In My Arms -Werewolf AU DISCO...


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Jinyoung is an omega with a baby on the way who just moved in next to a very awkward Alpha Yugyeom. What hap... More

Twenty One

Twenty Two

459 20 3

After Yugyeom and Jaehyun were done being fools, they followed Taeyong into his house where Jinyoung witnessed him kiss two other males leaving the omega so confused.

Once they reached the kitchen, Jinyoung couldn't help but clear his throat and speak his curiosity.

"I hope you don't mind, but how many mates do you have? Nothing against you I'm just so lost." Taeyong smiled in amusement whilst Yugyeom held in his laughter because he too was confused the first few times he visited Taeyongs pack.

"I don't mind at all. Since my pack is so big, relationships and mates can get really confusing unless properly explained," Jinyoung nodded as Taeyong shifted to lean against the counter.

"I technically have four mates, but not all of us are romantically involved. Johnny, Jaehyun, and I are very close and are romantically involved with one another whilst Doyoung and I are romantically involved and I am his only mate. Then there is Ten who is mainly involved with but Johnny is, though sometimes I like to butt my head into their romance." Jaehyun nodded in agreement as Johnny rest his head on the male's shoulder.

"Then we do have a few more couples, for example, the trio Mark, Haechan and Yuta. Yuta recently joined and he and Haechan are getting used to each other because they both mainly harbor feelings for Mark, but I have seen Haechan get clingier. Then we have Lucas and Jungwoo, an adorable pair as well as our youngest members Jisung and Chenle. Everyone else is either not interested or still figuring out their feelings, basically we're all gay for each other but have little subunits of proper feelings." Jinyoung made a noise of understanding, but still hadn't properly met anyone outside of the trio in front of him.

"Ah, okay. So umm where is Jaebum?" Jinyoung turned to ask Youngjae, who took the lead to find his mate.

"Bummie should be in the back with Jackson watching all the little ones, and I see a few of tae's pack out there too! Great their not all hiding downstairs playing Among Us like last weekend." YoungJae started ranting, making the group burst into quiet laughter as they exited the house.

Jinyoung took note that Jaebum and YoungJae seemed to be over a lot, maybe he could convince Yugyeom to bring him over too. Taeyong seemed like wonderful company.

YoungJae was correct, both males were sitting on the porch facing the grassy field watching a handful of kids play tag. As well as a small group of what Jinyoung assumed was Taeyongs pack members who seemed to be playing a more aggressive game of tag themselves.

Taeyong proceeded to tap Jinyoung on the shoulder and motion for the omega to follow him.

He complied and was surprised when none of his mates nor Yugyeom followed the duo as they moved farther away on the porch.

"So when are you going to tell them you're expecting?" Taeyong asked, smiling as Jinyoung choked on air.

"How did you-?" Jinyoung broke off and then widened his eyes before looking Taeyong up and down.

Omegas are usually good at sensing when someone else is pregnant, but that is enhanced when they are also expecting a child themselves due to the similar scent.

"When were you going to tell your mates you were expecting?" Taeyong's grin simply widened before pointing at the children playing.

"If those fools don't realize it until my stomach is as big as a basketball, it's their fault. I've already had a daughter, Ten as well, so my boys should figure it out pretty soon. Plus it's fun to watch them pause when close to me because of the new scent starting to form." Jinyoung grinned at Taeyongs explanation, his respect for the older omega.

"Yugyeom and I were planning on telling everyone later tonight, as well as announce our relationship but I see you beat us to the punch for one of those." Taeyong nodded, before lightly tapping his stomach.

"I'm about 10 weeks, how far along are you?"

"7 I think, not really sure. Yugyeom and I haven't been keeping track, to be honest." Taeyong hummed before lightly grabbing the tallers bicep and looping his arm through Jinyoung's before directing them both to the older boys tackling each other on the field.

"Boys! Come here for a moment!" Taeyong called, and Jinyoung watched as all five heads snapped up before the males jogged over. Jinyoung also took notice that Johnny, Jaehyun, and another male had come up behind them.

Although Taeyong was a very comforting person, it still set Jinyoung on edge to not have Yugyeom of Jihun within close proximity. (Jihun had been snatched up by Jackson once the group had met up with them on the porch)

As if sensing the omegas stress, Yugyeom appeared next to him and slid a hand around Jinyoung's waist.

"Jinyoung, meet my middle children, Jeno, Jaemin, Haechan, Renjun, and Mark." Taeyong pointed at each boy, and Jinyoung was surprised to see that Jeno was tall and well built, not expecting the younger to look like that at all.

Jaemin looked like a sweet boy and had a matching hair color to Taeyongs, which Jinyoung found cute. Haechan was darker and had a defined face also catching the male off guard.

Renjun and Mark seemed sweet, and Jinyoung wondered when Yuta was, since Mark and Haechan were together without their other mate.

"And behind you is Doyoung one of my mates I mentioned before," Turning with Yugyeom, as the alpha still had a hold on his waist, he gave Doyoung a warm smile which the taller boy returned.

"The others must be downstairs or up in their rooms but we should see them soon, it is a party after all. Now I wonder where those new pups went off to."

"Babe I think I saw Sungchan on the roof with Lucas and Chenle."


Okayyyyyyyy fuck actual ages this is a fanfic and I deem Taeyong older than like all of Got7 as well as like half of NCT so shhh just go with it there's too many to keep track of who's older than who

Also anyone got fic ideas, I want to write a new AU but don't have a solid AU I want to do.

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