The Peculiar Case Of A Novel'...

By MissClover77

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It all began when a phone dropped from a different dimension, and the novel's villain found it along the proc... More

Chapter 1 - Allen Coldwell
Chapter 2 - Fell From The Sky
Chapter 3 - Otherworldly Object
Chapter 4 - Shocking Discovery
Chapter 5 - The Two Strangers
Chapter 6 - Don't Do It
Chapter 7 - Unknown Misunderstanding
Chapter 9 - The Horror of Allen Coldwell
Chapter 10 - Allen, Fighting!
Chapter 11 - Worst Day Ever
Chapter 12 - Phobia? (1)
Chapter 13 - Phobia? (2)
Chapter 14 - Split Personality
Chapter 15 - Azruelle Macklin
Chapter 16 - Issues Of Being Not On The Same Page
Chapter 17 - Ice Skating
Chapter 18 - Az Became What!?
Chapter 19 - The Attack
Chapter 20 - Knives Everywhere, Trouble Everywhere
Chapter 21 - The Hardships Of Convincing People
Chapter 22 - Debut (1)
Chapter 23 - Debut (2)
Chapter 24 - Debut (3)
Chapter 25 - Felix Oswin/Abigor
Chapter 26 - A Demon Working With Elves
Chapter 27 - The Concerns of Allen and Abigor (Felix)
Chapter 28 - Change of Plans
Chapter 29 - Trouble
Chapter 30 - Accusations
Chapter 31 - Let The Battle Continue
Chapter 32 - Under Observation
Chapter 33 - You're Wrong, It's Not Like That
Chapter 34 - Almost Caught
Chapter 35 - Ally or Enemy?
Chapter 36 - Kivy's Perspective
Chapter 37 - Hidden Portals
Chapter 38 - I Don't Kiss Gremlins
Chapter 39 - Cat Troubles
Chapter 40 - Worm Attacks
Chapter 41 - Allen's Observation

Chapter 8 - Fanfictions?

15.1K 945 1K
By MissClover77

A week later, Allen had been reading the novel nonstop. There are times that he lacked sleep. For these past few days, Az and Alicia had been teaching him about the phone and self-defense.

Right now, the boy sat alone in the library. He was in a place where no one could see him. Avoiding Calia and Ryan was hard, he had to entertain them whenever they speak to him. He also had to act normal, he doesn't want it to be obvious that he's trying to avoid them. Since he found it impossible, he decided to come up of a new plan—he will play along with them and pretend to not know about their intentions. Also, he should be very careful in order to prevent provoking anyone.

Allen sighed tiredly, wanting to the last chapter he had read in the novel. But curiosity suddenly hit him, he wanted to know more about the phone. So he explored its contents—so far, he was amazed at the new knowledge he had discovered. Allen noticed that these box-shaped things are known as 'apps'—Alicia taught him about it last night when they were sending him home. A moment later, he found an app that says, FanficNovels. He clicked it and was about to check it out. Suddenly, Einz appeared in front of the boy, interrupting him.

Good thing Allen's hands were fast. If they weren't, Einz would've seen the phone.

"Einz, what are you doing here?" Allen glared at the prince. "Also, aren't you coming here more often? Aren't you supposed to be in the castle, studying some boring stuff?" he says, smoothly slipping the phone in his pocket. 'How did he find me here?' he thought.

"You don't know when to quit, do you?" Einz said, there was a hint of anger in his tone.

"What are you talking about?" Allen asked.

"Last night, I saw you. Did you think I won't recognize you just because you wore a dark cloak?" Einz glared at him darkly.

"Dark...cloak?" Allen questioned, obviously confused. He didn't wear a dark cloak last night, he was just at home, wearing pajamas.

"Yeah. You were stalking Bella again. You even reached to the point of barging in her house." Einz said.

Allen stood there, even more confused. "What? I didn't go to her house last night." he says truthfully. In fact, he already decided to quit. Continuing would cause himself more harm.

"Quit lying, Allen. Larence and I gave you a chance. You wasted it." Einz looked at him with a threatening glare. "If you ask for evidence, I will send guards to your house and find that dark cloak you're wearing. You don't have any escape. Bella saw you as well, she could remember if it was the same cloak you wore last night."

