Chapter 36

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"Be very quiet." I heard someone mutter then felt my body fall on someone's arm.

"Hey, wake up." someone shook me gently.

My eyes fluttered open slowly and I saw myself being carried by someone.

Well, well.

Lee Eunhyuk.

When he my eyes met his, his face brightened up but with the slight headache and the memory of what happened made me turn away from him.

I wriggled off of his arms and tried standing by myself. I did stumble a bit but Jisu caught me by the arm.

When I looked at her, she pointed at her ear which has earphones plugged in.

I put mine in my ear and heard ringing.

And talking about ringing, I looked around and saw Hyunsu being pulled down silently by Teddy Bea-

Sangwook. His name is Sangwook.

I hurriedly went to Hyunsu and tried waking him up by tapping his cheek but he wouldn't budge.

"He needs to be carried." Jaeheon said from behind me.

"Wait, why are the four of you here?" I asked, staring at them. Jaeheon and Jisu has their usual weapon and Sangwook has his axe. On the other hand, Eunhyuk has Yuri's crossbow by his side. They also have flashlights to accompany them.

I didn't question him why he has that and just turned to Jaeheon.

"I'll do it." I offered but I got denied by Jisu.

"No, you won't. You just woke up from being attacked." she stated but when I looked at her longer than I did when I first saw her, I noticed her complexion get paler. She also looks very tired.

"And you look like you're sick." I retorted.

"Let Jisu handle that. Sangwook can help her." Eunhyuk butted in. "And if you're sure that you can handle Hyunsu, you're better off being on the front while we make our way back inside." he added, pointing at the door where we all came from.

I already knew that there's no point in arguing so I let Hyunsu be carried by Sangwook and Jisu.

"And the monster?" I questioned, still hearing the ringing from the headphones.

"Eunhyuk says that it's asleep." Jaeheon answered.

I nodded in understanding and grabbed my weapon that was hanging on Eunhyuk's neck.

Once the knife is out, I took the first step forward.

Eunhyuk and I are at the front and Jaeheon is at the very back. Jisu, Hyunsu, and Sangwook are in the middle.

We were walking silently but steady. Even if there are no monsters to be seen, there's definitely one around since the ringing hasn't stopped yet.

Eunhyuk nudged me lightly and when he saw that he caught my attention, he pointed his flashlight at one of the cars.

A person was standing still beside it but when we took a few more steps forward, I found out that it's the monster and it's the one I never wanted to face ever again.

It's the one who has its feet that resembles the hind legs of a goat.

It's also the one who moved so fast that Hyunsu and I barely escaped.

"Fuck." I whispered, my eyebrows furrowing in stress.

"What is it? Are you okay?" Eunhyuk asked me.

Held By The Neck | Lee EunhyukKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat