Silence( Yandere Kenma Kozume...

By Whitesnowfall

43.6K 1.2K 630

Silence:noun. Absence of any sound or noise; stillness. the state or fact of being silent; muteness. Absence... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18

Chapter 17

1.2K 42 49
By Whitesnowfall

Breathe...Just breathe...take deep breaths and close your eyes. Please stop thinking about HeR...relax. Stop it....but I still can't believe it! She's studying with me tonight. She's going to sit next to me. Talk to Me. Learn with Me. And we're going to be breathing the same AiR. Ha ha ha ha ha, I don't feel good. I have to stop thinking about it. But I can't. I have to , but it's impossible. How do you want me to forget about THAT? I can't keep still. I have to distract myself. But how?! It's scientifically impossible!! I can't do this!!! I feels to good, but it hurts so much, too!!!! I CAN'T!!!!I WANT

"Kenma? Would you mind reading us the second paragraph of the book."

The teacher pulled the boy out of his thoughts and brought him back to where he was on earth. Oh, right...he was in the middle of class. How nice...

"Um...uh...I don't-um..." He stuttered. He was unable to form a sentence when he noticed you looking at him from across the classroom. The temperature in the place had once again risen and he didn't know if it was because of all the eyes staring at him or just because of you. He could see the impatience in the teacher's eyes, but all he could focus on was you.

'Stop looking at me. You're driving me insane! Please stop burning me! It hurts! I love you so much!!! What am I saying?!? What's going on!?! HahahahahaHaHAHAHAHA!!!!!'

"Mr. Kenma?" The teacher asked upon noticing the boy's burning face and sweat filled forehead. She just assumed he was too shy and that all the looks from the others made him feel intimidated. Normal for such an introvert like him. So she decided on letting him catch his breath back by asking another student to read.

"(Y/N)? Would you like to read for the class?"

"Oh! Uh, yeah, sure. It would be a...pleasure..." You said as every word you pronounced got quieter and quieter. Your mind was distracted by the small event that occurred in the class just now. What had just happened? Why had he reacted the same way as yesterday when he had asked you to study with him? Ok, yeah he was antisocial and very closed off to the public, but these past few days, everytime he was confronted with the task to interact with people he started some kind of panic attack that would make it near impossible to communicate with him. His words would be jumbled and he'd change colors real fast. Did he have some kind of mental health issue? Probably? Though you were certain that if he did, you would have been alerted by now, right?

You read the lines of the book's paragraph and tried to forget about Kenma for at least a second as to not fuck up the lines. It was harder than you thought, but you managed it in the end.

When the class was over, you rushed to your locker and took out your stuff in a hurry. It was you favorite subject and you couldn't wait to learn more about it. You took out your pencil case and slammed your locker door shut. You opened your case and took out your pen already readying yourself to take notes. You turned around and walked quickly to your class. You had almost made it but unfortunately you had bumped into someone, resulting in all of your pencil case's content spilling on the floor at your feet. You looked up, ready to apologize, but stopped yourself once your eyes met Kenma's...again...

"Oh...sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Kenma mumbled, looking elsewhere.

"No, it's my fault. I was to preoccupied with what was going on in my mind to see where I was going. So it's my bad this time." You chuckled nervously rubbing the back of your neck.

" you want me to help you? " Kenma asked with his usual low toned voice.You were impressed with Kenma's new straight forwardness. Not only did he ask you if you needed his help in your studies, but he wants to help you pick up your stuff that you dropped? Wow, a little more and people would start believing that this shy boy had a thing for you. Funny if you thought about it.

"Um, yeah. That would be awesome of you. At least I could be sure to make it to class in time." You chuckled.

"But there's still 15 minutes left?" Kenma asked, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.

'Omg, thats adorable.'

"I know, but I just prefer to arrive early than to arrive late, know what I mean?" You laughed nervously under his intense golden eyes. You bent down to pick up your stuff and noticed Kenma doing the same. You were thankful that he had the heart to help you out and not just let you down to pick all your stuff up by yourself, you'd feel embarrassed if he ever did. Though you missed the pencil Kenma had quickly stuffed inside his pocket. Not like you'd notice it disappear anyways.

Time skip...

When the day was over you took out your gym uniform for your locker once again and walked to the girl's bathroom. The boy's practice had went pretty well so you had high expectations for the next one. The students in the school all prepared for their own clubs as you did for yours.

Half way through your peaceful walk to the bathroom, you crossed path with Kuroo and Kenma, both walking side by side like before. These two really did fit like best friends. It was heartwarming to watch. You could tell the bond between the two of them was strong. And nothing in the world could break it.

"Hey! (L/N)!" Kuroo greeted with his normal grin. Kenma had only slightly lifted his eyes to look, but they fell back down just as quickly in his video game. You waved lazily at them and smiled back.

