The Winter Ghost

By msmarvelwrites

1K 51 56

A Devastating car crash causes you to lose your memory and start over. The only thing left in the wreckage wa... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20 - The End

Part 16

35 2 5
By msmarvelwrites

The sun burned into the cabin windows causing the dust that hovered stagnant in the dull room to sparkle. Bucky had tossed and turned for the past few hours, trying to rest his eyes, but it was to no avail. Instead of torturing himself further by counting ceiling planks, he groaned out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen. It appeared he wasn't the only one having trouble sleeping.

Steve and Wanda hovered over Vision as he sat at the kitchen table, typing into the laptop.

"Sergeant Barnes, I've located Agent L/n" The android spoke, freezing Bucky in his tracks.

"You found Y/n?" He stumbled over his feet, joining the three of them as he watched the small red dot on the screen blink slowly. There you were.

"Okay, that's not too far from here. Maybe a half hour right. Keep your comms on, I'll get packed and head out now-"

"Alone?" Wanda spoke surprised.

"I can handle a couple of Hydra picks. And I'm not risking what happened to Nat to happen again."

"That's not really up to you, jerk." Steve sighed. "I'm with ya... Till the end of the line, remember?"

Bucky's eyes softened at that, watching as a small smile pulled at the corner of Steve's mouth. His relationship with his best friend had been a little rocky these past few weeks to say the least. But for the first time in a long time, he trusted him. Completely and fully. Bucky wasn't alone, not any more.

"Alright, punk. Let's go get her back."


You squeezed the trigger, wincing as the machine in your hand clicked.


You pulled it again, but same as before nothing happened.

"Oh, baby. You're even more ruthless than I remember." Tommy taunted, holding up the clip in his hands before springing from the floor, charging at you. You quickly dodged him, sending him into the wall behind you.

"You'd really shoot me? After everything we've been through. Bucky Barnes must have some pretty good moves. Remind me to ask him when Hydra gets their little pet back."

You growled, "Take his name out of your mouth."

"And what about you, baby. Has it been in yours?" He cooed, lunging at you and hammering a stiff punch to your jaw. You stumbled back a few pases, but ultimately regained your balance.

"I trusted you. I loved you!" You screamed, rocketing your leg forward and sweeping it under Tommy's legs, knocking him down. He gasped on impact, clutching his chest for air.

"Tell me," He wheezed. "When he touches you, do you think of me?" The small smirk on his thin lips disappeared as you brought your boot down on his throat. He choked and gasped for air, but none came. For a moment you wondered if this was really who you were. A killer, nothing but a numb shell of a woman he had left behind.

You watched as his face turned a deep shade of purple. He furiously clawed at your leg begging for air. It would be so easy. With your strength and a little more added pressure you could completely crush his windpipe. Hell, you're sure you could rip his head clean off, but you didn't want blood on your new combat boots. It's funny, all this time you were thinking Bucky was the monster. Yet here you stood, Tommy's life in your hands and there was nothing you'd enjoy more than watching his eyes roll back into his skull. Just like before, only this time there would be no second chances.

The commotion outside the small room had your head snapping up and away from your prey. Gunfire echoed through the hallways, causing you to freeze. As the footsteps neared your room, you made your decision. Tommy would get his one way or another, but not if you died first.

Reluctantly you lifted your boot off his now bruised and raw throat. He drew a jagged breath as the air rushed back into his swollen lungs. You grabbed the mag from across the room and reloaded the gun with a deep click.

"Not a word." You threatened Tommy, pressing the pistol into his head behind him. If you were going out, it was going to be a bloodbath, starting with his.

The metal door was torn from its hinges in an explosion of dust and concrete.

"I'd pull the trigger if I were you, doll." His familiar husky voice boomed.

"Bucky?" You all but whispered.

"We're not killing anyone." Steve spoke from beside him as he and Wanda walked through the dust filled room.

"You came." You swallowed down your exhaustion you only now realised was there.

"Of course we came. Couldn't leave my best girl. All though, now I see you can take care of yourself just fine." Bucky chuckled. You couldn't help the smile that spread across your lips as relief filled your lungs.

"They're gunna' to kill you." Tommy coughed out. Bucky's eyes shot to his, and as if it was the first time he had really realised he was in the room.

"Oh, you must be Tommy. You know, heard great things, but now that we're meeting - officially- I have to say, I'm disappointed." He took two wide pases to the quivering man, looking down on him. "You're shorter than I thought you'd be." Bucky half joked.

"Go on Winter Soldier. Do what you do best. Show her who you are." He breathed, more confidence in his small voice now. He truly had a death wish.

"With pleasure." Bucky seethed. You prepared yourself for the gruesome image that was about to unfold but the next thing you felt was Bucky's hands on either side of your arms. When you opened your eyes, his were soft.

This time, you knew who initiated it. You wrapped your hands around the back of his neck and pulled him down to you, crashing your lips onto his. They were soft and rough all at once as he drank you in. His flesh hand quickly lost itself in your hair as he pulled you in deeper. He kissed you softly, but you urged for more, desperate and craving to make up for lost time. He chuckled darkly at your attempt, holding you tight to his chest. He wanted nothing more than to hold you like that and never let go, but there were bigger things at play. Reluctantly, he pulled away as you gasped for breath.

"Wanna get out of here?" Bucky breathed, taking your hands in his. You nodded, completely lost in thought.

"Please." He signed, following Steve and Wanda out of the room.

"You can't just leave me here!" Tommy shouted.

