The Loneliest Shade Of Blue ~...

By xxQueenPowerxx

17.2K 591 266

Claire Kano was what people would call mysterious, but she would argue she was just closed off. They would ca... More

Important Information!
1.0: Starting Over
2.0: New Dynamics
3.0: Hello The Great Outdoors & Healthy Competition
4.0: Standing Victorious With An Unexpected Twist
6.0: Ex-Prosecutor & The Banquet
7.0: Favors & Icy Behavior
8.0: Some Things Are Better Left Alone

5.0: Opening Up

1.4K 66 33
By xxQueenPowerxx

A/N: This story is based on episode 1x05 A Boy in a Bush and Claire does talk in her native tongue which I have chosen to be Japanese~


Claire was in her office, she sighed as she rubbed her face. Claire was currently on the phone with a coroner in West Virginia, "Dr. Wilson-"

"I just don't understand why you can't come out here?"

"As I have stated, I work for the Jeffersonian and while I'm not what is usually employed at the Jeffersonian I am needed here first. If you would like me to head out there, you need to make an official request with my employer Dr. Goodman."

"Look, Claire-"

"It's Dr. Kano, please remember that." Claire interrupted and she sighed, Dr. Wilson was understaffed but that wasn't her problem. Claire knew that Dr. Wilson was an amazing coroner, but she did take more than she could handle with the new cases which is why she reached out to Claire. Claire looked up at the door when she heard a knock, she looked at Zach. "Yes?"

"Dr. Brennan needs us out a crime scene."

Claire nodded, "Dr. Wilson, I'm sorry but I have important matters to attend to."

"Dr. Kano, I would really appreciate it if you reconsider my offer."

"I'm sorry Dr. Wilson but my answer is final, I don't have time in my schedule to come over and help you identify your serial killer. You're more than welcome to send the file, but I cannot fly out to see the bodies for myself." Claire hung up and Zach raised an eyebrow, "Everything okay?"

"Fine, explain in the car where we're headed."


Claire pulled up to the crime scene and tied up her hair once she exited her car, she walked over to Brennan and Zach followed closely behind. Brennan turned to look at them, "They said this call came in a couple hours ago, there's no sign of him."

Claire nodded and walked under the tape with her and Booth, there was a little boy who went missing and a call had come in anonymously saying there was a body found in the suburbs by the mall in an empty plot of land. The officer looked over at Brennan, "You mind if I ask you a question?"

"No of course not."

"Why do the cops in your book come off as one-dimensional?" 

"You mean two-dimensional." Claire corrected and Zach nodded, "One-dimensionality exists only in theory as a mathematical value." The officer frowned, "But-"

"Officer, we need to find this body." Claire interrupted and the officer cleared his throat, "Right, of course." He walked away and Booth whistled, "Very icy there Cee."

"Don't call me Cee, and we have a child's remains to find." Claire replied and Brennan nodded before looking at Zach, "Did you bring the thermal imager?"

"I don't think we'll need it." Zach answered and Brennan gave him a look, Zach sighed. "It makes me look like a Great Gazoo." Brennan shook her head, "I don't know what that means, but we definitely need it Zach."

Zach sighed with a nod before walking back to the car, when he walked back Booth chuckled. "How's it going in there Darth? Anything on Saturn?" Brennan looked at him confused and he sighed, "Please tell me you've seen at least on Star Wars movie."

"When I was seven, leave Zach alone." Brennan replied and Claire shrugged, "I don't like movies, never really saw any growing up." Booth frowned and was going to say something when Zach cleared his throat, "Can we please hurry up? It's stuffy in here."

Claire hummed and looked out into the field, "You should be able to see any heat residue released from the decomposing body, lead the way." Zach nodded before walking around with Claire, Booth, and Brennan closely following behind.

Booth turned on his flashlight as he looked around, "Party central." Brennan shrugged, "Suburbs are so homogeneous that adolescents tend to rebel in predictable and uniform ways, they set things on fire, do substances, wayward behavior."

