Honey: Theo Nott short story

By PleasingMalfoy

169K 3.2K 4.7K

This will be an 12 part short story + epilogue of Theo Nott. There will be smut! I don't see many Theo fanfic... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
New Story!!

Part 8

12.1K 187 235
By PleasingMalfoy

Breakfast was silent the next morning. They had woken up at the same time, took turns using the bathroom, and barely said a word to each other. Elizabeth had hoped to talk last night but Theo had gotten a 'business call' and didn't return until long after she was asleep. Clever way for someone to get out of a difficult conversation if that's what he was doing. 

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I shouldn't have treated you like that." He said shortly. Elizabeth could tell that he was already nervous about speaking in the first place. Theo rarely apologizes to people but to Elizabeth, well it must've been the 10th time. Was it good enough? No. Would she tell him it's okay anyways? Yes. 

"It's okay really. Water under the bridge." She just wanted to move on from the whole thing. She decided that it was best no longer to cross that line with him. In the moment she would feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. However afterwards he made her feel insecure or wrong and she didn't like that feeling. "What's on the agenda today? We must not waste time you know?"

"Right. Louvre Museum today." He said before he cleared his throat. The were both on the terrace and he still felt like he couldn't breathe. Theo knew his apology was shit but that's the only way he knew how to say it. "I had someone pick something out of your wardrobe for you." Elizabeth thanked him and walked inside to get ready.

Theo waited on her to return, fiddling with his wand around his finger. He couldn't help but think about the first time he had seen her.

  In school, her skirt being shorter than most but not enough to make anyone notice. Anyone except him. She chatted with the Weasley twins and seemed to be completely oblivious to anything else around her. Theo watched as she backed herself into a stranger and profusely apologized. Theo watched the young girl's cheeks flush as she began to fidget with her rings around her fingers. He watched his friends greet her occasionally but he never made an effort to talk to her. She looked innocent and like someone that he had no business talking to. She wouldn't like the dark side. Until one night he was up in the closed off tower having a smoke. The pressure from his father drove him to the unhealthy things. He saw very clearly Elizabeth walking down the halls. She would stop in front of the Slytherin door, just staring down at it. Like she wanted to go but something was stopping her. She was curious about the darkness but stopped herself  from exploring it. That peaked Theo's interest. He watched her night after night. He never planned to speak to her but one night she knocked on his door, asking for Blaise. He knew Blaise had no plans of returning until late that night. However fate had served her up on a silver platter and he refused to waste the opportunity. 

After that night he told himself to stay away from her. He told himself that she was too good for him but that made Theo want Elizabeth so much more. Knowing he was bad for her and knowing he would ruin her. He couldn't stop running into her. Fate handed her over once again. Theo finally was able to have a small piece of something to himself and he refused to share it with anyone. However Elizabeth was not an object he could own and that drove him crazy. The night that he told himself that he would tell her how he felt a war broke out. He wanted to choke down his pride but the moment he heard her voice, he knew it was over. "What's happening Theo?" She said, fear in her voice. He had to let her go. He had to give her a chance. So that's what he did. He told her to run in fear of never seeing her again. She just needed a chance. 

That was that for 3 years until he found her again. It was more of like a friend of a friend found her but kept tabs on her for him. He wouldn't interrupt her life. It was too good. Theo stayed away until one night in Paris. Fate handed her to him once again. He told himself if he could just have a proper goodbye he would let her go. However this feeling was rattling his bones and shaking him to the core. His subconscious told  him to let her go. However Theo always hated being told what to do.

"Theo!" Elizabeth shouted, causing him to physically jump up from his seat. "What's wrong?!" He shouted, grabbing onto his chest. The sight of her in the white tennis skirt and green jumper didn't help his breathing. "I've been calling your name for 10 minutes." She sounded worried. 

"Sorry. I was lost in thought I guess." Theo mumbled, trying to shake his head back to reality. They made their way to the town car and Theo still seemed pretty out of it. "Are you sure you're alright Theo?" Elizabeth questioned. She genuinely worried about him. 

Today was different in the car. Theo sat beside Elizabeth and placed his hand on her leg. She thought maybe his apology was actually genuine and she was just asking for too much. He didn't have to apologize but he did. She wanted to have a good day and she refused to have his mood soured. Against her better judgement she placed her head on his shoulder. His muscles relaxed and his body molded to hers. 

