Publicity (One Direction Fanf...


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How would you feel if you were hired to date someone... Someone you hate. Harry and Ashlynn dont get on very... More

Publicity (One Direction Fanfiction)
Heartbreak is the worst
Here She Is...
Settling into America
Taking the Blow
This will only work one way...
Pretending Isnt Easy
The Truth Hurts
This Is Going To Be Different
People to Talk to Are All We Need
Christmas Spirit
We cant live in the past, but we can bring it back.
Piece of My Heart
Our Relationship Shouldn't Be A Decision?
I dont deserve this
This Will Always Be Hard
Wrong Timing
What Is It Going To Take?
Author's Note
Authors Note~~~
Back To Normal
I Just Met You
Dang You Do Have It Bad
Well Shit...
Meet Kat...

Dates, drama, departure

2.7K 37 8

I apologize for the super long chapter!  But I had to get it all down in one part!  I hope you love it as much as I do!  Remeber to vote and comment!  I really would love to hear some feedback!  Thanks guys!  (:



Ashlynn's P.O.V.

"Harry, before we go, I need to tell you somthing." I mumbled as Harry and I entered the lift.  We were on our way to our triple date with Heidi and Lou, and Zayn and Perrie. Harry had been oblivious to the fact that me and Perrie were fighting, and I didnt want to bother him and tell him about it.  Seeing as we are going to be sitting in a confined space with her for more than 2 hours, I think nows a good time to let him know.

"What is it love?" Harry asked, wrapping an arm around my waist.  I didnt really want to tell Harry about the drama between me and Perrie, because drama is always a turn off.  But I knew tonight wouldnt run smoothly unless Harry was updated on me and Perrie's friendship status.  In all honesty, I just wanted us to be friends again.  She was a great girl, and I appreciated what she did by telling Harry about my bulemia.  But how exactly am I supposed to apologize for calling her a fame whore?

"Ashlynn...?" Harry called my name, as I realized I'd zoned out on him. 

"Perrie and I havent been getting along so well.  She was the first one to catch me... hurting myself, and threatend to tell Milly.  I knew if Milly found out about what I was doing that she would restrict my modeling priveleges.  So I kind of said some mean things to Perrie to keep her quiet." I said shamefully, looking down at the floor.  I really wasnt your typical model bitch that lived for drama when she wasnt at a shoot.  I actually tended to keep to myself, and not say things to people.  I was drama free. 

"Well, if I know the real Perrie, then I know she'll forgive anything you said to her." Haryy reassured me, giving me a small side hug. 

You know her and Zayn's relationship was fake in the begginning?" Harry quirked an eyeborw down at me.  I shook my head.  The news was actually a big surprise to me.  They seem like they have been in love since day 1. 

"Well it was.  Zayn was pretty mean to her, and said things far worse than I would ever think you would say to her.  But now their more in love than I've ever seen anyone be in my life.  If she can forgive Zayn, Im sure she can forgive you."  Harry finished, a reassuring smile on his face. 

"Sooooo all I have to do is apologize?" I asked, still confused on the point he was trying to cross. 

"Basically.  You guys are a team.  The girlfriends of one direction.  You need eachother!  I hate to see you both not getting along." He finsihed, kissing my forehead.  The elevator door dinged, and the doors slid open.  

"I'm with you always.  Dont worry about it." Harry leaned and whispered in my ear.  And suddenly... I felt better.

Ok, halfway through dinner and nothing bad has happened yet.  Maybe me and Perrie can just be adults about this and move past it.  I reached for a peice of bread out of the basket, and heard a gasp from the side of the table.  

"Sorry, just shocked your actually eating." Perrie sneered at me.  I felt Harry put a hand on my leg, as I gawked at the comment. 

"Perrie." Zayn whisper yelled at his girlfriend.  

"Well, just being honest.  Or is it that I'm being the jealous bitch you made me out to be?" She snapped at me again.  Is she serious right now!?  What the hell, everything was running so smoothly! 

"Yummmm this wine is delicious!  Here try some!" Heidi broke in, shoving her glass at Perrie.  She swatted it away, causing some of the red liquid to stain the pure white tablecloth.  

"Great going!" I smirked sarcastically.  

