Chasing the Pediatrician

נכתב על ידי _leensky

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Kaitlyn Reynolds is an ordinary girl, trying to pursue her career in the medical field. She was too focus on... עוד

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Call 911 Please!
Chapter 2 - Emergency Operation
Chapter 3 - Reunion
Chapter 4 - Red Dress
Chapter 6 - Charity Gala
Chapter 7 - It's a Trap
Chapter 8 - The Ultimatum and The Preparation
Chapter 9 - Summer Camp Day 1
Chapter 10 - The Missing Boy
Chapter 11 - The Rescue
Chapter 12 - Someone from The Past
Chapter 13 - I Never Forget a Deal
Chapter 14 - Of Thoughts & Jealousy
Chapter 15 - Be Honest with Your Own Feelings
Chapter 16 - The Devil from the Past
Chapter 17 - Manipulative Witch

Chapter 5 - Baloo

59 3 0
נכתב על ידי _leensky

Kate regretted not changed her outfit before coming to the hospital. All the staff, nurses, and some doctors were looking at her and did some whispering. Either because of her dress or because she came with the Paxtons, or perhaps both. She had no idea. Kate asked the nurse to bring her stethoscope and other things she needs to examine Sara. Sara looked pale and weak. Her breath rate went back to normal but it was still weak. Kate suggests taking an allergy test, especially for peanut allergy.

"Nat, Sara should be fine. She needs to rest and stay the night in the hospital. The test's result will come out in the morning. It's been a long night for all of you. You should take a rest too." Natasha was looking at her only daughter, lying on the hospital bed, sleeping. She was glad Kate was there to take an action.

"Kate, thank you so much. I don't know what would happen if you weren't there. I owe you." Nat held Kate's hands.

"You're welcome. I'm glad she's fine now. The hospital couch could be uncomfortable and cold sometimes, do you want to borrow my clothes? You wouldn't want to sleep in your dress, would you? Beth and I have a few spares in our office."

Beth nodded at Kate's words, "yeah, I could lend it to you, Nat."

"That'd be nice, thanks, Beth."

When Beth went back to the VIP room, she already changed into her pants and shirt. Oh, how Kate wishes she could change her dress too. The dress is beautiful but it drew too much attention in the hospital.

"Thank you. Both of you should go home and have some rest for yourself. I'm sure you have a bunch of works tomorrow." Natasha said while looking at the two doctors. Both of them nodded and walked outside the VIP room with Noah and Josh. Noah told Beth he waits for her outside the lobby.

"I'll walk you home Kate, it's late and you're wearing this fancy dress. I'm worried." Beth told Kate. She was about to decline Beth's offer when suddenly Josh walked towards them.

"I'll take dr. Reynolds back to her place." Beth looked at Josh in disbelief. After her warning, he still had the guts to said that?

"I'm the one who drives her here, might as well take her back to her place, right? As you said, it's late and she's wearing a fancy dress. Nobody knows what would happen." He stated. "Shall we, dr. Reynolds?" Kate didn't understand what happened but she nodded at Josh.

"But—" Before Beth could finish, Kate turned in her direction. "It's okay Beth. I'll be fine. You look tired. You should go home too. Josh will take me back to my place, you don't have to worry." Kate reassured Beth.

'But it is him I'm worried about!' Beth felt like screaming but she didn't. "Alright, take care, Reynolds. I'll see you tomorrow. Josh, you're dead if something happened to Kate." She glared at him before she walked outside where Noah is.

"Your friend really cares about you, huh?" Josh let out a chuckle and looked at Kate.

"We knew each other since college and have been looking out for each other ever since." Kate smiled at Josh and walked towards the lobby. The staff and nurses still stealing glances towards the two, and he could sense she felt uncomfortable. Out of nowhere, Josh put his suit on Kate's open shoulder.

"Josh, you didn't have to—" She tried to give it back to him but he stopped her.

"You must be feeling a bit uncomfortable, just wear it."


