The Return Of The High Comman...

By ITZ_Kaneki

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Attention to all new readers and old readers that are coming to see this book, this book has been discontinue... More

harem pt1
kidnapping the high commander
the return
the return part 2
William's associates and friends
meeting the 4 factions part 1
meeting the 4 factions part 2
the tale of swiftsure and her commander
not a chapter
reunion with the commander
the council meeting
you mean right here right now?
meeting the aliens themselves part 1
let's see what they got in their guts
Getting found out

meeting the aliens themselves part 2

3.3K 55 23
By ITZ_Kaneki

*previously on the return of the high commander*

William's head then dissapears from the deck from bottom view, while at the top William could be seen entering the control room and starts to turn a few things and flicking switches as Carl came in.

Carl:"ah, feels like just the good old days"

William:"damn right it is"

The two had a nostalgic smile before William turns his view forward to the sea as he grabs the lever below various different gauges and push forward as the ship starts to move slowly before picking up it's speed like an airplane would do.

Meanwhile with Nile.

Nile:"oh you have to be kidding me!!!"

Nile backs up a bit as he starts running towards the edge of the dock as he jumps as the stabilizers kick in and projected a laser platform as he starts running on water with It as both him and Tirpitz with Carl and william inside turns to lines into the horizon.


Its been a few hours since the trio departed as our view comes to the magnificent KMS Tirpitz tearing through the sea as we cuts in to inside the control room as nile could be seen panting like he just ran a marathon, which he did.

Nile:"damn it you two..! Tell me first next time!!!"

William:"oh quit being such a crybaby woul' ya? It's just a joke"

William says as he picks his ears off with his sweet finger as nile been whining about how carl and him left nile to run chasing them across the sea, carl meanwhile just shrugs and smiles innocently.

Carl:"hehe sorry..."

Nile:"I am not a crybaby! whatever, screw you two...but anyways...we're here..."

Nile then points the two to the window of the control room as a land caught their eyes. Tall buildings with hi techs are everywhere almost as if it can from the future but oddly looks like traditional asian buildings.

It's underwhelming to say that the trio are impressed, carl and nile still gawk at magnificence of the city and it even earns a whistle of impressiveness from William himself.

William:"as folks with hi techs these T-sirens fella' of yours sure love to copy japan ain't it?"

Carl:"sort of...but that would be rude to say to the capital of our allies no?"


Williams shrugs as he spots a place where ship looking things dock and dock Tirpitz there. Meanwhile as the Tirpitz is docking two figures could be seen waiting by the shores as the trio came out.

Carl:"ah she's here... Eileen! How are you?!"

Carl runs to the two as the woman's eyes glee with excitement as the two hugs each other

Eileen:"Carl! You're back again?!"

Carl:"yeah, how are things going since the last time?"

Eileen:"pretty well... although maybe we can... never mind that why are you here???"

William and nile watches as carl and Eileen chats and William turns his head to nile.

William:"oooh who's the chick there? She's quite good lookin too, carl's girlfriend?"

Says William as nile just shakes his head and sighs

Nile:" is a bit complicated...but in layman's terms she's been trying to marrying carl...emphasis on trying tho, Carl here has been missing her hints left and right because of nervous she gets"


William wasn't supposed to be surprised, he already known carl for over 20 years so off course he also knows how his best pals acts around woman but, it still amazes him to this day how someone as thick as his best friend here actually exist as he sweatdrops looking at the two.

Nile:"That was her 10th failed attempt because of her nervousness..."

William:"yeah...I can see what yer talkin about..."

William and nile watches carl and Eileen as they talk to each other while hoping there won't be any inconveniences.

Carl:"I'm here for another diplomatic mission, especially for the training"

Nile:"a shame for her nervousness tho...not only because of her beauty and body development..."

William turns to nile as he raised his eyebrows

"Yer point?"

Nile:"But her ability of straight up to get jealous of guys and girls near carl is just..."

William just sits there listening to nile but he widens his eyes a bit as he sense the heavy atmosphere as the duo turns their attention towards Eileen who was glaring daggers at them as she approaches.



Eileen:" you're the William runner that everyone in the navy talks about..."

William:"howdy yer majesty"

William does a small obviously sloppy bow as the Eileen just standing there not amused at his antics.

