TOXIC - Ariana Grande/You


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"You're a damn drug and I'm toxic." You G!P updates weekly More

10 (the real one)


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"Baby, calm down!" I screamed out of my lungs hoping Ariana would hear me through her yelling.

As soon as I swung open Ariana's front door to walk in, she was already standing feet away with her hand resting on her hip and the other behind her.

Out of instinct, I put my arms up in defence when I saw one of her boots flying high-speed towards me.

Ariana had a good aim for someone who had been doing this for a thousand times. Luckily, the boot didn't get me but the edge of its heel sure did scratch my hand making me wince in pain.

This bitch!

"You're not going to answer why you left me on read a few times?!" She yelled while taking off the other boot before dashing it onto me with great force. This time, I dodged it successfully hitting the front door which was behind me. She greeted her teeth in annoyance and frustration before looking around searching for another object to throw at me.

How the hell did she find out I left her on read? I certainly had my read receipts turned off.

"I didn't leave you on read..." I answered hesitantly, low-key knowing this girl knew what was up already.

Who knew what this psycho could've done?!

"I know everything, Y/N..." She paused for a moment once I noticed she had something in her hand.

This bitch! (2)

Oh god, I hope it's not something sharp!

She sighed and slumped her shoulders then gave me a sad smile putting her dimples on display. She then put her arms in the air towards me, "Come on, baby. I was just worried about you..." She pouted.

That escalated so fucking quickly.

A fucking smile.


Ariana could have fooled somebody with the innocent smile she had given me, but for someone who had been played and been a victim with this trick, I learned and fucking knew better.

This bitch had just flipped the psycho switch and I better fucking run!

It wasn't because I wanted the situation to get worse but it was a live or pain situation.

And I did.

Without hesitation.

I quickly ran to the other side of the living room, "You're fucking crazy, baby!" I screamed, panic laced around my voice.

"My Y/N, you have no idea how crazier I can get." I could feel through her voice she wanted so bad to throw the object at me,  she was just waiting for the right timing as she chased me.

Why was I so scared of her? She was so small and petite, I could easily push her with one hand she would end up flying across the room. But I would feel so bad, I could never do that to my girl. But she fucking could.

I swore to god, I ran for my life from the living room to the bedroom. Before I could get further upstairs,

I missed a step.

I cursed at the stairs once I felt the pain in my shin.

Hundred-thousand if not millions of nerve fibres sent pain signals to my brain, which travelled extremely fast.

I instinctively held my shin with both of my hands making me lose balance before knocking down on the stairs. I groaned in pain, I was so sure I hit my shin on that motherfucker so fucking bad.

I could hear my girlfriend's heels coming towards me which gave me shivers, I immediately put my hands in defence, knowing surrendering would be useless.

This gonna hurt.

"Stop, baby, please!" I pleaded. "I'll give you some dick."

I knew Ariana would never hurt me but who knew what this bitch could do?! But would she take the deal?

Out of nowhere, a crying emoji popped out of my mind. It was the Loudly Crying Face emoji; open-mouthed, as if inconsolably bawling or sobbing.


That's how I felt and looked on the inside, I was crying internally.

I peeked through the gap between the fingers of my hand to see the Crazy Cunt standing over me. She had her hand back to her hip, the other one was in the air and was holding who knew what it was but certainly ready to throw it at me.

She was looking at me with a victory smile, "I'm gonna count one to five, you better tell me where the fuck you been and what did you do?! With who?! Now!" I swallowed the small amount of saliva I had in my mouth left, if there was any. I was pretty sure it was dry out of nervous and fear. "One! Two–"

"–I didn't do anything!" I didn't know why I lied but I was pretty sure I was wishing for my death wish.

To my surprised, the woman threw away behind her whatever she was holding. It immediately changed back to fear once she started straddling me. "Oh honey," She carefully started caressing the side of my face. "Sometimes you make me think you forget what I'm capable of...."

I wasn't ready

I really was not.



She got closer to my ear and whispered, "I turned on your read receipts when you were in the shower so don't even think about lying to me, love...." She then grabbed my member quickly.

What the fuck?

My eyes widened at what she said. I knew by that time I could no longer make excuses. She then simply pulled away.

That was it?

Thank fuck.

When she was about to get off of me, I let out a scream once I felt the pressure on my shin.

Ariana pressed her thumb very close to the pained area.

This bitch got more unpredictable each day!

I was about to reach her hand to pull it away but she quickly slapped my hands.

"Y/N," Ariana said carefully, taking all the power as she breathe deeply before putting more pressure on her thumb, "Stop fucking lying!" Now she was yelling, I grew more terrified as I felt her running out of patience.