The ride wasn't long so they really didn't get a chance to talk. Simon opened the door for them and Theo stepped out first, reaching out his hand to help her out of the car. The museum was huge. Not many people were there because it wasn't a super busy time but it wasn't completely empty. Elizabeth had never been to the Louvre but she's always wanted to go.

Theo went every chance he could, he loved art. They made their way around the different parts, not saying anything. Elizabeth was speechless and he loved to watch her expressions. He could tell if a painting made her happy or sad. The art was old and far from modern but he thought that was the best kind of art.

The ceilings were covered in the most beautiful painting and Elizabeth found herself not paying attention to where she was going. She backed into a stranger, apologizing a little too much. He felt Deja Vu rattle throughout his brain but shook it away. He reached out to wrap his arm around her, walking her away from the stranger she bumped into. Her cheeks were flushed but she laughed it off. 

Elizabeth needed to be smart about her next move and hopefully he wouldn't pull away. She adjusted her body so his arm was no longer around her. She took a leap of faith and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers. He stopped in his tracks but didn't pull back. "Elizabeth." He said with a huff. He was losing his mind because of her. 

"If I remember correctly I was told I could have whatever I wanted." She smirked and batted her long eyelashes up at him. She had him right where she wanted him. 

"I suppose you're right. Anything you want, it's yours." He smirked. Elizabeth had Theo wrapped around her finger and she didn't even know the half of it. 

They began to walk again with their fingers interlocked. The feeling made Theo's heart cut flips and he didn't understand any of it but he liked it. He didn't want it to end, not ever. However Theo felt himself losing control of their situation. She was getting to close and that frightened him. He told himself he couldn't give her what she really needed. 

Seeing her broken face yesterday made him sick and he hated himself for it. Elizabeth was showing him comfort and he didn't know how to react to it. He didn't want to hurt her but he was selfish. He cared more about her destroying his heart than anything else. Theo may be closed off but he is far from stupid. He knew she had the power to do that.

He watched her as she looked around at the paintings but her eyes eventually caught his. "I never knew you liked art this much." She whispered, almost as if she was saying it to herself but he heard her. "I like looking at beautiful things." He said, scanning her body with his eyes. 

"What if we use this day to get to know each other? I ask a question then you ask a question kind of thing." Elizabeth looked up with pleading eyes. She wanted to know everything about him but she knew Theo wouldn't open up on his own. "Fine but I go first." He huffed.

She clapped her hands together and bounced excitedly. Theo smiled at her, he thought she was the cutest thing. "What's your favorite animal?" 

"You have a chance to ask me any question you want and you chose to ask what my favorite was?" She laughed and raised her eyebrows at him. "Well I have a feeling your questions will be a little more intense. Thought I would start off slow for a change." He added causing her to blush.

"A lion." She said simply.

"Out of all the magical creatures we know, you choose a lion?" He asked amused.

"Yes! Lions are fierce and they're brave. I envy that." She said, glancing up at the paintings again.

"A true Gryffindor." He laughed out and her heart fluttered. She loved the sound of his laugh. Elizabeth would do anything to hear it again. "Your turn." He added.

"What are you most proud of?" The question wasn't as intense as he originally thought but nothing was off the table. Theo thought for a moment, unsure of what to say. "My company. The money I make is my own. Which means no ties to the Nott inheritance. I never have to have someone else pull my strings." 

Elizabeth was satisfied by the answer but wanted to dig deeper. However Theo didn't let her. Once he saw the gears turning in her brain he had to think fast. "If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" He asked quickly in hopes to get out of the spotlight. 

"Greece. I've always been intrigued but the architecture and the scenery." Elizabeth looked like she was picturing it in her head as she spoke. Theo took this chance to study her features. He wanted to remember her like this; happy and confident. "What is one thing you want to do before the end of your lifetime? If you haven't already done it that is." 

"I can't answer that if i'm being honest. I live my life the way I want every day. If I want to go somewhere then I drop everything and go. I have the means so why not? If I see something I want I take it." He squeezed her hand at the last part. He wasn't technically lying. He saw Elizabeth and took her but he would just let her go in the end.

