Christmas with the Calvins

By StevesOnAPlane

198K 3.4K 272

Scott Calvin is Santa Claus. No matter how much he would like to deny it. Charlie knows his Dad is Santa, and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four

Chapter Sixty-Two

1.2K 21 0
By StevesOnAPlane

Jessica and her family spent the next two years trying to jog Bernard's memory. Visits from Charlie and the rest of the family wouldn't do it. Even seeing his own kids didn't work. Touring the workshop only made him feel confused and upset as he realized how much had changed. His own house almost sent him into a panic attack the first time he saw it, since it was so different than he remembered. Things really started to change when it became clear that Bernard's memories would not be returning anytime soon. Curtis was officially promoted to Head Elf under the agreement that if Bernard's memory ever came back he would return to the position. This left open Curtis' old position as the Keeper of the Christmas Handbook.

"How will you choose your replacement?" Jess asked during their summer Department Heads meeting.

"Well there's usually a Chain of Command to follow in these situations." He explained. "I can choose my replacement based on one of three criteria. One criteria is age; meaning the next oldest elf would take over the position."

"Another option," Quintin volunteered, "Is to hold a trial. We open the position up to anyone who would be interested in the job. It's lengthy processes with lots of debates and open discussions. That's how Bernard became keeper of the handbook."

"The last option is my favorite." Judy piped up. "It's called the Test of Belief. The Heads of all the departments, including Santa and the Head Elf, gather for a vote. They each cast a ballot for who their department thinks is the best candidate. That's how Curtis became keeper of the handbook."

"But how does each department decide who to vote for?" Jess wanted to know. "What's the criteria for the Test of Belief?"

"You're suppose to vote for the elf who most exemplifies the guidelines of the Christmas Handbook." Earnest, the Head of the Stables, explained. "Not just who follows the rules, but who also truly believes in the reasons behind the pages. Since a large part of the Number Two elf's job is boosting moral throughout the North Pole. They're also suppose to be knowledgeable in all things both at the North Pole and around the world."

"I think that's the fairest way to choose." Curtis decided. "Choosing only based on age disqualifies many elves who deserve a chance. And like Quintin said, trials are always long and dragged out. So Test of Belief it is. I think we should cast this vote as soon as possible. So let's postponed today's meeting rejoin in...I don't know an hour? Does that give everybody enough time to track down your teams?" The department heads nodded and murmured sounds of agreement.

One hour later the meeting was reconvened and a vote was cast. The results ended in a three way tie between Judy, Quintin, and Jessica. Judy it seemed, had been chosen by many of the teams because she was the next oldest elf at the North Pole. Quintin had been elected because of his never wavering ambitions. He was always creating, thinking and evolving. Lastly, Jess had been selected for her spirit, determination and character.

"So what happens in the event of a tie?" Scott questioned. As per the regulations for the Test of Believe he and Curtis had both been present for the vote.

"Well, neither of us have voted." The new Head Elf reminded him.

"That's not fair!" Santa complained. "I can't choose between you three! You're so great in such different ways."

"What if one of us doesn't want to job?" Judy volunteered. "I told the kitchen not to vote for me. I don't want to be promoted. I love it there." She insisted.

"I rather like my position in R&D as well." Quintin agreed. "I'm not sure I want to be Keeper of the book either."

"What? You guys...I can't...I don't know how to..." Jess tried to find to right words to convince the others of what a terrible idea it was to put her in charge, but the more she thought about it; maybe the idea wasn't so bad. All those years being married to Bernard she had certainly learned a lot about the North Pole's day to day operations. She'd even glanced at the Christmas Handbook once or twice. And no other elf truly understood day to day life outside of the Pole like she did.

"I'd like to change my department's vote to Jessica." Earnest from the stables announced.

"So would I." Maude from drums interjected. One by one the departments who originally chose Quintin or Judy changed their votes to Jessica's favor and before she knew it the young elf was being presented with her own copy of the Christmas Handbook.

"Congratulations Jessica." Curtis smiled as he handed her the handbook. "Anything you'd like to say?"

