Part 9

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It had been exactly five days since the three men left on their recon mission to see what Zemo knew. Five days. Besides the occasional report on Natasha's part, you haven't heard from Bucky again since that night.

This was a good thing, you thought. Maybe he was respecting your space. Maybe he had come to his senses. Maybe he meant that text for someone else. Ouch, You hurt your own feelings with that one.

In any case, the time away from the Super Soldier had given you the clarity you needed to think. You and Natasha trained almost every morning and in your spare time you would work out with Sam. He was a good trainer, besides the lingering eyes when he asked you to do squats. You didn't really mind though. You weren't really sure why you were training. It's not like anyone knew where you were, or even cared at that point. The Avengers in New York had their own problems and as far as the rest of the world knew, Y/n L/n didn't exist.

Everytime you would ask Nat what this was all for she would only shrug and say something about 'Avengers must be prepared.' The idea that you could even be compared to the world saving team was insane and frankly terrifying to say the least. You were just Y/n. Sure Hydra had pumped you full of some mystery serum but without your memories you weren't even sure what that meant.

Speaking of, since that fateful day at the market, you had no sign of anything else coming back to you. You felt like you were letting everyone down. Especially Shuri who had been working tirelessly to help try and regain something, anything that would make you remember. A part of you worried that no matter what she did, you would never truly know. And a small part of you was maybe a little thankful. The idea of your past life terrified and fascinated you all at once.

Over the past few days, Wanda helped teach you that little mind trick of yours. Once you got the hang of it, it was hard to say out of people's heads. Though you had more control over your ability than before, sometimes your friends were just too loud; you couldn't help but pick them out of a room.

"Hey good lookin'! You ready to hit the gym?" Sam's voice echoed through the kitchen while you poured yourself a tall mug of coffee. You signed, still sore from yesterday's workout.

"Don't you guys do anything other than workout?" You asked, eyeing him sceptically.

"What's it look like?" He winked, flexing his bicep. Guess that's a no.

"Okay, okay. Just let me enjoy this small fleeting moment of peace while I drink my coffee. I'll meet you there in fifteen." You spoke, exasperated. You weren't getting out of this one. You knew that, and so did he.

"Fine, but if you're late, we're sparring. And you know damn well I fight dirty." He smirked, jogging out of the room. God, he was insufferable. Over the time since Sam had come back you both had spent a lot of time together. He was a flirt and you were awkward as hell, but the two of you became close friends. Plus, he liked to shit talk Bucky as much as you did.

You brought your mug up to your lips and took a big sip, letting the rich aromatic smell of coffee invade your senses. While the others would lay down their respective lives to save the world, you would do it just for this moment. Were you a junky? The thought made you giggle.

"What's so funny, dear?" Nat strolled into the kitchen, eyeing you while you only shook your head.

"Oh, nothing." You paused as she looked through the fridge for her usual morning orange juice.

"Top shelf, on the left." You spoke.

"Got it. Thanks. What are your plans for today?" She questioned, grabbing a glass from the cabinet.

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