Booth looked over at her, "You think that wayward behavior  would include abducting a six year old child?" Claire sighed, "Let's hope not."

I don't want to find a body...

"I'm picking something up." Zach called to them and Claire tensed before walking over to him, Zach stopped walking. "Oh my God." 

Oh no...

Zach turned to look at Booth, "You can turn on your flashlight over here," Zach took off his helmet and moved the grass, they stared at the skeleton covered in larva and Claire took a deep breath to calm herself. "I'm....gonna be over here."

Claire walked away and sighed before looking up at the sky, Booth looked over at her before looking back at Brennan. "Is she okay?" Brennan sighed, "We just found a dead child and that's not something she's used to, give her time."

They collected samples of the larva and carried the boys body to the vehicles where he was transferred to the Jeffersonian for further investigation, Claire didn't say anything the ride back and Zach didn't ask in fear of saying something wrong.

They both now stood on the observation deck with Brennan as she was looking at the body, "Before proceeding with maceration, any general observations Zach?"

 Zach looked at the body, "Epiphyses fusion puts he age at approximately six to ten years though the stature suggests younger."

"Good, cause of death Dr. Kano?"

 Claire didn't answer, Brennan looked over at her. "Dr. Kano? Cee?" Claire rubbed her face, "C.O.D. is blunt force trauma to the chest..." Angela walked over to her, "Why don't you take a break? I'm not doing to hot either, he's so...small."

"I'm fine, continue Dr. Brennan and don't call me Cee." Claire took in a deep breath and Brennan looked worried before nodding, Hodgins looked up from his computer and walked over. "The remains were significantly degraded by insect and animal activity, mostly dog and rodent. Despite the condition of the body, he's been dead only 36 and 48 hours."


Claire cleared her throat, "And these were found a few yards from the body." She motioned to the clothes they had found and Brennan nodded, "Notice that the are in perfect condition, what does that tell you?"

"The victim wasn't wearing them when he was killed." Zach answered and Brennan looked back down at her clipboard, "Which suggests he was sexually assaulted." Claire sighed and shook her head, "Kono kawai-sōna kodomo (This poor kid)."


Claire tried to calm her nerves by playing with her bracelet and Hodgins raised an eyebrow, "Have you always been wearing that?"



"Is that a problem?" Claire asked and Hodgins shook his head, "No, just never noticed it before."

"That's not my issue." Claire replied and Angela walked over, "Here, I'm done with your sketch." Brennan sighed and walked over to the screen to compare it to the missing poster, "I think we have a match."

"The clothes match as well." Claire stated, "It's Charles Gregory Sanders." Brennan nodded, "I'll go tell Booth." Claire hummed as she watched her leave, she turned to look at the body again before tensing up.

So young...

"Are you sure you're okay?" Angela asked and she shrugged, "Who knows." Claire walked away and went to her office, Zach called out to her. "There's still skin and tissue-"

"I know." Claire called back before closing her office door, Hodgins raised an eyebrow. "She seems touchy, what're the chances she talks to us?"

"Zero." Angela answered, she looked at Claire's office door worriedly. "I don't think she's going to be okay." Zach looked back at the remains and shrugged, "Maybe it's to do with her file, Booth's been avoiding talking about it and she won't tell us so there's nothing we can do. Besides, Dr. Kano always states that we shouldn't be worrying about unprofessional things."

Angela frowned but nodded, "Yeah, I guess."


Claire coughed up water, she tried to raise her body above the water but Violet's weight was pushing her back down. Claire gasped as her lungs started to burn, she sobbed as she flailed around. "I can't breathe V!"



Claire struggled and sobbed as she felt more pain on her injured side, she forced her eyes open and stared at Violet's guilty eyes. "I'm sorry."


Claire woke up with a jump when someone knocked on her door, she rubbed her eyes and stood up from her couch. "Come in." Zach walked in and walked over with a file, "I noticed you were acting a bit strange so I went ahead and took some samples for you."

