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I spent the following day watching movies and TV shows. Aside from the vomiting I did, I was quite fine. One of the side effects of that pill was nausea and vomiting. As well as abdominal pains, along with some more stuff. The only thing I'm dealing with is the vomiting.

I drank some tea and that helped very little. I even laid out on the floor for a few minutes. But I'm back in my bed now, comfy as usual.

I haven't been on my phone all day, but it's not like anyone is thinking about me anyway. When I do decide to look at it, I had a few texts and missed calls from Derek. Some from the team group chat about them wanting to hang out later. Email notifications. Twitter and IG notifications. Snapchat joined the party as well. Just a mad house.

As I was going through Derek's messages, they began to sound more and more worried. To the point where he said he was coming over to see if I was okay.

I was too sore and too tired to move, so I'm not even gonna try to freshen up. I brushed my teeth though, so that should be okay. But other than that, I wish to lie here as a potato.

About an hour and a half later, Derek is entering my bedroom.

"Who let you in?" I ask.

"Alissa." He said. "What's up? You haven't been answering my calls or texts. No one has seen you in about twelve hours. What's going on?"

"Nothing." I look up at him. "I've just been exhausted."

"From what? You're not working. Basketball season is over. Classes, I can understand. But other than that, you're just chilling." He exclaimed.

"It's the after effects of the season. Wanting to be as inactive as possible." I look back down at my laptop.

I can see him furrow his eyebrows from my peripheral.

"What's really going on Jordan? You're not acting like yourself." He inspects.

"Nothing is wrong Derek. I'm just tired, that's all." I continue feeding him this lie.

It's partially true though. One of the other side effects is fatigue. I mean, I've been tired since the end of the season, but he doesn't need to know about my spontaneity right now. It'll come out someday, but not right now.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked, after a long minute of silence.

I pull back the comforter, inviting him to cuddle with me. Its been a hot minute since I've seen him and I've sorta missed his touch. He's been working double shifts and overtime at the local Costco. I barely have time to see him anymore. That doesn't justify my cheating though. That just came out of nowhere.

Derek strips down from his work clothes, joining me in the bed. I try not to make myself seem tense because just 24 hours ago, Melo was in the bed with me. We were sharing orgasms. Moans and kisses. Lip bites and scratches. It was perfect. But I couldn't suspect anything.

Derek wraps his arms around me, hugging me to him. My head rests on his chest as he rubs my back, leaving small kisses at the top of my head and on my forehead.

"I missed you." He mumbles after four minutes of silence.

"I missed you too." I respond. It's not entirely a lie.

The last time we were really together was the night of the party. Then he got to witness me beat Kyra's ass. That was the last time I saw him. And that was about three weeks ago...which feels so long ago.

"What have you been up to these past three weeks?" He asked, rubbing my arm.

I shrug. "The usual. Assignments, exams, quizzes. Just school."

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