Elizabeth envied the words he spoke. He didn't have a care in the world, nothing was stopping him. She wished that could've been her life. However she was practical. She knew her boundaries and how irresponsible it would be if she just dropped everything and took off. Her job at the Ministry couldn't just be put on hold. 

"What's your favorite childhood memory?" He asked. Theo wanted to know that she had a beautiful childhood. She didn't deserve a bad one and he just needed to hear it. "Putting up Christmas decorations with my family. We were all obsessed with the holiday. However the lights were my favorite, watching the tree light up or going to see the lights on the houses. It was just beautiful, untouchable and pure." The words fell from her lips effortlessly. 

Theo's eyes never left her as she spoke but her's were planted on the paintings. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable as he answered the questions, in fear he may shut down again. "Do you want children?" Her question made him choke on his own spit. He knew her questions would eventually get deeper. It may seem like a normal question but not to Theo.

"Right....well...um. I don't know. I suppose if I had my life together maybe. Right now no. Maybe if I could find someone that wanted to put up with me." He chuckled for a moment until he continued. "However if I did, I would protect them. Be a better father than mine was." His tone was serious but they both stayed walking down the halls. 

Theo stopped and looked around before noticing no one was in the hall with them. He glanced behind him and saw they had passed the yellow tape. They were in a restricted area. "I think we aren't suppose to be in here." Elizabeth said, turning to face him. She kept her voice low because the empty space could make a pen drop echo. 

Theo liked the danger. It ignited something inside of him every time. He removed his hand from hers and reached up to cup her face. He thought she was so beautiful. His thumb ran over her bottom lip and his gaze was intense. Leaning down he pulled her lip between his teeth, making her gasp. "Theo someone will see." She whispered.

"Good. Let them watch." With that said, he pressed his lips to hers. It was hungry and full of passion. Elizabeth felt her knees begin to buckle as he slid his tongue across her lip, begging for entrance. She denied him at first in attempt to tease him. Theo reached around to squeeze her ass..hard. She gasped and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue in her mouth. 

Cheeky bastard. Even with fear of getting caught Elizabeth moved her tongue against his. His lips molded against hers. This was dangerous. The feeling they were both giving was raw and uncensored. They were letting their guards slip. 

As if on cue a thick french accent rang through the hall. "Off limits!!" The man started to walk briskly towards them. Theo grabbed her hand and pulled her with him. He let out a laugh as they ran down the long hall. He took the smallest glimpse of Elizabeth and his heart fluttered. Her eyes were wide and she was laughing. This is the feeling he wanted to give her. 

They ran until their lungs felt like they were on fire and they were outside in the open air. Simon smirked at the two of them, never seeing Theodore like this with anyone. He held open the door so they hopped in as fast as they could. 

They could barely catch their breath with the constant laughter falling from their lips. Elizabeth slumped down in the leather seats, putting her head in Theo's lap and looking up at him. His smile was the most beautiful thing on the planet and she wished it would never leave his face. He smiled down at her, completely unfiltered. 

His fingers ran through her hair and he took a deep breath. Theo knew this was going to be the hardest thing he had to do. Let her go. He ran through every scenario in hopes to find one that didn't involve her leaving. Theo wanted to keep her, to have her forever. He knew he couldn't do that though. She had a life outside of him. 



 "Are you sure you don't need any help?" Theo shouted from the other side of the bathroom door. Elizabeth giggled and told him she was fine. "Just order dinner and I'll be out in a moment."

She looked herself over in the mirror and was happy with her appearance. Her red matching bra and panty set. Straps crisscrossed over her body and she felt sexy. Her makeup was still on and her hair was in volumes curls. 

She was ready to go out and surprise him but then something hit her like a tidal wave. Insecurity. She kept thinking about how he pulled away from her after sex yesterday. Every time they shared an intimate moment he would treat her differently. Like he couldn't just be there with her after. The feeling came with her beginning to second guess herself and she already struggled with that enough. 

Once that seed was planted in Elizabeth's mind it was hard to shake. She watched herself in the mirror as she started to fidget with her rings on her fingers. She wanted to cover up. She felt sick looking at herself. She didn't blame Theo but he sure as hell didn't help. She grabbed her red white silk robe and slid it on, cover herself and tying it in the front.

