Held By The Neck | Lee Eunhyuk

By biancalolou

341K 15.2K 10.8K

Hideous. Ugly. Scarred. Tainted. Failure. Broken. Unloved. Alone. Alone. Used. Worthless. Disappointment. Voi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 15

8K 397 434
By biancalolou

After I splashed my face one more time in the bathroom, I got out and let the lady go inside.

Once I got inside, everyone turned to my direction but I noticed their stare.

I’m pretty sure they weren’t talking about me before I walked out of the bathroom but it’s probably because of my neck.

“I tried before. Failed.” I told them.

I walked by where Hyunsu’s seated and intentionally kicked him hard.

“Ouch! What was that for?!” he asked, clutching his leg where I kicked him.

“What was that for?” I mocked him making him look at me in disbelief.

I heard the children laugh lightly and I gave them a smile.

My weapon was beside Jisu, examining it.

I went towards her and started small talk.

“Pretty cool, huh.” I said.

“Yeah, it is.” she answered shortly.

I noticed her scoot a bit away from me and let her. I don’t really blame her, she saw the monster me.

She opened her mouth and closed it, as if she wants to say something.

Maybe sitting beside her wasn’t a good idea.

I was about to stand up, but she spoke, “You’re not craving to slash everything you see right now, are you? Or craving to kill everyone?”

I know where she’s getting at but it’s totally understandable. She’s just wants to make sure that wherever she is, she’s safe.

“Nope.” I said to her.

We sat in silence for a seconds when she scooted back closer.

“So can you tell me how your weapon works? I caught a glimpse of it before and it looks awesome.” she asked me, handing me the nunchucks.

I gently took it from her and showed her the buttons at the side, “These are the buttons that has to be pushed for the knife part to come out.”

I stretched my arms away from us and pushed the button. There was a quick whoosh sound and the knife popped out.

“And when I stab it on something, it emits this strong, blue electricity that stops the monster’s movements momentarily, I think? I’ve only tried this on one monster and that’s what happened.” I explained to her.

“And how does the knife part go back?” she asked, looking intently at my weapon.

“It automatically goes back in, but when it doesn’t I just push the buttons again” I answered.

I handed it to her and she turned it over and over in her hands carefully.

She pushed the buttons and the knife part went back in.

“That’ really cool.” she said, amazed.

“You can ask Mr. Han to upgrade your weapons. I can talk to him if you like?” I told her but she shook her head and said that it’s okay.

There was a sound of door opening and we looked up to see the lady come out of the bathroom. Her face clean and no sign of blood. She smiled at us and went back to the children.

Hyunsu should be the one going next but I saw him sleeping.

I found a small ball of cloth and threw it at him, hitting him square in the face.

He woke up with a shout, grabbing his spear and eyes wide.

“What happened?” he said, whipping his head everywhere but his eyes landed on me.

I have a playful smirk on my face and he sighed.

“Really?” he asked while rubbing his face in slight annoyance and embarrassment.

“Payback’s a bitch.” I said to him and gestured for him to go to the bathroom to clean himself up.

He sighed and went inside.

“Please watch your language, Nara, there are children here.” Jaeheon reminded me. He’s sitting at a chair near Mr. Han.

“Sorry kids.” I told them.

“How about while we’re waiting for Hyunsu, let’s prepare dinner?” Mr. Han suggested.

“Sounds good to me.” I replied and stood up.

“Mr. Han told us where the table is placed and I went to get it, Jaeheon helping me while Jisu and the lady worked together on the dinner.

“It’s been a while. How are you?” Jaeheon asked.

“Infected.” I said blankly.

It’s true though. I’m infected and so is Hyunsu and the lady. I don’t know what’s going to happen to us. We have no idea what we’ll be doing in a few seconds, minutes, hours. We don’t know how long it will take for us to turn into blood thirst lunatics.

Jaeheon said nothing and went back to helping me.

“Ouch!” I yelled when Jaeheon accidentally let go of the half he was holding, making it hit my foot.

“Sorry about that!” he apologized.

“Is it God’s will for you to hit me with the table?” I asked him while limping but he just gave me a narrowed stare, looking like a father about to scold his kid.

“Alright, sorry!” I held both of my hands up, dropping the half I’m holding and letting the table hit his foot

He let out a series of colorful words that made me open my mouth in shock.

Jaeheon held his foot while jumping up and down making me laugh out loud but covered it with my mouth to avoid loud noise that might attract the monsters to which he glared at me.

“What’s taking that table so long!” Mr. Han said from where he is.

Jaeheon and I were glaring at each other when we put the table down.

Mr. Han was helping the others with the food.

I looked around and the children are still where they were before so I went towards them.

“Aren’t you hungry?” I asked them with a light tone, careful not to spook them out.

The children nodded as an answer.

“Then let’s go eat.” I took their hands and guided them towards the table.

I sat them between the lady an Mr. Han.

