Reap the Earth at Which you S...

By FKNichols17

109K 7.6K 776

Growing up in chaos isn't simple for all. Not many could cope. They would struggle and kick, but ultimately d... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI
Chapter LII

Chapter XXXVII

1.4K 115 5
By FKNichols17

~Wednesday 24th January 2018~

Vasile was happy. Truly and genuinely happy. He hadn't felt such an emotion in so long, not since before he met Dakota all those years ago. He could smile, yes, and laugh, and act like everything was alright, but it never was. In the dark, alone in his bedroom, or in his office, the thoughts would swarm him. The loneliness, the crippling regret, all of it would seep out of the corners in Vasile's mind, tormenting him until he could take no more.

Yet, that didn't happen anymore. Not with Dakota. Not with the boy laid in his arms, half-asleep, paying little attention to the movie that Vasile had put on. It was some romance crap that Vasile had chosen on behalf of Mylo, who was too busy groping Akos across the room in one of the armchairs to even notice. Vasile didn't care, it was just background noise, there was too much to be happy about that he was more interested in.

For one, the boy resting atop him. Dakota had barely left Vasile's side over the past few days and, even though he wasn't conscious for the majority of their time together, Vasile was still just as pleased. He finally got to spend time with his boy, his Kept, without interruption. Dakota had given the excuse that he was staying at Tanner's house for a little while, not wanting to worry his parents, but that meant he could stay with Vasile as long as he wanted. So long as he checked in with Veronica once a day, he was free.

Vasile hoped that, in another day or two, the effects of the ring might have worn off entirely and Dakota might have a little more energy. Vasile didn't mind him when he was tired, he was always so clingy, and the man needed that after such a long separation, but he would like to have some more conversations with him. There was only so much he could talk about to his slumbering lover, sometimes he wanted a little response.

"Take me to bed, Koko," Vasile heard Mylo purr across the room, loud enough that even Izelon seemed to arch an eyebrow. As much as the gargoyles tried to give one another privacy, there was only so much they could do to drown out the conversations they could hear around the penthouse. Namely, one being about Mylo having a very low sex drive as of recently. That seemed to happen any time his eating habits would worsen, and that only made Akos ever grumpier.

From what Vasile could tell, Mylo's dry spell had begun late last month, when he was barely interested in helping Akos through his heat. He had every right to deny him, it was his body after all, and Mylo didn't have to do anything he didn't want to. Of course, that meant that Izelon had to be up there in the cabin with Akos, ensuring that he was chained properly, and probably dealing with some ugly crying too. Akos had been in a permanent bad mood ever since Mylo had been put in the hospital all those years ago, it was nice to see him somewhat happier over the past few days due to the boy's positive progress with Dakota.

"For the love of God, take him upstairs before I get permanent brain damage from listening to the two of you," Dakota grunted drowsily, covering his eyes with one hand, "I thought Pete and Loral were open," he added in a whining tone, one that only made Vasile chuckle. He ran a hand through Dakota's hair, brushing the curls from his eyes and smiling when the boy keened to his touch. He responded so well, even when only half-conscious, that had to be one of his best features.

"You didn't have to live with them when Mylo was younger, Dakota," Izelon commented with a laugh of his own, shifting around on the other couch and stretching out his legs, "they used to fuck like bunnies any time they were given five minutes. I considered moving out," Izelon merely chuckled to himself when Akos shot him a glower, holding up his hands in mock surrender. Really, Vasile thought, he was lucky it was only a glower. Akos knew enough to truly embarrass Izelon in front of Dakota. At least they both understand each other's boundaries.

"You say that like we didn't have to deal with all your escapades," Akos chimed in, rising from his seat with Mylo gleefully clinging to his torso like some horny little monkey, "there are decades of stories, I'll tell you some time when I'm not busy, Dakota," with more impatient whining from Mylo, Akos made quick work of disappearing to their bedroom. If only that was enough to quiet them down. Maybe those boundaries would be crossed sooner than Vasile had thought. At least Vasile would have some back up when pulling the two gargoyles apart.