Once she was done she walked out to the bedroom. Theo's eyes scanned her body and he began to clear his throat. The table was fully of food on silver platters and her eyes went wide at how much food was there. "I didn't know what you wanted so one of everything was my best bet." He said, rubbing the back of his neck with his large hand. 

"Well I'll settle for a glass of firewhiskey to start." She said, looking up at him. His hand reached out and ran over her arm sweetly. "Your wish is my command." He said, pecking her cheek and walking over to the mini bar. When he returned he handed her the crystal glass and she immediately downed it. 

She walked over and picked up the bottle instead and drank from it. This didn't shock Theo but it made him curious. He could see her nerves making her shake but he just didn't know why. She brought the bottle over to the edge of the bed and he watched her continuously drink from it. 

Theo sat down beside her and took the bottle away, bringing it to his lips. They had already been drinking when they first got to the hotel but stopped when Elizabeth went to change into something a little more comfortable. They were both already a little buzzed but Elizabeth was still on edge. 

"Stand up in front of me." Theo's voice was so deep it rattled her core. Maybe that's why she listened. She stood in front of him and he placed his hands on her hips, leaning the top of his head on her stomach. Elizabeth reached up to fumbled around with his curls. "What are you doing to me?" He asked her, looking up to meet her gaze. 

"What am I doing to you Theo?" She asked back. His hands came up to fumble with the knot around her robe. Slowly he pulled the string, making it fall open. His jaw almost dropped to the floor when he took in the red lingerie set. "Driving me fucking mad. That's what you're doing." He muttered under his breath. 

Elizabeth began to fold her arms across her body to hide herself but that confused him. He stood up and cocked his head to the side. "Why are you hiding from me?" He said, lifting her chin up to face him. 

She didn't answer and that made his gaze harden. She was hiding something and he knew that. What was she hiding? "Elizabeth tell me now." He demanded. Elizabeth knew if she really didn't want to tell him, she didn't have to but part of her needed to. She needed to tell him how he made her feel the last two times.

"Every time we have sex you're so cold afterwards. Almost like you don't want anything to do with me and it makes me...forget it." She huffed in defeat.

"Makes you what?"

"It makes me not feel beautiful." She said, tilting her head down in shame. If words could break Theo's heart, it would've been those. He never wanted her to feel that way. He hated himself for making her even think such thoughts. 

With his rough touch he lifted her chin once again. Both hands came up to cup her face while he spoke with intensity. "Elizabeth Clearwater you are the most beautiful thing in this pointless world. This place truly doesn't deserve you....I don't deserve you. I'm so sorry I made you feel that way. I'm currently hating myself for it. Let me show you how beautiful you are to me.." He whispered the last part right before he connected their lips. 

Elizabeth wanted to cry at his kind words. She melted into him like her body needed him to survive. He lifted her and placed her on the bed, right in the center. He didn't follow her though which confused her. The lights were low, almost non existent. Theo walked over to stand in front of the bed, holding the bottle of firewhiskey and bringing it to his lips. 

With the flick of his wand, her robe was removed completely, leaving her in her lingerie. The whiskey burned his throat as it went down but nothing could control the fire raging in his body because of her. He pour a little whiskey in the glass and left it next to the bed. 

Slowly but surely he climbed on top of Elizabeth, still not touching her. "You are perfection." He whispered as he placed a kiss to her lips. Not long enough to have her react but still full of lust. He muttered something under his breath and held his wand up to her body. A sudden gust of wind made her shiver, he had removed her clothes with a charm. 

Theo dipped his fingers in the firewhiskey and brought them to her lips. "Open." He said and that she did. He placed two fingers in her mouth as she began to suck off the cinnamon flavored whiskey. Her tongue swirling around them made him groan. 

He began to pepper small wet kisses down her body, pulling her nipple between his teeth making her arch her back to him. He loved the reaction she gave him. Fueling his ego more and more each time. "You are a masterpiece." He whispered to her again. Theo kissed all the way down her body to her ankle.

He dipped his fingers in the glass once again and swirled them around her nipple. The cold liquid made her whine out for him. Taking her nipple between his lips, sucking hard. The feeling was hungry and needy. He was causing wetness to pool between her legs and he knew it. Bringing the glass up and pour a small amount on her stomach, he dipped his head and licked up the small trail. Cleaning her body with his tongue. 