"Hey, guys. Ready for practice? I'm just gonna go change and then I'll be going to prepare the stuff." You said, lifting your messenger bag, showing off the uniform in it.

"Actually, that's what we came to you for. Coach Nekomata told us to inform you that practice will no longer be in the afternoon on Tuesday and Thursday. Since we already have practice in the morning we won't need to have them after school. He told us that he didn't want to train us too hard since we already seemed to do enough. So you can take your girly stuff back to your locker cause I don't think you'll need them anyways." Kuroo grinned, making a head motion to your bag.

"Oh! Ok, then I'll just put my stuff back in it's place and I'll be right back." You said.

"Wait? Right back? You're gonna walk with us? But I thought you went the other way?" Kuroo asked, confused. You nodded, agreeing to his statement.

"Yeah you're right! Usually I do, but tonight I'm studying with Kenma. He suggested to help me with my math. I couldn't say no to a friend's help, am'I right?" You grinned before turning around and walking back to your locker. Stunned, Kuroo watched your form walk away from them, before completely disappearing around the corner.

The raven haired boy took a solid minute to process what you had just said while staring wide eyed at the place you had just ran of to. Kenma had done what? HE asked YOU for his help in math? HIM? King of antisociale? Asked someone- yeah he was definitely sick. Probably hit his head on his nightstand again while waking up in the morning, or maybe even...




Kuroo knew very well...VERY very well, even.

Kuroo smirked widely and casted his gaze towards his best friend who gamed without a care in the world. The oldest of the two nudged the youngest with his elbow, succeeding in
gaining his attention. Kuroo wiggled his eyebrows, knowing damn well that Kenma would understand. The latter looked up and glared at the suggestive look his idiot of a friend was sending him.

"What?" Kenma asked already knowing in advance.

"You know what. YOU, inviting a cute girl in your room? Didn't know you had it in you bro! I'm proud of you!"

"Oh, cut it out. You're embarrassing yourself."

"Hey! Can you blame me for looking out for my best friend? I'm just assuring that you don't go inviting anyone in your room, if you know what I mean." Kuroo smirked with a wink. Kenma rolled his eyes and walked away with a groan.

"Oh, c'mon! I'm just joking!"

When you were done with putting all your gym stuff back, you hurriedly made your way toards where you knew the two boys would be waiting for you and joined them in walking out of school grounds. You and Kuroo talked during the walk about stuff that crossed your mind while Kenma remained quiet and continued to play on his gameboy. It was nice to not be alone. Of course some alone time was good too, but you didn't mind a little change of pace from time to time.

The ride on the train wasn't what you were expecting either. There were a lot more people than anticipated. So much that you had to squish yourself between the window and Kenma. Of course without you knowing, there was a maximum place for him to scoot away from you, but would he really let such a chance to be closer to you fly?

Kuroo had left you both together once he crossed the street leading to his house. It wasn't too far from Kenma's as he had told you before, so you knew that you were approaching your destination. The rest of the walk wasn't awkward, it was a bit pleasant even. The boy next to you continued to game while you marveled in the beauty of the new place you hadn't seen before. You never really considered getting out of Tokyo since you hadn't had a reason to either. You regretted that decision. The place where Kenma lived was so much more colorful than yours. Your streets consisted of a few trees and bushes here and there, while Kenma's was filled with all types of flowers and there were also a few Cherry Blossom trees along the streets. It was beautiful.

Though, even if you tried distracting yourself from your thoughts, you couldn't help but feel nervous. You were going to meet Kenma's parents and you didn't want to give off a bad image. You wanted to make a good first impression and not embarrass yourself.

"You know, you don't need to feel so tense. My parents won't bite you." Kenma said, eyes not lifting up from his video game.

"W-what?" You stuttered, feeling your face heat up from being caught. Though, you wondered how he had figured you were so nervous in the first place. Was it that noticeable?

"You've been fidgeting with your fingers since we got off the train and you keep dusting off your skirt. Relax, they already know you're coming over." He mumbled in his hushed voice. He...he had noticed your nervous habits? But, you were sure that he'd had his eyes glued to the screen this entire time. Weird...

After what felt like years, you finally arrived at the Kozume household. It was a small apartment between many others. A drunk man could easily mistaken himself while trying to find his door.

Kenma twisted the doorknob and walked in first before inviting you inside. The place smelled really nice. It smelled like tangerine and freshly cut vegetables. His mother was probably cooking something in the kitchen. You took off your shoes as to not be rude and walked behind Kenma who led you the way to the living room. What you assumed was his father sitting on the couch reading a news paper quietly. He seemed very focused until eventually the son of the house fake coughed in his hand to take away his father's attention. The man looked up, surprised and smiled gently at his son.

