Hill House x Bly Manor

De depression_100

2.9K 63 22

Dani Crain had always been close with her triplet siblings, but with something or someone get in the way of t... Mai multe

Day 1 & 2
Day 3 Part 1
Day 3 Part 2
Day 4
1 Year
New Life Pt. 1
New Lives Pt.2
Lovely Lady
New Story!!

Normal Lives

127 5 4
De depression_100

A/N: This is a bit later in the girls lives. A bit into the future but not too much around 6 months.


Jamie had been living in London for six months still going to a college near where she was living. She lived above the pub where she worked most nights. She made two friends Hannah and Owen who she had grown close with through her time in London. She was really grateful for them because they helped Jamie pay rent her first three months in London. After another three months of working two jobs she was able to pay them back.

Jamie had another job at a flower shop the Leafling. She worked for an lady only around her 30 who had two children and a husband. Charlotte Windgrave, was one of the kindest women in London. Her two kids Miles and Flora were almost as sweet as her, just sometimes sassy because they are only so young. Charlotte's husband Dominic wasn't usually around because he worked many places around the world. Charlotte hired Jamie on the spot not knowing wether she was good with plants or not just because she saw Jamie's pain.

Throughout the 5 months of Jamie working for Charlotte Jamie grew closer to the Windgrave family and started to love gardening. Jamie became an older sister to Miles and Flora who both loved her dearly. Jamie told Charlotte the reason she moved back to England and what pained her, and Charlotte was always there for Jamie after that.


Dani had graduated college early because she kept herself busy with school and doing her best to finish almost all of her work early. Dani did double the classes to finish early but instead of started her own business like she planned she became a teacher. Dani was a elementary teacher to around 20 students. She wasn't planning on ever becoming a teacher but she truly loved the job.

Dani had been very well put together a couple of months after her heart break but Theo and Nellie know she is still hurting. Nellie comes to Theo and Dani's apartment every month for a week to make sure her sister is okay. The three always talk and Dani let's out her feelings with them, and Dani is so grateful that she is able to let her feelings out to someone.


"Hey do you mind closing the shop early today I have to get Miles from school he's not feeling good." Charlotte asked kindly grabbing her things around the shop. "Of course do you want me to pick up Flora after?" Jamie asked secretly hoping Charlotte would say yes. "You are my savior." Charlotte told Jamie putting her hands on Jamie's shoulders. "Alright get out of her." Jamie said goofing towards Charlotte who ran out the door screaming "THANK YOU!"

Jamie closed before finished school leaving her enough time to be there right before the girl ended. Charlotte had added Jamie to the parent list for who is allowed to pick her kids up from school. "Oh my Jamie your picking me up today! How perfectly splendid this is!" Flora said excitedly jumping around running to hug Jamie. "Well hello to you Ms. Flora" Jamie said hugging the small girl.

As Jamie was walking Flora to the car a question popped into Jamie's mind "What do you say we go to the park for a bit?" Jamie said smirking knowing what the small girl would say. "Oh how lovely and perfectly splendid that would be, please can we go to the park Jamie!" Flora said very excited trying to run towards the car. "Alright little gremlin we can go." Jamie said enjoying her time with the little girl.

Once they arrived at the park Flora dashed onto the grounds to play. Jamie sat down on the bench she always sat at so she always had an eye on Flora. There were many other kids playing at the park so Flora always had people to play with. The one woman who always sat next to Jamie came and sat in her usual spot. The woman had brown hair darker than Jamie's, she was fairly tanned with deep brown eyes.

"Well hello again." The girl said nervously. Jamie knew of the reason but didn't do anything about it because only one person ever came to mind, Dani. "Hi Laura." Jamie said putting her back on the resting area of the bench. "Spoiling Ms. Flora today are we?" The girl said, she had a very strong english accent but always sounded very kind. "Yes Miles is sick so I decided to let her stay happy bit longer before she realizes she can't play with Miles when she gets home." Jamie said thinking of how said the little girl will be about not being able to play. Laura just nodded solemnly and left it at silence after that.

"Alright I think we're going to head off, suns going to set soon and her mom will kill me if she's not home soon." Jamie said getting up from the bench. "See you soon?" Laura said getting shy again. "Yeah." Jamie said walking to get Flora and heading to the Windgraves.

Jamie walked in with Flora and sat with Charlotte. They talked for a bit and once it started to get late Jamie decided she should head home. "But now I have no one to play with." Flora pouted to Jamie. "I'm sorry little one, hopefully tomorrow Miles with feel better, who knows maybe mom has a game in mind." Jamie said giving the small girl a little hug and headed towards the door. "Oh yes we have a long night ahead of us Flora." Charlotte said giggle towards her daughter. "Oh how perfectly splendid this is." Flora said as Jamie was walking out the door. They all said their goodbyes and Jamie headed to her next job.