"So beautiful." He whispered. He still had his clothes on which made her a little nervous. "You're wearing too many clothes. It's not fair." She whimpered. That sparked something in him. She wanted him to undress and be equal with her. 

Theo stood up from the bed, leaving her alone. His eyes never left hers as he began to unbutton the white Oxford shirt but then he stopped. He picked up the bottle of whiskey and brought it to his lips. "Touch yourself for me." He said abruptly. 

"What?" Elizabeth's face began to turn red. 

"Touch yourself for me princess. Show me how beautiful you are." He growled. However Elizabeth did as she was told. He resumed unbuttoning his shirt as he watched her. 

He watched Elizabeth spread her legs for him, her hand shaking nervously as it slid down her stomach. Theo's mouth watered as he watched her slid her fingers down between her slit. Her fingers glistened with how wet she was. He began to unbutton his trousers, still watching her. 

He palmed himself over his black underwear as his dirty fantasy came to life. Her moans filled his ears as her fingers circle her clit. Her eyes were screwed shut in pleasure and her back arched. "Who do you think about when you touch yourself princess?" His voice was rough but failing. 

He climbed on the bed and sat on his knees in front of her. Her fingers worked faster and he could tell she was right on the edge. "Talk to me princess. Who do you think about? Say his name when you cum." 

His words made Elizabeth's head spin. Her fingers plunged into her core and he let out a loud groan. His cock was now in his hand as he pumped himself, finding pleasure in the sight before him. Elizabeth watched his hand move up and down. It made her brain fuzzy. She wanted to cum for him and watch his reaction when his name fell from her lips. She wanted to give this to him.

Her moans were loud and her back was arched. Right before she could cum he replaced her fingers with his tongue. Theo never imagined someone could taste this good but he was addicted to her. "Theo....don't stop...you make me feel so good." She howled out. 

Like glass shattering as it hit the ground, she came undone around his tongue. He was mesmerized by every inch of her. The way she screamed his name was enough to make him want to cum but he had to be inside her first. He continued to lick up her slit until he had collected everything she produced for him. 

"You are marvelous." He groaned, throwing his head back. Elizabeth couldn't take it anymore though. She needed every part of him. She began to tug at his underwear around his thighs until he got the message to remove them. His movements matched her neediness with ease. 

They were both too far gone. It was dangerous territory in which neither of them felt like leaving. The emotions they both had was written on their faces, no longer being hidden. However they did not speak on it, they couldn't. Once that bridge was crossed there was no going back. 

"Please." She wasn't even sure what she was begging for at that point. She wanted anything he would give her. Without warning he plunged himself inside of her. The tightness of her walls made the air leave his lungs. Her insides molded to him and he felt his grip on reality being chipped away. 

He slid all the way out of her before sliding in again, inch by inch. "So beautiful...so tight..so perfect." His words were mumbled but she heard every part. The feeling of him inside her made her chest rattle. She felt herself losing control of her own emotions. 

Every thrust made them both a little closer to being pushed over the edge. However Theo lived dangerously and he was going to take her with him. He felt her clench around his cock as he hit her cervix. The need to cum right there felt animalistic. He needed more of her.

Flipping them over so she was now on top of him in one swift motion. They never disconnected, not once. His grip on her hips tightened as he slammed her down to meet his own thrusts. He watched as her perfect breast bounced and her fingers ran through her own hair. She was killing him and she had no idea. 

"You like that princess? Do you see how beautiful you are to me now?" He grunted. He knew exactly what to say to make her insides flip. The pressure in her lower stomach was building but another feeling made her shake her head. If she came now she would be completely gone. She would have completely fell for him and there was no promise of that feeling being mutual.

"Theo....I can't...we can't." Her breathing was out of control. He slid to the edge of the bed, sitting up but he didn't stop rocking her hips to meet his. He knew what she meant and he didn't care. He felt it too and in that moment he wanted to scream it to the world. 

"Let go Elizabeth. Cum for me please, i'll do anything please." Now he was the one begging. Her walls fluttered around his cock and he felt like a God. Her body was flushed.

He wrapped his strong arms around her, making their chests touch. His hips were thrusting up into her. This was the most intimate position they had ever been in but they both needed it. "Theo....can't.....I can't.....falling..." He knew what she meant by falling. 

