Zodiac Signs: Thirteen

By AnkhRoth

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Zodiac High is a special school funded by the government. While most schools focus on academic and physical a... More

The First Horoscope: Classes
1. Thirteen
2. Aries
3. Gemini
4. Leo
The Second Horoscope: Daydreams
1. Scorpio
2. Virgo
3. Taurus
The Third Horoscope: Crossover
0. Mamoru Interlude I
1. Libra
2. Sagittarius
3. Aquarius
The Fourth Horoscope: Abstract
0. Mamoru Interlude II
1. Pisces
2. Capricorn
3. Cancer

Extra Chapter: Phone Call

18 0 0
By AnkhRoth

Yuna Tomoe is a girl of many colours. She is a blank canvas that can be painted to conform into any artwork that she desires. It's to the point where she can seperate her personalities to fall under each of the Star Sign categories, and this was before the school was created.

I feel that, if she is to continue her schooling career at Zodiac High for the next three years of her life, she would most definitely synchronise all of her personalities at 100 percent. It's not really a hunch or a feeling any more. It's more certain to say that it is actually something that I am completely assured of.

She is a complete prodigy when it comes to being one of her selves and their is no one else like her.

The perfect zero.

… This is probably how the Mayans felt after discovering the number zero.

In fact, that should be the new saying that people use when they are trying to express how great they feel.

“It's like giving birth to Yuna Tomoe!”

Yep, that definitely sounds like it could become a thing... Memes anyone?

Although I've spoken about Yuna like she is some sort of omniscient genius that has the ultimate form of Dissociative Identity Disorder, that would be doing her an injustice. That's not who she should be defined as at all.

She is human, and like everyone else, she prefers to see things in her own perspective.

So, how does she see things?

If someone's best skill centres around the fact that they are all personality, then how does she deal with things outside of that?

How does she deal with things that range out of her area of expertise?

Those are things that I hope to find out as we get to know each other better.


Whilst my luck isn't anything to brag about – I'm being serious when I say this – getting a call from Yuna on a Sunday morning does fall into one of the "Oh, this might actually be my lucky day" categories.


The phone vibrated, rousing my body from it's sleep, almost like awaking the dead. The person it was used on wasn't expecting it.

"Hnng..." I groaned, lazily moving my hand with practiced motion towards the cupboard next to my bed. After multiple noisy taps on the wood, I finally grabbed the culprit.

Avoiding eye contact with the  bright screen, I answered the phone.

"Morning, Yuna," I yawned involuntarily. "You're quite early this morning... Did you dream about me and called to speak about it? I'm all ears."

"Shut it, you imbecile. Did I give you permission to start a conversation with me? You do realise that it's early for this kind of audacity, don't you? And judging from your tone you've just woken up, haven't you? Disgusting! I can smell your morning breath all the way from here! Keep quiet and listen."

Oh... it's Sumire. Luckily, I've been practicing for this.

Here goes...

"Morning, Sumire. You're pretty excited this early... Did you miss me?"

"Hah! As if! I'd rather sell my organs on the black market for zero dollars."

"You should just donate them then!"

"Do you think I'd listen to a nobody like you? I'd do the exact opposite of what you tell me just to piss you off!"

"T-The rebellious phase! Teenagers are scary!"

"I hate you! I hate you! You antisocial loser! You have no life!"

"You'll love me eventually," I shrugged. "I've seen enough anime and played enough visual novels to know how to deal with this route."

"…" No response.

"Hello? Sumire?"

"… Dammit," she muttered softly but I heard it.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

Through the entire conversation, not once had I stopped smiling.

"How did you figure it out?" Yuna asked.

"How could I not? It was all part of my plan."


"Kuku... Now that I posses the hōgyoku, the Soul Society is mine!"

"You won't get away with this! Ban...Kai!"

"Does that mean you've master—"



After an dramatic (and inaccurate) finale that no one had been expecting, I had my arms raised and my face scrunched up like I had been bested in a fight. It felt quite liberating, almost as if I could picture the entire even taking place before me as reality...

… So that's what chuunibyou is...

"Anyways," Yuna started, her voice sounded relaxing. "I can't quite figure out how you noticed that it was me speaking and not Sumire. How are you the only one that's able to notice these differences."

"My superpower, perhaps?"

"Geez, I'm being serious!"

