Distraction || Ray x Reader

By ThatWeeb_MC

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Two twins get shipped to the same farm at birth by mistake. Some rules have to be overlooked to take care of... More

Well Well Well


804 12 23
By ThatWeeb_MC

As you all gathered back into the house, you were greeted by Momma and three new faces. One was of an adult black female, who you supposed to call Sister Krone. The other two faces were small infants. One with ginger hair and blue eyes, her name was Carol, and one with ginger hair and brown eyes, his name was Hinata.


"Attention, I want you all to meet your new siblings, carol and Hinata, and this is Sister Krone, she here to help me with my duties," Mama said to you all. Honestly, you couldn't care less about getting new siblings, but Sister Krone intrigued you. You wanted to get to know her better.

"I'll be living here with all of you from now on! It is nice to meet all you lovely children." She said with a warm smile. After all the kids greeted her and went their separate ways you went up to her.

"Hi, Sister Krone! I'm (y/n). I'm pleased to meet you!" You said giving her the first genuine smile you have had in a while. She was surprised that you were the first of all the oldest to formally meet her, but she was glad you did. She enveloped you in a hug before leaving to follow Isabella. Since you had nothing better to do, you simply followed behind Krone to see if you could scare her at any point giving her a proper welcome.

Momma led her up the stairs to the room direction the center. That was where she was supposed to stay. The other 11-year-olds were on the staircase talking about something. You couldn't hear them, since you were closer to sister and mama. You continue to follow the two around because Isabella was giving her a tour. As she neared mama's office you decided this would be the time to state your presence.

"Hiiiii!" You said popping out of the door in front of Isabella. She was taking a back that you got the better of her, but she quickly gave you a calm smile. Sister on the other hand was all out surprised that you snuck up of them. She didn't give you a warm smile as mama did, but she did glare at you as she walked into mama's office.

-after dinner time-

"Attention everyone. I have a big announcement to make." Momma said while grabbing everyone's attention. " I am happy to announce that Artemis is getting adopted on the 25th," she said as she scanned the room. She noticed how all the 11-year-olds tensed up at the news.

You knew she was getting adopted, but hearing the news again just reminded you about why you were upset. You didn't want to hate your sister, it wasn't her fault. But you kind of wish, she could've talked mama out of it. You couldn't stand being in that room around people anymore, so you went outside despite it being late. No one noticed you leaving the room except Krone, but she didn't think much of it as Isabella gave the other kids their nightly chores.

It was a tradition to give every kid a concert before they left no matter how big or small, but you didn't have it in you to hold one for your sister. You knew out of everyone she deserved it, but you didn't want her to leave. You loved waking up every morning and talking to her, playing around with the kids with her, you loved everything you did with her even if you two were arguing.

As you see most of the lights inside the orphanage go out, you decide it was time to head back. People were probably wondering where you were and you didn't want anyone to worry. As you were heading back though, you noticed a lantern hanging above your head. As you looked up, you saw no other than Sister Krone creepily staring at you. Even though her gaze was terrifying, she looked like she had something to say so you let her speak.

"Why are you out here by yourself (y/n)?" She asked while handing you the lit lantern.

"Just thinking and clearing my head"

"Is this about Artemis?" She asked you and you froze. She just came here today, but she knew what was bothering you. You could hardly think straight, but you knew this was borderline creepy. She read your expression perfectly and invited you to her room for a chat. You two didn't notice the emerald-eyed ginger watching you two go into the room.

"Would you care for some tea?" Krone asked as she brought out a tea set. It was like she planned this whole situation out? Who keeps hot tea like that inside their room?

"Only if it's black tea with honey." You softly say as you grab a seat at her desk.

"Of course! Isabella informed me on what you children like and don't like." She grins while handing you the teacup.

"So what do you know about the house?" She asks me as she brought out her old doll. It was unsettling, but you chose to ignore it.

"What do you mean?" You ask her.

"You don't know the secret?"

"What secret? Why are you being vague?"

"Nothing just forget I said anything on the topic."



"Sister Krone..."


"What do you aspire to be? I know you're a sister, but did you want to be that?"

"Well, I didn't want to be a sister... I wanted to be a momma like Isabella"

"Why didn't you become a momma?"

"Well (y/n)... some people just fall short," she said while staring deeply into her doll's eyes. She looked like she was reminiscing about her past, so you let her before you continued. She was silent for about 2 minutes before she looked up at you noticing you finished your tea.