"Ari aw, aw aw aw!" I was pretty sure I looked like a dog squirming in pain by now. My hands started finding their ways to Ariana's thighs, squeezing them hard as I suffered.

I was certain my hands would leave prints.

"The more you take long to answer, the worse this gets!" The motherfucker had the audacity to close the gap more between us and tilted her face to watch my pained expression as if I wasn't the love of her life.

I saw no mercy. "Fine! Fine! Fine!"

She immediately took her thumb off and started caressing the side of my face again. She gave me an apologetic and victory smile at my obedience sensing I was gathering every power I had left before speaking up.

It was torture.

But I loved it.

"Baby..." I took a deep breath before looking at her, "There was this adoption event, I was going to adopt and surprise you, Jesus Christ."

Her face softened and started giving my face caresses, "Aww, babyyyyyy." She cooed planting kisses on my face. I grew confused when her faced turned to frown one more time, "For six hours?"

I placed my hand over her hand that was sitting on my face, "Babe," The stairs had gotten uncomfortable so I carefully sat up as she stayed straddling on my stomach, "It was almost an hour away, not to mention the traffic."

She cooed, snaking her arms around my neck, "Oh my god, you're so cute!"

"I was late though, when I got there there were only a few left and I know you weren't fond of them." I pouted, "There weren't any dogs or cats, there were snakes though and you're scared of them."

"The only snake I'm not scared of is yours!" She smirked before licking the tip of my nose, "And it's HUGE but I can tame it."

I laughed before planting a peck on her lips, "Easy girl, you get scared of this snake."

"So scary it makes me cry." She gave me a chuckle before taking my chin to her hand, making me look straight into her eyes, "Still doesn't explain how you left me on read a few times for a couple of hours."

I shivered once I saw her thumb on the exact pained area ready to attack.

When was her craziness going to end?

I looked at her with my pleading eyes, "Baby, it was only a few times...."

Why couldn't I just answer the question when I knew there was the only way this would end up.

"Mm mm," She hummed nodding in agreement, "Six hours that is three sixty minutes. It takes less than a minute to pick your phone up — no actually, you already had your fucking phone but couldn't text me back! You know how anxious and worried I get whenever I hear nothing from you for an hour unless you say something let alone six." I watched as she continued speaking with a scowl painted across her face. "You expected me not to go crazy for that long when I didn't even hear from you!"

It was just getting better.

I wrapped my arms around her waist before pulling her body closer to mine to let my head rest on her chest. I knew it would somewhat calm her down.

I sighed in relief when her hands found their way to rest on my head, "I wasn't going to text you until I get back," She quickly pulled away, she gave me a questionable look."Calm down." I said putting my hand up, "I turned off my read receipts knowing I open your texts instead of reading through the notifications and didn't want you to think I was doing it on purpose. And if I texted you back I would spill everything out but I wanted to surprise you."

She nodded, motioning me to continue still not satisfied with the answer, "How could I not open your texts when you were constantly on my ass and sending me these long texts." I joked.

She rolled her eyes, "So, you always turn off your read receipts when you don't feel like texting me back?"

"Of course not, I always have it on for you but today."

"Three hours."

I gave her a confused look when she said that out of nowhere. "What?"

"Let's say it took you three hours going back and forth," Uh-oh, here's fake-tan the mathematician. "What did you do for the rest?"


She slapped my shoulder when she sensed the hesitation in my face. "Don't lie to me, Y/N. Three hours is too fucking much when you got there and found nothing to adopt, what else could you be doing there for the rest of the hours?"

"They thought my big snake was up for adoption." I shouldn't have said that because she hit the back of my head really hard giving me unimpressed look.

"You better start taking this shit seriously!"

I pouted and put on my pleading eyes, "I-uh, Justin was bored and invited me to play 2k at their house. And... we smoked for a bit and lost track of time." I carefully said then quickly pulled her close once again and closed my eyes. "I'msorrybabyIwasgonnatextyoubutIforgotwhenIgothigh."

She huffed pushing me away and quickly got up from my lap. I didn't try to pull her back to let her breathe.

One of the things she didn't appreciate when I did something with anyone without giving her a heads up although it was unprepared for.

The last time I did it was with Abel. I was gone for a couple of hours and went back to my apartment without texting her yet. Next thing I knew in the morning I woke up, my bed and I was drenched as fuck. The motherfucker threw a bucket of cold water at me. It was winter and freezing. 'Maybe a cold water will chill you the fuck out?!' That was what exactly she said. Ariana found photos of us from Abel's story on Instagram.