"I know," I felt a smirk creep up my face."That's why it's fun talking to you like this."

"... Fuu, I can never win with you."

I could only laugh at her response. Yuna had a tendency to be hung up on the smallest things and didn't like revealing her mistakes, but that's the sides of her that make her human too. I don't believe in perfection, but Yuna seems to dead set on achieving it.

Not like there's a problem in trying.

"Your voice," I answered.

"My voice? What do you mean? I'm not sure that I quite get— Oh!" She yelped, as if struck by a revelation. "That's what you mean! I see, I see..."

"I take it that I don't need to explain?"

"Hah? How dare you make an amateur of me! Of course you don't need to!"

"Alright, alright," I laughed awkwardly. "Well, as long as you understand..."

"Hmph!" She huffed.

If I'm someone that can help her achieve what she's striving for in this world, I'll gladly offer up everything that I have.

Yuna didn't respond after that. I checked to see if she was still on call.

It was, and I could hear her breathing. It was slow. Rhythmic. Well paced. Intentional.


Suddenly, I felt my chest heat up.

I had come to the realisation that on the other side of this phone – a convenient method of communication, there was a girl. A girl with skin so soft that it springs upon touch. A voice so delicate and yet so audacious that you can't help but to pay attention to it. Eyes, oval-shaped and so curious, that if given the chance, she would dive inside mine and divulge all of my secrets.

I became conscious of the entire situation in a mere instant.

"Well... Uhm... I..." My words, that had been so easy to use at first, became difficult to utter. I lost the method of verbal expression almost as if I never had it.

Her lips. I want to know what her lips taste like.

"Y-You know..." I say, but my words fail again. I have no idea what to think—say, anymore.

What were we talking about again?

"Shiruge." she said my name and I found myself reacting.

"Y-Yeah!" Dammit, I panicked.

"…" Silence.

She didn't respond.


No response.

But I could still hear her breathing.

I almost panicked, but then she spoke up.

"Can you... talk to me... like this..." Her tone was frail. "… Just for a while...?"

This was the first time. The first time that she had used that tone on me. To show a side of herself that she had been afraid to reveal before. One of the things she was striving to lose because of her personalities: Vulnerability.

Showing a weaker side of herself.

I heard and understood everything from her voice alone. Picturing how she sat on top of her bedroom, wearing an oversized shirt because she didn't like pajamas. Her blanket was halfway on the floor because she was getting hot, the table beside her bed was stacked with horror novels that never seem to scare her and a laptop for researching different ancient cities; she wants to travel when she's older. The bags under her eyes because she hadn't slept this weekend or how she's clutching onto her legs right now in anticipation for my response.

Small things that I pick up on that allow me to get a clear picture of the person in question. I could see all of it and yet, at the same time, I'm not seeing anything at all. I can't understand her mindstate and I have honestly no idea about how she really feels about me. I can't make out what I really am to her, and yet, I'm so fascinated by her to the extent that I don't want to be away from her. I want to know everything about her – inside and out.

That's why I can't help but smile. I'm happy over the fact that she can be vulnerable with me. It's proof that she trusts me.

Is this what being relied on feels like?

"Well, maybe it's time I tell you about that one time," I said.

"That one time?"

"That time that I tried to grow myself wings."

"What?" She laughed.

"How is that funny? Hasn't every child tried to do that?"

"So you say... But nevermind that. Continue~"

"So I did my research on everything..."

After that, I just continued talking. Telling her stories of me being a simple child and doing the dumbest things because of my personality. At some point it had become me rambling about anything that came to mind.

Yuna listened intently while responding and laughing the entire time. She sounded like she was genuinely enjoying the one-sided rambling. Time passed.

"Well, then. I guess I'll see at school tomorrow," she said.

"So you're hanging up?" I asked.

"Yeah..." She yawned. "I'm sleepy. Haven't slept a wink this weekend."

"Then go to bed already. I can't imagine staying awake for so long."

"Hey, Shiruge."


"Thanks... for being there."

My chest felt brighter. "Don't mention it."


"Now get to bed. You're ruining your health."


"Goodbye, Yuna."


Then we hung up. The conversation that we had made me feel happier about the day. I hope that she felt the same way.

Also, that was the first time I had a full conversation over the phone. And to think that it lasted for three hours!

I must really feel comfortable around Yuna.

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