The microwave dinged, a sign that whatever inside is already cooked.

Jisu stood up and got it out, holding it carefully to not get burned.

At the same time she sat, we noticed Hyunsu coming out of the bathroom and stared at us.

Looking at this sight might be actually very random.

We don’t know anything about each other yet here we all are, eating dinner while monsters are taking over.

“Come and sit.” Mr. Han said to Hyunsu who still remained standing, staring.

He’s making it awkward.

I went to Hyunsu and pulled him to sit between me and Jisu.

“Enjoy.” Mr. Han said and looked around the table. “Let’s eat..” he added as well to which we nodded and starting eating silently.

The food was nothing special at all, just plain rice and spam. There are also a few side dishes on the table.

I picked up my chopsticks and cup of rice then ate.

The awkward silence is getting too suffocating and I started feeling some kind of urge to grab my neck Thankfully, Mr. Han started talking again.

“Kids, what are your names?” he asked the children beside him.

“I’m Kim Yeongsu.” the boy said.

“I’m Kim Suyeong.” the girl followed.

“Kim Yeongsu and Kim Suyeong.” Mr. Han nodded then faced the front.

“Yeongsu and Suyeong. They’re peculiar names.” he mumbled.

I looked at him and saw that Hyunu and him were staring at each other. Me being between them suddenly felt like intruding so I just bowed my head, pretending to take a bite of my food.

“I guess your parents gave you similar names so you two would always stick together. Yeongsu and Suyeong, right?” Mr. Han continued.

I was still eating but listening.

“Dad named us…” Suyeong trailed off.

“Dad…” Yeongsu muttered.

Oh no.

Oh no, because I can already see waterworks coming from the children and another oh no because I can feel myself choking because of my food.

I didn’t realized that I just kept shoving rice in my mouth without chewing and just swallowed it.

But with the tension going around, I can’t even cough out.

“Thank you.” I heard Yeongsu say. I tried looking up and saw that the lady gave him a bit of her food.

I felt Mr. Han move from my left and when he turned towards us again he was holding two cans of beer which looks very enticing especially when I have a huge amount of rice stuck in my throat.

This stupid rice will be the death of me.

Mr. Han offered one to Jaeheon but he declined saying that he doesn’t drink.

Offer me one can, Mr Han or I’m going to drop dead here any moment.

Mr. Han stared at Jaeheon then turned to Hyunsu, “How about you?”

“No, thank you. I’m go-”

I couldn’t take the difficulty to breathe because of the damn rice and snatched it from Mr. Han’s hand the same time Jisu did to the one offered to Jaeheon.

The cold beer was nice refreshment for me especially since it’s been a while since I’ve drunk any alcohol.

I let out a sigh of contentment when I finished and when I put the empty can on the table, I saw that all of them were staring at us and Jisu.

“What? Haven’t seen girls drink beer?” I asked them with raised eyebrows. “Besides, I was choking here, alright.” I added, a bit embarrassed.

“You both sure know how to drink.” Mr. Han commented.

I slightly smiled then gave a wink to Jisu.

She’s really badass.

I then noticed Hyunsu staring at me with open mouth.

“What?” I whispered at him.

“Who allowed you to drink?” he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

“I did now shut it.” I elbowed him on the ribs.

“...hands were almost burning.” I turned to the people I’m with and saw that Jisu was arguing with Jaeheon.

“It’s not my fault! Nara dropped the table and my foot was hit!” he exclaimed.

This man really had the nerve to include my name?

“Excuse you? You were the one who dropped it first! My foot was almost crushed, you four eyed instru-”

“Your boyfriend has and wears glasses too, you know.” Jaeheon said back.

I felt Hyunsu move on my right. He was looking at Jaeheon, silently telling him to not talk about Eunhyuk but Jaeheon didn’t notice him.

“So you’re basically calling your boyfriend four eyes as we-”

“Ex” I cut him off.


“Huh?” Jaeheon said.

“Ex boyfriend. That’s it.” I said, not really in the mood to explain.

Jaeheon was closing and opening his mouth like a fish while Jisu was glaring at him with narrowed eyes, punching him on his arm and muttering about how he's really insensitive.

How many more people are going to ask about Eunhyuk. It somehow makes me think that instead of being selfless, I was selfish for breaking up with him.

“Now how about you give this a try.” Mr. Han offered again to Hyunsu.

“Oh, I’m a-”

“Oh, right. You’re a minor. And there are kids here.” Mr. Han looked at the children.

His eyes travelled to me then exclaimed, “Then you’re a minor too?”

Before I could even answer him he spoke again. “I’ll just buy you both a drink when you both become an adult so it’ll be legal. You should learn how to drink from adults. Mr. Han said with a very calming smile then drank the beer.

His face keeps on giving me happy and calm vibe. Makes me feel safe and secure. Like he’ll do anything to keep the people here safe.

“Do you think that day will come?” Hyunsu asked suddenly, making all of us halt.

