Deal-Breaker [Ron Weasley]

By yellowsmileyyy

186K 5.5K 30K

When you and Ron make a bet about who can get into a relationship first, you're eager to win. As the bet goes... More

Author's Note
1. Breakfast Announcement
2. Bet On It
3. A New Look
4. Jealousy
5. First Date Advice
6. The Ball
7. The After Party
8. Early Mornings
9. A Day Out
10. Christmas Morning
11. True Feelings
12. Little Things
14. Resolutions
15. Morning After
16. Confrontation
17. Loud Silences
18. Apologies
19. Round Two
20. Forgotten
21. Gone
22. Remnants

13. Ignorance is Bliss

7.4K 256 2.2K
By yellowsmileyyy

A/N: this chapter is dedicated to maixxweaselbee who was a huge help in coming up with ideas for this chapter :)

The next couple of days seemed to drag on.

Ron barely looked at me, let alone spoke to me. Every time we were in the same room, he made sure to stay as far away from me as possible. The only time I really saw him was at night when we went to bed, and I can assure you, both of us dreaded it.

It was now Saturday, New Year's eve, and everyone was excited for the the new year. Molly and Arthur were leaving that night to go to a party, and they agreed to let us put together a party of our own while they were out.

Bill and Fleur, Charlie, and Percy all had to head home during the last couple of days, eager to get back to work after the holiday. This left the house to the twins, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny and I.

And, of course, Celeste.

Fred, George, Hermione and I were in the living room, setting up with decorations for tonight.

"Hey, come help me with this," Hermione called to me over her shoulder as she stood on a chair from the kitchen table, stringing up streamers from the ceiling.

I pulled my own chair over and stood up next to her, grabbing a few rolls of gold streamers.

"What's going on with you and Ron?" she asked. I glanced around the room to be sure he was nowhere in sight before answering.

"He's barely acknowledged me since the quidditch game," I sighed, reaching over my head with a piece of tape. "He was really upset about the whole Fred thing."

Hermione grinned. "That's good, right?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Him ignoring me isn't exactly what I had in mind."

"Hey, y/n!" Fred called, and Hermione and I both turned around. "What color balloons, black or gold?" he asked, holding up a black balloon in one hand and a gold one in the other.

"Hmm," I thought aloud. "Black."

"Okay," Fred grinned, turning around and holding up the package of black balloons to George.

Just then, Ron and Celeste waltzed down the stairs together, the two of them laughing at something Ron had said.

"It looks great in here!" Ron exclaimed, glancing around at the decorations. Once his eyes grazed over me, his cheerful expression faded, and he cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Black balloons, though?" Celeste asked, strolling over to the twins who were blowing them up. "Why didn't you choose gold?"

"Y/n picked black," George shrugged in between deep breaths.

Celeste pursed her lips at the mention of my name, but decided against saying anything to me. After all, Ron was here. She couldn't possibly let him think she's anything less than an angel.

Fred noticed the tension and took it upon himself to make things much worse.

"So, y/n," he began, strolling over to me and holding out his hand to help me off the chair. "Now that I've taken Ron's spot as your favorite Weasley—"

"Not true!" Ginny exclaimed, bursting into the room from outside. "That is false."

"Whatever," Fred laughed, rolling his eyes. "Maybe we should room together instead. You know, let Harry room with Ron for these last couple of nights."

I bit my lip as everyone watched the scene go down. Ron's face tightened and instead of arguing like he would've normally, he bounded back upstairs.

Celeste narrowed her eyes and stormed over to where Fred and I stood, the both of us now laughing.

"I'm so glad you moved on to another Weasley boy!" she cried with false enthusiasm. She then raised one eyebrow before adding, "Maybe this one will actually like you back!"

Fred and I exchanged glances, both of us unsure of how to respond.

"What's the matter?" Celeste cried out, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "Everyone already knew you liked Ron. You're so obvious about it."

"Celeste," George shot from the other side of the room. "Cool it."

"Cool it?" Celeste snapped, turning to face him. "You're not bothered by the fact that y/n was practically head over heels in love with Ron one day, and the next she's shamelessly throwing herself at Fred?"

"Aren't you the one who told me to stay away from him?" I asked, and Celeste whipped her head around to look back at me.

