Just a Background Character

By RandomPerson286

488 33 27

Evelyn Adely Anderson just fits in. She is your normal meek, quiet 15 year old. Evelyn has always been the sh... More

Chapter 1: Cold Morning
Chapter 2: Am I Really a Background Character?
Chapter 3: The Project
Chapter 4: Tacos and Photos
Chapter 5: Memories
Chapter 6: Guilty Lies
Chapter 7: Differences
Chapter 8: Treacherous Past
Chapter 9: Old Past, Brand New Future
Chapter 10: Trains
Chapter 12: Blueberries
Chapter 13: The Past Isn't Always so Great
Chapter 14: I Feel as if I Know You
Chapter 16: Hotel Rooms
Chapter 17: New Family
Author Note

Chapter 15: A Ringing Doorbell

8 1 0
By RandomPerson286

About one and a half months have passed since I was reunited with my biological family. The time moved surprisingly fast. Hannah, Atlas, and Henry were still living with us. It was pretty nice! I had started calling Kylie mom, and Joshua dad. It just felt right I guess. Atlas and Henry called Kylie mommy, and Joshua daddy. I guess it felt right to them too. Yet, they were both too little to remember their biological parents. Henry never even called anyone by mom or dad. He probably just copied Calvin after all. I'm not sure if him or Atlas know what it means to call someone mom or dad. They probably don't know what they're saying. They probably don't know that by calling someone mom or dad it means you're choosing that person to be your parent, your caregiver. Hannah knows this. I know she does. She never once called either of them mom or dad which is totally understandable. She has only knew them for a month! Hannah does get in arguments once in a while. I think she feels like she fits in. I hope she does. I mean, who wouldn't want to be in this awesome family?

"Evelyn, get some beef from the fridge for the tacos!" Mom ordered.

I opened my mouth to protest. I just came in here to get a snack before dinner, not to become an assistant chef!

"No buts! Get that beef!" Mom scolded.

I groaned, but hurried to the fridge. I quickly opened it, and got the beef. Mom snatched from my hands, and hurried away. What's the big deal anyway? It's just plain old dinner, not something fancy!

"Cut up those vegetables on the counter child! I don't have all night to make this meal! Chop chop!" Mom called over her shoulder.

I sighed, and made my way to the vegetables. I grabbed the onion, and placed it on the neatly laid out cutting board. I suspected Mom just wanted to keep me busy. She had time to neatly lay out a cutting board, a knife, and all these pre washed vegetables, but she couldn't find the time to actually cut the vegetables up? I didn't believe that for a second! I picked up the knife right as the doorbell rang

"I'll get it!!" I shouted, happy to get away from cooking.

"Be quick if you want to eat tonight!" Mom snapped, only half joking.

"I will! Don't worry!" I reassured while jogging to the front door.

The doorbell rang again.

"Coming!" I screamed at the door while picking up my pace.

Once I got to the door, I peeked outside through the peephole. Blackness. It was nighttime, so I guess it made since that it was dark. I grabbed the door knob, and turned it. I pulled the heavy door open. Two people stood in front of me. A man and a woman. I stared at them for a moment with a mix of pure horror and shock.

In front of me was Caroline and Aiden. They looked surprised to see me answering the door. They probably thought I was locked up in a room or something, hidden away from people. Before they could say anything, I slammed the door in their faces.

"Who was that? Some stupid salesperson?" Hannah asked, coming down the stairs.

I jumped at her voice. I hadn't heard her behind me.

"Worse," I whispered.

"Evelyn? You okay? Who was at the door?" Mom asked coming towards me.

I gave her a blank stare, "Caroline and Aiden."

"Caroline and Aiden? Evelyn, their 10 hours away. They're not here," Mom reassured, grabbing my arm gently.

"It's them," I insisted.

"Evelyn? It's me, your father Aiden. Open this door young lady. We need to talk," Aiden's voice boomed.

"Yep, yep, we're going to the living room." Mom mumbled, grabbing both Hannah and I.

Mom pulled us to the living room. The doorbell began to ring once more. It rang and rang. We only sat on a couch, listened, and hoped for them to leave.

"Is anyone going to get that door!?" Dad asked loudly, clearly irritated.

Mom rose to stop him. I heard the door knob turn, and the door screech as it opened. It was quickly slammed shut again. Dad ran into the room.

"What the crap?! Why are they out there?!" Dad whispered fiercely.

"I don't know! They just showed up!" Mom cried, looking worried.