"He seems better, Dakota, we definitely have you to thank for that," Izelon rolled over onto his back, staring up at the ceiling as he spoke. Vasile could only share in a smile with Dakota, pleased to see the boy receiving the praise he deserved. He had been the first person to truly get through to Mylo, he deserved the world for that, and no doubt Akos would be doing anything he could to repay him.

"It's a slow process but he seems committed," Dakota rubbed his eyes, clearly not interested in his half-conscious state anymore, hopefully that meant he would be more energetic sooner than Vasile had anticipated, "two and a half pounds in a few days, it's good. I just hope he can keep going whilst I'm not here," two and a half pounds might seem like nothing but, considering Mylo's past, it was amazing. He was smiling again, genuinely this time, not just feigning the expression for Akos' sake. Vasile could see a happiness in the boy that hadn't been present for a long time. Vasile couldn't be more pleased.

"We'll keep an eye on him," Vasile promised, happily accepting the slow kiss that Dakota gifted him with. They fit so well together, with Dakota's hand resting on Vasile's cheek, coaxing him closer to deepen their kiss, the man caressing the back of his neck. In the end, they cut their embrace short, Dakota was still nervous about being so affectionate in public. Even if it was only Izelon.

"Maybe we should go to bed too, it's late, kitten," Vasile suggested in a soft voice, running a hand down Dakota's side and finding that the boy seemed to be just as interested in some time alone as he was. Finally. He had been craving something a little more intimate with Dakota ever since the boy got home. He knew he had to wait, to begin with, because of Dakota's fatigue, however, it seemed that he was in the right mood once again. Vasile only hoped it would last, or that nothing would interrupt them. Luck didn't seem to be in their favour recently.

"Mmm, you go up, I'm gonna get a drink," although Vasile disliked being away from Dakota in any sense of the word, he allowed the boy to get up off him, watching as he wandered into the kitchen. Vasile was sure he swayed his hips on purpose, drawing attention down to that beautiful ass of his. Still, Vasile was the lucky one, he got to touch where only others could only gaze on. A blessing, to say the least.

"How's he doing after that stuff with Joshua?" Izelon asked, his tone more sincere than it had been before as he craned his neck to look at Vasile, "he had a nightmare the other night, heard him wake up," on the surface, Dakota was dealing well with what happened to him during his trip to visit his uncle. However, Vasile knew that was all an act. The new scars were still irritating him, but it was the memories that were the true cause for the trauma. Apparently, there were techniques that Kalvin had taught him that he was trying his best to use, yet it didn't seem to be having the desired effect. So long as he kept a good level of communication with Vasile, the man didn't mind too much. It felt nice to be able to help for once, and he could cope with the sleep loss if it meant he could monitor his Kept more closely.

"He's healed, physically, but I think it's a lot to cope with. Understandably, he might have some bad days here and there. He's gonna talk to Kalvin about it, so that should help. I think focusing on helping Mylo is good for him, it's keeping his mind at work," Vasile frowned when he heard his phone vibrating on the coffee table, leaning to his right and taking it off charge.

"Who is it?" Izelon had every right to be just as confused as Vasile, it was one in the morning, he couldn't understand who would be calling him at such a time. Especially not someone he hadn't spoken to in years.

"Halvir," an old friend of Vasile's, one that he didn't even think had kept his number in the time since they had last spoken, "hello?" Vasile put the call on speaker, knowing that Izelon would be able to hear the conversation no matter what. He might as well make it easier. Dakota might be able to listen in from the kitchen but Vasile doubted he would. From what he could hear, he was humming to himself, completely oblivious.

"Vasile, you have to help us," no longer was Izelon sprawled out on the couch casually, instead sat upright and frowning at the phone just as Vasile was, "we're being slaughtered, I didn't know who else to call. They... They killed my brother already, my children will be next," Halvir was whispering, his voice shaken and cracking, obviously due to the fear he was experiencing. Vasile wasn't sure he had heard such a fearful tone in a long time. He looked to Izelon, who was wearing an equally concerned expression.

"Hal, who's there? Who's attacking your family? Hunters?" Vasile couldn't imagine hunters would have even given Halvir the opportunity to make any sort of phone call, let alone a plea to the general of the gargoyle armies. Unless...