Claire nodded and took the files, "Thank you Zach, I'll look into them." Zach nodded, "Is there anything else?" Claire looked at him with a small wry smile, "You're going to ask if I'm okay like the others, aren't you?" Zach looked at her before closing the door, "Dr. Kano, you're not okay." Claire raised an eyebrow at him and he shrugged, "You keep saying you're fine when someone asks if you're okay so I just went straight to my point, you're obviously not okay."

Claire sighed, "Zach this isn't something you need to worry about." Zach shrugged, "I know, but I do consider you a friend and everyone seems to be worried."


"You've been acting more cold and distant."

"Mr. Addy-"

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong, you can just admit to me that you're not okay at the moment. There's nothing wrong with that in my opinion, that's just you being human." Zach stated and Claire stared at him before sighing, "I'm just a bit bothered with our remains belonging to a child, he's so...young."

Zach nodded, "That's understandable." Claire smiled wryly, "I...I'm fine Zach, really. Just some old memories get brought up when I see remains of children or cases to do with them, but it's nothing to worry about." Zach tilted his head, "Is there a reason that you never open up to us?"


"I see, okay then. I'll be getting back to work." Zach turned around a Claire called out to him, "Mr. Addy, it goes without saying that this conversation..."

"I won't tell anyone, it's not a conversation that needs to be brought up." Zach assured as he walked out, Claire sighed and rubbed her head. 

If I'm being honest, Zach is the last person I thought would come check up on me...maybe that's why I said something almost personal to him.


Claire stood in Brennan's office as Goodman handed them letter, "These are invitations to a special banquet." Brennan sighed as she took the invitation, "You called a special meeting to invite us to a party?"

"Don't think of it as an invitation, think of it as summons. It's for donors." Goodman answered and Hodgins scoffed as he didn't take his, "Meet and greets, press the flesh, but-kiss-"

"I don't like it any better than you do Dr. Hodgins," Goodman interrupted with a sigh, "But these people fund our research and all they want in return is to rub elbows with a scientist every once in awhile." Hodgins narrowed his eyes, "Can't make it."

"Me either." Brennan stated and Claire nodded, "I'm busy, sorry." Angela smiled, "I have a date that night." Goodman sighed, "You don't even know what day it is Miss Montenegro." He handed her an invitation and went to Claire who frowned, "I don't want it."

"Dr. Kano, I know this isn't your scene. However, your brother is a generous donor to this institution and to the FBI, the press might find it disappointing if both of the Kano siblings weren't there. This could affect your reputation which I know you don't care for, but your brother's might be affected if you don't show."

Claire blinked before sighing, "One hour, you get one hour of me in a God awful dress. That's my requirements to showing up and I am not giving any speeches or talking to the donors, I also want a new equipment for my autopsies." Goodman smiled, "Of course, that's doable and that's more than enough time."

"You're lucky that my brother is attending or you wouldn't have me attending at all, I hate politics." Claire stated as she took the invitation and Goodman walked to the door, Zach raised his hand and Goodman looked at him. "Yes Mr. Addy?"

"What kind of food will be there?" Zach asked and Goodman sighed before looking at all of them, "When I think you should be thinking of this invitation as a summon, I understated. It's a subpoena, a grand jury subpoena, so ignore it at your own peril."

Brennan sighed, "You're not gonna fire us if we don't go." Goodman shrugged, "No, not fire you, but I can move your parking spot to Lot M. Enjoy the shuttle ride." Zach frowned, "The shuttle smells like feet."

Brennan sighed, "I know when I'm beat, I'm in." Angela shrugged, "What the hell, it's one party."

"Can I only go for one hour too?" Brennan asked and Goodman shook his head, "No, that is only for Dr. Kano." Zach looked confused, "Why?"

"Because Mr. Addy, you don't have a brother with a multi-million dollar company, who owns branches of other companies, donates a generous amount of money to this institution, and you're not an ex-prosecutor who would argue her way out of this party if I do not oblige to her requirements." Goodman answered and Claire shrugged, "I also wouldn't care if you move my parking spot, I'd just simply walk."

