The Element of Surprise

By lillyadams23

29.2K 557 106

What happened if Meredith got attacked and Derek was the one to find her. This takes place in between season... More

It all Started When...
The Attack
How to save Meredith
Long Road Ahead
The First Night Away
Here we are again
The process
The Stay Part 1
The Stay Part 2
Back to Work
Help please
Happy once again

Please Wake Up

2.5K 49 21
By lillyadams23

The anesthesiologist ran into the room. He picked up the mask and placed it over Meredith's face, insuring she was out. He then hooked her up to the monitor in the OR and unhooked the portable one. Just as he hooked her up, it started beeping loudly. "DR. BAILEY HER PRESSURE IS DROPPING, WE NEED YOU IN HERE NOW!"

"Ohhhh come on Meredith, this counts as funny business." Dr. Bailey mumbled as she ran into the OR

10 Hours later...

"So um, she coded 2 times on the table due to the amount of blood she was losing between her brain and her liver. We were able to stop the bleeding everywhere. That's when she coded for the second time. We were able to get her back though. At that time we called for Dr. Hann to take a look while she was still under." Dr. Bailey explained to Derek

"That's where I come in," Dr. Hann continued stepping out from behind Dr. Bailey, "I figured out she was coding due to the amount of stress her heart was under. Her pulse was most likely extremely high during the attack due to be surprised and scared. Other than the extreme observation Dr. Grey is going need, she should be just fine, cardio wise."

Derek was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. The relief didn't last for long though. Suddenly Izzie, Cristina, Alex, George, and Addison came violently through the front door. Addison, who was obviously more concerned about Derek not coming home and not answering her calls or texts. Then there was Meredith's group of friends that were furious for Derek not even telling them what happened.

"Derek Shepherd you better have damn good reason for not telling us about Meredith!" Cristina said getting ready to slap his arm

"I know, I know. I was just really worried." Derek said cautiously looking at how mad Addison was

"And we weren't!? We didn't even have the pleasure of knowing she was alive and not dead on the street! At least you knew she was getting the best care possible at a hospital!" Izzie snapped as George and Alex looked ready to beat Derek up.

"Um, sorry to interrupt but I would like to take my husband away." Addison said looking at everyone viciously

"Oohhhh you better before I beat him to ground." Alex grumbled

"Uh, hey yeah, I'm still here." Dr. Bailey said shyly, trying to read the room, "Cristina you can come see her if you like, I know you are the closest with her out of this, uh lovely group of people."

"Um thank you, lead the way." Cristina said as she followed Dr. Bailey.

Addison pulled Derek by his arm out of the waiting room to the nearest on-call room, muttering stuff under her breathe the whole way. Alex, George, and Izzie were left in the waiting room. They sat down in the most uncomfortable chairs ever and waited.


Cristina walked into Meredith room. She looked awful. She had a tube down her throat due to still being sedated. Cristina noticed the bruises around her neck and stomach, along with the scraps and cuts, lots and lots of them. Her jaw was wired shut and her arm and leg wrapped in tight gauze to keep the broken bones in place. Cristina hurried over to the side of her bed, glancing up the monitor, good she's stable, Cristina thought to herself.


Meredith POV

I suddenly felt my myself wake up. I couldn't see a thing, all I heard was Cristina talking to me.

"You look so peaceful Mer, I kinda wish I could be you right now, in this exact moment. Everything and everyone is driving me crazy right now. Please, please wake up. I need my person with me. I can't lose you."

Huh, were my eyes not open? I tried to move, I couldn't. It is like I was stuck, in some sort of in between world. I realized what was happening and the next thing I know, I was fighting to the tube in my throat, I felt like I could breathe on my own. I felt, who sounded like Dr. Bailey, rush over and take to the tube out. Much better, I thought to myself. I then heard someone else walk in.

"So I was paged and the nurses said you took the tube out but she isn't wake. How long ago did you take it out?" I heard Dr. Nelson say

I was puzzled, didn't they just take it out like 2 seconds ago?