Kate went back to the hospital the next morning and checked on Sara's condition. She's much better and the allergy result came; she does have a peanut allergy.

"Hi, Sara." Kate smiled at the little girl.

"Morning Katie..." she replied shyly. Kate gave her a reassuring smile and brushed her hair a bit.

"How are you feeling? Does it still hard to breathe?" Sara shook her head weakly. "No."

"I am glad. Your condition is getting better and you can go home this afternoon. I suggest you really pay attention to the food you eat. You should avoid peanuts and try to bring EpiPen wherever you go. Just in case something happens."

"Thank you so much doc." Adam smiled at her then kissed Sara's forehead.

"It's my job sir. I will have the nurse come and assist you for her discharge." Both Adam and Natasha nodded.

Kate continued her shift until lunchtime and head to the cafeteria. She barely had enough sleep, after yesterday, her whole body felt exhausted; like she just finished her endless tests in med school. She didn't even have breakfast, luckily, she always had her snack bar on her desk, her purse, and sometimes her coat pocket. Kate ordered a tuna sandwich and salad before she sat down and read some journals dr. Reed sent her.

"Hi Kate, can I sit here?" Kate coughed and immediately nodded at Charles. "Did I startle you?" he then chucked a bit while Kate drank her water. "Yeah, a bit."

"Just by yourself?" he looked at her and opened up his lunchbox.

"I am actually. The other residents still have some jobs and won't be coming down anytime soon." Charles just nodded at her.

"What are you reading? Loosen up. Every time I see you, either you always doing something, treating patients or studying. Relax Kate. Don't stress about it too much." Kate didn't expect to hear that from Charles. Is that mean he's been paying attention to her?

"I am not. These are some journals dr. Reed suggested. And I was eating lunch alone so it's better reading something, no?" Charles chuckled at her words.

"dr. Reed can be a handful sometimes—"

"Oh am I dr. White?" Laura stands behind him with crossed arms. "I never imagine you're that kind of doctor who talks behind other doctors Charles. I'm disappointed in you." Laura now sits in front of Kate and Charles.

Charles nervously laughed at his senior. "You are, and you certainly know I told you that couple of times."


It's 4.56 pm and both Kate and Beth are still doing their daily report in their office. Isaac already left the hospital because his parents are in town and they're having family dinner together. Kate was thinking of having pizza for dinner tonight. It's been a while since she had a free night. Usually, she has to do some research or some reading, but she finished it all today. She also thought about binge-watch the Netflix series she's been wanting to.

"I am starving! Do you want to grab dinner together?" Beth yawned.

Suddenly someone knocked on their office door, revealing Noah in his suit. Beth groaned when she saw her brother. She sensed something was up. "Is that how you greet your siblings nowadays?" Noah smirked when he saw his sister frustrated.

"Did mom send you here?" she glared at Noah.

"Well, that was fast. She wants you to join us for dinner tonight." Noah leaned at their office's door. "Oh, hi Kate. Didn't see you there." Noah greeted Kate who was watching these two siblings interacting.

"Noah stop hitting on my friend!" Noah chuckled at his sister's warning. "I didn't hit on your friends. I'm just being polite and friendly. Am I right, Kate?" Kate just laughed. She rarely saw these two talking without irritating each other.

"Alright, I'm going to go. My shift ended and I am going to enjoy my free time with Netflix tonight. See you later Grahams!"

Kate left her office leaving Beth and Noah alone. Beth sighed; she really doesn't want to go to their parents' place and wished she could join Kate instead. "Look sis, I know you hate this situation. But you have to man up and face it. You can't always run away from your problems." Noah looked at his sister.

"You're right." She sighed again. "What time?"

Noah looked at his watch, "in about an hour from now."

"Okay, but at least let me go to my apartment and change first."

"We better move then."

"I'm almost done, give me 5 minutes." Noah looked at her sister with a stern expression, "make it two. You know how much mom hates us for being late for dinner?" Beth just rolled her eyes.