"See Zayn!  I told you she was a bitch!"  Perrie screeched, pointing a finger at me.  Harry pushed Perrie'shand out of my face, and Zayn slammed his hands on the table.  

"Dont you do that!" He snarled at my boyfriend.  This time, it was my turn to put a reassuring hand on Harry.  This is taking a turn for the worst...

"Look what you've caused now!  Dont make the boys fight just because you hold major grudjes!  Everything was going perfectly until you opened your damn mouth!" I snapped at Perrie.  She rolled her eyes and flicked me off. 

"Trash." I muttered to myself.  

"Excuse me?" She raised her eyebrows at me from across the table.

"I said, TRASH!" I spoke the word louder and glared at the blonde from across the table.

"Ok, I think it's time for the check." Louis sighed, raising his hand to the waitor.  

"I'm sick of this." Perrie snapped, slamming her napkin onto the table and standing up.  I figured she was just running off to the bathroom, so I took in a deep breathe, trying to calm myself down.  But suddenly, before I knew what was happening, a hard smack hit my cheek, sending a sharp pain into my face.  I instinctivly backed my chair up straight into Perrie's stomach, causing her to double over in pain.  I pulled her hair so hard she tripped to the ground.  By now, the whole resteraunt was staring, and pictures were being taken.  Great, so much for keeping the boys out of trouble.

"Get out of here." Louis snarled at the four of us.  Zayn picked Perrie up, and Harry grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the door.  Photographers asked questions all the way out of the resteraunt.  

"You bitch." Perrie growled in my ear as we exited the resteraunt.  Before I could respond, Zayn pulled Perrie one way, and Harry pulled me another.  

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" Pauls deep voice boomed as Harry pulled me to saftey in our hotel room.  Louis and Heidi had beaten us back, and Zayn and Perrie walked in a mere two seconds after us.  

"MANAGMENT IS WAITING DOWNSTAIRS IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM." Paul yelled, pointing his finger twoards the door.  We all stould dumbfounded in the middle of the room.   Had Perrie and I, two grown women, seriously gotten int oa cat fight in public?  I was ashamed of myself.

"GO NOW!" Paul screamed, sending us all into a fight to get out of the door.  The lift ride was silent as the 6 of us awkwardly piled into the small space.  Perrie was on the direct opposite side of the elevator, which I'm guessing wasnt an accident.  There was a firm wall of bodies between us.  We all filed off the elevator as soon as the doors slid open.  Louis was first to walk into the room full of death... A.K.A the room full of managers.  

Harry's P.O.V.

"I just dont understand!  Everything was fine, and then all of the sdden  a cat fight broke out!" Louis yelped, pacing the room, running his fingers through his messy hair.  

"Perrie made a joke about Ashlynn's bulemia.  Absolutly uncalled for." I spoke up, anger surging through me.  I never knew Perrie could be so vicious!  She'd always been such a sweet girl.   Ashlynn had been silent the whole meeting, not knowing what to say. 

"Oh please, dont blame it all on her!  Ashlynn sent her death glares all night!" Zayn fought me back.  

"WHATEV-" John one of the managers cut me off.  

"ENOUGH BOYS!" He yelled, causing the room to become silent.  

"Now Mrs. Stegway.  We feel we may have made a mistake by asking you into this contract...  We havent been totally convinced with you and Mr. Styles' performance, and this drama is only going to cause bad publicity.  We feel its best for the boys career for you to disappear.  We can formulate some sort of breakup plan, and cal it quits on the whole thing." Judy, another managment spoke.  

"We are willing to let you out of the contract, punishment free, with a full time employment modeling for Aeire.  We've spoken to their head of office, and he agreed.  All you have to do is 'breakup' with Harry." Kim, a third manager explained.  Her words sent shrills of ice through me.  Ashlynn... leave?  No, we were just starting to get along!  I hadnt even gotten a chance to ask her to be my real girlfriend yet!  

"NO!' The word rolled out of my mouth before I could even think of what I was saying.  

"Thats impossible.  She's not leaving." I demanded, grabbing Ashlynn's hand, and standing up.  

"Goodnight." I nodded, pulling the model out of the room as well.  We were not going to further discuss Ashlynn leaving.   It was a proposterous idea, and i wouldnt stand for it. 

