The Peculiar Case Of A Novel'...

By MissClover77

586K 34.1K 24.3K

It all began when a phone dropped from a different dimension, and the novel's villain found it along the proc... More

Chapter 1 - Allen Coldwell
Chapter 2 - Fell From The Sky
Chapter 3 - Otherworldly Object
Chapter 4 - Shocking Discovery
Chapter 5 - The Two Strangers
Chapter 6 - Don't Do It
Chapter 7 - Unknown Misunderstanding
Chapter 8 - Fanfictions?
Chapter 9 - The Horror of Allen Coldwell
Chapter 10 - Allen, Fighting!
Chapter 11 - Worst Day Ever
Chapter 12 - Phobia? (1)
Chapter 13 - Phobia? (2)
Chapter 14 - Split Personality
Chapter 15 - Azruelle Macklin
Chapter 16 - Issues Of Being Not On The Same Page
Chapter 17 - Ice Skating
Chapter 18 - Az Became What!?
Chapter 19 - The Attack
Chapter 20 - Knives Everywhere, Trouble Everywhere
Chapter 21 - The Hardships Of Convincing People
Chapter 22 - Debut (1)
Chapter 23 - Debut (2)
Chapter 24 - Debut (3)
Chapter 25 - Felix Oswin/Abigor
Chapter 26 - A Demon Working With Elves
Chapter 28 - Change of Plans
Chapter 29 - Trouble
Chapter 30 - Accusations
Chapter 31 - Let The Battle Continue
Chapter 32 - Under Observation
Chapter 33 - You're Wrong, It's Not Like That
Chapter 34 - Almost Caught
Chapter 35 - Ally or Enemy?
Chapter 36 - Kivy's Perspective
Chapter 37 - Hidden Portals
Chapter 38 - I Don't Kiss Gremlins
Chapter 39 - Cat Troubles
Chapter 40 - Worm Attacks
Chapter 41 - Allen's Observation

Chapter 27 - The Concerns of Allen and Abigor (Felix)

11.8K 709 487
By MissClover77

Two months had passed, the school year already ended and it's already summer vacation. Ever since, Allen kept using the phone during vacant time. In those days of his usage, he unfortunately got sucked into the gates of no return. Allen tried hard to resist his continuous curiosity, he even tried different methods—but nothing worked. So in the end, he got this well-known condition called smartphone addiction.

Rather than reading fanfictions about him involving Ryan and Larence—until now, he still finds it weird—there were also other ships about other characters. This made Allen's curiousity increase drastically.

Allen had been warned by Az and Alicia that too much usage can damage his eyes and was told that most people in modern world were suffering vision problems because of excessive screen time. This made Allen very uneasy, he isn't fond of getting his own eyes destroyed.

Right now, Allen is still in denial about the fact that he's becoming addicted in using the phone. He is definitely freaking out right now, he already have 300 title stories written in his reading list. He literally read different kinds: novels, manwhas, mangas, comics, movies, and animes.

"No way... I didn't realize..." Allen trailed off. It didn't took long, he slumped down on his knees. He looks down to the floor with a despaired expression. "No. I refuse to accept it. I tried so hard to ignore it."

For the past few months, Allen did try to ignore it, but failed miserably in the end. Without him realizing, it already became an addiction. The only stories that he managed to ignore are the fanfictions of Allen being shipped with Larence and Ryan. Allen only read them out of curiosity, it didn't mean he liked it. Yes, that point of curiosity and combination of disbelief—which reaches to the point of causing him for staying up the whole night. He read those fanfictions many times because he was trying to confirm if this was some kind of joke or this is just a nightmare—he was totally in full denial about the fact that people really did ship them. It took a while for Allen to accept it and move on. He promised to himself that he wouldn't try to read them again, and he literally didn't.

As much as he wants to congratulate himself for overcoming those fanfictions, he's struggling to accept the fact that he finds the phone very interesting and addicting.

With the help of magic, the phone could access through the internet from it's own world—not only he did become curious about fanfictions and other things, but the phone triggered his growth from turning into an ultimate fan of some stories. He really became a nerd for Marvel, DC, and anime. He searched through the internet, day and night, reading different kinds of stories.

Manwhas, mangas, novels, dramas, animes, and comics, Allen tried reading all of them. The phone was so addicting that Alicia had to worry about the boy's eyesight.

"I don't understand. W-Why do I like using it!?" he stutters.

As he finally admits this addiction, he starts to think about his concerns for his eyes. He really needs protection towards the radiation.

He starts scrolling through the phone, searching tips that could help him prevent having eye problems. While on the present moment, his thoughts were suddenly about William Kray aka Will.

