Part 6

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"What the hell happened!?" Bucky's voice thundered as he stormed into the room. His face was a bright shade of red and his chest was heaving. You couldn't tell if he had just come from a workout or if he was really just that mad.

"How could you let this happen?" He spat at Nat. Obviously it was the latter. Natasha raised her hands in defence.

"Buck, calm down. No one was hurt and-"

"No one was hurt!?" He all but screamed. "Look at her!" He pointed to your crumpled body on the couch. Your face flushed pink as you tried and failed to look less pathetic.

"So I ask again, how the hell could you let this happen?" He finished, almost fuming. You could physically see Natasha shrinking under Bucky's glare.

"Stop it!" You tried to make your voice as full as Buckys but it came out flat and small. "It's my fault. Not Nat's. And I'm fine," You tried to steady your voice but a cough escaped your throat which didn't help your case.

"Please, Bucky. I'm embarrassed enough as it is." You finished, looking at his defeated face and quickly back to the floor.

"Embarrassed?" He repeated under his breath, but ultimately dropped it. You were thankful, but watching Bucky's solemn face made you wish you had kept your mouth shut. You had never seen him like this before. The confident man now looked small and broken. You watched as he shoved his hands in the front pockets of his blue jeans and hung his head.

"Anyways, take it from the top Shuri." Steve cleared his throat and spoke up, cutting the tension like a nuke.

"Right, so, ah... Y/n would have had contact with Wanda at some point. Do you remember a moment you felt yourself absorb her powers?" She asked you. You were still so preoccupied watching Bucky sulk in the corner; you didn't hear Shuri say your name. She cleared her throat and spoke again, "Y/n?" you tore your eyes off the Super Soldier and turned to the rest of the group. There was a familiar warm blush that crept back into your chest.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm just a little out of it." You started shaking your head to clear your thoughts,

"Yes, um, I felt myself absorb Wanda's powers on our way to the garage. I know we've been practicing control, but I didn't think any of it really. " You apologised again. You couldnt believe how stupid you had been. Guilt riddled your entire body, you felt terrible. T'Challa had invited you into his home. Shuri had used every resource to help you and this is how you repay them?

"Why didn't you say something to me?" Wanda spoke up suddenly. Her voice was so little you almost didn't hear her.

"I- I don't know. It came on so fast but it left. I thought I had it under control." You explain, feeling suddenly nauseous again.

"But that's exactly it, right? You so obviously don't have it under control. And that's why Shuri and I think it's best you stay here until you do." Steve solded. You nodded your head in understanding. Natasha didn't speak up this time. She only kept her eyes on the floor.

"I understand. I'm sorry." You spoke quietly, a tear escaping and running down your cheek.

"What happened was a terrible accident. But an accident nonetheless. Let's try to focus on what's important in these times of strife. Things can be fixed easily, but people, not so much." T'Challa's deep voice spoke, alerting you to his presence in the corner of the room. You weakly smiled and thanked him.

"There's been enough sadness today. We have a tradition here, that after days like this we come together. It's what makes us strong. My friends have prepared a proper Wakandan feast. Tomorrow the problems will still be there but tonight, we eat." T'Challa announced, smiling at the team. He and Shuri seemed to be the only ones. Hesitantly, Natasha and Wanda followed them out of the room. Steve got up, and almost left before turning back and taking a seat on the couch across from you. Bucky watched his friend carefully from the corner of the room.

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