"Harry..." Ashlynn whispered as I marched to the lift.  

"No Ashlynn.  Your not leaving." I shook my head, trying to get rid of all the stress that had sprung upon me tonight.  How could everything go from so perfect, to so screwed up all in one night!?

"Ok.... Ok fine.  I just need to talk to Milly." She sighed, laying her head on my shoulder as the elevator carried us to our floor.  I wrapped an arm around Ashlynn's waist, with no intention of ever letting her go.

Ashlynn's P.O.V.

"Harry, I'm going to go talk to Milly.  I'll be back soon." I called to Harry through the bathroom door.  We'de gotten back to the room and Harry decided to shower.  Perfect time for me to consult with Milly about what we should really do.  Was the boys managment right?  Is me leaving whats best for the band?

 I walked out of our room and across the hall to Milly and Pauls.  I knocked on the wooden door, and within a few seconds, Milly answered it.

 "I heard what happened." Milly jutted out her bottom lip and pulled me into a hug.  

"Atleast you didnt lose any modeling contracts! Aerie wants you in L.A. by friday!  You can finally quit faking your interest in Harry.  Ashlynn, I thought you'd be excited!?"  Milly gushed, pulling me into the room.  Id totally forgotten Milly didnt know my feelings for Harry were real now.  

"Yeah, finally." I slightly chuckled, trying to hide my disappointment.  I really didnt want to leave Harry.  We'd grown close, and I was really starting to fall for him.  I mean, he was the one to help me with my bulemia, he scolded any fans that were mean to me, and he was the first person in years to make me feel wanted.  Why does fate always work against me!?  

"Well Milly, Harry doesnt intend on letting me go very easily.  You and Paul's plan worked.  He fell for me.  We're going to have to sneak off without Harry finfing out.  When's our flight?" I asked.  Today was Wednesday, and if I had to be in L.A. by Friday, I knew our flight would be soon.  

"I booked two seats on the 4:30 A.M. plane out to L.A. tonight." Milly answered, looking down and typing somthing into her phone.  

"Alright.." I sighed, scooting off of the stool I'd sat down in.  I wasnt expecting the flight to be in 6 hours!  It didnt give me any time to cherish with Harry.  

"Go get packing.  I'll find a way to distract Harry." Milly said, kissing my cheek and pushing me out the door.  I sat in the silent hallway for a moment before walking back into my room, trying to recollect myself.  

Harry was just drying off his curly hair as I walked in.  The second our eyes met, his face lit up.  That shot a whole in my heart.  "Hey Love.  What'd Milly say!?"  Harry asked, pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek.  He smelled strongly of his usual vanilla scent.  HIs wet hair dripped onto my light purple vneck tshirt.  I smiled up into his gorgeous yes.  

"She said her and Paul would take care of things." I lied.  It killed me to be untruthful to Harry, but I didnt really have a choice.  It was for the best of both of our careers.  

"Great!" Harry gushed, pressing a kiss on my lips.  It sent the butterflies in my stomach fluttering around.  Our kiss was broken by the sound of Harry's phone vibrating on the bathroom counter.  

"Hold that thought." He winked before dashing to his phone.  He picked it up and read the new text.  

"Milly needs to see me." He said, reading the message on his phone.  After examinging the device a few more seconds he looked up and smiled at me.  

"Be right back!" He said, pulling on a tshirt, and running out of the room.  

I began to quickly pack my things, knowing wherever Milly sent Harry, he would be back soon.  I was folding up my last shirt as there was a knock on the door.  I ran over to it and let Milly in.  

"I sent him out for some headache medicine for Paul.  Put your bags in my room and tell him an Aerie stylist came to overlook your wardrobe.  Tongiht around 1:00 we'll sneak off to the airport.  " Milly instructed.  With a tap on my nose, Milly skipped out of the room as if nothing was wrong. 

I laid in bed with Harry right beside me, peacefully sleeping.  My thoughts of leaving kept me from getting anywhere near sleep.  I couldnt just leave Harry with no explanation.  That would be cruel.  It would be... heartbreaking.  I quietly slipped out of the bed, and snuck into the mini kitchen.  I sat at the glass table, and began to write Harry a letter.  A goodbye letter.

Dear Harry,

The last few weeks with you have been amazing.  I should have never judged you in the begginning.  Youre a beautiful boy with a beautiful soul, and you deserve a world of good things. 

You've showed me happiness that I had long forgotten.  Youve showed me that your so much better than the player everyone stereotyped you as.  Youve showed what its like to feel wanted.  Your amazing Harry and dont you fogrget it.  But now it's time for me to go, and let you get back to whats really important.  Work.  Your fans love you, and need you to continue on with what your doing, without me.  Managment isnt to happy with me right now, and I know that if I stick around, it'll only cause you problems.  Thats the last thing I want to do to you.  You boys dont need me to keep your fanbase interested, your beautiful personalities are enough to keep them loving you forever.

 But, I wanted to thank you for being the great guy you were to me.  I'd forgotten that there still were some decent men out there.  Your a special guy Styles, and I know someday you'll make a very lucky girl happier than ever.  And I promise you, I will envy her.  But I'll also be happy for her, because I know youll be making whoever it is happier than ever.

 Milly and I are taking the next flight out of New York tonight.  I'd tell you where I was going, but I know you, and I know you'd come find me.  It breaks my heart to do this Harry, but I have to go.  You deserve to live a great life, and maybe we will see eachother again in the near future.   Noah and Allie found their way back to eachother, and i'm confident we'll do the same. But for right now, I must go.  

Thank you again for showing me that there are still ways to happy in this life.  I love you Harry.  I love you so so much.

love, Ashlynn

By the time I finished the note, I was in tears.  I hadnt realized just how much Harry has impacted my life until now.  He made me smile at times that all I could do was cry.  He helped me with my modeling, and made me feel perfect in my own skin.  He showed me how to be happy again.  He did all of this in just a mere few weeks.  And now its all being taken from me.  It's crazy just how quickly things can change.  This morning I woke up, happy and free, nothing could have brought me down.  But in just a few hours, I fought with a girl I could have had a great friendship with, and I decided to leave the boy I'd fallen in love with.  Yes, love.  I dont throw the word around alot.  Actually, I've only said it to one other guy before, but saying it to Harry felt perfect.  I was udoubtfully, truly, and deeply in love with Harry Styles.

The vibrations of my phone broke me from my thoughts.

1 new message

From: Milly

Ready to go love?  Your bags are in the car.  

My stomach fell as I realized it was now time to leave.  I took the note back into the bedroom, and laid it on the dresser.  I walked over to the bed, and stared down at the amazing guy before me.  Harry was probably the closest thing to perfect this world was going to get.  I had a chance to be with him, and I was walking away from it.  I cant help but think I might be making the wrong decision.  But I knew it was what was best for him.  And whatever is the best decision for Harry is the right decision. Managment would be furious to find out I stayed, and Harry didnt need to be in any kind of trouble right now.  

I leaned down and kissed his forehead one last time, before quietly slipping out of the room.  I met Milly in the hallway, choking back tears.  If Milly knew I was upset to be leaving Harry she would second think things.  But I couldnt let her do that.  

"Ready?" She chirped, pulling me towards the lift.  no.... No I'm not.  

Harry's P.O.V.

Damn, I hate having to pee in the middle of the night.  

I slowly sat up in the bed, looking back to make sure I hadnt woken Ashlynn up.  But as I turned around, I found the space beside me empty.  I felt my stomach drop as I  looked around the room.  No Ashlynn, but there was a small peice of cumpled up paper on the dresser.  I walked over to it, and picked it up, reading the words slowly.  

no.... No!  

Ashlynn's P.O.V.

I sat in the waiting area for the plane, for what felt like hours.  I couldnt help but think about the other boys as well.  I'd made great frienships with all of them, and felt guilty for not saying goodbye.  I pulled my phone out of my purse, and began to text each one of them a quick goodbye message.


Lou I just wanted to say goodbye to you.  I'm sorry I didnt get a chance to in person, but I didnt really have a choice.  I have plenty pf good reasons to leave, and so I've decided to go.  But we both know if Harry knew I was leaving, he'd tie me to the bed.