I still didn't know where she got the bucket from.

She walked around saying mumbling something as she went to pick up her boots while I followed behind her only for her to turn around fucking throw them at me again.

"Keep up with that shit, I'll make sure you wake up soaking wet again!"

I groaned once I felt a sudden pressure on my shin.

This bitch indeed had a good aim!

"I don't hurt you when you wake up wet." I dropped onto my knees before falling on my ass, holding onto the pained area. She gasped in surprise before running to my side.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" Her eyebrows furrowed as she rested my head on her lap, she  wasn't expecting she was going to get that place. "I'm sorry, baby!" She repeatedly said.

I rolled onto my stomach gripping the shin tightly, it was very painful as fuck.

The motherfucking heel got me.

It was payback, bitch.

I yawned a couple of times until I felt tears came oit of my eyes, I made sure to be subtle though. It didn't work because I couldn't cry for shit. I began pretending to sniff, loud enough for her to hear causing her to hug me from behind as she kept apologising.

The worry could hear laced around her voice, it made me smirk.

She quickly pulled my body back to turn me around so she could see my face when I started making a low-pitched cry of pain. Ariana playfully slapped me as soon as she saw a smirk painted across my face, it wasn't hard but enough to make my head to move making me burst into laughter.

She rolled her eyes, "I seriously thought you were crying!"

I placed my arms around her to pull her to me, making her lie on top of me. "But you did get me with the heel."

"I'm really sorry," She pouted before pulling my face to hers to plant a kiss on my forehead. "So how about that dick, baby?" She asked out of nowhere fluttering her eyelashes at me.

"You know it, boo." I smirked before pulling my jean's zipper down, frowning when she gave me a confused look.

"Boo?" She tilted her head to take a better look at my eyes, my face was still in her hands. I could feel her reading me, "You never call me that."



"Baby, you haven't posted anything on your Instagram for months now," Ariana said handing me a glass of hot milk.

Ariana and I were in the kitchen leaving the Harry Potter on paused in the living room. I was sitting on the counter as I watched her made me a glass of hot milk and served me a plate of my favourite cracker, Ritz.

"Your fans had been asking me about you," She watched me as I carefully took a sip of the hot milk, her hand was resting on her hip and the other rested on my thigh. "Is it good?"

I nodded and ahhed in delight taking a piece of cracker then dunking it into the hot milk. I watched the piece submerge into the drink until it was about to melt before shoving it into mouth giving me two times flavour release.

She chuckled at my weird style but did the same. She never ate Ritz like this before in her life until she met me and grasped my style. And now she got a whole space in her walk-in pantry for a couple of boxes of Ritz. She kept insisting they were for me but we both knew deep down, it was mainly her as she had became addicted to it more than me.

"What did they say?" I asked hopping off of the counter.

She squealed hitting my chest when I picked her up from her feet and placed her on the counter instead. "They're just looking for you." She simply said as she pulled me by the back of my neck to stand between her legs. "'Where is Y/N' that and this, 'Did you kill Y/N', She still alive?'."

I hummed not knowing what to say, distracted with the food in front of me. Everyone knew I was never actually active on any of my social media. I would only post when I had to promote a project I would be a part of or to support someone especially her. Basically, my social medias were only a part of my career.

We ate in silence while I rested my head on her chest as she had her hands playing with the baby hair on the back of my neck.

She pulled back a little bit making me look at her, "Give me your phone, baby?" She asked more than demanded.

I withdrew the phone from my phone and handed it to her. "What're you doing?"

I trusted Ariana with everything I had, I asked out of curiosity. She had always known my phone's code, not to keep eye on what I be doing but she just liked the fact of knowing them.

Uh huh.

I wrapped my arms around her small waist as I continued eating while her eyes were locked on my phone screen.

I grew confused when I felt her chest vibrated, indicating she was giggling silently. She positioned my phone in front of my face to show me something on instagram,

It was one of the photos she had taken from earlier when were watching a movie. I noticed there was an empty caption left before it was ready to be posted, I looked up at her with brows furrowed.

"Put a cute caption." She demanded handing me my phone back.

She gave me a smile before leaning down for a kiss.

@y/n: it's me butera the big head🤪

I pressed the Post button before putting my phone down without showing it to her. I gave her a sweet smile which made her blush and planted a soft peck on her lips before resuming to eat the crackers.

"Why are you so crazy?" I asked out of nowhere.

She giggled at the question and cupped my face with her small hands. Looking directly into my eyes, "Because you beat up my cervix.".


Honestly,,,,, 😭

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