Beauty and His Camera | Seung...

By hegetsmesohigh

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[ COMPLETED ] " the beauty and his camera," is the way hyunjin would often describe seungmin. ¡college au! More

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Thank You

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1K 54 25
By hegetsmesohigh

hyunjin felt like the whole day was off. when he woke up, felix had been nowhere to be found which was odd. he often woke hyunjin up, but today that wasn't the case. hyunjin brushed it off and went on with his day. he went through his daily routine of showering, and getting dressed.

as he was slipping on his hoodie, he received a message from felix. " dress cutely". hyunjin glared at his screen. " who is he to tell me how to dress? i look cute everyday," and with that he tossed his phone back onto his bed. he went back to slipping on his hoodie, however, he started to feel uneasy about it.

" you know what? I'll put a vest on instead, but only because i want to,". he went back to his closet and exchanged his hoodie for a beige vest, placing it on top of his collared shirt. he felt like he was missing something and without thinking twice, he went back to his closet and searched the top shelf. " here it is," he excitedly exclaimed as he pulled his hand back, a white beret hanging in between his fingers.

once he put the beret on, he skipped to the mirror that hung in the bathroom. he examined himself and was pleased to be meant with his good looks. " hyunjin, you never fail to amaze me," hyunjin said to himself. there's no shame in complimenting yourself every now and then.

he soon realized he never texted the other back and raced back to his bed. he grabbed a hold of his phone and opened the message. " i already do, leave me alone' there, that seems appropriate," hyunjin spoke softly to himself. with that, he sent the message and exited out the app.

hyunjin lasted a good two hours before he started to get bored. he was always out and about and it usually started with felix's company but since the boy wasn't here, hyunjin didn't know what to do with himself.

he scrolled through instagram before he came across seungmin's profile. he clicked his page and scrolled through the endless images seungmin uploaded. he smiled without realizing it. seungmin rarely posted photos of himself. he usually captured the moments he experienced and that was clearly reflected if you saw his page.

he had so many photos of the group hanging out and laughing. the weird thing was that he never asked anyone to pose or act a certain way. these images were purely from the moment but he made them look beautiful.

hyunjin continued to scroll, admiring each image he saw. there were various photos of him laughing and making funny faces. if it were anyone else, he'd yell at them to delete it, but this was seungmin. he could never hurt a fly when it came to him.

finally, after what seemed like forever, he found one of seungmin. funny thing is that it was taken by hyunjin himself. the caption even read, " #hyuncam ". he remembered this day like it was yesterday.


"seungmin! just one, okay? it wont hurt, i promise," hyunjin exclaimed, trying to persuade the other to let him take a photo. seungmin kept shaking his head no, hoping that every image hyunjin attempted to take came out blurry. hyunjin stopped at some point and pouted.

" you're mean, you know that," he turned and crossed his arms in a cute way. it caused seungmin's heart to ache. he rolled his eyes and mentally noted that he would greatly regret this later. " fine, take your picture, you big baby,". hyunjin's face lit up and moved a few steps closer to the other.

" thank you, minnie! here, put this on," hyunjin removed his beret from his head and placed it gently on the other. seungmin tried his best to not make any eye contact with the other. he felt awkward whenever he did.

as hyunjin moved back and readied himself, he noticed how seungmin played around with his camera. hyunjin didn't want to disrupt him and so he took the photo like that and it came out perfect. the photo displayed seungmin smiling down brightly at his camera. the same one he's always kept.

hyunjin felt butterflies in his stomach. " the beauty and his camera," he said to himself. seungmin overheard him mumble something and looked up. " huh? did you say something?,". hyunjin shook his head no.

and so seungmin stopped playing with his camera and posed for the other.


" i miss you," hyunjin weakly smiled at his screen. it may seem dramatic but he hasn't been in contact with the other for a week and it sucked. he's never gone this long without seungmin and he would never wish this upon his worst enemy.

his thoughts were interrupted when he received yet another message, but this time it wasn't felix. hyunjin stood up so fast, he needed to grab his bed as support. he couldn't believe who it was.

new message!

from: seungminnie <3
hey, can we meet up somewhere? i need to talk to you.

hyunjin started panicking. oh no. was he finally going to straight up reject him? he didn't mentally prepare for this yet and now it was coming back to him. he needed to act cool though. if he was going to get rejected, at least he looked cute.

he took a deep breath and looked back down at his screen.

uh, sure. name it
read at 12:44 p.m

"wait, that sounded too mean," hyunjin scratched his arm before figuring out what to add.

read at 12:45 p.m

" there, all better," he smiled, proud of his addition. he put the phone down, face first and bit his nails. he started to feel nervous, overthinking every awful possibility in his head.

his phone buzzed again and he jumped. he picked it up and read the new message.

seungminnie <3
alright, just come here

seungminnie <3
xxx xxxx

hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows. wasn't that the address to their old high school? why on earth would he want to go there? he shook his head and replied.

delivered at 12:50 p.m

" whatever, better now than never,". he sighed and walked to the entrance of his room. he slipped on his white sneakers and slipped on his jacket.


" alright, is everything done?" seungmin questioned the seven people that scattered the room. jiwoo was the first to shake their head yes.

" that's about it, minnie, right guys?,". everyone shook their heads in agreement. seungmin let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding in. everyone stretched a bit, feeling tired after getting here so early in the day.

minho looked at everyone before turning towards seungmin. " alright, man, it's all up to you now. our work here is done,". he walked next to jisung and grabbed his hand. he took him and walked towards jiwoo.

" hey, jiwoo, can I see your cat now?". jiwoo laughed and nodded their head. " sure, minho, let's go!". and with that the couple and jiwoo were on their way out.

seungmin felt his palms start sweating again. he was getting nervous now. he didn't acknowledge the fact that he'd have to do this all alone until now, and it was scaring him.

chan walked up to him along with jeongin. " hey, you're going to be alright. don't worry, it'll all work out," he reassured him. seungmin gave him a thankful look and waved goodbye as the two left as well.

" I told felix I wanted to stay and watch but he wants to go on a date, so I'm sorry. have fun though,". changbin received a smack on the head. he looked back and was met with a cold stare from his lover. " you're supposed to say good luck, not have fun," .

felix rotated and gave seungmin a side hug. " good luck, I hope it goes well for you!". seungmin let out a dry laugh and nodded. " I hope so too. now go on your date before changbin tries to bite me again,". they all waved goodbye and seungmin was left alone.

he felt his phone buzz twice. he pulled it out from his back pocket and read the two new messages.

new messages!
from: changbin hyung [ don't answer ]
hyunjin's out at the front. we all left through the back instead so he didn't see us. good luck!

from: hyunjin 😔
I'm here, where are you?

seungmin took a deep breathe in. " it's now or never,".


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