After rushing to her apartment, Noah speeds up to their parents' mansion. It's been a while, Beth felt strange to be in this mansion again. The two siblings walked to the main entrance and were welcomed by the butler. "Good evening Mr. Graham, it's good to see you back Ms. Graham." Beth only nods in response.

When their mom saw Beth came, she rushed and hug her daughter. "Oh, Beth I'm glad you really came! I told Norman to cook your favorite foods." All of these feel odd for Beth. She still can't believe she agreed to came and have dinner with her parents. She didn't say much and took her old seat at the dinner table. Both Hank and Lynn had a satisfied smile on their face.

"How's work, honey?" Her dad asked. "It's good, quite hard but I enjoy it." Her answer made Noah smile a bit. He knew all of her struggles up until now and really happy if she's happy with her job.

"I heard you're really good at your job." Lynn Preached.

"She sure is." Noah raised his drink. "to dr. Bethany Graham." Beth chuckled at his brother. The whole family cheered.

After dinner, Lynn invited all the family members to sit in the family room. The servants had already prepared refreshments, red wine, and a cheese platter. Beth told her family a little bit more about her job at the hospital and some funny stories about her patients. Everyone in the room laughed. She actually missed this; having family time without arguing or being told what to do. Beth hoped this is a new start for their family.

"Bethany.." Lynn called. "Yeah?" she answered, looking at her mother. "Are you in a relationship with someone? A boyfriend perhaps?" now all three pairs of eyes are looking at her direction.

Her mother's question startled her. This made the atmosphere a bit awkward. "Uhm.." Noah tried to hold his laughter. "Not particularly, no. I just focus on my residency right now."

"How is it going?" her mother asked again. "Good, I'm enjoying every second of it," Bethany answered sarcastically, make sure her family takes the hint.

"Oh good for you honey. And how's work for you Noah?" Lynn still asking questing to her children. "Pleasant! I got to taste wine and beer every now and then." Noah raised his drink with a small smile, tried to mock his sister. Beth just rolled her eyes.

"That sounds fun darling. How's Joshua doing? Does he have a girlfriend now?" Beth tensed at her mother's words. 'Not this conversation again...' she said to herself. "Mother, I don't think we should go to that conversation..." Noah warned.

Lynn sipped her drink before saying, "I'm just curious, is it the right time to set up our Beth with Joshy again. The first time Beth might a little bit terrified with the idea of marriage, but I think now she's mature enough and would consider Josh—" before Lynn finished, Beth stood up. "I'm leaving mother. I thought you've changed and would let me choose my own life path."

Noah stood up, looked at his mother in disbelief, then ran after his sibling. "What? I just want nothing but the best for my children."


After bought herself two slices of NY Style Pizza, Kate went to her apartment. She changed into her cozy PJs and made a cup of warm green tea because it was raining outside. Weird kind of combination but Kate doesn't care. In the middle of the show, Kate was distracted by the taps on her window. It was a cat, trying to avoid the rain. She paused the show and opened her window.

"Oh, you poor thing." She wrapped the cat with a small towel. "You really enjoy this aren't ya?" she chuckled as the cat purred.

"Your owner must be looking for you." But the cat didn't have a collar on his neck. "Or maybe not... well, you can stay for the night."

Kate gives the cat a quick rub with a dry towel and lets him sit on the couch. She shared some of her pizza with him and give him some water in a small bowl. The cat now looking less shaking than before. Kate made herself comfortable in her own bed, getting ready to watch another episode.

After watching a few episodes of her favorite show, Kate is ready to call it a night. She glances at the cat and he already asleep. She smiled at the view. She could use some company. And if the cat is left alone in the street, she wanted to be his new friend. "Little buddy, I'll call you Baloo okay? Now sleep tight Baloo."

Hi! I know I've been on hiatus for a year now but hopefully, you'll like this chapter! Thank you :D 


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