Goodman smiled at her, "And that is precisely why I am willing to bargain for your attendance because you seem to find every possible way to find loopholes, even if your attendance is just for one hour." Hodgins shook his head, "Sometimes, it's hard to believe you're a scientist."

Claire looked at him confused while Zach sighed, "Do I have to wear a tie?" Goodman nodded, "Formal wear, I've arranged a limo to pick us up from here."

Hodgins shook his head, "Not me, I'm not afraid of parking or feet." Zach's eyes widen, " drive me to work, you can't just think of yourself." Hodgins didn't waver and Goodman narrowed his eyes, "Repercussions and consequences, Dr. Hodgins. I'm your boss and you will go to this banquet."

Goodman walked out of Brennan's office and Hodgins glared after him, he started to snap the rubber on his wrist against himself. Claire sighed, "I guess I'll call my brother to see what he has planned."

Angela turned to look at her, "Are you really going to just go for one hour?" Claire nodded, "I'm not into the whole 'dress' thing, so yes only for one hour." Claire left Brennan's office and went to her own, she closed her door before sitting down at her desk. She sighed as she picked up her phone, Claire waited as she called the receptionists desk.

"This is Mr. Kano's secretary, how can I help you?"

"Is Kenny there?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kano's in a meeting at the moment. If you leave me a name, I can-"

"Who is that?"

Claire raised an eyebrow at the new voice, "Hello? Is someone still there?"

"Who is this? Why're you calling Kenny?"

Claire sighed, "I don't have time for this, please hand the phone back to Kenny's secretary."

"No, not until you tell me who you are."

Claire rubbed her face and sighed, "I'm trying to have patience, put me back on with the secretary."

"And I said-"

Claire hung up on her and dialed Kenny's personal cell, she sighed in frustration as she waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Cee, I'm-"

"There's a woman at your secretary's desk antagonizing your poor secretary and taking calls, she wouldn't hand back the phone and I need to talk to you about what you're planning on wearing to the banquet for the Jeffersonian donors." Claire interrupted and she heard Kenny sigh, she could tell her was already frustrated as well.

"I'm sorry, this meeting's going to have to be cut short. We'll reschedule later, there's a problem I need to take care of."

Claire listened to him open a door, Claire calmed herself down and grabbed a file to look at while she waited for Kenny to be done.


"Kenny! I was waiting for you-"

"Leave, now. Stop harassing my staff. Are you alright Miss Lee?"


"I wasn't harassing them! There was this woman on the phone and she-"

"That woman is my beloved sister and you'll show her some respect Miss Campbell, I've already told you and your father that I have no interest of marrying you. Leave now before I have you thrown out by security, I'm trying to be patient here but you're causing a ruckus and disturbing my meetings. Markus, make sure that this woman isn't allowed up here or in this building without permission."

"Yes sir."


"I'll have security up here in 5 minutes, it's best you leave before then."

Claire's lips twitched, "And people tell me I'm the icy one." She heard Kenny laugh, she smiled a bit as she closed her file.

"That's because you're scary Cee, can't believe you're a squint."

Claire frowned at his words before sighing as she opened a new file, "So you weren't going to tell me about this banquet?"

"Dr. Goodman said he'd fill you in, so I didn't find it necessary. Mama's coming too, she's going to be my plus one."

"Mama doesn't like parties."

"She just wants an excuse to see you dress nice, she wanted to help pick out your dress but I told her I already sent you pictures of the available dresses."

Claire raised an eyebrow, "No you didn't."

"I know, I lied to her so you'd get to pick your dress yourself. Mama has different taste from you Cee, I tried to pick dresses that would be in your style."

"What color?"


"Than I'll let you know which one I'll choose, send them over." Claire stated and Kenny chuckled.

"What'd it take to convince you to go?"

