9. Teach Me How to Dance

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Y/n's pov

The next week I felt really restless. Suddenly I had nothing to work towards, and I was waiting for grades, and hoping for emails and phone calls from different people, offering jobs and positions in response to our assessment performances. Troy was feeling it too.

"You know what would be fun?" I asked him. "If we got Anise and Eben into a studio and taught them a dance. That would take our minds off stuff."

"I'm down. You could even make it a YouTube video, while you're at it."

That is how the four of us ended up in an empty studio on a Wednesday morning.

"So, uh, I have zero experience dancing." Eben scratched his head awkwardly, staring at his reflection in one of the mirrored walls.

"Don't worry," Troy smiled, coming up next to him. "You'll be lifting the girls effortlessly while doing the splits in no time."

Eben stared at him almost in horror, and Troy winked, before turning dramatically, and coming over to where I was setting up my camera and asked me what I was planning.

"I was thinking we can do a warm up," I told him, "and I can use it as kind of like the pre-intro. Then we can do an intro for the video, and then just record it all. Can you get the others into position?"

"Sure." He turned around. "Okay, warm-up time," He clapped twice, and began directing Eben and Anise where to stand. "Should we just do a standard warm up?" Troy asked me.

I nodded, and spaced myself out next to him. We were arranged in two lines, with Troy and I in front, and the others behind us so that they could watch us. Troy put on some music, and we began the warm up.

Both Eben and Anise did a pretty good job of keeping up with us. When we'd finished, I got them all to come over so that I could film an intro. It took three tries, but I got what I wanted:

"Hey everyone, welcome back to my YouTube channel. Today Troy and I are teaching two beginners how to dance."

I pointed to Anise.

"Hi, I'm Anise, and I haven't danced since I was like 12, when I quit ballet because I hated it."

I pointed to Eben.

"Hi, I'm Eben, and I have no experience dancing whatsoever, so this is going to be very interesting."

"Troy and I are going to be teaching them a basic routine to I Don't Care by Ed Sheeran. I do have a video tutorial on this already, so you can learn it too! Anyways, let's get to it!" I mimed swiping with my hands so that I could edit a transition in later.

We had a lot of fun teaching them. The dance was quite simple in comparison to the dances Troy and I did at our assessments, but it was a challenge for the others, especially Eben.

After some two hours, though, they both had learned the two minute dance pretty well, and it was time for the final performance.

"Can you two do your Die Alone dance again? I want to see it again," Eben asked when we'd finished filming the outro for my video.

"Sure, why not?" Troy raised an eyebrow at me, and I nodded.

We had a lot of fun interpreting the lyrics of this song through dance. The song itself tells the story when Finneas (the singer) was in Texas and L.A. was on fire at the time and he was wishing he was there to be with his girlfriend.

The first and last lyrics are: "I wasn't lookin' for you, But you found me"

At the beginning of the dance I 'find' Troy, and then we dance together, with some really fun spins and lifts in the chorus:

"Cause I-I-I-I-I know that I will love you/ And I-I-I-I-I'm not letting go/ If the sky darkens above you/ I'll stay by your side in the afterglow"

We end going opposite ways, and then, after the first line (I wasn't lookin' for you, But you found me) is repeated, I turn and run-jump into his arms and he catches me and spins me around.

Eben and Anise burst into applause when we had finished.

Eben drove me home.

"It's my birthday next Saturday, and Jonah's birthday is a few days after," He told me. "We're having a combined birthday party, and, um, well take this as a formal invitation to attend," he grinned.

"Count me in," I smiled.

"Cool! I really want you to meet my friends. I think you'll get along really well with them. Both Jonah and Corbyn's girlfriends are coming to LA for the week, so the whole gang will be there. It's going to be so much fun!"

Eben had told me a lot about his friends. He'd told me about Why Don't We, and about Tate, Christina, Gabbie, Lavender, Anna, Caspary, and a few others, who would all be at the party. I was definitely looking forward to meeting them.


I would watch that YT video in a heartbeat, like can you imagine?? ahah

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