"T-The Arizonas. I'm hiding in the basement with the children, I-I have no idea if they're still here... But people are screaming, you have to save us," gargoyles, by nature, were pack creatures. They didn't like to live alone, they believed in safety in numbers. The particular family that Halvir was a part of happened to be a large one, with more than twenty members living in one household. Vasile could only hope that the death count wasn't too high when he got there.

"Hold on, Hal, we'll be there soon," Vasile barely had time to assure the man to stay vigilant before the call cut out, which he prayed was of Halvir's doing. Izelon was already on his feet, whilst Vasile hesitated for a moment. He couldn't help but feel as though this was a bizarre scenario. How had the Arizonas allowed Halvir to call him? Usually, they attacked with such precision, leaving no survivors, never giving any of the creatures room to call for backup. Then again, Vasile hadn't heard of them attacking such a large group before, they tended not to even go after covens in their entirety. Dakota had mentioned in the past that they picked them off one by one, it limited the risk to their own family. Why such a sudden and drastic change?

"I'll get Pete," Izelon stated, leaving the room swiftly and disappearing toward the guest bedroom where Pete and Loral were staying. Vasile pocketed his phone, getting to his feet with the intention of finding Dakota but saw he was already waiting in the doorway, shoes on, with Vasile's jacket in his hand.

"I'm coming with you, we don't have time to argue. This is my family, if they're still there, I might be able to stop them," Vasile could have protested. He could have insisted that Dakota wasn't to come with them, that it was too dangerous and he would be better off far away from the fighting. Yet, he didn't. He knew the boy was right, they didn't have time for a lengthy debate over Vasile's protective nature, they had to save Halvir.

"Just stay close to me, OK, kitten?" Vasile pressed a kiss to Dakota's hair, taking his jacket from the boy and shrugging it over his shoulders, "promise me," if the Arizonas were still there, Vasile didn't want Dakota getting caught in the crossfire. He wasn't entirely sure how Halvir and his family would react to the boy's presence, it was a risk with him being there since Vasile hadn't been close enough with the man over the years to explain who his Kept was. Dakota couldn't be found alone by any of the gargoyles, Vasile wasn't in the mood to slaughter his brethren to save his Kept.

"I promise, V," Dakota laced his fingers into Vasile's to seal the deal, standing close by the man whilst they waited for Izelon and Pete. Of course, Loral was tagging along too, trying his best to tame his dishevelled curls as he blundered after Pete. He had the same bed hair as Dakota, which Vasile might have commented on had the context not been so painful.

"Here, put this on," Pete took off one of his many rings, handing it to Dakota, "it'll alter your appearance, just in case any of your siblings are still there," Vasile could see that Loral was already wearing one, although the illusion was void to him. It was mostly for humans, although it worked just as well on strangers. Pete had adapted his enchantments long ago for that reason, they were safer that way. Sometimes, hiding from other creatures was just as important as hiding from humans.

"We don't have time to drive, take my hands," Vasile had seen Pete perform more than enough rituals during the years, along with other witches and warlocks he knew, however, Dakota hadn't. He seemed hesitant, especially so when the tattoos all over Pete lit up a pale blue. Loral was smiling as always, Pete had mentioned that the boy was constantly in awe of the changes in his appearance when he used his gifts.

It took mere seconds, and some soft chanting, for the surroundings around the five to bleed away. No longer were they standing in the living room of the penthouse, instead the darkness of the garden around the estate Halvir and his family stayed in swarmed them. It was cold, chillier than Vasile had expected, and seemed to be beginning to rain. No one even needed to move before one of the bodies was spotted, strewn over the steps leading to the back door of the house.

"Fuck," Vasile flinched for a moment, thinking it might actually be Dakota that had just whispered into the darkness, but he knew it couldn't be. It was Loral, of course, he didn't like the sight of blood or death or anything like that. And there would certainly be enough of that there tonight.

"Focus on the living, baby," Vasile heard Pete mutter to Loral as he held the boy, guiding him to a different entrance. Maybe it was a bad idea for them to split up, which Izelon seemed to believe too, following after the two. He could defend himself well enough, and had no issues with killing Arizonas. Maybe it was best he hadn't come, actually.