"Yeah, but I didn't even have to. He's ignoring you all on his own now," she smirked. She turned to Fred, looking him up and down. "Now you're desperately trying to get with his older brother!" She pouted her lips with false sympathy and snapped, "How sad."

"You know what's sad?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "Being so insecure that you can't let the guy you like talk to his best friend anymore."

Hermione stifled a laugh behind me.

"You know why Ron's even interested in you?" I asked. "Because the two of us made a bet about which one could get into a relationship first. Hate to tell you, but you're just part of him winning."

Celeste furrowed her eyebrows and glared daggers at me, her face getting more and more red by the second. "He told me all about what you said to him," she hissed, walking toward me slowly. "About how you just 'had a bad feeling' about me," she said in air-quotes. She stepped closer, her face inches away from mine. "Well, I'll give you something to have a bad feeling about, you whor—"

"What's going on?" came Ron's confused voice from the bottom of the stairs. Celeste whipped her head around quickly, giving Ron a phony smile.

"We heard yelling," Harry declared from behind him. "Everything okay?"

"Oh, yes!" Celeste cried, running over to Ron's side. "I was just helping set up for tonight."

The rest of us exchanged glances as Celeste grabbed on to Ron's arm and smiled up at him broadly.

"Why were you so close to y/n?" Ron asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"What? Oh, I was just, uh," she stammered, running back over toward me. "Just letting her know she did a good job with the streamers," she lied, nodding her head toward the roll of gold streamers in my hand. "Didn't she do a good job?"

"Yeah, I guess," Ron shrugged, lifting his head to the ceiling to admire my work.

Harry, of course, didn't buy it, and was eyeing me suspiciously the entire time. He knew what was going on.

"So," Ron began, rubbing his hands together. "What time are we starting? Should I get ready soon?"

"We're just about finished decorating," Hermione announced, hopping off of her chair. "Tell me, Ron," she began, folding her arms across her chest. "Black or gold balloons?"

"Black for sure," Ron answered without hesitation.

The rest of us grinned as Celeste scowled, her grip on Ron's arm tightening.

"Anyway, let's go get changed," Ron announced, nodding up the stairs at Celeste, who proudly marched up behind him.

"Woah," scoffed Ginny as soon as they were out of ear shot.

"What just happened?" Harry asked, looking to the rest of us for an explanation.

"Y/n just completely murdered Celeste," Fred laughed. "Not literally, of course."

"Good for you!" Harry exclaimed, holding up his hand for a high five.


"You almost ready?" Fred asked, sticking his head through Ron's door after I'd just finished putting on my dress for the party.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a few," I responded, standing back to look at myself in the mirror.

"Sounds good," he shrugged. "You look great, by the way."

I gave him a warm smile. "Thanks."

Fred drummed his hands on the door frame before turning to head downstairs and join in the festivities. I stared at my reflection one final time, took a deep breath, and followed him down.

Molly and Arthur had left a couple hours ago, and the only thing they asked of us was that everything stay in one piece.

I snuck out Ron's door and the blaring music met my ears. I could already smell the firewhisky, which, based on the last time I drank it, wasn't a good sign.

All I could see as I gazed down the staircase were strobes of flashing colored lights, something the twins had added for special effect.

I slowly descended the stairs, not sure what to expect out of tonight.

It felt like ages since I've talked to Ron, so I'm not exactly sure of his current plans with Celeste. I wonder if he going to kiss her at midnight.

Of course, the thought of having to witness that made me sick, so I pushed it out of my mind.

As I reached the last step, Harry tripped over the cord connecting the speaker to the wall, unplugging it and bringing the music to an unsuspecting halt.

Everything fell silent, and everyone's heads turned toward me, who was the last to arrive.

"Hey, you look great!" called out George, breaking the silence.

Out of the corner of my eye stood Ron and Celeste, the two of them staring at me. Celeste's expression was judgmental and most definitely intended to be sinister, while Ron's was more soft and almost... longing?

"Thanks," I gushed, reaching the ground level. "What happened over there, Harry?"

"Sorry," Harry muttered under his breath, scrambling to plug the speakers back in and get the music going again.

Everyone laughed and the music resumed soon after, and the mood was restored. We all began dancing and singing along to the muggle songs that played, simply enjoying each other's company and having a good time.

"Here," Fred grinned, approaching me with a red solo cup filled with firewhisky. "If we get a repeat of the last time you drank, I'd say this party would be a success."