"Hold up! Wait a minute! Just what on earth are you talking about!? Cloak this, cloak that! Can you explain it to me in a more specific way!?" Allen exclaimed. It really irritates him whenever Einz speaks complicated words. "Try to say it in simple words. Like, come on! Have mercy on my fucking IQ!" he snapped, finally losing his composure.

Einz stood there, becoming confused as well. The moment he studied the redhead's expression, he asked, "Wait.  Are you...confused?"

Allen crossed his arms, glaring at the boy. "Isn't obvious?" he sneered.

"Wait...if that's the case... It wasn't you?"


"That guy in a dark cloak... It wasn't you?"

"What do you mean by a guy with a dark clo—Wait, did you say dark cloak?..."

Allen paused, realizing something. "Could it be...." he trailed off, bowing his head down, making Einz wonder.

"What?" the prince asked.

Allen began to sweat, hoping that it wasn't the person he think it was. Az said that guardians and familiars aren't supposed to be involved with the characters—were they wrong?

"Nothing." Allen says quickly. A moment later, he faces Einz again. "It wasn't me." he assured, looking at the prince with truthfulness in his eyes.

Einz's eyes widened, he didn't expect that Allen wouldn't be the culprit. If what the boy's saying was true, then who is it?

"If that's the case, who is it?" the prince mumbled to himself, but Allen was able to understand what he's saying.


When the prince's name was called, he snapped out from his thoughts, turning his attention again toward Allen.

"Listen bastard. To tell you the truth, I have decided that I won't bother you guys anymore. I honestly don't wish to be involved with you people, so..." Allen tells him. He walks past Einz, giving him one last glance. " a guy with conscience, I shall give you an advice—no, a warning."

Einz looked at him, waiting for Allen to continue.

"No matter what, always keep your guards up. Keep an eye on Bella."

After that, Allen left the stunned Einz behind. It is his job to help the characters achieve the original end, he will be their ally who helps in the shadows.


"Allen! There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you." Ryan jumps on Allen, getting all buddy-buddy with him.

"Jeez, where did you run off to." Calia sighed, shaking her head. A moment later, her expression changed and let out a gasp. "Don't tell me you're stalking Bella again!? Allen Coldwell, are you breaking your promise?"

Allen stared at them for a while. He had been thinking. All this time, those friendly smiles and concerned expressions—they were fake. To think he believed these plastics as his friends, it angers him. But a second later, he became understanding. He chose to act like a bastard in the age of ten, it makes sense.

Somehow, Allen regretted about reading the novel, but he's also thankful that he did. When he knew about their true feelings, it hurt him. For him, they were his friends. It seems they didn't feel the same way. One day, Ryan will fall in love with Bella, and he will destroy him.

Thinking about it, Allen had no choice but to step  aside. Honestly, he still likes Bella, but his feelings for her would lead themselves a bad future. Also, if he really does love Bella, he should let her go. To begin with, they're not meant to be. She will end up with Larence, just like the novel stated.

Allen looked at his friends, giving out a fake smile on his face.

"Of course not. You have my word." he says truthfully. Unlike before, he is now telling the truth. He saw Ryan looking at him with disbelief, but he didn't care.

"Oh, I see. That's our Allen! A true friend should always keep their promises." Calia chirped, putting on an angelic face.

Allen almost rolled his eyes from the girl's fake acting.

"Okay, enough of that. Let's eat now, I'm really hungry." Ryan chuckled a bit. He looked kind when he did that.

In the novel, Allen had learned information about Ryan's family—they're insanely scary. Anyone who tried to play tricks on them, will face their wrath. They locked these people in their household, doing brutal tortures on them. They kill people without anyone knowing and they're doing a good job in it. Despite the Sullivan family's kind appearances, they are beasts deep inside. However, Ryan isn't somewhat like them. He only beats people half to death. Basically, he's the only member of the family who doesn't kill. Unfortunately, that rule was broken because of villain Allen in the future.

Allen got even more scared when he found out that they hate the Coldwell family. The boy really needs to be careful with his actions. Making mistakes could lead him laying on a deathbed.

Ryan, Calia, and Allen were about to sit in their usual spot, but they saw Larence standing nearby. The brunet's gaze was fixated on Allen, causing the boy to sweat. Before, Allen was not intimidated by that glare. But now, he is.

