Never Look Back

By ziall_is_life

61.3K 1.1K 238


Never Look Back
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 18

1.8K 37 4
By ziall_is_life

I am dedicating this chapter to, NomieArchambault. Thanks so much for the comments love.! And for reading and voting for like every comment. :). Ill keep dedicating to you lovely people.!


Well i did and redid this chapter a few times. I'm not sure if i even like this one but I had to post something for you guys lol. I hope you enjoy! 


                (NIALL'S POV)

I barely slept how could I? I kept playing in my head of all the things I'm going to do today and the outcome. I could get someone I care about hurt, I could end up in jail mostly i fear ill end up dead. I know I'm willing to die as long as he is dead first but if i die and he lives I cant handle that it would all be for nothing. I kept thinking of what I'm going to say I want him to hear me before he goes I want him to feel the words shoot through him like I felt when i was told they were gone. the images of me shooting that gun today played in my head. All i need is one bullet and the job will be done Sean will get what he deserves. I kept looking over at the clock time was going way to slow. What felt like hours were only minutes I thought about going into zayns room I knew it was a bad idea. He would ask questions and try to convince me what I'm doing is wrong. I owe him for helping me which is why I wrote a note telling him where the safe really was and the combination. If I'm not here to use it everyone here deserves it. When the alarm went off i jumped out of bed not bothering to shower just throwing on sweats and whatever tshirt i could find. I ran down to the kitchen not bothering to eat, I couldn't even if i tried. I just sat there waiting for someone to wake up. I must have sat there for an hour staring at the wall until someone finally did. I turned around to see zayn leaning against the door frame. 

"Your up early." He shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep."

"Yeah I know I couldn't stop thinking."He frowned.

"You know you can change your mind. You don't have to go through with this."

"I do have to do this. I don't have a choice."

"You always have a choice Niall. stay and i will help you find that other choice."

"No. There is no other way. He needs to die. I wont be happy again until i know he is just as gone as they are."

"Niall you.."I cut him off.

"Zayn if your worried about what will happen then you can stay home. You don't need to help I will find away to do this alone."

"NO.!"I jumped back at his sudden anger. "I mean I'm going to help I want to."He walked toward me standing only a few inches away. "What if there was a reason to stay?"I smiled moving closer i could feel his breathe on my lips.

"I have no reason because I am alone. Ill see you later zayn but if you don't show ill understand."

"Niall please."He tried reaching for my hand.

"I have to do this zayn i thought you understood?"

"I do, Ill be there I wont let you down." I moved and walked away.  I was headed toward the door when i thought i heard him say.

"But I could be that reason if only you let me."But he wouldn't say that. Its zayn were talking about here. I was nervous of course i was but not even that will change anything today Sean dies and hopefully i go with him.

            (ZAYN'S POV) 

As soon as i heard his car pull away i ran upstairs going to everyone door pounding on it until they were awake. I went back into the kitchen and waited for everyone there. One by one they came down looking more concentrated then ever before. I knew i could count on them for anything. I could even be risking their lives but I couldn't ruin Niall's again I had to stop him. When everyone was finally there I stood up and cleared my throat.

"Everyone remembers what to do? Where exactly your meant to be?" I waited until everyone in the room said yes or shook their heads.

"If Niall calls make sure he thinks your going through with his plan."Harry cleared his throat.

"Z man why not let him? He has the right for revenge."I frowned at him.

"Because Haz hes nothing like us he is not a normal person. He finds good in everything, life is perfect to him. Even the worse thing possible has a upside none of us would ever see but he does. He the kind of person that has that spark of wonder in his eyes. He is...Well he means allot to me so i don't want to ruin his life again."They all were just staring at me.

"Well I'm with you."Alex said.

"Same"Liam said next.

"I am always with you" Sky said standing up next to me.

"I guess i am to."I knew Louis would say that once he knew sky was going. Just for the fact he needs to protect her.

"I'm with you to mate I just had to make sure it was for a good reason."

"It is I wouldn't be asking for your help if it wasn't." Everyone just nodded. "Okay girls get ready I am going to call Sean soon remember get in and get out remember to call when you have her."

"He is going to have the windows open?"

"Yes. Now the rest of you will come with me. Niall will think your with everyone else so remember to keep hidden until i say other wise. Are we ready?"