Jaeheon put his food down.

Jisu was biting her fingernails.

The lady just looked down.

The children were looking at us, waiting for an answer.

Mr. Han was in deep thought.

And I find myself wondering as well.

When will this hell end?

Slowly, each one of us finished eating quietly.

The lady and children were cleaning up while Mr. Han, Hyunsu, Jaeheon, Jisu and I talked about taking turns in guarding the door in case something happens.

The first one was me and so when they’re all sleeping, I went to the door and walked back and forth with my weapon in my hands.

Guarding the door and everyone else might sound boring but it’s not.

The thoughts always come flooding in when times like these happen.

Doubts come and go.

Unanswered questions swim around.

As the two hour guarding ends, I see Jisu already standing up.

“You go to sleep, I can handle from here.” she said.

“But I still have a few minutes left.” I told her but she shook her head at me with a small smile.

“Go to sleep, you look like you need it.”

And so I did.

I fell asleep beside Hyunsu but got woken up when it was his turn to guard.

I lifted my head which had fallen on Hyunsu’s shoulder.

He stood up and Jisu took his place, sitting beside me.

Hyunsu walked forward and stopped

“You do know we’re infected, right? Nara and I.” Hyunsu said quietly but loud enough for Jisu and I to hear.

“I know.” Jisu answered.

“If we turn, will you kill us?” Hyunsu asked.

Hyunsu didn’t have to ask me about that matter because I wholeheartedly agree with him on this.

Jisu turned to look at me and I looked back at her, “Will you?” I asked her.

She turned her stare away from me.

“Sorry.” she stated.

“What?” Hyunsu questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

Even I looked at her, confused.

“If I turn, kill me and I’ll do the same for the both of you.” she replied, looking at the both of us. “Okay?” she added.

“Okay.” Hyunsu agreed while I nodded.

We all know that’s for the best, to avoid casualties.

To avoid danger.

To avoid death.

Jisu sighed a breath of relief but didn’t go to sleep.

She turned to me once more and asked, “So are you both dating now?”

Her question made me want to laugh hysterically.

Hyunsu and I were always teased before, they kept saying that we’re a couple but in all honestly we don’t see each other as that.

We treat each other like siblings. Nothing more.

“No, we’re not. And I don’t plan on dating him even with whatever the hell is going on right now.” I said with a small snicker.

“Well you do look good togethe-”

“You and Jaeheon look really great together.” I said quickly with a teasing voice.

Even in the dark, I can see her go a bit red.

“What? Are you kidding me? There’s no way!” she countered, stuttering slightly in the process.

“I just said that you look great together but I didn’t say as a couple.” I explained with a smile.

“Oh I thought that you see me and him as a co-”

“I meant that you look great together as husband and wife.” I teased her.

She looked at me like I’m crazy and said, “There’s no way that’s going to happen. He’ll probably be the one to wed me to my husband.” she joked.

We laughed quietly but got scolded by Hyunsu, telling us that people are sleeping.

Jisu and I made faces at him when he turned his back.

After that conversation we had, Jisu has visibly relaxed and went to sleep which I followed after.

The next thing I know, I’m being woken up by Jaeheon, nudging with the hilt of his katana.

“Either you’re planning to kill me or you think I’m some kind of dog that you can wake up by using anything.” I said as I glared at him, making him put his hands up in surrender.

“Don’t wake her up like that, she gets very grumpy.” Hyunsu explained, handing me a glass of water

“Arf arf” Jisu said, coming out of the bathroom.

“Shut it or I will wed you to Jaehe-”

Jisu ran towards me, putting her hands on my mouth, shutting me up but I licked her palm making her jump away and wiping it on her shirt.

Mr. Han looked at us with a scrunched up face, “I’m raising toddlers here.” he sighed.

“Good looking toddlers may I add. Except that one, he’s far from good looking.” I pointed to Hyunsu which made he look at me perplexed.

“And that one as well, he’s always so mysteriou-”

“Survivors in the building.”

We all stopped talking.

A voice not coming from us suddenly spoke.

“There.” the lady pointed at the speaker.

Every unit on this building has speakers and those speakers are connected on the first floor, at the security room. It’s used when ceremonies or announcement are being held.

But something about the voice we heard was bugging me.

It’s like I’ve heard it before.

“Take any food, medicine, and weapons you have and come to the first floor.” the voice continued.

The voice.

That voice.

I let out a silent gasp, making Hyunsu look at me with concern written on his face.

“The first floor is quite safe for now and it’ll be safer to stay together.” it said.

"Please." the voice pleaded.

"I repea-" it got cut off.

Jisu has also noticed my pale face and rushed towards me.

“Nara, are you okay?” she asked but I didn’t answer.

I stood there, listening to the voice, waiting for more but nothing came after that.

I felt tears pooling on my eyes and when one came out, the others did as well.

The others were now looking at me worried.

But I just let out one word.

One name.


He’s safe.

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