I apologize for all of the trouble I'm leaving with you boys, but thats the reason I'm leaving.  Managment would be furious to find out I stayed, which would only cause more problems for the band.  Anyways, I love you so much bestfriend.  Goodluck with Heidi!  I'm so happy you guys found eachother!  You deserve a girl as good as her, and she deserves a guy as good as you!

  I'll miss you like theres not tomorrow.  Bye.

To: Daddy Payne

Liam!  Your fatherly ways have been such an amazing thing to me in the past few weeks.  I never had a dad around, so thank you for showing me what its like.  I wanted to say goodbye and thank you for all that you did to me.  I apologize I couldnt do it in person, but there is a legtiement excuse for that.  Harry will explain.  Thanks you again Liam... for everything.

To: The Niall Horan (;

I'm going to keep this one short.  Your a great guy, and your going to make a very lucky girl happy one day.  Im sorry for everything that went on between us, and that I couldnt say these things in person.  I know this hurts now, but soon enough, a lovely girl is going to walk into your life and make you happier than you can imagine.  I cant wait for you to meet her Niall, because you deserve to be the happiest boy in the world.

Love you Niall, and I'll miss the crap out of you.

To: Zayn Quiff Malik

I know your not to happy with me right now, but I wanted to thank you Zayn.  When I first met you guys, you were the only one that really made me feel welcome.  I appreciate that.  Although Perrie hates my guts at the moment, could you giver a kiss on the cheek for me?  She was a great friend, and I hate everything that went down between us.  I was stupid to throw away an oppurtunity to have a great friendship with her. 

Goodbye Zyan, and thanks again.

By now I was balling my eyes out in the middle of the airport.  If I could write them each an 8 page letter, I would.  BUT for now these quick messages are all I have time for.

I slumped futher into the uncomfortable airport chair, and shut my eyes, trying to block out the cruel world that was surrounding me.

You never know a good thing until its gone, and now that the boys are gone, I realized just how great they really are.

Harry's P.O.V.

Paps were chasing me down the road as i sprinted into the doors of the airport.  God knows how long ago Ashlynn had written that note, but I had to try and find her.  She couldnt leave!  Managment be damned!  I LOVE Ashlynn and she loves me!  Youll have to fucking kill me before I let somthing as precious as Ashlynn run away from me!

I sprinted straight past security, and down two flgihts of stairs.  I was earning crazy stares from just about everyone in the airport, and I could here security chasing after me.  I stopped in the middle of the giant foodcourt, scanning the room for Ashlynn.  No luck.  fuck fuck FUCK!  Im running out of time!

Shit this is frusterating!  How am i supposed to know even wehre to begin to look!?  This airport is fucking HUGE and I have no idea what flight she is getting on!

"Ha- Harry?" I heard a little voice call form behind me.  Shit... a fan.  

"Hi sweety!  Thanks so much for your support!  Cant talk right now though.  I sincerely apologize." I patted the young blonde girl on the head, and began to search the room again.  Still no luck.

 "But... But Harry, I know where that pretty girl is.  The one your looking for.  Is she your girlfriend?  My big sister is always talking about how cute you and your girlfriend are.  I remember her from pictures my sister always shows me.  I like her hair.  I want mine to look like hers."  The little girls words made my stomach drop.  She knew where Ashlynn was!  I squatted down so I could be at eyes level with the little girl.  I hadnt notcied until now, but the youngin was gorgeous.  She had long blonde hair, that had natural waves to it.  And her blue eyes sparkled in the lights of the airport.  She couldnt be any older than 7, but her face was still so perfctly porcelain and smooth.  She was my little guardian angel.  She was going to guide me to Ashlynn! 

"You know where Ashlynn is!?" I asked the little girl.  She merely nodded, a small blush on her cheeks.  

"Can you take me to her then!?"  I asked, grabbing the girls hand.  She nodded, before pulling me quickly through the crowd of people.  As we ran, a thought hit me.  

"Sweety, where is your mommy?" I asked her, continuing to run through the crowd.  

"She's the flight attendant for your girlfriends plane.  I'm riding with her.  She sent me and my sister to get somthing to eat, but when my sister saw you, she ran to tell mommy." The little girl explained.  I noticed she was having a hard time running through the crowd with her little legs, so I picked her up and began to run with her in my arms.  