"Do you know him?" Dakota asked, bending down next to the corpse and checking for a pulse. There was nothing, Vasile would have heard the heartbeat from across the garden where they had appeared if there had been. Dakota should have too, but Vasile didn't want to mention it. Better to be the optimist in this situation than miss something important.

"Could be Halvir's brother, Oren, I can't tell..." Vasile sighed, trying to dispel some of the anger within him as he stared at the faceless carcass in front of him. One swift strike to the heart with a dagger and he would have been dead. Whoever did this, they wanted to drag it out. And that was the motive of only one Arizona.

"East likes to toy with his food," Dakota muttered in a monotonous voice, rising to his feet once again and wandering into the house. Vasile hadn't been to visit Halvir and his family for a long time, barely recognised the layout of the house, yet Dakota seemed to be moving through like he knew exactly where to step. Vasile hoped that didn't mean Dakota had been a part of this plan in some way. Even if it had been laid out months ago, he wasn't sure he could have kept his passive nature with the boy should he find out that Dakota had known about the attack in advance and chosen not to tell him.

"Shot," Dakota commented on the younger female gargoyle laying in a pool of her own blood, "came in through the window, sniper, Ray must have been in the greenhouse, or maybe in the trees somewhere," this time, Dakota didn't stop to check the body, "she got the easy way out, believe it or not. Footprints show East came through here, she's lucky Ray hit her first. East has a thing for women," Vasile gripped Dakota's wrist, stopping him before the boy could go any further, leaning down to hug him. He needed it, Vasile could hear it in his voice, he needed contact. This was the first time he had seen his family's work since he had become a gargoyle, Vasile could understand if it hit him harder than Dakota anticipated.

"You're allowed to hate them," Vasile whispered, rubbing small circles at the base of Dakota's back until he finally heard the boy's breathing calm down, "it doesn't make you a bad person," Dakota leant into Vasile more, resting his head on the man's chest, likely listening to his heartbeat as he often did. It was soothing to him, Dakota had mentioned before, and it might have made Vasile smile had the situation not been so macabre.

"I'm sleeping with the enemy, V, I'm a bad person no matter what I do," Dakota cut the embrace short, holding Vasile's hand instead, likely just to appease the man, "we can talk about it later," it might not have been the best idea, but Vasile complied nonetheless. He followed Dakota through the hallways of the mansion, their pace slow and cautious, until they finally found where the survivors were. Pete and Loral were already at work, mentioning that Izelon had gone to search for the missing, and Vasile led Dakota right over to Halvir.

"Who was here?" Dakota asked in a cautious tone. Halvir was already shaken, and he only seemed to be getting worse as the minutes passed. As much as Vasile would have liked to give him a wide berth, some time to cope with the death of his brother, he simply couldn't. For the time being, he was lucid, and that meant the questions needed to be asked sooner rather than later.

"All of them," Halvir clutched at the blanket around him, his claws tearing little rips into the fabric as he clenched and unclenched his fists. At least, for the time being, he wasn't crying. That would come later, when everything had truly sunk in. When he saw the state in which the Arizonas had left his brother. Vasile thought about telling him, breaking the news to him carefully, but thought it best to leave it. The body might not have been Oren, after all, and Vasile wouldn't want to put Halvir through that kind of trauma if it wasn't even his grief to be enduring.

"My dad too?" Grant didn't hunt as much as he used to. Vasile remembered running into the man more than once in his youth, actually fearing him unlike he did now. The man was ageing, losing his edge. He couldn't work in the field like he used to, he had to stay on the sidelines instead and encourage his children to do his dirty work. Somehow, that was just so much worse.

"No, just your siblings," Dakota's frown deepened, his eyes flickering elsewhere as he tried to make sense of the mess his family had left. Vasile could see the thoughts jumping around in his head, trying to get in the correct order, but it seemed difficult. Something wasn't adding up, he never seemed so confused by his family's actions.