"She started fighting it about 5 hours ago, there is brain activity and all her vital organs seem to be working just fine, she just isn't awake. There is no reason why she shouldn't be awake. I mean I performed the surgery, I saw and did everything, it went good. I was watching you almost the whole time, you did good. Why is she not awake?" Dr. Bailey rambled on 

I felt hands on my face, touching my eyes, lifting them open and moving them around. I assumed it was Dr. Nelson, at least I hoped it was.

"I want a head CT, but I think she is just in a coma. I am almost positive she will eventually wake up. It might be 5 more hours or 5 more months, I honestly do not know. I think her brain just needs more time to heal."

2 weeks later

"Meredith, please do this for me. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up please." I heard Derek say as I felt his hand in mine. I cringed, in the weird unknown mental state place I was in. I remembered reading that sometimes when people were in comas, they could hear people talking to them. I assumed that was what was happening to me.

"Um, I know you probably can not hear me but, I broke up with Addison. Well, finalized the divorce papers, so as far as that goes I guess I chose you. Not that it matters, you are probably in 4 months get shipped off to long term facility and die."

My heart literally broke inside of me. Now I really do not want to be with him. I hate him. I mentally shouted Get out!

2 more weeks later

"So, Meredith a lot has happened while you have been gone," I heard Bailey start to say, "There was this patient that had the largest mass on her liver! It was the biggest I have ever seen. I thought to myself that I would definitely chosen you for this case. The girl lived, I mean she was absolutely fine after the surgery it was amazing."

This was one thing I loved about being awake but not really being awake. All my friends would come and talk to me about their days. Cristina would talk about the new cardio god that was roaming the hospital. She also explained all the drama that went down right before Hann walked out. Alex was thinking about being a PEDS surgeon instead of plastics. Izzie thought she was nearing the end of her career, she said she just didn't feel the high anymore. George said he was thinking about trauma as a new specialty, but he was tornen because he also really loved PEDS too. Surprisingly, Derek was the one I didn't like being alone with. All he did was hold my hand, touch my cheek like he was petting me, and run his hands through my hair. Its like he thought since he broke up with Addison that we were already a couple, but we weren't. I still didn't trust him.

When I was alone, I thought about this one conversation I had with Cristina, well listened to. She said they were looking for clues about who attacked me. She said all they could find is a hospital pager that they tracked down to someone in radiology. Although, the pager belonged to him, they still couldn't lock him up for good without my confirmation. Cristina said he had been fired from the hospital and was stuck in a waiting cell in jail. I keep running through that night in my head, it didn't hurt to think about now because I knew I wasn't all there up in my brain. When I wake up though and I am not in my safe mental bubble, I know I am going to have some major PTSD. I realized, I didn't really know the mans face, just his hands. His big masculine hands that touched my whole body.

3 weeks later

I was alone, I didn't feel the presence of anyone around me. I felt something click in my head. Then I felt my eyes slowly open. I was in an ICU room. There were flowers, lots and lots of beautiful red, pink, and yellow flowers. I saw a sign 'Get well soon Mer' on the wall. Then I saw Dr. Bailey, she peaked her head through the doors, it looked like habit of her's every time she walked past the room, she would peak in. Then I saw her eyes light up.

"Meredith freaking Grey. Look who's back."

So I just realized I have been spelling Christia's name wrong, it's supposed to be Cristina. I am slowly going to go back and fix all of them. If you having any suggestions about where the story should go after Meredith gets better, please comment!

Hello this is me as of a whole day later, I am writing the new part now but I'm kinda stuck. I know Meredith is going to recover and her and Derek are going to have a long talk. I am thinking about making up new romances that never even happened in the show, also the timeline is very, very messy. I am adding in people that weren't in the show until later seasons to meet people that died in earlier seasons (Jo and Lexie :) ). Please let me know what you think!

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