"Very funny," I laughed. "I am not drinking that much ever again."

"If you say so," Fred smirked, taking a sip from his own cup and leaning back on the table. "Look at them," he scoffed, nodding toward Celeste and Ron. "I'm not just flirting to help you, you know."

"Why else?" I asked.

"For me!" he exclaimed like it was obvious. "If she becomes my sister-in-law... well, I might as well get married to Moaning Myrtle! I'd rather listen to her whining."

I burst out laughing as I also looked over at the two of them. Ron appeared sort of confused as Celeste appeared to be yelling at him. Nothing new, of course.

Ron's eyes soon fell on me, and I quickly looked away, hoping he hadn't seen me staring. But he didn't seem angry, like I'd expect, he seemed... apologetic. This was the first time in days he had looked at me without glaring. He held a finger up to silence Celeste and stepped out of her way, beginning to walk toward me slowly.

"That's my cue to leave," Fred declared, standing up and walking away.

Ron had his hands in his pockets as he approached me, his face hesitant. "Hey."

"Hey," I replied, waiting for him to continue the conversation.

"I just wanted to say," he began. "You look really nice tonight."

I smiled softly. "Thanks. So do you."

"I know," he shrugged confidently, and we both laughed.

I didn't realize how much I missed talking to him.

"So," I said, eager to keep the conversation going. "How have you, um, been?"

"Fine," he sighed, taking a sip from his cup. "Can't drink too much tonight, though. I know I'll probably end up taking care of you," he grinned.

"I can handle myself tonight, promise," I laughed.

"Well, in that case," he stated, taking a huge sip of his drink, and we both laughed.

The night went on exactly as one would expect it to. Loads of dancing, singing, and drinking. Everyone was having a good time.

Except Celeste, of course, who I don't think I've seen happy, well, ever. She stood in the corner by herself, pouting. I'm assuming she wasn't too happy Ron and I were on good terms again.

Close to 11:45, Fred stood up on the table, clapping his hands drunkenly at the rest of us. "Who's up for spin the bottle?" he shouted, and everyone hooted and hollered excitedly in response.

"Alright!" he cheered, jumping off the table and grabbing the empty bottle of firewhisky. "Guess this bottle will do."

Everyone gathered in a circle on the floor in the middle of the living room, and Harry lowered the music just a little so that we could all hear one another.

"Who's going first?" Ginny asked, her eyes glued to Harry while she spoke.

"I will!" Celeste volunteered immediately, reaching in the center and giving the bottle a good spin.

Everyone watched intently as the bottle circled around, eventually slowing to a stop on Ron.

Okay, she had to have cursed the bottle. There were so many other people it could've landed on.

"Ron!" she exclaimed, turning to him excitedly.

Ron grinned sheepishly as she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him in for a long, sort of unsettling, kiss.

Of course, I felt sick to my stomach, and had to look away.

"Alright you two, get a room," Ginny snapped.

Celeste pulled away with a devilish smirk on her face and immediately turned to me to see my reaction.

I stayed calm on the outside, smiling condescendingly back at her.

"Me next," declared Fred, staring at me as he reached in himself and spun the bottle. He didn't take his eyes off of me as it made a full circle a few times, eventually landing in my direction.

Everyone's heads snapped toward me as I was now blushing furiously. "Y/n," Fred smirked.

He, too, definitely cursed the bottle.

Ron was glaring at the both of us, watching in shock as Fred made his way over, his eyes practically glued to me. I saw Ron's fists clench as Fred took a seat next to me and leaned in.

"I swear to Merlin, y/n, don't kiss him," growled Ron suddenly, stopping Fred in his tracks.

Fred whipped his head around to see his brother, who I'd never seen this angry before. "Why not?" Fred asked. "It's just a game."

"Don't. Kiss. Him," he snapped again, ignoring Fred and only looking at me.

"She can do what she wants, mate," Fred countered, and before I knew what was happening, he lifted my jaw with his hand and brought my lips to his.

Fred had clearly had too much to drink, testing his brother like that. It also became apparent when the kiss was too much for him, because he fell over on top of me, our lips not separating.

But that was short lived, because Ron was mad.

"Get off of her!" Ron cried, pulling Fred off of me by the neck of his shirt.

"Ron, it's okay," I tried to cut in.

Fred just laughed and grinned lazily at Ron, his eyelids drooping.