"Hey, Kenma. How was your day at school, bud?" He asked, setting his stuff aside. The boy shrugged and took a step sideways to show you. You had tried to hide yourself behind your friend, but guess your plan had failed. His father's eyes widened upon seeing you. He had completely forgotten about your visit! The man got up from his chair and came to introduce himself.

"Why hello, there! I'm so sorry! I completely forgot about tonight's visit! Hope you don't mind. Anywho, I'm Kenma's father, nice to finally meet you." He said extending a hand towards you. You smiled with a hint of nervousness and shook hands with the gentle looking man in front of you.

"It is a pleasure meeting you, sir! I'm (L/N) (Y/N). Kenma's friend and volleyball manager." You said, surprised by your own professional way of talking. You could see that you had impressed both of the men in the room as well. His dad smiled gently.

"I'm happy to know that my son is in between good hands. He doesn't make friends often, but when he does, we're never disappointed."

' More like I'm in his hands. He's the genious one here.'

"Where's mom?" Kenma asked, setting his blazer aside.

"Oh! She's in the kitchen preparing supper. Should be ready in fifteen minutes or so."

Kenma nodded and walked toards, what you assumed, was the kitchen. You followed behind him with your mouth shut as you admired the many family photos along the wall. You had never seen baby Kenma, but DAMN was he an adorable little one. You noticed a few animal toys laying around the house. There was even a cat tree in one of the corners so you guessed they had a cat. You wondered what kind.

Arriving in the kitchen you saw a black haired woman, cutting up some vegetables on the kitchen counter by herself while she hummed a random tune.

"Mom." Kenma softly called out. The woman stopped humming and cutting and turned around to face us. And OH MY GOODNESS was this guy his mother's replica. They looked so similar! You could see the familiar traits in both their faces. Kenma definitely had his mother's eyes and face shape. The woman's hair was cut short above her shoulders, so it just added to their list of similarities.

"Hello,honey. How was your day? Weren't you supposed to bring a friend with you tonight?" She asked curiously. Kenma nodded and shifted aside so you could introduce yourself. The woman gasped and slowly walked toards us as if she thought you'd be scared if she went too fast.

"Hello, dear! I'm Kenma's mother, as you probably already know. Kenma had told us that he'd bring a friend over, but never would've I thought that you'd be such a beautiful young lady. He informed us that he'd help you study, isn't that right?" She asked walked to you with a motherly smile. She seemed really proud of her son.

"Yes, of course! I'm (L/N) (Y/N). Kenma's friend and team manager. It is a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Kozume." You said, shaking her extended hand.


"Oh my! She's so well behaved, too! Honey, you really can't let go of that one." His mother said, combing her gentle hand through his short hair.

"Mom..." Kenma semi groaned, embarrassed by his mother's behavior.

"Well! I don't want to keep you two from learning so I'll be going back to making supper. It'll be ready in fifteen minutes at most. Kenma, honey, would you be a sweetheart and show her your room?"

"Yeah, sure." He mumbled, asking you to follow him. You complied and walked through the house with him. You walked along a long hallway with him and finally arrived in his room. He opened the door and walked in. You did the same after him and looked around the room. It was...a little bit messy. There were a few clothes scattered upon the ground, but you weren't really there to judge. It wasn't that messy, just a little disorganized. But you were surprised that it was cleaner than what you had expected. For someone who didn't move much, Kenma's room was okay. Though the smell was still very good, you wondered where it came from.

Placing his bag on the floor, he took out his school books for assistance while you did the same with yours. You two sat on the bed, where a beautiful Spanish cat was sleeping. It didn't seem to be bothered by your presence. You awed at the sight, and Kenma seemed to notice it.

"That's Cleo. We brought her in when she was a baby cause her mother had somewhat abandoned her. We knew that she was too young to fend for herself, so we brought her in the house. She never went outside again. She's not shy either as you can tell. She just...doesn't care." You softly giggled at Kenma's remark and placed yourself on the bed.

"Well, where do we begin?" You asked, trying to find the right page. You were unaware of the piercing eyes watching your every move intensely. Examining the way you sat across his mattress. He slept in that, and you had just sat on it.

Kenma probably didn't look like it, but he was shaking like a madman and he tried his best to relax and remain silent. But he just couldn't help, but feel...excited. The feeling rushed through his whole body. The temperature had long augmented and the sweat was coming back. You were in his house, his room, his bed. You were going to leave your scent in his place. You were where Kenma had spent most of his days. His life! You were here!!! It was real!!! Really you!!! Omg someone help him!!! He wanted to just cuddle up next to you and feel you for the rest of his life. You were just so perfect. He hardly believed in what was happening before him. You had asked for his help and you were sitting in his was too good to be true. He was sure that he was hallucinating again. It was all just so perfect. And he never wanted that to end...

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