"Just that I can't wait for my husband to get better so that you can go back to toting this ridiculous book around." This earned a lighthearted chuckled from everyone in the room.

After the meeting Jess went home to check on her kids and husband. The house looked pretty much the same as it had when she left it. Two children running around the house with their father helplessly trying to control them.

"Mom's home!" She shouted as she entered the house. She stopped in the kitchen long enough to throw her Christmas Handbook down before proceeding in the next room where Bernard was trying to settle the kids in for a movie.

"Mommy!" Noel exclaimed as she launched herself at her mother. In the four years since the twins had been born they had grown and aged according to the usual elf standards. They learned to talk at two years old, and learned to walk the same year. Noel's first word had been 'Dadda', while her brothers had been 'Gramps'. Sure Jess had been disappointed that neither of them learned "Mom" or "Momma" first, but after Bernard's accident she felt guilty for these feelings.

"Come here princess." Jess caught her daughter with open arms. Looking at Noel was just like staring at a female version of her husband. The little girl has a full head of tight brown curls and round brown eyes just like her father. But as much as Noel was her father's image, Nicholas fit the Calvin family profile. Nick had straight brown hair just like Charlie did when he was younger and hazel eyes like his mother.

"I want a hug too Mamma!" Nick demanded as he made his way over to her.

"Of course Sport, come here." Jess pulled her son into the hug with his sister. "Momma missed you both so much when she was a work."

"We missed you too." Bernard said, joining his family in the doorway.

"Well, why don't we watch a movie together?" Jess suggested. "I'm sure Uncle Curtis can handle things without me for a few hours."

"YAY!" Both kids were overjoyed to hear that their Mom was making time for them.

"Ok, go pick out a movie together while Daddy and I make some popcorn." The kids did as they were told and scurried off to pick a movie out.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Bernard frowned as his wife took out a package of popcorn. "Curtis is going to need your help more than ever now that he's Head Elf."

"Yeah," Jess nodded. She put the popcorn package in the microwave and avoided her husband's eyes."So, there's something I want to talk to you about and I'm not sure how you're going to feel about it..." Jess was nervous because even though she and the memory-wiped Bernard had gotten closer over the last two years, he still wasn't the same Bernard who had fallen off of the roof. She knew how that Bernard would react to the news. He'd congratulate her and force her to stay up all night reading the handbook and explain to her why some rules were enforced and others weren't. But new Bernard? He was kind, and encouraging but he was still so lost in the modern age. His brain wanted to believe it was the 90's and not the early 2000's.

"Well, whatever it is Jessie we can talk it through." He insisted as the popcorn kernels began to heat up. "One step at a time, that's how we've gotten through things so far."

"Today at the Department Head's meeting, Curtis called for a Trial of Belief."

"Well it's good that he's already thinking about a replacement." Her husband approved. "The workshop really needs two leaders. So who did you guys vote for?"

"Well I voted for Q," She explained. "But it basically came to a universal vote for me."

" Jessica that's amazing news!" Practically beaming, Bernard lifted his wife off her feet and spun her around. "Congratulations! That's such great news!"

"Wow." She breathed as her feet touched the floor once more. She honestly wasn't expecting him to be so enthusiastic. The Popcorn finished popping so Jess plucked it out of the microwave and dumped the warm buttery snack in a large bowl. "Listen," she said with a very serious look in her husband's direction. "I didn't accept the job..."

"You didn't? That's crazy! Jessica why..."

"Let me finish. I didn't accept the job immediately. After the meeting got out I talked to Curtis and told him I had to talk to you first. I don't want to take this promotion if it's going to make you uncomfortable."

"I think you should take the promotion. It's an amazing opportunity and since Curtis is Head Elf now he is going to need a number two that knows how the Pole is suppose to run. On top of that you were voted number two elf. Turning down an opportunity like that..."Bernard sighed. "Jessica, we don't know if or when my memory will come back. Please don't let my lack of memory stop you from accepting such an honor."

"Well if you're sure. Thank you so much for understanding." Jess kissed her husband on the cheek before scooping up the bowl of popcorn. "Let's go enjoy our movie with the kids then, I have a feeling I'll be very busy this year."

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