"I'll go up with the little kids, in case one of them wants to open the door," Hannah said while creeping away to the stairs.

"I know you're all in there! Open this door!" Aiden's voice called.

"Go away, or we'll call the police!" Mom called back.

"We'll tell them you have a kidnapped child in your house!" Caroline's voice warned.

"Evelyn's our daughter! We have paperwork to prove it!" Aiden's voice added.

"Evelyn. Go upstairs, and stay with the others. All of you go into the master bedroom, and lock the door. Don't come out until one of us comes and gets you, okay?" Mom whispered.

"No, that's not okay! What's going to happen to you and Dad?" I whispered back.

"I don't know, but I want all of you safe." Mom whispered again.

I opened my mouth to protest yet again, but Dad butted in.

"Do as you're told," Dad cut in so sternly that I immediately turned around, and began to creep my way to the stairs.

I creeped up the stairs slowly but quietly. Hannah was standing by the top.

"I heard yelling, is everything okay?" Hannah asked, clearly worried.

"It's nothing. Where are the little kids?" I responded frantically.

"I took them in Kylie and Joshua's room. They're in there now watching tv," Hannah replied.

The door began to shake violently as the sound of banging rang out. Dad ran to the door. Mom followed close behind. Dad flatten himself against the door, as if trying to make sure it doesn't crash down. Mom sped up the stairs towards us. Once upstairs, she grabbed each of us by the arm, and roughly pulled us to the master bedroom. She pushed us both harshly in.

"Both of you, stay in here! Lock the door, and be quiet!" Mom hissed before slamming the door shut.

I quickly locked the door while Hannah turned off the tv.

"Hey! We were watching that!" Atlas cried, crossing her arms.

"Well never mind that! This is more important than some stupid tv show!" Hannah scolded.

"What's that banging sound and shouting? Is mommy and daddy in trouble?" Annie asked, her green eyes wide with fear.

"Me scared!" Henry pouted, closing his eyes tightly.

"You baby!" Calvin giggled, not looking bothered at all.

"Turn that tv back on! Mickey was just about to go see Donald!" Atlas demanded.

"No, now all of you be quiet!" Hannah ordered sternly.

"I-I'm scared," Annie stuttered.

I picked her up from her place on the bed, and held her close to me.

"I know, but everything will be okay. Mom and Dad are handling it," I reassured.

Annie only stared at me, obviously not reassured at all.

"I'm sooo bored!" Atlas sighed while flopping down on the bed.

A loud bang sounded from downstairs. Henry leaped off the bed into Hannah's arms.

"How about we play the quiet game?" I suggested, desperate to distract them.

"What that?" Calvin sat up, looking interested.

"It's a game where everyone has to be as quiet as they can. Whoever is the quietest wins a chocolate bar," I tried to sound convincing.

"Yeah! And it's really fun! Who thinks we should try it?" Hannah added ethusaically.

All four kids nodded quickly.

"Okay! 1.....2.....3... Go!" I exclaimed cheerfully.

All of the kids became really quiet. And that's how they stayed for the next hour. From downstairs, I could hear loud shouting and banging. Atlas and Calvin were oblivious to what was happening. They ran around the room quietly. Henry and Annie were still oblivious to everything, but they were scared. Hannah cuddled Henry in a corner. I held Annie close, and tried the best to comfort her. After about an hour of shouting, everything got quiet. I heard the distant sound of a car speeding off, and the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. A small knock hit the door.

"Are you still in here kiddos? It's safe now," Mom's voice whispered.

Annie quickly scrambled away from me, and to the door. She unlocked the door and swung it opened.

"Mommy? Who was that?" Annie whispered.

"No one sweetie. Are you okay?" Mom asked, picking Annie up.

"I'm fine. That was scary!" Annie stared at Mom with huge eyes.

"I know," Mom turned to everyone else, "We're having peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner tonight. Why don't all of you go eat?"

"Yay!! Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!!" Atlas screamed excitedly while dragging Calvin out the door.

Hannah followed more cautiously while holding Henry with one arm.

"Hannah, can you take Annie downstairs with you? I need to have a word with Evelyn," Mom asked while placing Annie down.

"Of course," Hannah extended her hand to Annie, "Come with me."

Annie quickly grabbed the extended hand. Hannah took them both downstairs.

Once they left, Mom turned to me.

"Evelyn? Can I ask you something?" Mom looked at me, clearly exhausted.

"Yeah, sure," I shrugged.