Today Dani was having a unpleasant day with her students and her emotions. Dani woke up early and got ready for her job but felt a little sad today. Her students didn't realize because she was always at her best around them. They were extra excited today because a teacher gave them a bit of candy before they went off to her class. The excited kids did help Dani's mood but with all of the sugar they were the greatest listeners.

Though she did her best at the job it was hard with younger students. "Alright let's calm down a bit." Dani said trying her best to get the kids attention. It didn't work, she was a bit aggravated with the children but she wouldn't show it. "Alright guys settle down." She said a bit louder which caught the kids attention. "Sit down we're going to be learning something new. This is going to be a project I'll pair you into your team." Dani said relieved the kids quieted down a bit. "Take out you book and go sit with you partner anywhere in the room." She said after pairing everyone in their groups.

After Dani finished work she decided to get a drink with Theo who needed one too. "So how was school?" Dani asked kindly seeing that Theo was upset. "It was okay, my teacher was an ass today." Theo said laughing a bit. "How was yours?" Theo asked wondering why Dani wanted a drink. "It was kind of stressful the kids had candy and would calm down for a bit." Dani said rest her head in her hand. "They listened though?" Theo asked. "Yes. I may have raised my voice a bit" Dani said feeling guilty but giggling a bit. "Nothing wrong with that." Theo said giving her sister the words she needed to hear.

"Nellie is coming back to town soon." Theo said taking a long sip of her drink. "You're saying it like it's a bad thing what's going on." Dani said worried to why her sister sounds worried about it. "Um- uh nothings wrong." Theo said waving the bartender for another drink. "Spit it out Theo." Dani said gently wondering what happened. "She just upset with me right now." Theo said looking down. "Why is that?" Dani said intrigued.

"She wanted me to feel something of Arthur's because they are fighting. She said he's acting strange and has been coming home late a lot." Theo said. "I'm guessing you said no." Dani said and Theo just nodded. "So why's she mad? I mean you don't have to do it." Dani said which made Theo feel less guilty. "I don't know maybe she's just worried, but I might do it to help her." Theo said know she would most likely do it. "Alright just don't see too much that would be weird." Dani said making her and Theo giggle.

"Um hi, I was sitting across the bar and was wondering if I could take you out sometime?" A man said to Dani looking somewhat flustered. Dani just looked at Theo who put her hands up not know what to do. "Um I kind of don't know you." Dani said trying to get out of it. "Well the date is how you can get to know me." The man said flirting with Dani. Dani cursed to herself knowing there was no way out of it. "Sure." Was all Dani said. "Perfect, write down your address and I'll pick you up next Friday, my names Edmund by the way." Edmund said victoriously. "Danielle." Dani said as she wrote her address dreading it. She gave the paper to Edmund then left with Theo.

"Look at you!" Theo said giggling to Dani elbowing her. "How do I get out of this!" Dani said putting her hands on her face whining. Theo just laughed loudly waiting for next Friday to come.


Jamie usually worked from 19-2(7p.m.-2a.m.) at the the bar. She somehow managed to always get her work for college done and go to both jobs with a good amount of sleep. Though she never slept as peaceful as for when she was with Dani, she still managed to sleep. Today Jamie was a little late for work because she wanted Flora to enjoy the rest of her day.

"Just a bit late but that's alright." Hannah said to Jamie who just laughed. "What had you so late?" Hannah asked smirking. "Ms. Flora the adorable little girl I sometimes pick up from school." Jamie said trying to contain her laugh. "Had me thinking you were on a date." Hannah said nudging Jamie. "It's better for me to not date. Me and relationships don't mix well." Jamie said looking down remembering her last relationship. "It wasn't your fault you did nothing wrong." Hannah said putting her hand on Jamie's back for comfort. Jamie had told Owen and Hannah the reason she came to London around 2 months into her living in London.

"Let's get back to it." Jamie said picking her head up and heading to help a customer. Hannah just sighed knowing Jamie needed someone to talk to. Throughout work Jamie began to remember the times she spent with the girl she felt so much for. She didn't know what to call the feeling though it was so strong. Jamie didn't want to call it love because she thought of love as a kind of thing that is eternity, something that never leaves you. Little did Jamie know that that was her love.

Once it was 02:00 Jamie was alone in the pub. She closed and locked the doors and cleaned up then headed up to her flat. Jamie did small bits of school work before she went and prepared herself for bed. Jamie found herself in bed staring at the ceiling at 03:45 with her mind stuck on one person, Dani. She finally let go of her gaze on the ceiling and fell asleep.


Dani and Theo were watching their usual show before heading to bed. Dani prepared for bed but was stuck thinking of the one girl who never left her mind, Jamie. She was stuck thinking of the girl for hours before she went to bed later than she would've preferred.

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