The Peculiar Case Of A Novel'...

By MissClover77

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It all began when a phone dropped from a different dimension, and the novel's villain found it along the proc... More

Chapter 1 - Allen Coldwell
Chapter 2 - Fell From The Sky
Chapter 3 - Otherworldly Object
Chapter 4 - Shocking Discovery
Chapter 5 - The Two Strangers
Chapter 7 - Unknown Misunderstanding
Chapter 8 - Fanfictions?
Chapter 9 - The Horror of Allen Coldwell
Chapter 10 - Allen, Fighting!
Chapter 11 - Worst Day Ever
Chapter 12 - Phobia? (1)
Chapter 13 - Phobia? (2)
Chapter 14 - Split Personality
Chapter 15 - Azruelle Macklin
Chapter 16 - Issues Of Being Not On The Same Page
Chapter 17 - Ice Skating
Chapter 18 - Az Became What!?
Chapter 19 - The Attack
Chapter 20 - Knives Everywhere, Trouble Everywhere
Chapter 21 - The Hardships Of Convincing People
Chapter 22 - Debut (1)
Chapter 23 - Debut (2)
Chapter 24 - Debut (3)
Chapter 25 - Felix Oswin/Abigor
Chapter 26 - A Demon Working With Elves
Chapter 27 - The Concerns of Allen and Abigor (Felix)
Chapter 28 - Change of Plans
Chapter 29 - Trouble
Chapter 30 - Accusations
Chapter 31 - Let The Battle Continue
Chapter 32 - Under Observation
Chapter 33 - You're Wrong, It's Not Like That
Chapter 34 - Almost Caught
Chapter 35 - Ally or Enemy?
Chapter 36 - Kivy's Perspective
Chapter 37 - Hidden Portals
Chapter 38 - I Don't Kiss Gremlins
Chapter 39 - Cat Troubles
Chapter 40 - Worm Attacks
Chapter 41 - Allen's Observation

Chapter 6 - Don't Do It

14.9K 966 705
By MissClover77

"Allen! Where were you!? It's already late, you had us worried!" Ron yells at Allen, concern is written all over his face. "The servant went to school to pick you up, but he said you weren't there! Are you stalking that girl again? Is that the reason why you're late!?"

Allen just stayed silent. Usually, he would've yelled back, defending himself—but no, he didn't. After everything that happened earlier, he had no energy to do so. Right now, he had bigger problems to deal with.

Louisse walked close to Allen, looking concerned as well. "Allen, our brother's right. Your stalking is becoming more unhealthy—"

"It's not that." Allen interrupts his sister. "This time, it's not..." he lowers his voice. He's really tired right now, all he wanted is to rest.

When Louisse was about to say more, Allen walked past his two siblings, ignoring their voices that were calling  him. This day, he had it worse. What happened earlier was really a lot to take in. He couldn't believe such impossible things are happening to him. It's driving him insane.

The redhead immediately went on his way to his room. As he sees the servants from the sideways, he couldn't help but feel the shivers through his spine. Earlier, before he was able to go home, he read the novel again—it was just a scan though. These people helped the protagonist to capture him. He couldn't forget the fact that he read about them cheering in his execution. The hate and disgust in their eyes, it was all written in the novel. For now, they don't feel that way—they just dislike him, you know, like they're still in 'not-planning-to-kill-him' mode—but in the future, they will. Who knew that his jealousy could bring trouble upon him. Because of those emotions, he was easily brainwashed by this maniac called Abigor, turning him into a chaotic bastard.

The thing that worries him more is—
if he fails to make the original ending happen, this world will be erased. Even if he doesn't act all villain, there's still a dead end for him. Earlier, he asked about the consequences if the mission fails. When he heard the result, it was terrifying. That Will guy is planning to take some sort of crystal, which is the source of this world. They said it will only appear if the world was erased, and that is Will's goal—to erase this world.

The guardians also hold a duty to do any means to prevent a character from being aware. Millions of years ago, a certain guardian messed up and made a character aware. They failed to make the original ending happen—the world was erased, everyone died, and the guardian was executed. That's when Allen got even more scared, knowing that this isn't the first time.

The fact he found out that this is the second time, he felt an endless worry. When he heard the failure about the previous one, it disturbed him. The world's crystal was taken, and the enemies need one more. Az said that there was a myth—if the two crystals are gathered together, it will grant you a wish. In order to do that, you need to destroy two worlds. Knowing how greedy people are, of course they would attempt to commit such horrible act.

Allen found out that Az was responsible for putting their world in danger, because he made a character aware. He didn't know whether he should be mad or not. If he hadn't found the phone, he wouldn't know that he'll be brainwashed and turn into a villain. Honestly, even if Az didn't do it, Allen's situation in both sides are terrible.