"Just reminding me that you're the one in our family that cares more about reputations, it'd bring you some embarrassment if I didn't show. Also, I'm getting new equipment."

"Of course you are, well let me know if you find a different dress that you like that I didn't send. I'll need to know your answer by tonight to have them come measure you, will that be enough time?"

"It should," Claire answered as she closed another file, "Thank you Ken, you didn't have to buy me a dress."

"I rarely get to spoil you, so think of it as me spoiling me too. Mama's already chosen her dress, I'll pick her up and I'll come to pick you up at the Jeffersonian."

"Sounds like a plan, bye Ken. Sorry to interrupt your meetings."

"Don't be, it was boring. Bye Cee, call me later."

Claire hung up and checked the dresses Kenny had sent her, she sighed as she looked at them. 

A/N: The dresses Kenny sent for Claire to choose from~

The dresses were nice, but some of them were not in her style. Claire was looking carefully before she pulled out her tablet, she bit her lip before she stopped browsing in a certain shop's website.

I did like this dress...

Claire sighed before sending Kenny a text, she was hoping he didn't ask questions.

Claire: I have a dress

Kenny: That was fast

Claire: It's not one of the ones you sent, I happened to be browsing in a store when I saw this and I...liked it

Kenny: Cee, if you're embarrassed to say you like a dress you shouldn't be. Everyone likes clothes, send it to me and I'll have it bought

 Claire relaxed and her lips twitched, she was glad that Kenny was understanding. Claire grabbed her phone and took a picture of the dress, she really did like this dress even if it wasn't normally what she'd look for in clothes.

A/N: The dress Claire has chosen~

Claire: This is what I want

Kenny: Very different from your style, but I'm glad you like it. It's going to look great on you Cee, I'll schedule a fitting for your measurements to make sure I go and buy the right size

Claire: Or I could go buy it

Kenny: Shush, I'm spoiling you. Let me know if you want any accessories or anything as well or shoes

Claire looked at her phone softly before there was a knock at her door, she looked over at Brennan. "Yes?" Brennan smiled at her, "Zach's getting ready to clean the bones, have you taken samples?"

"Yes Zach did that for me, there's nothing more the skin can tell me. I've already distinguished C.O.D. and there was barely any tissue for analyzing, mind if I join you to make sure he's doing it correctly?"

"Of course." Brennan answered an Claire stood up, she walked with Brennan over to where Zach was. Claire looked at the boiler, "Warming it up?"

"Yes." Zach answered without looking at her and Brennan raised an eyebrow, "Something wrong?" Zach sighed and turned to look at them, "These are the smallest remains I've ever worked on."

"That's a valid observation Zach, but it's not helpful to the investigation." Brennan replied and Zach looked back down, "I'm sorry Dr. Brennan." 

Brennan looked at him before clearing her throat, "I was at Waco. Br Davian compound, I helped identify children who had been killed in the fire...17 of them."

"So you're saying I'll get used to it?" Zach asked and Claire shook her head, "No, you'll never get used to something like this...but there's always going to be more, that's why it's important for us to do our jobs."

Brennan nodded, "We're primates, social creatures. It's coded in our DNA to protect our young, even from each other." Zach sighed, "So I'm always going to feel terrible?"

Brennan tilted her head, "What helps me is to pull back emotionally, just...put your heart in a box where you know it's safe." Zach looked confused, "I'm not good with metaphor's Dr. Brennan."

Claire shrugged, "I always leave my heart out of everything, the heart causes you to feel emotions that are in the moment rather than thinking rationally." Brennan smiled at her before looking back at Zach, "Focus on the details."

"Details, I can do that." Zach replied as he walked to the remains, "No trauma to the skull, no compound fractures. Charlie wasn't beaten to death or dismembered-"

"It helps not to refer to the victim by name." Brennan interrupted and Zach nodded, "Green stick fractures on ribs four, five, six, and seven. The sternum is snapped transversely from the tip to the xyphoid." 

Claire tensed before taking a deep breath, "That indicates that the victim's chest was struck by a heavy, blunt object. Are you certain we've completely certain we've learned everything we can?"