"Don't worry, darling. Hydra's going to take care of you. I mean, you let me get away, but I'm sure they'll understand. After all, historically Natzi's have been known for their forgiveness..." You grinned, turning on your heel and coming face to face with him.

"Y/n, please. Baby, you gotta' help me. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." Tommy begged. His meak words caused you to grit your teeth.

"I want you to remember this when they're torturing you... I could have killed you. Easily- without regret. But you deserve so, so much worse." You signed, slapping his face mockingly. You turned on your heel, as his words hit your back like a threat.

"You're a slut, you know that. No one will ever love you like I did. You'll always be a sad, broken, pathetic bitch. Lucky your family fucked off when they did before they could see you grow up to be such whore."

You stopped dead in your tracks. Bucky watched you carefully as you gnawed on your bottom lip, pleading with your eyes. He met your silent question with a shrug of his shoulders. Swiftly you turned and before Tommy could understand what was happening you took a fistful of his polo shirt and instantaneously collided your fist with his cheek, knocking him out instantly.

"God damn, you're beautiful." Bucky breathed, causing you to giggle.

"Lets get the fuck out of here." You spat, watching Tommys limp body crumpled on the floor. It took everything in you not to finish the job right there. Luckily Bucky was there to pull you away.

You were quickly rushed through the hallways, avoiding the Hydra agents who writhed in half conscious pain on the floor. A nice touch by Wanda, who most likely sent them to their personal hell on earth. A few of them had bullet holes in their appendages but nothing fatel.

"Why aren't we killing them again?" You asked under your breath to Bucky.

"Steve thinks if a bunch of Hydra agents wind up dead ittl' alert his friends back in New York. We're trying to keep a low profile." He explained, clenching his jaw. "Doesn't mean I'm not tempted to rain down fire on these sons of bitches. But he's right."

"But they know how to replicate my serum now. What do we-"

"We'll keep close tabs on them. Right now we need to get you out of here. We'll come back when we regroup." He resaured you, pulling you close. "You're my mission. You've always been my mission. Can you just let me save you?" He chuckled.

You shook your head, a smile spreading on your lips. "I don't need a knight."

Bucky flashed that lopsided grin you missed so much, "How bout' a Sergeant?" He asked deeply, sending a chill to blossom through your body.

"I'll get back to you." You spoke sheepishly.

"Sam says the jets fired up. He and Vision are on the tarmac just out front." Steve spoke, leaning you out the doors and into the burning sunlight. The four of you ran across the pathment as Steve helped Wanda into the aircraft. Wanda wrapped her hand around yours and pulled you up, but before you could climb in, the sound of gunfire exploded through the air.

In the time it took you to turn around, it was too late. Bucky had taken the blow of two bullets fired from the disheveled Hydra agent across the tarmac. Your heart stopped as another round of bullets sprayed through the air. Wanda screamed your name as you pulled away from her and threw yourself in front of Bucky, absorbing the impact. In a flash of red, you disintegrated the bullets, turning them to dust before you.

"Get him out of here." You ordered, turning for a moment to assess his injuries. Steve and Sam reluctantly pulled Bucky onto the jet leaving you to face your demon. The agent smiled wickedly.

"Leaving so soon, Y/n. Family reunion not all you thought it was going to be?" He snearned.

"Family. Is that even a word you understand?" You spat, closing in on him. He was only a few yards away. The man shrugged and tucked his gun away.

"Maybe not. How about some words you'll understand?" He spoke coolly.

"Выхлоп." Exhaust. The word echoed around your mind, a memory pulling at your heart.

"Отражение...тоска...забытый...горящий...призрак...пять...замороженный...мост... чувство вины."

Reflection...Longing... Forgotten... Burning... Ghost... Five... Frozen... Bridge... Blame.

Images flashed through your mind. The inferno of your childhood home. Tommy's lifeless body tipping over the bridge... Your mom and dad, the way they smiled. You're sisters giggle. Your mission... Finally, numbness washed over you as you hung your head in exhaustion.

You took two steps closer to the man, your heart pounding in your chest.

"Are you ready to comply?" He questioned curley.

"Yeah, that doesn't work anymore." You breathed, snapping your head up to meet the man's horrified face. Crimson flames erupted out of your hands as you lifted him off the ground. With the flick of your fingers, the bones in his legs snapped, an ungodly sound of crunching willing the air. He screamed in pain as you threw him like a ragdoll into the side of the building.

You shook your head, physically trying to rid yourself of the daze Hydras trigger words had sent you into. Bucky calling your name from behind knocking you back to reality. You ran towards the jet, climbing in and trying to steady your breathing.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked, astonished.

"I think so." You replied, just as shocked as he was.

"Those were trigger words. Just like Bucky had. How did you fight it?" He spoke.

You looked to Bucky who only blinked at you. You had your answer before you even spoke.

"Bucky. I just remembered Bucky." You breathed, squatting down beside him and holding your hand over his wounds to relieve his pain.

"I knew it." He groaned, feeling the ache slowly dissipate into thin air.

"What?" You chuckled, taking a seat beside him and pressing your lips to his temple. He signed into your touch and leaned his head onto your shoulder.

"Knew you couldn't leave me for dead. You've got my six." He explained, repeating his words from the other day. You smiled into your lap and rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I thought it might be a dick move. But we're even now." You sighed, nudging him a little. His eyes fluttered closed as he began to doze off. His wounds surely repairing themselves while he slept. You wondered if he could hear how fast your heart was beating as you watched him nuzzle into you.

Of course, he did. He smiled softly, knowing he made you feel the same as you did him. Though he wondered if he was pushing his luck to imagine he could take that thought one step further. 

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