They wondered about Will disappearing so suddenly. Allen remembered he was told that Alicia could track Will, but there's still no sign. They have been searching for Will ever since they last saw him. It has been really long. Alicia assumed that Will might be using some tool that erases his tracks.

Allen heard from Az that if an individual is a non-character, then it should've been easy since there are only three otherworldly beings staying in this world. It is really odd that neither Alicia nor Az could track him.

Allen couldn't help but think that what if....William Kray replaced a character in this story, just like what happened to Az?

Thinking about that theory made him shiver.

"No way, that's not possible." Allen just shook his head, trying to be positive. However, deep inside, he really hoped that's not the case.

After a long moment of silence, he couldn't shake off that feeling of uneasiness. When he thought hard about it, it might be possible.

"Screw this. I'm gonna tell Az and Alicia about this possibility." Allen says, pausing for a while. "Better safe than sorry."

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted when he heard a knock. He quickly kept the mangas and novels that Alicia lent him, then shoved them all inside the box in fast speed. He dashed towards his closet and hid them in a place where it can't be seen.

After Allen confirmed that everything is secure, he walked towards the door and unlocked it. Just as he expected, he saw Sean standing before him.

"Young master, it is time for breakfast. Everyone is expecting your presence."

Allen remained silent and nodded in response. He walked out of his room, going on his way towards the dining hall. Sean follows him just like what has been happening recently.

The two of them walked in silence. For the past few months, Allen finally got used to the awkwardness.

"Young master."

The Sean's voice suddenly caught Allen off guard. The boy looked at the man, curious at what the butler wants.

"What?" Allen replied.

"Are you really sure that Duke Xavier Gayhardt didn't do anything inappropriate to you?" Sean asked.

Allen's eye twitched.

"Yes. I am perfectly sure." he answered with assurance in his tone. Then he sighed. "We've been through this already."

Meanwhile, Allen caught sight on Kyla, Ivy, and Kivy who are now peeking from the nearest corner. For some reason, he felt worried. Kyla is a bit okay. This maid may be acting weird for the past few months, but she didn't do anything harmful towards him. However, the twins are the ones that makes him uneasy. Ivy, the twin sister, she's keeps on recommending assassin guilds for some reason. While Kivy, the twin brother, keeps on sneaking in knives and Allen pretends not to notice. On the other hand, Sean is the most alarming individual. The butler is silent, he's always staring, and he's always following. He's also acting weird, it makes Allen nervous—
it feels like the butler is plotting something murderous.

"You three." Allen spoke, referring to the three servants hiding from the corner. They all flinched at his statement.

"Get out of there and show yourselves to me like normal people do. You guys look like a bunch of stalkers, it's creepy." he says. 'It makes me feel like I'm about to get murdered.' that thought alone was left unsaid.

"Says someone who has history of stalking a young lady." Kivy retorted. The twin sister, Ivy, immediately covered her brother's mouth.

In a moment, Allen sweated a bit and averted his eyes from the boy. He definitely can't deny that fact. Even though it was just the story's plot, he still felt guilty.

"So, tell me. About Duke Xavier, how is his state?" Allen asked, trying to shift into another topic. He really is curious about how Xavier copes in the prison. He wanted to know if that man is rotting in jail and suffering for the unforgivable crimes he had done. Honestly, Allen didn't expect them to answer—after all, these servants won't bother on something unrelated to them.

"Duke Xavier and his guy friends were castrated in jail." Ivy informed. Allen noticed that the girl sounds somewhat automatic, he also thinks that the voice is almost the same as Google's.

"What? I didn't know there are such laws like allowing to castrate sex offenders." Allen says, looking a bit surprised.

"There weren't such laws, young master."

"Then why were they castrated if there isn't such law allowing them?"

"Because it wasn't the soldiers who castrated them, it was done by unknown individuals."

Allen jumped a bit when he heard that statement, he didn't miss the scary glint in their eyes. The servants looked like they just killed someone out of satisfaction.

For some reason, Allen felt familiar to what Ivy said.

In the novel, he remembered reading about how Sean and Kyla tried to castrate him while he was in prison. It was mainly because his villain self attempted to rape Bella. But now, he is very sure that it won't happen this time. Judging by Felix's hatred for humans, it has decreased a bit because they saved his little elf friend, who's named as Caleb.

It turns out, the main trigger of Felix attacking humans was because of Caleb's death. Then the Allen in the novel just happened to be there and got brainwashed out of anger.

'Did Sean or Kyla had a precious person who got victimized by Xavier's friends?' Allen thought. Come to think of it, Sean, Kyla, and the twins were missing for a week. 'Could it be...' he looked again at the servants. The more he thought of it, it's likely possible. Not everything could be written in the novel, so there may be characters that haven't been mentioned such as relatives of the characters or some other extras in this story. 'It is possible that Sean or Kyla might have known someone—and because that special someone got victimized by those ruthless sex offenders, they went out for revenge.' he thought again.

