Not A FANBOY // Taekook


94.9K 4.3K 1.8K

JEON JUNGKOOK is the youngest & most popular Idol in 2020. He is popular for his Sexy looks & Angelic voice. ... More

Part - 1
Part - 2
Part - 3
Part - 4
Part - 5
Part - 6
Part - 7
Part - 8
Part - 9
Part - 10
Part - 11
Part - 12
Part - 13
Part - 14
Part - 15
Part - 16 (Mature)
Part - 17
Part - 18
Part - 20
Part - 21
Part - 22
NEW YEAR'S GIFT (oneshot)
Part - 23
Part - 24
Part - 25
Part - 26(M)
Part - 27

Part - 19

2.3K 110 59

In these days TAE became very busy with JK's schedule.
JK had no time to interact with TAE.

TAE almost forgot about that weird message.

JK was busy in his rehearsal & shows.

***** At night JK's house*****

JK was rolling on the bed like a child.

JK: "huh! I am so tired!"

TAE: "Sleep JK! You have rehearsals tomorrow.
So sleep!"

JK pouted: "You-- You always scold me!
You don't love meeeee--"

TAE smiled: "Bcz, you are a child!"

JK hugged TAE on bed.

JK: "mmm! But-- I am not a kid in bed...

TAE blushed: "ohh! Shut up!
& sleep!"

JK kissed TAE's cheek!

JK: "Ok. Tell me TAE? Which place is your favourite?

TAE: "Wh--why are u asking me?"

JK pouted: "Just tell---"

TAE: "Aaah! Ok!
Paris! I want to see Paris!"

JK hugged his TAE.

JK: "We will go Paris for our honeymoon!
Okay baby??"

TAE blushed: "Whaa--What?
Just sleep."

TAE touched JK's forhead.

TAE: "Do you have a fever baby?"

JK pouted: "No--"

TAE: "Wait--"

TAE got up from bed & brought medicine for JK.

TAE: "Take the medicine & sleep."

JK took the medicine.

TAE: "Good boy."

JK: "I have to sing for my fans--"

TAE: "You love your music so much.

JK smiled: "Yes, I can't live without music--"

TAE: "My good boy--"

JK pouted: "But-- you are bad-"

TAE smiled: "Why?"

JK pouted: "I want kisses--"

TAE smiled: "omoo! Again? You start your drama--"

JK nodded his head: "hmmm"

TAE held JK's face & kissed on JK's lips softly.

TAE: "Happy? Now sleep."

JK attacked TAE's lips suddenly with a deep kiss! 💏

TAE: "mmuuu"

TAE stopped JK.

TAE: "Sleep JK! Be a good boy!"

JK made an angry face.

JK ( in angry tone): "Fineeeeeeeeeeee..
good night!!"

JK angrily lied on the bed.
TAE smiled to see JK's behaviour!

TAE also lied & tightly hugged JK.

JK (childish tone): "Now? Why --Why--are you hugging me?"

TAE smiled: "bcz You are my pillow--"

JK smiled & closed his eyes in TAE's embrace.
Slowly they fall asleep.

****** Next day*******

JK was again busy for rehearsal.
Lisa came there.

Lisa: "JKkkkkkkk babyyyyyyyyyyyy---"

JK (fake smile): "Huh! Why are you here?"

Lisa: "Bcz, It's my Dad's company!"

JK: "Hmm. Ok!"

Lisa smirked: "Where is your assistant?"

JK: "Why?"

Lisa: "I have something to discuss with him."

JK: "What? Tell me."

Lisa laid her hands around JK's neck suddenly!

Lisa whispered: "Sshhhh!
JKkkkk babyyy--
U r so hot--"

JK: "Why are you changing the topic--"

In the mean time, TAE came & saw both JK & Lisa in that situation.

JK quickly removed Lisa's hand but Lisa smiled like an evil bitch.

Lisa: "Hi TAE"

TAE: "Hmm. Hello."

Staff came & asked JK to join them for another round of rehearsal.
TAE nodded his head & JK left for rehearsal.
TAE was also trying to leave but Lisa stopped him.

Lisa: "TAE??"

TAE: "aah?"

Lisa: "JK is so hot!
So handsome!
So rich!
Do u know that?"

TAE: "What!?"

Lisa smiled: "Nothing.
I was trying to say that there are so many girls & BOYS want JK badly but----"

TAE: "But--???"

Lisa smirked: "But--
Jeon Jungkook is mine--
& only mine!"

TAE: "Hmm! But why are you telling me these things??"

Lisa smiled: "Little boy.--
Bcz you are his Personal- - I mean very personal assistant.

TAE: "What are you trying to say Lisa?"

Lisa smirked: "Ooh? Hello?
Middle class !
I am not Lisa for you!
I am your Madam.
Got it?"

TAE sighed: "hmm.
Ok Madam!"

Lisa: "Good boy!
Now arrange A DATE NIGHT for me & JK!"

JK became shocked & surprised to hear her words!

TAE firmly said: "According to Agency's rule, JK is not allowed to date."

Lisa: "Rule?? I am an exception.
Don't you know who I am?"

TAE: "I know but I have to ask JK first."

Lisa became angry.

Lisa: "How dare you to talk to me like that?
You are insulting me!"

