From the Ashes |18+| ✔️

By IMZoetic

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In the wake of the Great Fall, humans no longer rule the Earth or civilization like they once had. Powers hav... More

The Aftermath
1: Death
2: Taken
3: Unfamiliar
4: Mutt
5: Overwhelmed
6: Unbreakable
7: Unnatural
8: Insight
9: Kinfolk
10: Loyalty
11: Creation
12: Lucidity
13: Unfulfilled
14: Amalgamation
15: Awareness
16: Despair
17: Revaluation
18: Inconceivable
19: Frustration
20: Honesty
21: Consummation
22: Mated
23: Ryken
24: Kyrios
25: Harmonious
26: Mistresses
27: Undergrounders
28: Mirage
29: Traitor
30: Farce
31: Heavens
32: Home
33: Understand?
34: Pragmatism
35: Illusion
36: Solomon
37: Comrades
38: Angst
39: Artemis
40: Trust
41: Emerged
42: Stronger
43: Unknown
44: Betrayed
45: Trade-off
46: Unforeseen
47: Reverse
48: Dimwitted
49: Present
50: Doyennes
52: Eternity
Exciting Announcement

51: Choices

751 49 14
By IMZoetic


The viewing globe dissipates along with Kyrios and the others. "I assume this gave you a sense of closure?" Gaea voices from next to me. When Tartarus and Porteous vanished mere minutes ago, the magical sphere that once depicted a burning Earth appeared, broadcasting the aftermath of the latest battle.

My friends and whom I consider family are alright except for a few. A few that should not have ever lost their lives, to begin with.

"I would not say closure, your Honour," I voice boldly. Her frail-looking lips pout in thought. Since I last saw Gaea over a century ago, she has aged in appearance drastically. Still beautiful and alluring to the eye. However, there's now an air of lethargy and perhaps solace that dominates her calm, aloof aura.

"Closure in the context of Porteous no longer being an issue for the Earthlings is what I meant." Looking away, I contemplate and nod with a soft smile. "Good. Walk with me," she encourages, offering the way to the hidden door; all Fates use to enter and exit the Community Hearing Chamber.

The moment I swing the door open, surprise fills my inner being. A rich, diverse botanical garden of which I do not recognize many of the plants, shrubs or trees for that matter greets me. Furthermore, the beaming, unique colours masking most vegetation are peculiarly shaded.

"My own personal collection," Gaea divulges as I cast her a quick nod. We begin to stroll through the manicured pathways winding our way around white marble fountains flowing freely, creating a gleeful sound. The air is thin with the most soothing of scents. It is indescribable as I can't seem to decipher what exactly is giving off the lovely aroma.

"Do you have any questions, Jessaphina?" My eyes focus on the twin moons hanging low, illustrating every crack and crater the brilliant greyish, purple spheres have to offer. "Let me rephrase," she steps next to me and studies the enigma of the moons in front of us. Although the day is vivid with light, their presence is potent and bold, masking the brilliant star that trails behind. "Do you have any questions before your dispensation?"

My sentence. 

Of course. How bad can it be? I spent nearly a hundred years in a dark, damp cell under the thumb of Porteous. Surely, I can deal with whatever they toss my way. I have to... for my Kings, sisters, my people... for Kyrios and Ryken.

I would not consider myself cruel or selfish. All my moves were calculated in the never-ending tango Porteous, and I seemed to partake in since arriving that momentous day. The day he joined me on Earth. I lied for the first to Kyrios and the others. It snowballed from there. I became different and did things I will never forgive myself for.

I tell myself it was survival, and perhaps it was but at the cost of so many. How does that make it right? Why was my life more valuable than theirs?

It isn't.

My hand travels to my belly, resting, protecting. "Will I live long enough to give birth to my mates' pup?" I question firmly. I'm not delusional. I cannot only sense the hormonal change and scent that surrounds me, but the flutters of life growing inside me.