"My sister was here too?" Dakota added, his eyes meeting Halvir's once again. Although the man still didn't seem stable enough to actually sit and hold any eye contact, he was too jittery, he did nod. That didn't seem to be the answer that Dakota had been looking for, he didn't look any less troubled.

"What are you thinking, Kota?" Vasile whispered to the boy once they had distanced themselves from Halvir. There wasn't really anywhere to go where they would be in complete privacy, but stepping away from the other residents would do. They didn't need to cause any more commotion there that night, Dakota was already getting enough glowers from the other gargoyles in the room. Vasile wondered whether the ring was really doing much to conceal his appearance or whether it was just that Dakota was a stranger. Distrust tended to be the first to surface after such trauma.

"V, if they brought Waverly..." Dakota sighed, his eyes drooping closed for a moment, conflicting emotions shifting over his face before he finally raised his gaze to meet Vasile's, "they were gonna kill everyone. Including the children. She's the only one who doesn't freeze up around them, this was supposed to be a massacre."

"It isn't unusual for your family to perform random acts of violence, kitten," Vasile said in a cautious voice, resting his hand on Dakota's shoulder. No matter how much he detested the Arizonas, he still had to be careful how he spoke about them in front of his Kept. They were his blood, after all.

"I know that, V, it's just... It's unusual for them not to finish," Vasile's brow furrowed at the comment. He hadn't thought of that. He had been so caught up in trying to ensure that the injured were seen to, and that the dead were counted, that he hadn't thought about the real danger here. The motive.

"Excuse me? General?" Vasile looked to his left, finding an older woman holding a young child on her hip, "Rhett has something to tell you, don't you, sweetheart?" The child seemed anxious, suckling on his thumb as he stared wide-eyed past Vasile and to Dakota. He was still concealed with Pete's ring, he was safer that way, but the child seemed to look straight through the illusion.

"The tall man," the child began in a soft voice, pressing closer to his mother, "he said I looked like you, that's why he put me in the basement," Vasile looked to Dakota, both aware that the boy was seeing through Pete's disguise. Some children had the ability, although it almost always fizzled out before they reached adulthood.

"Rhett told me that the tall man, one of the hunters, saved him," the woman continued, clearly not wanting to traumatise her child by making him relieve such a frightening experience, "he was hiding in the pantry when the man found him. He told Rhett to stay quiet, and led him to the basement. I spoke to Halvir too, he heard him tell Rhett that they might be there to avenge Dakota but that didn't mean children had to die," they had to be meaning the state Dakota had returned home in after his night with Tamerynn and Klave, judging by the guilt suddenly plastered over the boy's face, "he saved my baby, general, then went on to kill three of our own. Why?"

"The tall man," Dakota chimed in, clearly trying to keep some strength to his voice despite how much he had paled, "did he have grey eyes or brown eyes?" Vasile had assumed immediately that it must have been Easton the boy was talking about, since there had been no evidence of Torin being present there, yet Dakota seemed to believe otherwise.

"Brown eyes," Vasile thanked the woman when Dakota simply walked away without another word, following the boy out back through to the kitchen and into the back garden, finding him crouched over that faceless body once again. He barely seemed fazed, Vasile should have expected that. He had probably seen worse over his years, especially if he had been on hunts with Easton personally.

"If East killed him," Dakota mused, rising to his feet and meeting Vasile's eye, "and Ray killed the woman, who was the third? Is one of the kids missing?" Vasile wasn't sure why Dakota was dwelling on the dead when they had just heard of Easton doing something so remorseful, but humoured him nonetheless.

"I doubt it, they wouldn't be so calm if so," Vasile drew closer to Dakota, tipping the boy's head back, seeing the distance in his eyes from thinking so much. There was something he wasn't saying, something he couldn't piece. And it wasn't just a missing body.

"What are you thinking?" Vasile asked quietly, brushing his thumb over Dakota's cheek gently, feeling the boy relax somewhat under his touch. However, the calm didn't last for long. Not until realisation flickered over his face and he sighed heavily, looking almost defeated.

"There's only one reason they would have walked away from something like this," Vasile nodded slowly, believing he might understand where Dakota was going with this, "one of them got hit."

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