"Do you want to go back with Caroline and Aiden?" Mom asked warily.

"No! Of course not! I love it here!" I exclaimed, shocked.

"Ok then, we will fight, but you have to understand Caroline and Aiden won't give up easily. They never had, and they never will," Mom stated.

"I understand," I nodded.

"Then I guess we're going into war my daughter," Mom finished looking slightly nervous.

That night was a blur. We ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and then went to bed. I was scared Caroline and Aiden were going to come back, and do something. But they didn't. Or at least they didn't that night.

At around 6 am the next morning, the whole house was awoken to police sirens right outside. Just as I was rubbing my eyes, the sound of the door bursting down echoed through the house. Loud footsteps ran up the stairs.

"EVERYONE COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!!" A loud male voice boomed.

Hannah stared at me bewildered. I only returned the stare. What was happening? A man burst in the room.

"Put your hands up!! Step out of the bed!" The man yelled.

My hands shot up as I leaped out of the bed. My body began to shake with intense terror.

"Hands up! Walk into the hallway!" The man ordered.

I quickly obeyed. I could see this man was a police officer. He had on the blue uniform. The man had what looked like a taser pointing at us. A taser!! Like what were we going to do? Attack this muscular man?! Once we were in the hallway, I could see everyone else was there too. At least they were safe. A police officer held Calvin's shoulder, as well as Henry's. Another police officer did the same with Atlas and Annie. I felt the police officer behind me suddenly grip my shoulder tightly. A different police officer stared at Mom and Dad.

"Are you Joshua Jones and Kylie Jones?" The officer asked.

"Yes sir," Both Mom and Dad replied steadily.

"Do you both understand you're under arrest for the kidnapping of Evelyn Anderson?" The officer asked.

"Yes sir," They both repeated.

"Good. Turn around the both of you," The police officer ordered.

Mom and Dad turned around. The police officer cuffed them, and took them down the stairs. The other officers took us all down the stairs. We got herded outside and onto the nearby sidewalk.

Two officers stood on either side of us. Two officers stood in front of us. One had a computer and was sitting in a plastic chair.

"Hello children. I'm Officer Walker, and this is my partner Officer Brown," Officer Walker explained.

"We're only going to ask you all a few questions, okay?" Officer Brown asked kindly.

I felt myself nod.

"Ok first thing first, is there anyone else in that house with you? Besides Joshua, Kylie, and you kids," Officer Walker asked.

"No sir," Hannah responded.

"If Annie Jones and/or Calvin Jones are here, raise your hand," Officer Brown ordered.

Annie and Calvin both raised their hands.

"Good! You're both Joshua and Kylie's kids right?" Officer Brown asked, suddenly more cheerful.

"Y-Yes sir," Annie stuttered, obviously nervous.

"Is Evelyn Anderson here?" Officer Brown asked.

"Yes sir, I'm here," I raised my hand.

"Who are the others?" Officer Walker asked Officer Brown.

"I don't know. They aren't in my system that they're related to this family," Officer Brown responded.

"What's your names?" Officer Walker asked Hannah, Atlas, and Henry.

"I'm Hannah McCaw. These are my little siblings Atlas McCaw and Henry McCaw," Hannah responded, oddly calm.

Officer Brown typed something on his computer.

"Okay, here I found that both their birth parents are in prison," Officer Brown began.

"Who are they staying with right now?" Officer Walker butted in.

"They were adopted by their grandma, Michelle Williams, but she's dead," Officer Brown replied.

I felt Hannah stiffen beside me. How could they be so bland?

"So no guardian?" Officer Walker asked for clarification.

"No guardian," Officer Brown clarified.

"There's three open places in a group home not far from here," Officer Walker said.

"Okay, we'll transfer them there, and the others to the station," Officer Brown decided.

Officer Brown quickly closed his laptop.

"Hannah McCaw, Atlas McCaw, and Henry McCaw come with me," Officer Brown ordered.

Officer Brown stood up, and walked towards a police car. Hannah, Atlas, and Henry followed.

"Annie Jones, Calvin Jones, and Evelyn Anderson please follow me," Officer Walker ordered.

I quickly scooped up Calvin, and grabbed Annie's hand. Officer Walker gave me a small nod before walking to a police car. I scrambled after him. He opened the back car door. I slid in with Annie and Calvin. Officer Walker shut the door, and climbed into the front of the car. I quickly buckled myself and my siblings up. The police car's engine roared as the car took off into the night.

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