The feeling was like something they both had never even dreamed of. They were fucked and they knew it. They crossed a line that should have never been crossed and there was no turning back. 

"Then fall with me." He said in a deep tone. Their eyes met and it was like the ground beneath them broke. Fall with him. He was feeling the same way and she didn't know who that was scariest for. Just like that she was pushed over the edge with him. Neither of them stopped until her walls stopped clenching and every drop of him was inside her. 

This was not suppose to happen.



They were on the terrace. The night sky was filled with stars and the streets were bare. The time was lost by them both. Elizabeth laid back on Theo in the long chair, they were only covered by the sheet off the bed. 

He kissed on her neck and shoulder, playing with her hair on the other side. They took turns feeding each other different foods and firewhiskey. That damn firewhiskey. "Theo?" Elizabeth said quietly. She was nervous but she needed answers. As much as she wanted to stay in that moment forever, she knew she couldn't. 

His lips traveled to her ear as he let out a small humming noise as if to tell her to continue. "What is this? What are we-"

"Don't do this now. Elizabeth once we talk about it then it becomes real." He sighed in defeat. 

"But I am real Theo. We are real. I'm here so why can't you just talk to me?" She said with a firm voice. Her confidence was higher than ever so she took advantage.

"Because once it's real then someone can ruin it. If I let that part of me go then someone is going to take you away from me." His jaw was firm but his voice was shaking. Almost like he was terrified. "Elizabeth please. I can't have that happen. Please just drop it." He practically begged.

"Okay fine. Sorry." She huffed in defeat. "Tell me about your father." Well that took a turn. Everyone knew Theodore's father was a very well known death eater. Part of that is the reason Theo is the way he is. Cold and distant. His mother died at a young age according to Blaise but she never asked for any further information. 


"Why?" She countered. 

"Because once you dive into that part of my fucked up head you'll leave. The hatred I have for my father is untouchable. You would be terrified of that part of me. You don't want that." He began but she cut him off.

"I do want that. I want to know every part of you if you just let me." Elizabeth was telling the truth. Maybe if he opened up enough then he wouldn't let her go. Or maybe she was just making this worse for herself. "Where is your father?"

"Azkaban. Probably bunking with Lucius Malfoy by now." He scoffed. The thought of his father made his skin crawl and he didn't understand why Elizabeth wanted to know so much about it. 

"I'm trying to understand you is all. I promise this stays between us."

"Why do you care so much?" He snapped but she didn't take offense to it. She knew it was just his guard around his heart. She knew Theo wasn't trying to snap at her but more or so snap at the thought of his father.

 "Because I see how it effects you everyday and I hate that. If you don't talk about it, the resentment will fester inside of you. It'll make you bitter." Her tone was soft. She sat facing him this time, watching his jaw clench tightly. 

"My father was cruel man. Maybe it was because he was older and the youth in him died off somewhere. He made choices that costed him his family. All for what? The Dark Lord? Even I knew Potter could destroy him. My father wasn't even there when my mother gave birth to me. She bled out afterwards and he wasn't fucking there. He was off fulfilling some ancient task he was given. He forced me to take that mark Elizabeth. I didn't want that to be a part of my future-"

"You had no choice Theo. It wasn't your fault." Elizabeth interrupted.

"You're right. He didn't give his son the chance to do something better. His constant disappointment was well known. He made sure I did what I needed to, regardless of the cost. His whole family is dead because of his decisions. I refuse to do that to someone I care about. They don't deserve the darkness that comes with me. So as far as i'm concerned about my father.... he can rot in Azkaban until his corpse decays from the shackles around him."

His eyes prickled with tears but he didn't let them fall. He couldn't. Theo's nose was red and his jaw was clenched as tight as it could be. He looked destroyed.

It was in this moment Elizabeth saw how truly broken Theodore really was. He was just a boy with a cruel father. Forced to do the unthinkable and was shamed for every choice he made. She wanted to squeeze him so tight that all of his pieces came back together. 

So she did the only thing she could in the moment. She kissed him..hard. Every emotion they felt was in that kiss. He felt himself falling more and more. He couldn't stop.

He loved her. 

She loved him.

However this was far from over. 

A/N: I know I had said this would be 8 parts but I plan on writing 2 or 3 more. Anyways hope all of you are enjoying it so far. Much Love xx -Tay

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