Normally, he would've told anyone and asked for help, but that will break the rules. Even if there's no rules, they will ask him questions. He'll be forced to let them read the novel, and once they do, they'll find out he's a villain in the novel—that won't be good for him. His family won't do either, knowing how much a worrywart they were, they will stupidly tell someone and ask for their help. He could only trust himself and ask help from those two. Seeing that they had no intention to harm him, it is an advantage to team up with them. They're strong as well, it's better to have strong allies protecting him. 

"Young master." a voice says.

Allen turned around to see a butler from behind him. It seems he had followed Allen up here.

"Young master, I apologize if I disturbed you, but young master Ronald told me that you should join dinner with the family." the butler bowed.

Allen almost widened his eyes, good thing he was able to put up a stoic expression. As he sees the butler in front of him, he can't help but feel alarmed.

Sean Felton, former leader of Dark League—which is the most famous evil organization in history—and Coldwell family's current butler. He quited his job and worked as a butler, he had a change of heart and wanted to live a normal life. Sean is a thirty year old man with spiky black hair and frosty grey eyes. Despite his age, he looks like he's in his twenties. His appearance makes people think he's weak, but if anyone provokes this bastard, they'll face shit that's even worse than death.

If Allen didn't read the novel, he wouldn't have known how dangerous this man is. As he sees the butler's fake kind smile, it made him shiver. Ever since Sean newly came into this household, Allen had been swearing a lot to him—heck, he's even spouting mean words towards the butler. That's when he knew he fucked up really bad, he had been insulting a beast this whole time.

"Tell them I'm not joining. I'm sleepy." Allen quickly said, but he didn't let it show that he's scared.

Allen quickly walked past the butler, not daring to look back. In the future, Sean get attached with Bella—the two may not be related, but the man acted as Bella's overprotective father. Sean Felton is one of the people that Allen worries the most in this household.

Other than the butler, Allen should also be cautious with the Sylvester twins—Kivy and Ivy. These two are Black Scorpion's former gunslingers. Black Scorpion is Dark Leaugue's archenemy, they don't get along very well. Both of them are mafia organizations, but they fight a lot because of too much disagreements. The Sylvester twins worked here as servants in order to keep a low profile. They betrayed the organization, that's why they're on the run. For now, Sean isn't aware of the twins' identity, but Allen knows that even if the butler finds out, they'll still be on good terms.

In the novel, it stated how Allen was horribly beaten up by the twins—but that was after he turned villain. Kivy and Ivy Sylvester aren't really fond of Bella (for now, they haven't met yet) because her personality somehow irritates them. These two also hates Allen, which he finds really alarming—but in his relief, they don't feel murderous yet. The Sylvester twins have no intention of getting involved in trouble—all they want is to live and survive—but Allen provoked them, that's why he was almost beaten up to death. That didn't happen yet though, it was in the future of the novel he had read. Allen wasn't done reading yet—he skipped a lot of chapters, so he have to reread each of them thoroughly.

"Young master, today's dinner is your favorite. Are you sure you don't want to?" Sean tells Allen.

Usually, Allen would yell at the butler in irritation—but now, he's afraid. Allen didn't show it though, he didn't want to cause suspicion. He needs to act like he normally does, but not too much. No matter what, he shouldn't provoke this guy too much. In the future, when Allen hurt the heroine, Sean gave him some nasty injuries.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure. Now quit talking. Tell them I won't come." Allen tells the butler nonchalantly. Though the redhead may not seem like it, he's trying his best not to shiver.

Sean arched a brow, he finds it surprising that Allen didn't yell at him. Sean just shrugged it off, thinking that Allen wasn't just in the mood. He just bowed at the young master and left to inform the family.

For now, Allen is still in the safe zone. Sean's dislike towards him is still neutral.


Allen laid on his bed and pulls out the phone. He sighed, putting it back again. He decided not to read it for a while—his stress might add again.

Hours passed by, Allen looks at the clock—it's already eleven o'clock in the evening. This shocked the redhead. Usually, he's fast asleep around eight or nine. He's not even sleepy yet.

Since laying on the bed doesn't decrease his discomfort, he went out from his bedroom and walked around the hallways.

This is the first time that Allen have been this stressed. He once heard that watching beautiful sceneries could help relieve a person's stress. The beautiful scenery he could think of was town lights, so he decided to climb on their roof—honestly, this is the first time he have done this. But Allen really wanted to release this heavy feeling right now, he wants to see the scenery so bad.

As Allen watched the beautiful town lights from above, his eyes sparkled. That's when he thought, climbing here was the right decision. Watching beautiful sceneries really does make someone feel relaxed.

Allen still feels anxiety, but at least the scenery made him feel somewhat better.

The redhead just stood there and gave a long sigh. He seriously needs to get ahold of himself. But he can't help it, he's really worried. After knowing about the novel's existence, especially his situation—it made him want to cry, but tears just won't come out. He felt like he wanted to crawl underground and hide there forever.