Unlike a human pregnancy term averaging nine months, shifters typically are four months long. Half-breeds six and a half. Lycans and deities... anyone's guess?

"You believe you are with child?" she asks, astonished. Turning to face the indeed elder, her eyes drift to my stomach as she inhales deeply. The softest of grins form on her paper-thin lips. "You are. When?" Stepping closer, she lays her hands on top of mine as the smile breaks into the most delightful of grins I have witnessed to date. "Oh, my Jessaphina, you will have your hands full, indeed."

"So, you will not kill me?" She chuckles, a delightful sound casting me an amused look.

"Why would we ever do that?" Lifting her hands from my belly, her grin settles, as does her humour. "You had said you didn't understand how the blanketed effect you had cast upon yourself began to lift the moment you made contact with Kyrios." Focusing on her words, I soothe my tummy as the pup always seems to move at the sound of their dad's name. "It was I, I, who cast the mate bond between you and the King. I knew if I interfered, some of the Fates would likely have my head, but I could not stand by any longer and watch what you put yourself through in an attempt to save all humanity. What Kyrios put himself through... at the loss of you.

"I watched you grow up... both you and the Lycan, together. The bond was always there between the two of you - but you struggled. Battling with the oath you took never to get emotionally involved," she recounts. "When you confessed your love to him, I already knew he felt the same. My heart broke at the scene within the courtyard. After centuries of denying your feelings for one another—it no longer set well with me or with others, it would seem.

"Then, the deception was cast to keep you apart... to weaken the mighty noble King. Tartarus, Artemis, Chaos and myself decided at that moment to cast the bond." She pauses, turning to pet a petal of a chocolate brown specimen. The colour turns to a bright blue with every stroke. Fascinating.

"I would like to admit it was for the sole purpose of love that I chose to do as I did. But it was mainly to give you a leg up on Porteous. He had you at a disadvantage with your lack of strength, memory and, most of all... your ongoing civil battle with your now irate mate. It all worked in Porteous' favour, so I had to make the playing field fair." Digesting this information makes me question many things.

"Did the other Fates figure out who cast the bond? And why?" I query as we begin to stroll along once again. She nods with a tight grin. "And nothing came of it?" I furrow my brows in inquisitiveness.

"Oh, something did. But since you were so confused with Kyrios and Porteous constantly invading your head, they let the act be." Gaea looks up toward the moons and smiles lazily. "Even in your state, and constantly fighting the bond... you were just and thought of others first. Trying to figure out what was happening around you," she laughs softly. "And we all know that the mate bond is believed to be all-consuming."

I snort in compliance, causing another laugh from the elder Goddess. After a moment, another question picks my brain. "How did Porteous have access to my thoughts? I recanted that gifted ability the moment he massacred the human leaders underground."

"Ah, yes... that was an unfortunate time," she sighs in remembrance. "It was a tiny implant that was inserted through your left ear canal into the brain where your thoughts are formed before spoken. Cynthia fabricated a mechanism similar to telepathy. It was basically a two-way transmitter with its flaws. He had to be aboveground to use it, and it would cause severe pain to all that had them embedded when in use." Really?

"But he heard my thoughts," I question. "And the shifter's eyes would milk-over much like the landsiders turning a deep ebony whenever the Kings or Alphas communicated with their people."

"Yes, Cynthia, being of Alpha blood, was capable of bonding with the newly-shifted wolves once Porteous figured out a spell to do so. They were trained and used as plants throughout the century. Of course, they never really report anything that was detrimental as Cynthia was, after all, your ally." She pauses.

"We always knew when Porteous had messed with someone by their eyes milking over." She looks away momentarily. "As for Porteous reading your mind, he really wasn't. He was speculating and guessing from the vibrations and how you would react to his words. He was a master manipulator, and you, my dear, can be an open book."

I take no offence, as she's right. I am an open book in many ways. I could very well have been manipulated during that time. Recounting the events of when he was in my mind, the words he used after I spoke...