"Don't tell momma I said this... but your tea is better than hers" you say while giggling. You wanted to joke around since her mood seemed to drop.

"Don't worry darling... I won't" she said while cracking up. "But about Artemis?"

"Oh.. yeah," you say while getting up. You started pacing back and forth before you continued. " she's my twin sister, we got abandoned here together by our mom. We grew up together and do a lot of things together. Her best friends are Don and Gilda, while mine are Norman Ray and Emma, but we sometimes trade friends you know. Every other week, or whenever someone gets adopted we hold a concert for them so that they leave with a smile! Well, yesterday before you came... I overheard..m..momma and Artemis talking. She mentioned how she was getting adopted on the 25th without me." That's where you paused because you kept choking on your words. You wanted to continue talking, but nothing was coming out.

"Why are you so upset?" Krone said while walking up to comfort you. " she's probably just as upset as you are, but do you see her crying. No, she smiling and living her last days here as if nothing is going to happen. You should as well, your last moments of her shouldn't be of you being upset while she's worried about you. You both should be happy for each other." She said while giving you a warm hug. She knew it was getting late, so she wrapped up your conversation." You can always come back to talk whenever you need it" she whispered in your ear as you left her room.

You were tired when you left Krone's room. You guess talking your feelings out helps out your mind at ease. Ray was right, but you didn't want to admit that to his face because he wouldn't let you live that down. As you quietly enter your room you see everyone is asleep. Well, it didn't surprise you really because it was extremely late at night. You quickly slipped under your covers and fell into a deep peaceful slumber.


-Ray POV-

The four of us were outside in the forest again discussing our plan. We were talking about the trackers that were located in our left ear and how to destroy them. We didn't find an easy way to get rid of them, so Norman tasks me with figuring a way to destroy them. I knew I would probably find a quick easy way quickly, but I decided to take my time with it so I seem less suspicious.

"So when we get the trackers off, it will be easier to escape with everyone?" Emma asked while holding her left ear.

"Why are you so set on taking everyone, we have some kids who can't even walk! Taking them would be so bothersome Emma." I say trying to talk the tiniest bit of sense into her.

"We can train the ones who can walk with tag!"

"What about the babies..." Norman deadpanned.

"Oh..right. I'll figure it out!" She said while running back to the larger group.

"Guys let's play a new form of tag in groups!" She said exciting faces in most of the kids. All the kids were excited about this new way of tag even (y/n) was. It made me warm inside seeing a smile on her face after how sad she was yesterday.

-after the initial game of tag-

"Damn Ray, why are you so bad at being it" (y/n) said resting against the tree purposely taking my normal spot leaving me standing.

"Shut up! We were in groups anyways. I had to teach the kids unlike you." I retort back being very offended.

"Well sorry kids can't keep up with my movements in the trees"

"Sounds like excuses. We all can keep up with you."

"I mean other than you guys... why do you think Phil calls me Tarzan," she says while laughing.

"He read about it in a book. That's obvious. I've read that book before."

"Hmm... maybe I should read a couple of those old books," she says but I couldn't quite catch what she said.

"What was that?" I said kneeling in front of her.

"N..nothing! Why are you so close" she said as her face turned red. She quickly pushed me away from her as she got up making me fall backward." You deserve that."

"Tch...idiot," I say while hiding my face from her.

"What was that Ray?" She teased.

"Just help me up!"

"Fine." She groaned as I grabbed her hand. They were soft, but also a little sweaty. Wait! Why am I thinking about that? As I was trying to sort out my thoughts Krone approached us.

"Ooh. A game of tag! Can I join, it will be a great bonding activity" she said with that weird smile of hers.

"Sure! You're it though." (Y/n) said smiling back at her.

"Wonderful! How about a twenty-minute game and I count for 2 minutes."

"Alriiii..." I was about to say, but I got pulled out into the forest.

"What are you doing wasting time!" She snapped at me.

"What do you mean! We were discussing the rules."

"No wonder you're so bad at Tag,"

"I will not hesitate to push you out of this tree," I said coldly.

"Do it. You won't," she tested me. Being fed up with her, I pushed her out of the tree as I heard footsteps approaching.

"W..wait Woah!" She landed on the ground with Krone 5 feet behind her.

