fine. I'll talk some sense in the little devil alright?"

"I know just be safe alright?" She said sadly.

"I will."

We parted ways and went to class.


"She did what!?! Luna! You're in trouble she's more than what she looks like!" Addi began.

"She can kill you!" Jackson said worried.

"Guys, don't you get it? She's not going to actually fight her unless it's self defense. Right?" Brody said with sense.

"Yeah, I'll have some back up so don't worry."

"Back up? From who exactly?"


"She has no back up! If you're going so are we!" Addi said with pride.

"No, I don't want you guys to get involved or hurt in the process. Let's just settle down and let's not think about it. I have to go call my dad real quick."

_Third POV_

Once Luna left to go call Thomas the table were planning something.

"There's no way she's going by herself! I won't allow it!" Evie said.

"Wait. How about we just follow her secretly then show up when she really needs it?" Brody recommended.

"Brody, that's probably a good idea. Let's do it." Jackson said.

They got rilled up for battle. Little do they know that Luna had some secrets of her own. Luna wasn't really calling Thomas she was getting the others ready. She told the sides who wanted to fight to settle down and look different then what they usually look like. Violet had her hair down and bangs over her right eye. With a hoodie that had a skull on it along with black ripped jeans. Her eyeshadow stayed under her eyes. Raven, Hazel, and Jenni stayed the same just with different hairstyles.

"I'm sorry that you'd might be involved."

"Do you really have to fight?" Harper said with a worried look.

"Not exactly but we need to be prepared." Sage said.

"I'll see you guys then."  Luna said shakly.

They left back to her mind and Luna looked into the bathroom mirror.

"What the hell did I get myself into..."

She knew that she'd get in trouble with Thomas and the others. She was scared and just wanted to hide away like a coward. She knew that if she didn't do this then the it would only get worse from experience. She jumped as she heard the next bell ring and now dreaded the last one.

~After school~

She didn't see her friends anywhere. She thought that they abandoned her just like the others. There she stood thinking she was alone in the hallway. Her friends were hiding in the janitor's closet waiting for her to go. Luna stood there practically shaking. She gulped steadied her breaths before calling.

"V, I need you...I can't do this. I-I can't..."

The group gasped without making any noise as they saw and emo looking person showed up out of nowhere and started comforting Luna.

"LuLu, look at me. Yes. You. Can. I know we can. We've done this before right? It shouldn't be different. You're just scared but you know so am I. Do you want that brat to keep doing this to you?"


"Exactly. Now stand up. I'll lead the way and make sure that Harper won't get involved. We both know that she can't keep secrets."

"Hey! I can to!"


"OKAY! Nevermind! Sorry kiddo!" Harper said sinking out.

The friend group was confused. Who are these people? How come Luna knows them? So many questions. Luna walked out of there following Violet.

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