"I was so weak," I mumble. Thinking a million thoughts all at once. My mind is strong once again and clear, no longer weighed down with fogginess or uncertainty as I race, seeking more answers to my unending questions.

Turning to face the elder, "My sisters," I begin as her facial features soften. "Will they be given immortality like I gifted my Kings?" The tiny wrinkles at the corners of her large, soft blue eyes crease with a grin.

"That will be up to them," she states before taking my hand gently in hers. The compassion throws me for a moment as deities are not typically 'touchy' individuals... unless you are Artemis, who hugs you whether you want it or not. "You see, child," she smiles and begins to walk again with me tucked close beside her. "We've learnt a lot from observing you and your unusual ways. Your teachings and handling of complicated situations, yet you were always so sympathetic to everything and everyone."

Gaea looks at me as I meet her eyes. "You always offered choices, allowing others to feel a sense of control in an otherwise ruled world. It made for good communication, trust and a boost in confidence for all the Earthlings. There isn't a living soul on that planet who has met you and hasn't respected you.

"For that reason, we will allow the human Queens to choose their future. Whether they want to be immortal like the Alpha Kings or die after a long reign, that will be their decision."

Satisfied with the answer, I squeeze my bare toes into the smooth pebbled path and smile. "What gifts will they hold?" I ask, now more curious than ever. Gaea laughs a joyous sound, popping my head her way to see the freeness of her action.

"They will be powerful... just as powerful as your Kings. Able to mind-link with all living. They will be gifted with heightened senses and strength when it comes to their physic as well as given the abilities for regeneration, invulnerability and disposition manipulation." My brows furrow as I look over to find Gaea smirking.

"Forgive me, your Honour, but are those not similar to the powers I had gifted them already? Aside from fertility inducing and time warping, they sound rather similar."

"They are. Only Tartarus made the humans stronger to be able to sustain such powers. Before they could have died, Caraleigh and Clementina almost did." I nod, looking away, focusing on a strange tree swaying in the gentle breeze. "Their abilities will help the humans when they lure them to the Earth's crust Jessaphina. They already have proven to be enchanting and trusting with their natural tenuous, and gallant ways. They have sworn their oath to Tartarus already to use their gifts only when necessary." I think of Caraleigh and smile. She will push the envelope more than once when it comes to her now newly obtained powers, I'm sure. The thought makes me giggle inwardly. "You chose well. They will all make for valiant rulers." A tear drops down my cheek as I nod at the compliment.

"Child?" I turn to find sympathy. "You should be happy. Your Kings are safe, and so are your people," she grasps my shoulder, comforting me. "You have a family on the way," she adds a tad softer.

"I am," I grin weakly. "I just didn't get a chance to say goodbye," I sniff my emotions away and shake my head with a huff. "I am grateful to you, along with the other Fates, having allowed them to rule next to my Kings. I am pleased that the Earth will prosper and flourish under their guidance. Thank you."

She watches my face for a long moment before asking, "Why three?"

"Three?" I bunch my brows.

"Three humans, why not four like previously discussed?" I look away as a sudden stab of sadness penetrates my gut. "Did you feel you would be the fourth?" she queries as I look up with disdain.

"No. Of course not, your Honour. There was a fourth." My eyes trail away as I think back to that time. "Caraleigh's friend. He was executed as they were caught innocently sharing a private moment. Porteous killed Raiden in front of her, letting him bleed out before I was informed of the situation." I look up to find Gaea smiling softly.

"Friend? I was under the impression no social contact was permitted?" she queries with focused interest. I huff in a dirty response.

"Love, affection, laughter, friendship... was forbidden, Honorable Gaea. Many hid their feelings from the rulings of Porteous and his minions." I think back to that bittersweet time. "Their relation was tormented yet so beautiful. They connected and fell for one another at a young and tender age. They brought hope and drove me even more to see Porteous end due to his unnecessary, cruel ways..." I trail off as I can still feel the trembling, hysterical, broken 21-year-old in my arms.

