17. San Diego Show

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Eben's pov

It didn't feel like long before it was the second last show, San Diego. We arrived just before midday and headed to the venue. I felt extra excited because Y/n was coming to watch me perform, and then spending the night and heading back to LA on the tour bus.

"Testing one two one two," I said into the mic while the sound guy messed with the volume.

Suddenly someone put their hand on my shoulder.

"Waahrghshh!" I jumped.

"Hi," Y/n grinned. "I didn't mean to make you jump."

"My heart is racing so fast I think it might burst out of my chest. Dude." I pulled her into a hug. "I've missed you."

I finished the soundcheck, and then we grabbed an early dinner before meet and greet. It was decided that Y/n would come backstage and watch from the wings. I flashed her a smile as my drummer, Brandon, began to play my opening song, Next Ex. Soon I was out on stage jumping like crazy and singing whole heartedly. In my element.

"You know," I told the audience between songs. "Performing is my workout. Jumping and singing is how I stay fit."

I glanced backstage and saw Y/n shaking her head and giggling. It made me smile like crazy.

It was just after 9.30 when I left the stage for the last time, leaving behind the cheering crowd.

"I loved every second of that," Y/n grinned, side-hugging me.

"Thanks," I scratched the back of my neck. I was thankful for the dim light because I could feel my cheeks flushing. "I, uh, I was thinking we could grab some take-away before we get on the bus..."

"Sounds good," She grinned, glancing at me.

I met her eyes for a moment, smiled, and then looked away fidgeting with the piece of blue tape around the handle of my mic.

"Cool... I, uh, just have to put a few things away, and then we can go."

I did everything as quick as I could, told my manager what we were doing, and then went to find Y/n.

"It's 10 now. We have to be back by 11.30 at the very latest so that we can leave by 12," I told her. "What do you want to get?"

"I don't have a preference, but I can choose if you have no idea. Otherwise, surprise me."

"I'll surprise you then."

I took her to chinese take-away place nearby that I'd heard was good. We got a small selection of food — which I insisted on paying for — and then headed back to the bus.

The bus I had for this tour was a double decker bus, with a kitchen, bathroom and sitting area on the bottom floor, and bunks another smaller sitting area on the top floor.

"I hope you don't mind sleeping in the same space as a bunch of smelly guys..." I said, as I showed her the bunks.

There was a triple bunk on either side of the narrow hallway, each bunk with a curtain for privacy.

"You can always sleep on a couch if you want to."

"Nah, I'm okay here. It's all part of the tour bus experience," She grinned, meeting my eyes.

My heart fluttered and I quickly busied myself showing her where to put her bag.

The bus pulled out of the venue at midnight. We decided to watch a movie while we ate dinner. Brandon joined us.

"Where's my food?" He asked, flopping down on the couch next to me.

"We didn't get you any," I said seriously.

"Rude." He stood up to go to the kitchen and get some of his own.

"I'm kidding," I called after him. "We got enough for you too."

After a bit of discussion, we decided to watch Spiderman into the Spiderverse, because, as Y/n said, "I don't care that I'm no longer officially a kid; a good movie is still a good movie."

The movie finished just as we were pulling into LA at around 2am. Brandon had fallen asleep on the couch.

My tour manager came upstairs.

"We're outside the venue," He told us. "I'm getting a hotel room, and y'all can get one if you want to. Or you could probably even go home."

"Brandon's out cold, and I think Y/n wants to sleep on the bus, right?" I grinned.

"Yeah. I've never slept on a tour bus before."

"Fair enough. You all have a good sleep, and I'll see you later."


I wanna sleep on a tour bus :))

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