Larence approached him, looking at him with suspicion in his eyes. He walked past him, giving out a whisper, "You made Einz believe your lies, but you can't fool me." 

Before Allen could even retort, the boy walked away.

'It wasn't me.' the redhead thought.

In the novel, there are shocking informations that Allen found out about Larence Rutherford. The protagonist used to live his life as a poor person. His surname used to be Winston. When he was a kid, he used to to live happily with his poor parents. But a terrible incident happened, a bunch of demons attacked their village, leaving him the only one alive. He watched everyone die, he had to go through hardships just to survive. One day, a noble family took a liking to him and treated him like their own blood. Ever since that day, his life as a noble started—Larence Winston became Larence Rutherford. No one knew about this information, the Rutherford family keeped it well-hidden. They did that because they didn't want Larence to be discriminated by people.

Once again, Larence has a family. Unfortunately, it won't last long. In the future, they will get killed by demons. After Ted's defeat, the demon lord found out about Larence. When the demon noticed how strong the boy was, he sent assassins to kill the Rutherford family—and of course, it didn't happen yet.

Honestly, everyone's information really shocks Allen, he didn't know how powerful they could be.

Anyways, after Larence's new family died, hell started. Not only did the demons took his family once, but twice. This angered him and became more determined to slay all of the demons.

Allen didn't know whether he should help Larence's family or not. Knowing about this information, it disturbs his conscience. Once the Rutherford family dies, Larence will become more determined and strong enough to fight the demon lord. But this seems like Allen is sacrificing them, it feels so wrong.

"Ryan, Calia. I'm going somewhere for a while. Eat lunch on your own." Allen tells his friends. Right now, he had no mood to talk with them anyway. So it's better for him to hang out alone for a while.

The two gave Allen curious glances, but thankfully, they let him do what he wants. After that, he walks alone the hallways, thinking deep thoughts. Based on the novel that he read, there is a demon spy who's disguised as a student. His name is Ted de los Santos, the famous artist in this academy—he's a tall male with a seaweed hairstyle. The color of his hair is aqua. His eyes are red as a ruby, and his skin is as pale as a vampire.

It won't take long, that demon will cause a ruckus in this academy. But before that, he will secretly make the students go crazy, causing them to kill each other. Everyone suspected that these were the work of a serial killer—well, they're not wrong—but they didn't know it was a distraction for everyone. Ted knew Larence's true strength, that's why he thought everything carefully. If the protagonist focuses on other things than the heroine, there will be an opportunity to capture her.

Allen stood there in deep thought. After knowing that Bella is the target, it worried him. The demon lord was captivated by the maiden's beauty, having the intent to lock her away forever. Of course, no one knows the demon's true feelings, because he reasons out that he's only after her strong power—which is a lie, because Bella doesn't have magic to begin with.

Based on what Allen learned in the novel, the demon lord sent spies first to observe if there are strong people who could possibily match the demon lord's strength. Once these people are identified, he will order his minions to kill them immediately. A country without strong fighters, could cause a country to be at disadvantage. The demon even made sure that no one could get out the country to ask help from others. He set up a magic barrier that prevents them from doing so. Any human who goes past it, will turn into ashes.

Basically, the demon lord plans to spare no one, except Bella— ah, the power of beauty, how cliche.

For Allen, this is more worrying, because the demon already set it up. Before he found the phone, there was already a magic barrier that is covering the country. The only ones who could go through are non-humans or half humans. Luckily, Larence is a half demon, but he doesn't know that yet. He got that demon blood from his biological father, but he wasn't told about it.

As Allen reaches the second floor building, he goes to a terrace, staring at the people below. He sees Larence and Einz talking again with Bella. As for the others, they're doing they're routine like always. The redhead gave out a tired sigh.

"What the hell... What's up with them suspecting me?" he says. "That Will guy. Just what on earth is he planning?"

The more the boy thinks about it, the more he feels uneasy. He can't help it though. Just imagine the trauma he went through when Will almost tried to kill him. 

"Sigh. This is so tiring." Allen whispers to himself.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the rich spoiled brat." a feminine voice interrupts the boy's thoughts.