"Yes." Zach answered and Brennan motioned to the body, "Smell the mouth." Zach frowned before doing so, "Smells like some kind of chemical, chloroform?" Claire tensed, "I missed that." Zach sighed, "So did I, my apologies." Brennan shook her head, "It's fine."

Claire cleared her throat, "Someone used that to render the boy unconscious, I'll take some more samples from the mouth, jaw, sinuses and what's left of the esophagus to give to Hodgins."

Zach sighed, "I should've grabbed you more careful and better samples." Brennan looked at Zach, "Kids make it harder Zach, you did good even if you missed some steps. You'll get better with time." 

Brennan left and Claire was still looking at the body, "You did fine Zach, I should've taken the samples anyway." Zach turned to look at her, "I'll do them, I'll do them right this time."

Claire looked at him and gave him a small smile, "You did them right the first time, you did great. I'm sorry, I was to emotional before and pushed the work to you. Will you be alright?" Zach nodded, "Yes, I will. Are you...feeling better?"

Claire blinked at him and shrugged, "Who knows." Claire turned to the door and Zach called to her, "You don't have to say what's bothering you, can you at least tell me if you're okay?"

"Why do you care?" Claire asked as she faced him again and he stared at her, "You've helped me a lot these past 2 years Dr. Kano, you've been someone I felt that I could talk to. I just want you to feel like you have someone here you can talk to even if you don't want to say the details, I know you don't think of me as a friend but I do think of you as one. You've been like a mentor and a friend to me, you've been here for 2 years and I still don't know you. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that you're here, doing all this with us."

Hodgins said the same thing...

Claire blinked at him and shrugged, "I feel better than before if that's what you're asking, that's all. Bring the samples to Dr. Hodgins once you've collected them." Claire turned back around and walked away to her office, she sighed as she closed the door.

He reminds me of Violet...always wanting to know things and trying to know everything about your problems. He's right though...they all are. What am I doing here?

Claire shook her head and put her face in her hands, "You're doing it again....stop trying to know things, that's what destroyed you." Claire's hands started to shake and she stood up and left her office.

I need to find Goodman.


Claire walked into Goodman in his office, "Why did you hire me?" Goodman looked at her, "I'm sorry?"

"Why did you hire me at the Jeffersonian? I can't do much with remains, I have no background with forensics except for my doctorates, I basically work for the court still and the FBI, so why did you hire me? You said it was because I'm a good asset to the Jeffersonian, did you mean my brother's bank account was a good asset?" Claire asked and Goodman frowned, "Has someone said something to you?"

"No, and that bothers me. From the day I worked here, no one questioned why I was hired or why I was needed. You all don't deal with human flesh, I'm barely needed here if at all for your findings with remains. No one asked why you needed a forensic pathologist or a forensic psychologist in a place where you study dead remains with no flesh. Why did you hire me Dr. Goodman?" Claire asked desperately and Goodman stared at her, he stood up and walked over to her. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder, Claire tensed and he removed it.

"Dr. Kano, I've said this before and I'll say it again. You were hired because you'd be a great asset, not your brother's money. You're someone who is...rational, that's needed in a room full of scientists who think nothing but science all day. You're mind is always clear and set onto the goal at hand, you do each task professionally and rationally because you're dedicated to doing what is right and best for the job. You don't have a big background with forensics, but you've proven to be someone who was very knowledgeable in this field even with your little background. You prove to have great leadership abilities, you're someone people look up to, and you are someone with the authority that is needed here in the workplace to get things done."

Claire relaxed and Goodman smiled at her, "I chose to hire you because you showed great potential Dr. Kano, you've become a wonderful forensic pathologist and psychologist. You're still fairly new to the job, but you've shown great improvement and that's what matters. You're doing a fine job here, we're all grateful to have you here because you're the person that helps us remember that our personal lives should not interfere with the work at hand. You remind us that our jobs save lives and help lives be lived Claire, you're important here." 