TAE firmly said: "Sorry Madam!
But, I am JK's assistant.
I have to make sure everything about JK!"

Lisa angrily: "Ok! Fineeee!
Now, just wait & watch!!"

TAE lowered his head.
Lisa suddenly, left the room like a storm.

TAE sighed in relief.

But after some time....

Agency head Bang Si called TAE in his cabin.

TAE: "May I come in Sir?"

Bang: "Come & lock the door properly."

TAE entered.

Bang: "Do you know your class?
How dare you to insult my daughter Lisa?"

TAE: "Sorry Sir!
But, I didn't- -"

Bang shouted: "Shuttt up!
What do you think of yourself?"

TAE lowered his head slowly.

Bang kept on shouting.

Bang: "Go & arrange a private dinner in a private room for four persons.
I will eat with Jeon Jungkook!"

TAE: "But--"

Bang shouted: "It's my order!
Otherwise, we will hire anyone else for JK's assistant!
Do you understand??"

TAE only nodded his head in a positive sense.
TAE became worried about JK!
TAE understood that it was Lisa's plan but he couldn't say anything to anyone.

TAE: "Yes."

Bang shouted: "Now leave!!"

TAE bowed & left the room.

After leaving of TAE, Bang Si called his daughter & told her everything.

Bang on call: "I arranged a dinner -- don't worry my daughter.!"

Lisa on call: "Thank u so much Dad!!"

Bang: "Anything for my princess!"

Lisa cut the call & started jumping happily.
She was excited for meeting with JK!

On the other side, TAE became busy in booking a dinner for four persons.
TAE booked a very beautiful private room resturant.
TAE arranged everything for the dinner.

After some time.........

JK returned from reharsal & TAE started telling him about the dinner.

TAE: "You have a dinner date!"

JK smiled happily: "Really??
You arranged a date for You & Me??"

TAE (in a angry tone): "No!
Your Boss Bang Si & Lisa wanted to eat with u.
So I booked a private room."

JK shouted: "Whatttttttttttttttt
Are you serious TAE?"

TAE: "hmm."

JK: "I will not go--"

TAE ordered: "No! You will go--"

JK pouted: "Ok! But you will also go with me--"

TAE smiled slightly: "hmmm."

After their work, JK was very tired & TAE also.
But, still they reached at the venue for dinner with Bang Si.

At the venue, They entered in a private room where Bang Si & Lisa were already there.

JK: "Hello."

TAE: "Hello."

Lisa: "Please seat JKkkkkk baby."

Lisa grabbed JK hand & forced to sit him beside her & TAE noticed that clearly.'

JK, Lisa & Bang Si sat down.

TAE was about to sit down on the chair but Lisa screameddddd!!

Lisa: "Aaah? Why are you sitting here?"

TAE confused: "aah?"

Lisa smirked: "Little boy!
We are owners & you are just our employee!
You can't seat with us.

TAE: "hmm."

Bang si: "You will serve our food. Okay??"

JK: "No. He will not. He is my assistant!
He only follows my orders!"

TAE whispered to JK: "Please JK!
Don't argue--
I will serve--
Please bahave properly!"

JK: "But--"

TAE rolled his eyes & JK sighed.

TAE: "I will serve the dinner, Sir."

Bang: "Fine."

TAE started serving dinner like a waiter.
JK became so angry to see that.
But bcz of TAE, JK could not say anything.
JK greeted his teeth with anger but still managed to smile.

Lisa: "You have no qualifications!!
Such a middle class--"

JK was about to say something but TAE stopped him.

TAE just smiled & served the dishes.
He stood there when JK, Lisa & Bang Si were eating their food.

JK was just playing with the food with spoon & was looking at TAE sadly but angrily who stood alone in the room like a waiter.

Suddenly, Bang Si received a call & got up from chair.

Bang: "I have something to do.
JK & Lisa... please enjoy your time."

Lisa: "Ok. Dad. Bye"

Bang: "And JK?
Lisa is your responsibility.
I know, you are a true gentleman.
So, Take her home with you safely!"

JK: "aah? But--"

Lisa cutely: "Please JK--"

Bang si: "Bye"

Bang si left.

After some more minutes.....

JK to Lisa: "Let's go. It's already late!"

Lisa pouted: "Ok JKkkk baby."

At the parking area,
Lisa started shouting again bcz she will not ride a car with TAE.

Lisa: "I will not go with that middle class--"

JK: "Stop it Lisa!
TAE is my assistant.
Don't  insult him.
If you don't want to go with me & TAE... then, I will not go with you."

Lisa: "I am a lonely girl in the night!
How can you say that at night??
Dad told you to take me home with u Safely---
But-- I will not go with that TAE."

JK sighed(angry): "Ok fineee!"

JK went to TAE who was standing quite far.

JK stuttered: "Aah.. oh... TAE? Actually--"

TAE understood the situation.

TAE sighed: "It's ok!
Take her home.
I will book a cab.
Don't worry--"

JK: "TAE?..Are-- Are you angry?"

TAE smiled slightly: "No."

JK felt guilty & sad at that time but he had no other option.

Then, JK & Lisa got in the car together infront of TAE & left.

A tear fall down from TAE's eye......
TAE kept staring at the JK's car in the road alone......!  😭💔💔

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