Allen turned around and recognized the two students behind him. The one from the right is Rachel Honeycutt. She's a freckle-faced girl with a french braid hairstyle. She has brown eyes, fair skin, and golden brown hair. In the novel, this girl will be Larence's friend in the future. Their friendship started after they helped each other defeat the demon Ted. The girl will also develop feelings for the protagonist, causing her to end up as Bella's love rival.

For Allen, the girl isn't alarming for now, but the guy beside her is. Allen didn't forget the novel's description—aqua seaweed hair, ruby red hair, vampire skin—it is no doubt that the man is Ted de los Santos, the demon who will cause deaths in this academy.

"Rachel." Allen huffed, a bit irritated at the girl's presence. "I'm having my peaceful moment and then suddenly, you're here to bother me."

"So, how's your pathetic love for Bella?" the brunette smirked, looking outside the window.

Allen looked at Bella and Larence being close to each other. A moment later, he sighed. He knew that those two aren't in love with each other yet. He knew it will take a lot of time because they're both dense as hell. Besides, Allen gave up already, so it doesn't concern him anymore.

"Already over it." the boy said bluntly.

Rachel paused for a while, she couldn't believe it. She turned around to face Allen. "What?" she says.

Allen didn't say anything and walked past them. He doesn't want to stay here much longer. The demon's presence was making him feel eerie. While he walks away, and Rachel just looked at him strangely.


When school was over, Allen went home early. He was greeted by weird stares coming from Ron and Louisse.

"What?" Allen grumbled.

"You've been early for a while... What on earth are you planning?" Ron eyed him suspiciously.

"Before, you were complaining on how I'm always late. And now, you're also complaining that I'm early?" the boy groaned.

"We know you, Allen. You aren't the type of person who gives up so easily." Ron says.

Allen just rolled his eyes and walked past them. "Whatever. Think what you want to think. I'm going to my room." he tells them.

"Allen. We heard that someone broke into Ms. Bella's room last night. They suspect that it's the work of her stalker." Ron tells him. "And there is one person that I'm certain who would do—"

Allen finally snapped.

"It wasn't me." 

"Allen, don't lie to me. I know—"

"I said, it wasn’t me."

Ron flinched when he saw Allen's glare. Before he could even say more, his brother walked away.

Allen knew that they won't believe him no matter what he says. As he proceeds to walk upstairs, he ignores the voices that were calling him. Right now, he's deep in thought. He needs to somehow prove to them that he's not stalking Bella anymore.

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted when he noticed two figures following him. The boy arched his brow curiously and turned around. Sean and Kyla are following him with serious expressions on their faces.

Allen flinched a bit and asked awkwardly, "Uh, what is it?"

The two kept silent, they didn't reply the young master.

"Okay..." the boy looked at them weirdly. As he proceeds walking, the two follows him. The moment he stops, they stop. This made him shiver. "Okay. Stop it. You're freaking me out!" he tells them. "If you want to say something, say it."

"It's nothing, young master. We just happened to be walking in the same path as you. Please don't mind us." Sean says with a stoic expression.

"Yes, young master. Just ignore us." Kyla says with an innocent smile.

'Lies.' Allen thought, feeling more shivers in his body. But he did what they said and mind his own business.

As the young master reaches his room, he turned around. Sean and Kyla are still there, staring at him. It's as if they're guarding him.

This made Allen wonder. 'Did my family ask them to guard me?' he thought. A moment later, he just shrugged, settling on that thought.

He goes inside the room, locking the door behind him. He lays on his bed, grabbing the phone from his pocket. His finger taps on the screen, clicking an app he wasn't able to check out earlier—FanfictionNovels, he wondered what it was.

What he first see was a bunch of rectangular shaped pictures. There are titles written on it. It didn't take a while for him to realize that they are books. He looked above the screen and it says current reads. He shifts back his attention toward the books. A moment later, a book suddenly caught his attention.

It reads: 'Rise of the Heroes Fanfiction (Yaoi One shots)'

Allen tilted his head curiously. "Rise of the Heroes? It sounds familiar. Isn't that the title of the novel I'm in?"

The boy crossed his legs, putting a hand on his chin.

"Perhaps it doesn't hurt to check it out?" he tilts his head. "I wonder what YAOI means..."

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