Claire blinked at Goodman and nodded, "Okay, thank you Dr. Goodman." He smiled at her, "Anytime Dr. Kano, don't get to much into your mind. We all doubt ourselves, find me if you ever need to talk again." Claire nodded before leaving, she was still shaking but she had calmed down.

I can't doubt myself, the last time I did that someone died Dr. Goodman. I have to do everything perfectly...and unemotionally.


Booth had arrived with news that Charlie had been taken at the mall and not the park, she sipped her juice box as Angela was explaining how the cameras worked at the mall to him and Brennan. "There are 20 surveillance cameras taking stills every two seconds throughout the mall including access corridors and parking lots, I concentrated on the ones aimed at the public concourse."

Booth sighed, "Okay, 10,000 people a day go through that mall. How're we going to find one small kid?" Brennan turned to look at him, "Angela designed a mass recognition program to apply body types to skeletal remains."

Angela nodded, "Endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph, that kind of thing. I modified it to scan two-dimensional images, in this case we're looking for body masses roughly congruent with Charlie, Sean, and David." Angela pointed at the screen, "And that's David."

Booth smiled and looked over at her, "You're actually one of them, aren't you?" Angela looked confused, "One of who?"

"The squints. You look normal, act normal, but you're actually one of them."

"This whole mass recognition program was Brennan's idea, I'm really completely normal." Angela defended and Claire hummed, "Don't worry Angela, Agent Booth believes anyone with some intelligence is a squint-"


"So take it as a compliment, Agent Booth is calling you smart." Claire finished and Booth shook his head, "I still can't believe you're a squint." Claire bit her lip as anxiety filled her again, Booth looked at her. "Hey it was just a joke Cee."

"Don't call me Cee, and I know." Claire replied and continued drinking her juice, Brennan pointed to the screen. "I see Charlie." Booth looked at the screen and sighed, "That's him alright." Angela cringed and looked away, "Oh God."

Brennan looked at her, "Ange, you okay?" Angela shook her head, "These are probably the last pictures of this little guy alive...why is he alone? Why isn't anybody with him?" Booth gave her a sympathetic look before looking back at the screen, Brennan still looked at her worriedly.

Claire turned to look at her, she gently reached out and tapped her hand. Angela turned to look at her and relaxed, Angela cleared her throat before looking back at the screen. "Sorry, max resolution is X-40 by 480 pixels per inch."

Claire frowned at the screen, "He's not alone, someone's calling him over." Booth looked to where she was pointing, "Can't you just zoom in?" Angela shook her head, "The fewer pixels that make up an image, the more the picture degrades once we zoom in on it...did that sound squinty?"

Claire gave her a small smile, "No, sounded professional and smart." Angela smiled back and Brennan turned to look at Angela, "Can we enhance it somehow?"

"Well I wouldn't bet a date with Colin Farrell on it."

Brennan smiled, "I know him, he's funny." Angela laughed, "Funny is Will Ferrell sweetie, hot is Collin Farrell." Booth looked over at them, "Look the kid was definitely moving towards someone, alright? He wasn't struggling, he wasn't trying to get away. I wanna add the neighbors kids Skyler and Nelson to the list of possible suspects."

Angela started to type on her computer, "I have one other angle, but your bad guy is still obstructed in it." They all stared at the new angle that showed Charlie following someone, Claire sighed. "Who the hell are you?"


Claire was heading to meet Kenny's stylist, she walked over past Brennan and Angela, Brennan called out to her. "Dr. Kano."

Claire sighed and turned back around, "Look I'm not really in the mood to be a therapist at the moment-"

"Angela's thinking about leaving the Jeffersonian." Brennan interrupted and Claire blinked before taking a seat next to them, "I'm going to be late to the fitting with my brother's stylist." Angela smiled sadly at her, "You can leave...I'll be okay."

"I said I'd be late, not that it bothered me." Claire stated and Angela leaned her head against her shoulder, Claire tensed before relaxing.