Yeah, he definitely had too much to drink tonight.

"Why do you care, mate? It was just for the game."

Ron was getting more and more upset by the second. "Sure, that might've been for the game, but the two of you have been flirting all week!"

"She can do what she wants!" Fred cried, still laughing.

"She's my best friend!" Ron shot back. "You don't flirt with your best friend's brother!"

"Best friend?" Fred howled. "Last I saw, you've been ignoring her all week like an ass," he spat. "Some best friend you are."

That last line must've pushed Ron over the edge, because he launched himself at Fred, tackling him to the ground.

"Guys, stop!" I yelled, trying to intervene.

"Come on lads, get up!" George cried, also trying to get between his brothers.

The two of them were rolling on the ground, both struggling to hurt the other. Everyone just gathered around them in a circle, watching in horror.

Suddenly, Fred got on top of Ron, pinning him down. Ron struggled underneath him, but he was no match for his older brother. "You piece of shit," Ron hissed.

"I'm doing it for you!" Fred cried, trying to explain himself.

"For me?" Ron laughed. "Yeah, right. Everyone knows you're just a filthy git who uses girls for nothing but your own good."

"At least I've been hanging out with her!" Fred exclaimed. "You just ignore her because she cares enough about you to tell you what we all think of your new girlfriend!" He paused for a moment, thinking about his next words carefully. "Oh wait, she's not your girlfriend, because you don't have the balls to even ask her out!"

Once again, Fred's words pushed Ron to the max. Ron suddenly got a burst of strength and flipped over so he was on top of Fred, who was continuing to laugh drunkenly. "Say that again, see what happens," he scowled.

"You. Don't. Have. The. Balls," Fred taunted.

With that, Ron pulled his arm back and punched Fred directly in the nose, right as the clock struck midnight, and the confetti timers went off.

It was an interesting sight.

Confetti rained down everywhere, excited music blasting, strobe lights dancing around the room as Fred's hands flew to his face and he cried out in pain. Ron was shaking his hand off out as George yanked him off of his twin. Celeste immediately ran to Ron, worriedly asking if he was okay.

The rest of us ran to Fred, who was rolling around on the ground in what I could only imagine to be extreme discomfort.

Ron shook Celeste off his arm and bolted upstairs, Celeste following quickly behind him.

"Where's my wand?," Hermione shouted urgently, running around the living room in a panic while searching for it.

"Merlin, my little brother can punch," Fred muttered, his hands still covering most of his face.

"Let us see," George prompted, pulling Fred's hands away as he winced.

His face was covered in blood, as were his hands, and his nose was most definitely broken.

"I can't find my wand anywhere!" Hermione cried, grabbing fistfuls of her hair in distress.

"We're home!" came Molly's voice from the entryway, and all of us looked up at her and Arthur in shock. "Merlin, what on Earth happened here?" she asked, her hand over her heart as she recognized Fred covered in his own blood on the ground. "Fred, goodness, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, mum," he insisted, followed by a deep groan that suggested he was not fine.

"Episkey!" Molly declared, pointing her wand at her son's face. Fred's nose slowly fixed itself, and he let out a sigh of relief. "Now," she began, turning to the rest of us. "Does someone want to tell me what the bloody hell happened here?"

"Well, Ron sort of... punched him," Ginny admitted quietly.

"What? Why?" cried Arthur, stepping out from behind Molly.

"Things were said and people were, um... kissed?" George said uncertainly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I want all of you in bed this instant!" Molly demanded, stopping the music. "All of you! Go!"

We all immediately rushed to the stairs, none of us wanting to be around Molly while she's upset. "I asked you one thing: to keep everything in one piece. And you can't even obey that!" she shouted at us from down below. "In your rooms and lights out this instant! You hear me?"

We most certainly did. I opened the door to Ron's room, finding it completely empty. Ron must've been in the bathroom with Celeste.

I quickly changed in my pajamas and climbed into bed, not caring that I still had on my makeup. There's no way I was going in that bathroom.

What a way to ring in the new year.

A/N: omg there is so much conflict in this chapter and i hate conflict AH but it had to be done lol. also u guys are NOT ready for the next chapter.... come prepared ;)

also this might be obvious but what house do u guys think i am in based off of the way i write lol

aaaand can't thank u all enough for 2k reads ily <3

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