"I guess this is what you call, karma..." he muttered.

Allen only wanted to watch Bella from afar. He knew he didn't have the chance, so seeing her was already enough. He just can't help but feel jealous of Larence, he could do things that he can't.

Truthfully, the thought of kidnapping Bella and attempting to rape her, it never once crossed Allen's mind—it only did when he was brainwashed. He felt guilty.

It made him more sad when he realized that his siblings are just concerned for him. Because of the times they refused to believe Allen about something he didn't do, the boy always felt emotions of dislike towards them. He thought that they only want the attention for themselves, but he was wrong. However, that doesn't change the fact that they always took sides with the bullies who framed him, always believing what they say and put the blame on him.

Allen gets that Ron and Louisse are trying to be good siblings by disciplining him, but he couldn't help feeling hurt about how they often didn't believe him. Back when he was nice to others, he wasn't believed for being framed often. Even when he became mean towards others just to prevent himself from getting hurt, he still wasn't believe. Whichever side Allen takes, it feels like it's impossible to make them listen. So he just couldn't help but give up. Just how on earth was he supposed to know that they actually care for him when they don't even trust him?

After a long moment of silence, Allen perked up, realizing something. 'Wait a minute. Why am I blaming myself? This is a novel, right? So it must be the author's fault.' he thought to himself.

Anger rose within him, but later on, it decreased. He realized that he can't really blame the author. These people didn't know that their stories could create more worlds. No matter how upset Allen was, he understands.

But why does he have to be a villain? Why was he so unfortunate enough to receive a horrible future?

Remembering how Allen was executed in the novel, he muttered a sadly. "Why does it have to be this way?"

Out of all characters, why does he have to receive such a horrible role?

Suddenly, flashbacks appeared through Allen's mind. When he was a kid, others always blamed him for things he didn't do. Allen isn't really excellent at anything, he's just average. His siblings are much better than him. Their parents doesn't even give him equal attention. Since he's average-minded and least favored, other kids took advantage of it. The other kids from noble families tend to make false accusations and put the blame on him. Sadly, parents believed on their children more without trying to know what really happened. Allen was scolded many times by other families even though he didn't do anything to offend them. His family also believes them and they scolds Allen for it.

Because of other people's bad treatment towards Allen, he became mean to others, worsening his reputation even more. This lead him to act like a prideful brat who has insecure personality. Ever since then, it's hard for him to show his true feelings.

In the world he leaves in, people only respect you if you're excellent. If not, you're just a nobody. You're just a moron who's a target of trash talking.

"In my whole life, I have always been a good-for-nothing. I am not talented like Einz and Larence, I am not a genius like Ryan—I am just a useless brat who's born in a very rich family." Allen sighed, finally admitting the fact out loud for the first time. "Everyone hates me. All I wanted is to prove them my worth... but I obviously failed to do so."

But Allen understands, he couldn't blame them either. In this world, everyone grew up with their own beliefs and that's how the plot of this story worked.

But more importantly, everything that was written in the novel—it terrifies him. Everyone plotted his death, he will be the villain who's gonna be on the run.

Allen closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he remembered what the guardian said earlier—Az said that Allen has a chance to escape his horrible fate. As long as he doesn't become a villain and make the original ending happen, everything will be fine. Now that this world has an aware character, they aren't controlled anymore by the author's story—Allen has the chance to survive.

The mission may be dangerous, but it has a lot of benefits—Allen is willing to take the risk. If he wants to avoid a horrible end, he needs to help Az and Alicia.

"I have no choice... This is the only option. I have to do it. This is the only way to avoid that shitty life."

'It's better having this life rather than becoming a maniac villain.'

As Allen finally settled on his decision, he again took a deep breath, trying to admire the view in front of him. A moment later, he starts to feels tired, so he decides to move his body in an attempt to step away.

Suddenly, a loud voice startled him.

"Stop! Don't do it!"

'Huh? Don't do wha—' Allen thought. He turned around and saw Sean lunging towards him. Not knowing what's going on, he panicked and tried to dodge him. Unfortunately, the butler still managed to grab him. Sean pushed Allen down, restraining him with force.

Allen didn't understand why he was being restrained, he didn't do anything wrong, so why?

"What on earth are you doing!?" he exclaimed towards the butler, trying to struggle out from his grip.

"Young master." Sean spoke. Allen looked at him, giving out a look of utter confusion. Sean furrowed his eyebrows and tightened his grip on Allen. "You're wrong, this is not the only option. Don't do something you would regret."

Allen flinched at Sean's cold tone, but he doesn't feel something murderous in it—so he's a bit relieved.

'But wait, what did Sean mean by doing something I would regret?' Allen thought. 'Did I miss something? What is he doing here? Did he follow me on the roof?'

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