"Yes."Everyone said in unison.

"Okay girls head over there now but don't park to close and be sure to wait for my go. Ill call him when you to leave. Be careful any trouble call me immediately no hesitation. Now go." I walked them to the door and watched until their car was out of sight. I pulled out my phone and sighed here goes nothing. It only rang twice.

"How did you get this number?"

"Don't matter now, I got something you want."I heard him chuckle.

"I knew you would cave soon. How do you want to do this?"For a moment I felt maybe some of the hatred Niall felt toward him. For a minute i thought maybe i could pull the trigger myself. I forgot how he could be how well he got under my skin with just a few words.

"We are doing this my way Sean. You want the safe? you want the combination? then you will meet me with every single last person you have. I have a list i know everyone you do. I see that someone is missing? That will be the end of this deal for you. Once you have the safe ill come back with you for my mom. Do we understand? Do not leave a single person behind. I'm bringing all mine."He was quite for awhile before he decided to answer.

"Were do you want me to go?"Ill be texting you an address."

Then i hung up. A few seconds later i text him an address. About 5 minutes later i got a text from Niall saying everyone was gone and the window was open and mom was fine and untied. I text the girls and told them to go. I walked back into the kitchen waving for everyone to follow. We all got in two separate cars and were on are way. When the girls text and told me they were home and had mum and were on there way to us I text Sean again. 

~Leave them there my people will be there soon. Tell Andy no one gets hurt to just wait for one of are calls. I want you to meet me at the park go down the trail until the end then come into the woods a little. We will do this as men one on one. See you soon -Zayn~

I told Niall the message was sent and I would see him soon. Lets just hope that all this planning was worth it. That we can talk Niall out of doing it. But i knew if it didn't work and Niall pulled the trigger I would take him away i wouldn't let him get caught I would protect him I owe him that.

              (NIALL'S POV)

As soon as Sean apologized telling me something major just came up and him and his entire house left I hurried back into the house. I thought i was going to have to brake in but he was in such a hurry he didn't notice that I was still here and he didn't even lock up the house. What a stupid move but i guess me going into his house taking his hostage didn't cross his mind. As soon as i got into the room they were keeping Tricia in I sighed glad he didn't cheat and leave someone behind. I ran over to her taking the tape off her mouth.

"Niall? Whats going on? Why are you here? I told you not to come back for me." I shook my head at her.

"Did you really think any of us would leave you here?"

"Oh dear what did zayn do? How did he..."

"Zayn didn't do anything this time, It was me. Now I'm going to until you and the two girls will be here for you soon"I went to untie her legs when she grabbed my hand." I looked up at her.

"I told you not to get wrapped up in this town. I told you to not get involved."I felt anger build up in me but i kept myself calm. This isn't her fault I will not yell or hurt her to.

"How could I not? I'm sure you know just what Sean did.?"She only nodded. "Then how could you ask that of me? How did you expect me to stay out of it. He killed them Tricia your best friend, My mom and brother. You knew i would find out some way I had no choice I was involved before i knew anything about it. The real question is why did you not tell me sooner? i could have handled this before and you wouldn't even be sitting here. You knew i had the safe, I was in the car remember? I knew she was on the phone with you the whole time. You heard her scream, You heard the gun shots, You heard the cars and my guess is you heard when the whole thing blew up. So how could you not tell me? Why would you keep something like this from me?"I felt one single tear fall from my eye. I wiped it away I had to stay strong i had to keep the walls up.

"Because she, Your mother wouldn't want you to be apart of this. I wanted to protect you Niall because you always were apart of my family. The presents you and your brother got at Christmas saying from Santa even late years? They were from me. I knew everything about the both of you, You both meant so much to her. You were her angel, Her baby so i wanted to keep you safe for both my sake and hers."I again felt tears threatening to spill but i held them back I couldn't let her words get in the way.

"Well its to late for that I'm already apart of it all. The girls will be here soon"I untied her the rest of the way. then unlocked the window opening it up a little. I was walked toward the door when she grabbed my arm.

"Don't do anything stupid Niall Its not the kind of person you are."I gave her a weak smile knowing I was going to do it anyways.