Eileen:"hello... carl's acquaintances"

Nile and William:'ouch'

William and nile straighten up their position although William posture is relatively relaxed compared to nile's as William tries to engage at another conversation.

William:" how ya been doin' today?"

Eileen:"Good... although I had to make time to allocate a slot for your duels and personally come down here"

Nile listening just shake his head inside his mind as he sighs

Nile:'you absolute liar...'

William:"oh, is that so? I am sorry for weighin' your schedule down"

Eileen:"don't's just part of the politics..."

William:"off course, politics are the most inconvenient thin' in the world after all"

Eileen: ‘Why can’t they just let me be alone with Carl....I was so close to proposing....ahhhh’

William:"well then"

William wraps his arm around nile's neck as he show a nonchalant smile towards the queen.

William:"if ya don't mind, once you tellin me and my friend here where t'go, we'll be leavin' ya in no time with carl right away"

Eileen's eyes immediately gleams at this as she smiles which nile and William don't need figuring out as they screaming 'yes!!!' all over them as she summons a girl that was next to her.

Eileen:"Ah they're just around the escort here will lead you there"

William:"awesome! Let's go nile"


The duo starts to walk to leave with the escort leaving Eileen alone with carl but then she stops them as she call them out


William:"huh? What is it this time y'majesty?"

Eileen:"Nile, you did protect carl while you're there  back then right...? No.....moves on him perhaps?

Nile widens his eyes as he turns his attention towards the queen

Nile:"I can assure you that in my asexual nature I do not do that"

William:"oh come on your majesty, what are you talkin' about? We are here to makin' sure our high admiral's safe not loitering around somewhere drinkin booze"


Eileen narrows her eyes as she stares at the two before she smiles

Eileen:"good! Now, Lin please guide these two men to the arena and their accomodations for the time being"

Lin who is the escort of William and nile nodded as she bows


Carl who finally looks up from looking at the documents Eileen prepared for her widens his eyes a bit as he follows suit with nile and William.

Carl:"ah looks like my cue is here...see you later Eileen"

Eileen:"yeah...wait what?"

Carl:"I have to run the environment check to make sure they're alright for my friends... sorry Eileen"

Carl waves his hands as he runs catching up with the trio of his best friends and Eileen's escort as Eileen just stood there shocked while thinking to herself.

Eileen:'No! I forgot....I forgot he had to do the checks! Why did I do that?!'

Eileen keeps standing there as she glares at the group, more specifically towards William and Nile. Of course such feeling won't go unnoticed by the two as they sweatdrops at her antics before nile lifts one of his hands up praying like a buddhist while whispering.

Nile:"....please let there be no spies in my room..."

William:"make that for both of us..."

Lin:"I am terribly sorry for our queen's behavior...her schedule is really busy..."

Nile:'you don't say...'

William:'no shit...'

Carl:"are the contestants ready?"

William:"huh? We're doin' it right now?"

Carl:"it's just a sparring match...not a legitimate ones"


Carl:"besides, the real competition won't give you any mercy"

William:"you don't say"

William remarks as carl just shrugs as he turns his sight towards William and nile at the back since he walks next to lin  Front.

Carl:"for the fight, you will be placed at 16 feet underwater and left to fight there"

William:"it's unfair that y'can just sit back and relax while I have t'wrestlin' my way with aliens 16ft underwater"

Says William as it earns a chuckle from both of his friends as he smirks.

William:"so, where are we stayin' today?"

Carl:"Ah, it's gonna be underwater"

William obviously intrigued on this whistle in intriguement the moment he heard underwater, but then again of course who wouldn't be?


Nile:"come on William, The queen definitely wouldn’t want her future husband to live normally now would she?”

William:"yer goddamn right she would"


William:"nah it's nothin' carl, don't worry 'bout it"

William gives carl a thumbs up as carl shrugs before nile and William starts to whispering to one another.

Nile:"I just hope she won't rig our rooms"

William:"y'dont say... seriously?"

Nile nods as he hugs himself while shivering as he remembering all the stuff that happened to him during his first stay

Nile:"Half of my training was literally trying to survive my own room...."

“Why did she make the toilet explode if I were to sit on it after five seconds....”

Lin obviously understands her queen's antics turns to William and nile.

Lin:”don’t should be fine after the last time....hopefully”

William:"things literally takin a turn from a chill visits to absolute terrifiyin stay ..."

