Someone Fresh, HONEYDEW

By am_the_limelight

281 24 7

[COMPLETE] Y/n is an Australian dancer and YouTuber who has recently moved to LA to go to a dance school. On... More

1. Sober Ride Home
2. FBI... Not.
3. Day in the Life of a Dancer
4. In the Studio
5. In the Park
6. The Heartbreak in Her Past
7. Assessment Week
8. I Hope that you... Burn...
9. Teach Me How to Dance
10. Happy Birthday!
11. Revolution
12. Fan Base Detectives
13. I'm MOVING!
14. Hate and Love
15. Summer Vibes and Tour
16. A Unique Uber Ride
17. San Diego Show
19. Trek to Hollywood
20. If this is a Dream, don't wake me
21. Screw Societal Standards
22. Date Night
23. It's not you it's me
24. SnOWW!
25. Someone Fresh, Honeydew

18. Move Eben!

9 1 0
By am_the_limelight

Y/n's pov

We left Brandon sleeping on the couch, and then took turns getting into our pijamas in the bathroom.

Both of us were on the top bunks.

"I like the top because no one climbs over you," Eben told me.

"So selfish." I rolled my eyes in mock disapproval. "Do you get window seats on planes for the same reason?"

Eben pretended to be offended. For a moment we stood there, trying to hold together our mock emotions, but in vain; we both erupted into uncontrolled laughter.

"It's not even funny," I gasped. "It's too late at night for this."

We both did our best to stifle our laughter and be serious. Then I met his merry eyes, and we burst out laughing again.

"Shhh. Brandon's asleep," I said, trying my best to control my laughter.

Eben's eyes widened and he glanced over to see if the drummer was still asleep.

"Let's go downstairs," He whispered. "And, while we pull ourselves together, we can raid the cupboard for food."

I followed him down to the kitchenette.

"Oh, I just remembered something," I said suddenly.


I began laughing so hard I couldn't speak.

"What?" He asked again, very confused, but laughing too "I don't even know what we're laughing about."

I managed to whisper: "M...m... move... E-Eben..." before dissolving into more giggles.

"I-" Eben tried not to laugh and failed. "You saw that video?"

I nodded, covering my mouth in an attempt to be somewhat quiet.

"You're laugh is so contagious... You're- uh, It's kinda cute." We met eyes for a fraction of a second, before both looking away.

Still giggling, I bit my lip and hoped I wasn't blushing.

"So, uh... Do you want something to eat?" Eben asked, opening the cupboard.

We decided on some Doritos.

"I'm like never up this late," I yawned a while later. "It's almost 3am. No wonder we're on crackhead energy..."

"Yeah... maybe we should get to bed..."

Brandon was still asleep on the couch.

"Maybe we should get him a blanket or something," I suggested.

Eben nodded. We tucked the blanket around him and carefully slipped a pillow under his head, and then we climbed into our bunks.

"Good night," Eben whispered.

"Sleep tight," I whispered back. "Don't let the bedbugs bite."

"Where does that even come from?"

"Probably 17th century England," I guessed.

"Makes sense..."

We lay in silence for a while. It then occurred to me that we hadn't talked about alarms or other methods of awakening.


Silence. I could hear regular breathing coming from his bunk; he was fast asleep. Soon, I was too.

I awoke to the sound of voices. It took me a moment to remember where I was.

"... she's still asleep, I think," I heard Eben say. He was coming up the stairs followed by someone else.

"When did you go to bed?" I hear his manager ask.

"Uh, like 3?" I said, peeping my head out of the curtain.

"Good morning, sleepy head," Eben grinned. "It's 9.30, and I've been up for hours."

"I think you mean 'hour'," His tour manager laughed. "You got up at 8.30-"

"Let's go!" Eben cut him off with a laugh. "Y/n, text me when you're ready."



Just take a moment to appreciate the origin of the meme and laugh and jahdshjkLA

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