"Goodbye Tricia."Then i closed the door. I text zayn tell him everything went okay and i got in my car. I waited a few minutes until i seen the girls going through the window then i pulled away. I drove slow so i could give everyone the time they needed to get to the place they had to be. I got a text from zayn saying everything was complete and he was on his way there to. He would get there faster then me he lived closer. I stopped for a few minutes taking a moment to collect myself then pulling into the drivethru to get a Burger. I had to eat something i was starting to feel shaky and weak plus if this is my last meal it gotta be worth it. Once i got the text from zayn saying he was there i sped to the park. I got there about 5 minutes after him. I stood were I couldn't be seen but could see it all. Zayn stood there alone for a few moments looking back and forth through the woods my guess trying to see which way he will come from. I stood there staring at him for maybe two minute when Sean came into view my heartbeat picked up. I didn't look away i didn't even blink I just listened until i knew when to jump in.

"Zayn"He nodded 

"Sean"He said in disgust.

"Lets just get this over with shall we? I have other tings to do."

"Maybe we should wait just a little longer."

"For what zayn? I'm tired of playing your stupid games. I am here alone like you asked so give me the safe or your mother goes."

"I don't like liars Sean my mother will be just fine. My guess she has a bunch of little girls hugging and kissing her while her sisters force feeds her cakes and treats and every kind of tea you could think of."I could see Sean's face switch from amusement to anger.

"That wasn't part of the deal zayn you shouldn't have done that. How did you even get her or know where she was?"I knew that was my cue so i walked out of the woods into the little circled clearing. Sean's eyebrow's were raised.

"He knows because i told him Sean. Are you really that stupid? Really that naive? Did you honestly think you could trust me?" He was silent. "Come on seanie! Speak up! Did you really think i wouldn't find out?!"He finally raised his head to look at me.

"I was going to tell you when the time was right. I was hoping to tell you right after i got you into bed."I hear zayn hiss. "Your the stupid one Niall what were you planning to do kill me? Go ahead and try. All i have to do is press one button and everyone of your precious little friends are dead."That I didn't really see coming. So i did the only thing I could. I pulled out the gun coking it back placing my finger close to the trigger. He took a step back reaching for his. Before i could do anything I was distracted by figured coming out of the woods. I turned to see everyone from home formed in their normal 'v' shaped huddle all of them pointing their guns at Sean. I was taken aback because this wasn't part of the plan. What were they doing here? I looked to zayn who was coming toward me. He only shook his head before he looked to Sean and opened his mouth.

"Drop the phone and the gun. Niall is the only one here that will hurt you because this isn't are fight."Sean looked at me while a smug smile.

"You going to hurt me nialler? Then do it."He dropped everything the took a step back for zayn to take them. 

"Wait Zayn he has one in the back of his pants and on his ankles."He raised an eyebrow going forward and i was right,

"Someone payed attention"

"That's what i was there to do. You were so blinded and stupid i learned allot more then I'm sure you meant for me to. Did you really think I wouldn't find out Sean? Come on i was living with the guy who was there and seen it all."

"He didn't know it was you."

"Again you messed up there. It was your fire that reminded him."

"I could..."I cut him off to impatient to hear him go on.

"It doesn't matter anymore Sean you had it all the power everything. You could have easily took these people out but your want for that safe? Ruined everything but none of it matters anymore. The power, The safe, Your people, Nothing!. Its all going to be gone Sean everything you ever wanted or already had will be gone because you will be gone. I will make you feel what they did, The pain you will feel in double. I want you to suffer. I want to hear your screams like i had to hear theirs. I want you to be just as gone as they are but slower. So everything you did killing Innocent people was for nothing because you are nothing and soon you will disappear for good." I moved closer to him kicking him so he fell to his knees. I pointed the gun and put my hand on the trigger ready to pull. I looked into his eyes loving the fear i seen. I wasn't afraid anymore the adrenaline took over i was ready to pull when i heard his voice.



Hello.! So I'm sorry this took forever i redid it like three times not sure which way i wanted it to go but its here.! Tell me how you liked it, Tell me what you think is going to happen. Will Niall do it or will zayn find someway to talk him down? I love to hear your thoughts.! Sorry for any mistakes i'm sure there are tons and as always thanks for reading it means the world to me. :)

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