Lin:”....very sorry for that High commandier”

William hearing this only waves her off as he sighs

William:"nah it's fine...yer not the one at fault 'ere"

Lin:”very well then...Carl did you bring them?”


"bringin what?"

Carl then pulls out the bag her is carrying from earlier as he open it and pulls out a bag of sweets from it

"Wait a damn minute, are those sweets?"

Lin eyes gleam as she takes it in high speed and starts munching at them

Lin:“thank goodness”

William:"ye siren folks had sweet tooths or something? Ya look like had eaten the best thing ever made in existence"

William says as he sweatdrops looking at lin munching on sweets happily

Lin:” don’t know.... how exotic all beautiful this taste....”

“We have nothing like this in Sorenland”

“Beauty food yes... but no good treats like these.....hahaha yes!”

William "I'll make sure to bring some next time we came back"

“Please do..."

Nile:”....just to check there’s no one near the rooms right?”

lin:”definitely...the most secluded from anyone else to prevent messes....why you ask?”

Nile:”Just fear....’11-7-61’ happens again....”

Carl:”don’t worry it won’t happen..,had negotiated with Eileen for this”

“She was...surprisingly accommodative...”

Nile:’yea...very sure about that’

Thought nile to himself as he just shakes his head while William for obvious left baffled of what they're talking about.

"what's the beef between you and '11-7-61'?"

Nile:”...she placed spies everywhere...the neighbouring room had sirens wiretapping my very move....the very moment I started to open the Kmessage to tell the status to Carl a battalion of Sirens knocked down my door”

"now I see why yer so afraid of her"

Nile:"In this place...the shipgirls are your least priority"

"yeah, the last thing I want to do here is to fucked myself I walked upon the queen tryin something  got killed"

"here we aren't people...we are comrades fighting for life"

Nile takes out his hand as William takes it and shake Nile's hand as the two chuckles when lin stopped at a room standing next to each other.

Lin:"Here are your rooms. Please do make yourselves comfortable."

William: "thanks"

William bows as she stretches her hands out to the door while gesturing carl to come with her.

Lin:"I'll be taking my leave, admiral please come with me, your room is at the further ends of the hall"


"thanks a lot, have a good day!"

William and nile enters the room before waving the two off as they leave with Lin eating the bag of sweets in the meantime.

"wow feels just like a old school Japanese room"

William looks around the room as he admires it while he puts his bags down and starts to unpack

Nile:"Oh will, before you touch that  clothing cupboard Please be careful by the way...heard that they creak a lot if not oiled well"

Nile says as William shrugs it off before he flops on the bed face first.

William:"ah yea...this bed feels fuckin' great..."

Nile:"mhm, it's even better then my place too"

Nile says as he also laid down but still sitting straight up as he looks around before William turns his head towards him

"Knowin' what happened, I assume yer gonna be sleepin here too?"

Nile nods as he scratches the back of his head

"Sorry, I know I have my own room but judging by how Eileen sees me with my long hair I best assume it's completely rigged"

William:"Yea I got ya, I'll set ya up"

Nile: "Thank you"

A few minutes later, the two could be seen having their rest. With William surfing the internet with his phone which to his surprised seeing that the wifi network and internet actually works here while nile reads a book.

The two indulges in their free time period rest before their peace is disturbed by an explosion goes off in the next room as the two look up.

Nile:"Damn it...I knew it was rigged"

William:"yeah, no shit"

"Speakin of rigged knowing you, how's yer cookin?"

"Quite a bit of western and a lot of Japanese and  I had teach me too...why do you ask?"

William:"duh because I'm fuckin' starvin, and also because the last time you cook back then was a fucking disaster brought by god upon us"

Nile: "Ah please forget that..."

"My steaks are much better now don't worry, tho...I doubt we're going to have to actually cooking as Eileen will be taking care of us"

William and nile kept talking as they caught up to each other about sorenland before Carl comes into the room as he raised his eyebrows in confusion not going unnoticed by the duo as they turn to him.

Carl:"that's odd"

William:"odd what?"

Carl:"I thought all the rooms had a large tv screen in the middle of everything...what the...if yours is normal...then...Why was mine?...."

William looks at Nile while nile looks back at him before the two sighs

Nile:'That queen can't be serious'

Nile thought to himself as he shakes his head inside his mind

Nile:"should be a higher order suite I'll guess

William:"yeah yer probably just lucky (not)"

Nile and William shrugs as carl raise his eyebrows still wondering of his extra luxuries before shaking his head.