"Oh (y/n) don't you know it is dangerous to climb trees? It isn't very ladylike," she smiled sadistically at her. I might've made a mistake by pushing her down, but I'll make it up to her later... I guess.... maybe not...it depends.

"I'm so gonna kill you," she cursed under her breath as she watched me take my leave. I didn't want to see the end of whatever was about to happen, so I went to get a better hiding spot


You sprint up from the ground as Krone chased you into the forest. Honestly, this was one of the first times you were scared. You were playing a children's game, but hearing her loud, but fast footsteps behind you gave you a rush of adrenaline. You didn't dare to look behind you as that would've slowed you down. You ran past many trees and jumped over countless overgrown logs but she was still on your tail.

"Oh (y/n). You won't be able to run forever. You'll eventually get tired," she taunted you. You knew she was right, but you wouldn't let her get the satisfaction of catching you, so you did the unthinkable. You suddenly dropped to the ground, so she would run past you because at this point it was a high-speed chase and she couldn't just quickly stop. It worked, but you were in pain. You needed to get out of there before she saw where you went. There was a tree stump nearby you could crawl into, so you slipped into it as you saw her boots run by. You still had to hide for 15 minutes so you stayed there as you tried to subdue the pain in your leg.

You didn't know how many minutes had passed, but the game wasn't over because you heard Phil call out for you. He was talking about wanting to hide with you, but he was being so loud about it. You decided to come out from under the tree, to find Phil wandering around aimlessly. You swear this kid is smart and dumb at the same time, but that's why you favor him.

". . . Ah (y/n)," he says while giggling. " I was looking for you."

"That's great Phil, but you can't be so loud. It will give away our position" you say putting a finger up to your lip for emphasis. You were going to continue, but you heard rustling amount the bushes. You were going to pretend you didn't hear it, but it was too late. Emma came out of the bushes running with Sherry in her arms while Krone was directly behind her.

"(Y/n)! Hurry this way." She says while speeding by. With little time to react, you grab Phil and follow behind Emma. You followed her between trees and followed her steps as she jumped off a small cliff into a bed of rocks. The rocks were various sizes perfect for hiding behind. You both hid behind separate rocks as Krone came waltzing by.

"Running while carrying kids. You two must be tired,"

"You won't be able to move unless you rest." She constantly spoke without either of you two saying a word. You were trying to catch your breath, but also keep your breathing to a minimum. Krone was right both of you were tired, but that wasn't going to stop you from trying. You dragged yourself into this mess, by giving into Phil. Did you regret it? No.

"Did you know? Norman's weakness is physical strength."

"I heard he was feeble when he was younger."

It scared you how she was repeating this information like it was nothing. It had only been a couple of days of her at the house, but she knew so much about you. It was like she had grown up raising you guys as Momma did. Maybe momma gave her this information...no why would she do that. You were tangled up in your thought went Phil brought you out of them. He simply tugged your shirt and put his finger against his lips. You got his message and instantly quieted down. You were probably breathing so loud because you couldn't think straight.

"Ray's weakness is that he's a little quick to give up."

"He makes a decision fast but abandons them just as quickly."

"(Y/n)! Your weakness is that you overthink things, and you're headstrong,"

"It doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong, you won't accept any other result even if it is more plausible,"

"Emma! Your weakness is your naiveté."

"Like how naïve you are by carrying others when you're being chased."

"Just give up and come on out. I won't do you wrong."

"Listen, If you saw the harvest that day..." Both you are Phil's heads perked up at the mention of harvest. What did Sister mean by that and why was her tone so sinister?

"then I'm on your side."




"Found you," she said. You looked around but you didn't see her anywhere? Was she bluffing? You couldn't think about it because as you turned around Krone was behind you... smiling

"Tag (y/n)~ what happened to your high win rate." She taunted as she ran off " Only two left,"

You knew never to take these games seriously, but it was fun to push yourself. You wanted to have a perfect win streak with Krone, but life didn't seem to go that way. It was currently 1-0 Krone. You didn't let it show on your face, but it irked you how she rubbed it in before she ran off.

"(Y/n) we did so well!" Phil said while hugging your thigh. You smiled at him before picking him up and taking off after Emma. You did Phil's favorite thing as you returned to the kids, you made airplane noises while jumping over logs and running through bushes. The earlier pain you had in your leg was suddenly gone, but that might come back later.

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