But a moment later, he shook his head. He shouldn't jump into conclusions, it's not really confirmed that they are the ones who did it. There is a possibility that other people could've done it.

Snapping back from reality, Allen eyed Sean and Kyla carefully. Both servants are looking at him straight in the eyes, acting like it's as if they aren't hiding something. Allen seems to doubt them, so he looks at the twins' actions in order to confirm his theory. As he eyed them carefully, he could tell that they're hiding something. At that moment, he was really able to confirm that they're the ones who did it.

Allen paled.

"Why do you look pale, young master? Are you scared that Duke Xavier might come here and harm you?" Kivy says. Somehow, his voice seems to sound mocking.

"You damn brat. Shut your mouth." Sean whispered at the boy, trying to scold him.

"So he really did touch you." Kivy looks at Allen with a scoff. It may not be obvious, but Kivy is secretly concerned of the young master's well-being. It's quite strange actually, because he also dislikes him at the same time. "Well, I get that you think that it's shameful or it could ruin your pride, but you need to tell the truth—"

"He didn't touch me." Allen groaned and reasoned out that 'Xavier is straight.'

This isn't a world of BL, and Allen hopes that people would stop bringing him such ideas.

"But still, young master..." Kyla spoke, starting move forward.

Allen noticed the maid's concerned expression and he wondered why.

Sean's forehead was creased and his lips were formed in straight line. While Kivy amd Ivy's face remained cold and impassive. Allen doesn't notice it, but these three were actually concerned.

"Az already explained everything back then. He even showed evidences that Xavier didn't do anything to me. And for me, as a witness, I am clearly telling the truth that Xavier hasn't done anything inappropriate towards me." he explained, starting to get a headache from trying to convince these servants.

He paused for a moment, trying to inhale more air. Then he continues to speak again.

"And once again, I tell you, that bastard Xavier doesn't swing that way!" he exclaimed. It may not seem like it, but he's now pleading the servants to believe him because he doesn't know how long he could take these ridiculous situations.

Good thing after a few minutes later, Allen managed to completely convince these servants, which he's quite thankful for that.

Once Allen reaches to the dining hall, a thought in his mind made him wonder.

'Why on earth does it seem like they're looking out for me? I'm confused, just what on earth are these servants up to?'

Allen's really confused, he doesn't know what to think anymore.


Meanwhile, at a certain bar, there stands Felix, Caleb, and the bar owner. Among the three figures, it seems that Felix is the only one who look stressed.

"You guys are kidding, right? Tell me that this is just some prank." Felix frowned, looking at the two figures in front of him

"Why would I jest on something about this, Felix? We are serious about this, we want to enroll you to a school." says the bar owner.

"Look, Sir Aaron—old man, just because I kept my mouth shut about you being elves, you guys are starting to repay me. Stop it, you guys don't owe me shit." Felix protested.

"Come on, Felix. Just take the opportunity. At your age, you should be going to school. You're also smart, it would be a shame to waste it." Caleb says, looking at Felix with puppy eyes.
"I could tell that there's a future ahead of you."

Felix clicked his tongue. He crosses both of his arms, looking grumpily at the elf boy. A moment later, he gave in at those puppy eyes and sighed in defeat. "I guess there's no way talking you guys out of it, huh?" he groaned.

Sir Aaron and Caleb just gave Felix a sly smile.

Felix frowned even more, he shook his head. He's thankful that he has fake files and documents for his residential in this country. "By the way, why on earth are you enrolling me to an academy that's full of nobles? I'm not a noble!"

"There's an upcoming lottery!" Caleb chirped.

"There's only 1% chance for me to win that." Felix looked at him blankly.

"Come on, just give it a try."

"Sure, sure, I will. If I don't win, I'll continue my life as a bartender."

"Nope, if you don't win. Father will enroll you to a cheaper school."

"This is ridiculous, I'm not your relative. Why on earth are you guys worked up about me going to school?"

"Because I don't want you to waste your talent. You're smart, you have potential. You have a bright future ahead of you." Sir Aaron butted in the conversation between the two.

The bar owner just looked at Felix with a kind smile. "Just take it, Felix. We're doing this for our own satisfaction." he says.

Felix furrowed his eyebrows to the point that wrinkles can be seen on his forehead. He is extremely displeased at this idea, but he has no choice but to accept the proposal or else it'll get annoying.

"Fine. But if I fail, I would still remain as a bartender!" he growled and stomped off.

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