"That's when you gifted Caraleigh super-strength to combat even Celestial steel?" she questions as I shake my head.

"It was when Porteous took Frances' eyesight," I drone out seriously. Her eyes lower as the air thickens with sorrow. "I swore after that day I would not allow another protégé hurt on my watch," I whisper out. "I was wrong. He killed him. Pointlessly. And I wasn't there to help him."

Raiden... Raiden was remarkable in every sense of the word. He was charismatic—a natural charmer with a bright aura. I had gifted both Caraleigh and Raiden the fertility ability for a different reason. She is logical in her thinking, where he had a great judge of character and would always make the right decisions...

"Porteous cast a spell freezing Caraleigh to her spot, as he knew how strong she was, and Celestial Steel was no match for her strength," I recount the story I was told through sobbing whimpers. "I've made sure that Caraleigh, along with the other sisters, didn't remember him... or that time," I mutter. "It would be too painful and hard. They don't remember anything of their time in the bunker." I turn away from her sudden glare. "I had planned on informing them of Raiden and who he was when the right time came—"

"Clementina and Frances do remember," she cuts me off as I turn with questionability.

"How?" I gauge the older Goddess. She smiles softly. "Stavros. Of course," I sigh, looking away. With his untrusting ways, he would have insisted on seeing who they truly were, regardless of what he was told. It's who he is and why I gifted him that unique ability to do so. To see every crook and cranny in one's mind, although the act could weaken him mentally, long term...

"I still have such a hard time understanding how Porteous fooled you with his illusions. Had you seen what was happening—" 

"We knew," she nonchalantly admits.

"And you didn't intervein?" I bubble with newfound anger. "I don't understand. So much life—precious life discarded by one God like they were... nothing. They had families, friends, and lovers who are now scarred and damaged from what Porteous put them through. How do expect them to move forward without resentment, darkness or hatred? How do you expect them to let the past go? They are not deities. They flourish with empathy and are incredibly passionate, albeit marginally obsessive with retaliation, especially when they've been maliciously tricked, pained, used—"

"We know," she cuts my rant off with warning eyes. Bowing my head slowly, I instantly remember my place. "Which is why you have been chosen to be the new Overseer of Earth, Jessaphina."

My head snaps up as my mouth parts with utter shock. She laughs with pride. "Yes, my dear. You." She takes my hands once again in hers. "Artemis will also be taking over my throne on the Council of Fates. She, along with Tartarus and Chaos, will guide you if you need help or have questions - which we all know you will," she chuckles to herself.

I've never seen Gaea so candid. So vocal with excitement. It makes me question... my eyes lift as her laughter dies, and my eyes fill with tears as reality sets in. "Oh, Jessaphina... don't cry." Her embrace makes me shudder with understanding. Lifting my arms, I feel just how frail this ancient Goddess is.

As angry as I am, I cannot hate Gaea. The Fates are just and fair and have their reasons for every action and decision they make. I may not agree with every one, but I know it had to happen this way in my heart. Perhaps the outcome would have been horrifically different had it not? I refuse to dwell on it any longer. It's time to mourn, grieve, honour and celebrate our new pending inauguration of our human Queens. Our lost loved ones would want it that way...

"And that kind of thinking is why you were chosen long ago as my successor, sweet child." Gaea pulls back, cupping my face with her delicate hands. "You are incredibly paternal in every sense of the word. We'd often joke... us Fates," she chuckles as her eyes squint with laughter, "whether you were indeed a Goddess of the Heavens or an actual human hiding in deity clothing." I snort and nod.

Her face loses all humour as she gauges me. "You have a choice to make, Jessaphina," her wise, sharp blues eyes search mine. "I think you know what the options are?"



...Ekkkkkkk, I can't believe this story is almost finished!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for taking a chance on me and sticking around to see how it all comes together in the end... You're the best!

Immy =0)

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