Ball Or Nothing (2)

By _KennyP_

17.7K 587 76

Melo and Jordan Part 2. Let's see what these two crazy kids are up to this time. More



924 29 10
By _KennyP_


It's been a week since everything happened. Since then, Derek has blown up my phone non-stop. Something about wanting to talk. He came over to the apartment a few times, but I refused to see him. I guess he figured because I wasn't answering his calls or texts, he'd try to see me in person. Little did he know he destroyed all trust I had in him.

"I fear it's going to turn into something a little more serious Jay." Alissa comments, listening to the pounding on the front door.

I sat at the island in the kitchen, completely ignoring the person on the other side of that door.

I just shrug in response to her. "I know people."

There's another knock at the door, just as loud as the others, followed by Derek's voice.

"Jordan, open this door or I swear to God!" He threatens.

Alissa and Kyra look at me with widened eyes. Even my eyes slightly widen.

He sighs. "I'm sorry baby girl. I didn't mean to say that."

I look between both girls, wondering if they were hearing this too. It sounds a little like a bipolar disorder, if not anything worse.

"Jordan please! I'm begging you!" He pleads.

Kyra sits up in her seat. "I'm afraid that if we let him in here, he's going to do something far more deadly than squeeze the air out of your lungs."

"We can't let that happen though." Alissa said. "He has to stay as far away from you as possible."

I gulp, looking at the door again. He continues pounding on the door for a solid ten minutes, before kicking it hard. Then he leaves.

That's what he does. Knock on the door for a solid thirty to forty-five minutes, then kicks it and leaves. After that, he'll call me about ten times and blow up my phone with messages. First they're sweet, just asking me to talk. Then they get a little vicious.

"My vote is you file a restraining order and press charges. Get his ass for domestic violence and stalking." Kyra shrugs.

I purse my lips.

"I just don't understand why he would lash out like this. He's such a sweet guy." Alissa exclaims.

I didn't tell them the situation about Melo and I. It's best if they don't know, especially Kyra. I'm actually surprised Derek hasn't mentioned anything with how often he comes knocking at this door.

Like clock work, he's blowing up my phone. I turn it face down after putting it on DND.

"Jordan what did you do to him?" Kyra asked.

I gape at them, trying to make up a suitable lie. "I got sloppy drunk and kissed another guy. It was by accident though."

"With the way he's lashing out, you'd think it was something worse than that." Alissa said.

I frown, glancing down at my nails. It's safe to say I'm scared for my life, but I'm also not. If he knew what was best for him, he would come nowhere near me.

The last thing I want to do is panic.


That weekend, I'm officially back at home. The whole world is on fire because of COVID. California hasn't given the stay at home order yet, but knowing the way people act out here, they will soon.

I've been curled up in my bed everyday since I got back. Mom and I went to change my phone number because I told her I was receiving a lot of spam. The real reason is that Derek was taking things to the extreme. It was too much to handle.

Here I sit at the kitchen counter scrolling through my social media. I blocked Derek on everything so he doesn't contact me. Even though he has no way to directly contact me anymore, I still find myself fearing for my life a little.

The doorbell ringing jolts me from my thoughts. I literally jumped at the sound.

"Relax hun, it's just the pizza." Mom exclaims, walking to the door.

I relax a little, but I keep myself tensed. He knows where I live, but I highly doubt he'll make the hour and twenty minute drive here. I wouldn't put it past him though.

Mom enters the kitchen with the box of pizza in her hand. She sits it on the counter.

"Eat up." She nods toward the box.

I stand up from my seat and go to the sink, washing my hands thoroughly. Then I dry them and sit back down, grabbing a slice from the box. My mom does the same thing I do, instead she's leaning against the counter while standing.

"So what's up? You've been jumpy since you got back." She said, eyeing me curiously.

I swallow the piece of pizza I just had in my mouth. "Derek and I broke up."

She gasps. "What? Why?"

I never hold back from my mom, so I tell her the truth. "I slept with Melo."

Her eyes widen and she stops chewing. "Like...LaMelo Ball?"

I nod, biting off another piece of my pizza. After I swallow it, I give her the rundown of everything that has happened since then. It's safe to say she's against Derek at this moment. But she also isn't condoning what I did.

"My goodness Jordan." She says. "Had I known-"

"What would you have done?" I ask.

"Filed a report." She exclaims, making me sigh. "Baby, that's domestic abuse. He had no right to put his hands on you. And now he's stalking? Who's to say he won't show up at this very doorstep hours from now."

"I'm trying not to think about it." I mumble. "I've caused enough damage."

"And I'm not justifying what you did." She said. "But your feelings were overcrowding your judgement when you and Melo had sex."

"Does that mean it wasn't valid?" I tilt my head.

"That's not what I'm saying." She blinks with a warm smile on her face. "What I'm saying is, in that particular moment, all you could think about was how much you had missed him. Despite you guys' controversy, there was still something deep inside that told you otherwise."


"Those kind of encounters usually lead to a bunch of other things baby, and I really don't want you to be hurt in the end. But I'm not telling you how to govern your body." She holds her hands up.

I get it, I was wrong to have sex with Melo. But I wasn't wrong for forgive him and move on from our nonsense. Something about him has truly changed. And it's definitely not just his dick size.

It's something more than that.

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