Carl: "Either way, can you guys give me your stabilisers for a moment?"

"Huh? yeah sure"

Both throws their stabilizer towards carl as he catches them with both of his hands.

Carl:"Let me optimise them for a bit...."

Carl then starts to open up a panel as he could be seen flipping some switches up and down while twisting some dials

"....ok good"

Carl then closed the two devices panel before tosses them back towards William and nile as they catches their devices.

Carl's:"This will ensure you don't sink instantly when underwater."



"And oh, Nile?"


Carl:"how fast do you reckon William could swim around underwater?"

William:"knowin' me since I'm rusty probably fucking slow"

Nile:".....I'd say approximately 12 mph at least?"

Carl:"It can work I guess...but it'll involve a lot of tanking then"

William:"don't worry, I'm good at it"

William says as he waves it off as carl nodded

Carl:"That's good...that means you guys can do the duo challenge"

Nile widens his eyes as he looks at carl with a confused look

Nile:"Excusemethe what?"

William:"duo as in me and Nile against them sirens folks?"

William raise his eyebrows as he turns his attention back at carl


Nile:"I thought it was supposed to be 2-1 with only William for the training?"

William:"now that's just bullshit isn't it?"

William says as he is surprised at the original arrangements

Carl:"Yea but after that it'll be legitimate battles in a tournament."


William:"I think what Carl tryin to say 'ere is that he put us in for competition"

Carl:"Well we need to prove William's skill to be fair."

"There were some T-siren officials that weren't happy that William was chosen so quickly, and wanted proof"

William:"oh I'm gonna prove em why"

Carl:"Thank goodness I managed to prevent the queen from firing the T-siren officers instantly but yea the tournament is after the duel practice"

Counsellor Nile:"Just hope he can tank attacks going at 180mph...especially seeing the nature of the siren's speed"

Nile folds his arms as he sighs while carl fixes his glasses

Carl:"....His length of breath?"

Nile:"Getting close to 2 hours but not enough...."


"But with your speed it should be fine in the tournament, especially seeing how long william can take care of himself"

William:"I'll take care of us both"

Says William pointing to himself with his thumb with his usual smirk as carl and nile chuckles

Nile:"....ha...We'll see about that, But I'll do what I can to minimise attacks on you"

"However can you survive 180mph punches?"

"Or even sword slashes?"

William:"Buddy have you forgotten that I've been through wars avoidin bullets twice that fast because of that lost you had earlier with me or should I reheat it for you?"

Nile:" I know, but their attacks are meant to pierce you, plus water resistance"

William:"it'll be fine, I'll work somethin out"

Nile:"Well I'll leave it to you then"

William nodded as he claps his hands together

William:"let's show these punks why I'm the boss 'ere"

Carl:"Wish you the best"

Nile:"Greatly appreciated carl"

To be continued

Author's note: hey y'all, I hope you enjoy this new chapter as much as I'm enjoying writing it as my promise after my final terms graduation exams.

But I sadly announced that this book's update probably gonna be a bit slow for a bit, I have realized the errors of my way especially on attitude and paragraphing on my earlier chapters and I can't bare to see it anymore lol, so I'm gonna overhaul them and it's gonna take a while.

"But kaneki, William's attitude is perfect what is there to be changed?" I hear you ask? Well yes William does sounds like the badass he is and yes he's already fulfill his role of being disrespectful to higher ups douchebags but he's lacking the 'old' side.

I know 'youth' filled old mans are a thing but if I just leave it that way then William won't be different to the typical 20-30 years old commander that are still quite young, and I want the elements that make him old fashioned greatness to exist from the first chapters for the new readers to come.

Plus, a 40 year old man won't feel nor sound like a 40 year old man without their classic old fashioned styles right? Me too that's why I'm gonna overhaul this book and thus why this book's update will be a bit slow.

BUT, the other reason this book will be slow for a bit is Because I know how y'all love yandere azur lane franchise I have cooked up a new yandere azur lane book. It's called 'The curse of a doctor's vendetta' and it's gonna be posted at the time y'all see this new chapter as it's first chapter going to come soon.  I hope y'all readers can give it the same love and appreciation as you did with this one!

Be nice and make sure to stay alive and strong at times like this! ITZ_Kaneki out!

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