Seems like she needs this right I guess this is okay.

Brennan was holing Angela's hand and Angela took a deep breath, "I'm not like you guys, I can't be driven by the need for justice and all that. I'm a good-time girl who likes to draw, who loves to use art for beauty, who likes to head down to bars, who likes to meet a guy and maybe flirt a bit, who likes to have fun...I can't turn off my emotions."

"We have good times," Brennan countered and Angela squeezed her hand, "Cracking jokes over murdered skeletons is not good times, meeting up and talking about normal things and a normal life is having good times."

Claire awkwardly reached over and patted Angela's knee, "I know it's harder on you than it is for us." Angela shook her head, "No it's not."

"Yes, it is. You look at their faces and you see what their face used to be, what it is now, and what it could've been. You look at a person's face and you see life, you can't just turn that off and I think that's beautiful about you." Claire confessed and Angela snuggled closer to her, Brennan squeezed her hand again. "We look at everything else more clinical for us, for you it's personal. We see a murdered child-"

"Sweetie, no offense but I'm not really up for one of your "It takes a village" anthropology lessons." Angela interrupted and sat up, she sighed. "This is the longest I've ever had a job, that's because of you and Claire."

Brennan frowned, "If this is about hours or time to do your own art-"

"Temper, I think you might be missing the point." Clare stated and Angela smiled at them, "Just let me work on it, okay?" Brennan sighed but nodded, she stood up and left while Claire stayed behind. Claire looked at Angela and sighed, "I'm going to say this once so listen closely and we're not going to talk about it."

Angela looked at her confused, "Okay."

"I anxiety attack today? Or something like panicking, I questioned why I was working here or if I was needed. I just doubted that this place wanted me here for me and my abilities...I felt lost. I talked to Dr. Goodman and he helped explain to me that I was here because of my own abilities and no one else gave me this because I earned this job, it helped me relax but my doubt is still there Angie. You're someone who's more emotional and who can interact more with people than the dead, I admire you for that and it's something that I respect. You have something I'll never have, you have the mindset of a heart person Angela."

Angela stared at her with glossy eyes, "Thank you Claire...that means a lot." Claire gave her a small smile, "Being a heart person isn't a bad thing, it just means that you see more beauty in this world then the rest of us do. Don't let the ugly in the world cover its true beauty for you, have a goodnight Angie."

Claire turned around and walked away, she sighed as she exited the Jeffersonian and walked to her car. Claire sighed when she saw Kenny, "Why're you here?"

"You were running a bit late and I wanted to see why." Kenny answered with a smile and she shrugged, "Having a quick therapy session." Kenny raised an eyebrow as he opened the car door for her, "You talked to someone?"

"In a way, but it was more of a therapy session for her." Claire answered, "Meet you at the shop?" Kenny nodded and walked to his own car, Claire sighed before smiling a bit.

I'm here for me...I'm here because it's where I want to be.


Author's Note:

Hey. Hope you guys enjoyed this story, sorry it's a bit rushed and not the best but I still hope you liked it. I'm planning on doing 1x07-1x09 after finishing up on 1x05

Personal rant: I know I try to seem happy and super exited for writing, but I do read negative comments as well and it's been a bit draining. I'm trying to stay positive and power through writing by reading all of the positive comments, but the negative one's do get tiring when it's hate for absolutely no reason. I've honestly contemplated on deleting all my stories or just stop writing because I'm really tired, I don't find the joy I did when starting my books or wanting to write my ideas down. I understand that not a lot of people like this new book or like that I'm not updating my other one as frequently, but this is a story that I want to write. It's just honestly disheartening to read that some people hate how I'm writing this book or how my other book has become boring because I've worked really hard on these stores. I'm going to be taking a break because I don't feel the joy that I should when I write, I'm taking a break from writing because I'm not alright right now. Thank you to all the people who've supported me, but I'm going to hopefully come back with a better attitude after some time away.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter

See you in the next update (that's hopefully soon)

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