The Power Within Us (unedited)

By Edna_mode123

567 50 26

Mira Ocean your average seventeen year old girl that lives with her single mom, four other siblings and her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 12

17 1 0
By Edna_mode123

If Mira was honest she really didn't want to go to school but if she said anything her mother would make her stay home. That's definitely the opposite of what she wants.

"What happened to her?"

"Didn't you hear?"

"She was in a car accident, a few died and she's the only one out of the hospital."

By third block she was ready to smack those blabbers. 

Her only hope was to sleep in geometry class. She shook her head, to think months ago she would freak out for sleeping in class. 

“Well, well look at the cripple.” Adara remarked.

“Only your dumb enough to crash during break.”

The whole class laughed.

She held her tongue if that's how she was truly that's her problem. She wasn’t going to start the year off arguing. Although she had to admit it stung a little bit when the whole class laughed but she still held her ground.

“Adara don’t talk to that murder, you might be her next victim!”

Harris joined in.

Now she was on the verge of tears. She needed to leave these people so she grabbed her backpack and quickly wobbled out with her crutches. She locked herself in one of the bathroom stalls and cried her heart out. If she hadn’t asked for extra hours she wouldn’t be there and those innocent people wouldn’t have lost their lives. It’s all her fault. By lunch time she missed all of her 3rd block and  hid herself at the back of the library.

Evan was walking down the halls to the cafeteria when he heard the sneers of adara and harris. 

“It was so hilarious she ran away crying and missed her entire 3rd block.”

Their actions disgusted him. He clenched his fist ready to give Harris a taste of his medicine but stopped.

“I heard from Sarah that she's hiding out in the library.”

They weren’t worth it anyway he thought as he left to find her. 

He didn’t understand why Adara was suddenly so mean. Did they have a chick fight or something cause she’s really crossing the line. Then he saw her despite her obvious crying, she still looked beautiful. He quickly approached her, “I heard what happened, I’ve been looking for you.”

“Don’t listen to them Mira.” 

He pulled her in for a hug.

“There right though.”


“Well, well, looky here the schools bad boy and the murder together.”

“I guess birds of a feather do flock together.”

Evan couldn’t take it anymore, he didn’t really care for what they thought anymore, he let go of Mira. The cold air quickly took over her warmth. He moved so fast Harris didn’t have a chance to recover. He threw the first punch; he became what people feared him to be. He was vicious, cold, and completely out of control. Both girls stood in shock, but Mira snapped out of it first.  


“Evan, stop hurting him!”

He stopped.

“What is going on here?”

“You sir are in big trouble.”

Adara took Harris to the nurse and mira stayed in the library. She was hungry,tired and mad, so mad her head started to spin.She got why Evan reacted so aggressively but she didn’t need him to fight her battles. The best way to win is to be the bigger person - even if their words stung and made her cry. Ugh she should have stayed home.Maybe she should call her mom to pick her up; at least then she could eat in peace. Her headache got worse and she closed her eyes to rest before she got her phone out. She had a vision of herself looking at a mirror, she was wearing a crown and beautiful gown but the most striking feature she noticed was how child-like she looked. Despite how her age seemed when she saw how the little girl presented herself, it was almost as if she held the weight of the world.

“Mira Ocean please come to the office you're checking out.”

Mira’s eyes snapped open.

She quickly gathered her things and left for the office. 

In the office she noticed Evan closing the principal's door hand still bloodied. He looked at her but she looked away.

“I’m here.”

“Great! Maddi’s already in the car, let's go.”

Hey guys!!
Sorry for the long wait. On the bright side I'm almost done with chapter 13 and 14. I'm thinking of  having a update schedule. My free days are Mondays and Fridays so maybe I'll do that, so be on the look out.
Q&A: What would you like to see more in male characters?

I'm not sure maybe if the male characters cry.
That's all folks,
Plz feel free to comment!

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