Someone Fresh, HONEYDEW

By am_the_limelight

281 24 7

[COMPLETE] Y/n is an Australian dancer and YouTuber who has recently moved to LA to go to a dance school. On... More

1. Sober Ride Home
2. FBI... Not.
3. Day in the Life of a Dancer
4. In the Studio
5. In the Park
6. The Heartbreak in Her Past
7. Assessment Week
8. I Hope that you... Burn...
9. Teach Me How to Dance
10. Happy Birthday!
12. Fan Base Detectives
13. I'm MOVING!
14. Hate and Love
15. Summer Vibes and Tour
16. A Unique Uber Ride
17. San Diego Show
18. Move Eben!
19. Trek to Hollywood
20. If this is a Dream, don't wake me
21. Screw Societal Standards
22. Date Night
23. It's not you it's me
24. SnOWW!
25. Someone Fresh, Honeydew

11. Revolution

9 1 0
By am_the_limelight

Y/n's pov

Everyone was really nice, and I fitted right in. I had failed to find a good group of friends since moving to LA, but I had a feeling these were going to become my people. I had checked out all their Instagrams the night before, mainly to help me learn people's names, but also because I was really curious.

We snacked while we ate and while I got introduced to people, and then Christian came in to tell us that lunch was almost ready, and that we needed to come outside if we wanted some. He and Jonah had been cooking on the barbecue, and there was quite a feast waiting for us, and soon we were all eating and talking.

I was sitting on a deck chair, talking to Christina and Corbyn, when Lavender crawled over, followed by a very proud looking Jack.

"Hey Lavy," I waved. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey Jack," Christina said. "I don't think I've properly said hi yet."

"Too many people here," Jack laughed, sitting down on an available chair, while still keeping an eye on his daughter. "I can't believe you're already making Y/n third wheel!" He grinned at me.

While we were talking, Lavender pulled herself up on my chair into a standing position.

"Ooh good girl!" I said, almost instinctively.

Lavy reached a hand out to me as if to say "pick me up" while making a range of different sounds, kind of a "mm-ma d-d mmmm grr". I obligingly picked her up and sat her on my lap facing toward me. I saw Jack smiling at us out of the corner of my eye.

I was wearing a braided bracelet that one of my friends back in Australia had given to me as a goodbye present. Lavender began to play with it, fascinated by the pattern and the texture.

"You like it?" I asked her softly.

She made another sound in response, pulling at the bracelet to try and put it in her mouth. Finding she couldn't move it from my wrist, she decided to bring her mouth to it instead.

"Oh, no you don't," I chuckled, beginning to tickle her. She began to giggle the most adorable giggle ever. "Hey, Lavy," I said after a while. "Have you ever played rockabye baby?"

"What's that?" Jack asked.

"A nursery rhyme my parents used to sing to me," I smiled. "It goes like this." I sat Lavender on my knees and began to rock from side to side. "Rockabye baby on the tree tops," I half-sung, "when the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and... Down will come baby, cradle and all." On 'down' separated my knees so that Lavender very suddenly dropped down slightly. Her eyes widened for a moment, but then she laughed.

"Again?" I asked. She nodded.

Over the next while, I took a trip back to childhood and recalled as many rhymes and games I could to play with Lavender. I had initially assumed that Jack, Corbyn, and Christina would know them too, but I soon found out that they obviously sing different songs in Australia to the US.

"It makes sense, I guess," Corbyn decided. "I feel like sometimes we forget that they're different countries because we all speak English, when really they are very different."

Eventually people started getting in the pool, and it was also time for Lav to take a nap. She was rubbing her eyes and yawning, things Jack said were signs of being tired, along with the fact that it was her nap time.

"I'm half jealous, but I also want to swim," Corbyn said, watching Jack carry the baby inside.

I took my turn into the bathroom to get changed, and then headed back out to the pool. Just as I was putting my bag down and about to get in the pool, my phone rang. A quick glance told me it was an unknown number, something I would generally ignore under such circumstances; if it was important, they'd call again. However, offers were being made for dance-related jobs, and missing one of those calls does not look good.

"Hello, Y/n speaking," I answered, grabbing my towel, and heading back inside.

"Good afternoon, Y/n," A woman's voice greeted me from the other end of the line. "You may have heard of a new dance show being cast. I'm told there was a lot of talk about it among the dancers."

"The Contemporary one? Revolution? Yes, I have heard of it," My heart began to race in excitement.

"Yes, that's the one. Well, my name is Sophia Grant, and I am in charge of casting. I'm calling to offer you a position. More specifically as the female lead."

"I- I would be honored!" I gasped.

"Welcome to the cast!" I could hear from her voice that she was smiling. "You will also be very pleased to know that your dance partner, Troy, has been cast as the male lead."

We talked for a little longer. Once I'd hung up, I took a moment to try and get my head around the news. Revolution was one of, if not the biggest position on offer this year. And I was to be the lead. I had hoped for ensemble, but lead? It was a dream come true.

Overflowing with excitement I made my way back outside to the pool to join the others. 


I hope you're enjoying the story :)

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