"Just tell me where to go.  I'll carry you!" I said.  She nodded, and pointed straight ahead.  We ran in the same direction for about five minutes before she yelled.  

"STOP!"  I looked at my little friend, wondering what was wrong.  

"What is it?" I asked her expectantly.  

"We're here." She said, pointing to concourse D17.

 "Thank you so much love!  You are truly an angel!" I said, pecking the 7 year olds cheek.  I set her down and watched her run to her mom.  When she met the flight attendant, I waved, letting her know I meant no harm on the little girl.  

All of the sudden, I remembered why I was here. 

"ASHLYNN!?" I yelled, looking through all of the seats.  

"Flgiht 502 now boarding flgiht 502!" The announcers voice came on through the intercom.  I watched as people started to form a line in front of the terminal.  As my eyes finally rested on a certain blonde head, my stomach filled with relief.  

"ASHLYNN!" I yelled, running to her.  I watched as the model spun around, and her eyes popped open as she recognized me.  

"No, no Harry what are you doing here!?  How the HELL did you manage to find me so quickly!?" She asked, as I tried to hug her.  She pushed me away, nad bit her bottom lip.  I know what shes doing.  She's trying to mkae me mad so I'll leave.  Nuh-uh.  Not gunna happen.

"I dont care if managment is angry with me, please stay Ashlynn.  You told me you loved me!  You cant leave now!  How could you possibly expect me to believe that you love me, if you plan on leavingme!?" I begged, grabbing one of her soft hands in mine.  

"Harry dont try to fight me on this.  It's whats the best for both of us.  It's what I want!  You may not know it now, but its what you want too." She argued, pulling her hand from mine.  I stared deeply into her eyes, trying to think of words to say, to get her to stay.  All I could do was stare.  My mind was to boggled to think properly!  The girl that I love, just told me she loved me back.  HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO THINK!?

"Ma'am.  Your ticket." An unfamiliar voice came from behind Ashlynn.  Milly tapped Ashlynn's shoulder, and broke us out of our stare.  

"Oh right!" Ashlynn handed a peice of paper to the Flgiht attendant, and turned back to me.  

"Goodbye my love." She whispered, her eyes filled with tears.  The sight broke my heart.  She softly pressed a kiss to my lips before disappearing into the terminal.  I couldnt move.  I couldnt think.  There had to be SOMETHING I could do!  She couldnt seriously leave me. 

All of the sudden, it hit me.  The idea I'd been scanning m brain for!  Before I could stop myself, my feet started to carry me onto the plane.  I heard security and the flight attendant chasing me, but I didnt care.  As I reached the planes door, the pilot stopped me.  I turned around to find an angry attendant and guard behind me.  

"Listen.  The girl I'm in love with is about to fly away from me on this plane!  I cant let her do that!  Please, I beg of you.  I'll be two minutes.  You all can trust me!  I promise if I go over 1 second over 2 minutes, you can arrest me on the spot!  Just please." I begged the pilot to let me through.  He only stoold there, shaking his head.  

"sir... She means the world to me.  She's the only reason I have for living now.  She's all I care about.  Put yourself in my shoes.  Would you let her fly away from you!?"  I pleaded, my heart beating a million miles per hour. Please please please let me through. 

"Ah Sam, just let him through.  You have one minute."   The flight attendant spoke up.  I pulled her into a hug before tearing onto the plane.  My eyes searched for Ashlynn, and I found her in the second row of seats in first class.  She was sitting by the window, tears spilling out her eyes.  Milly was already snoring beside her.  

"Ashlynn Stegway you come off of this plane with me at once." I demanded, causing her to look up at me.  Her mouth fell open as she saw me.  

"How the hell did you get on here HarrY!?" She whisper yelled, looking for the pilot I guess. My adrenaline was surging through me, as  iignored her and carried on.

"Listen no time for that.  I've got one minute to convince you to come with me.  So here goes.  I figured I'd start with running onto the plane.  In cheesy love movies, the guy always stops trying to get the girl to stay when the she boards the plane.  But you deserve more than any girl in some stupid movie. So I'm going the extra mile for you.  You know why?  Because  I love you too.  

I thought you were a complete bitch in the beginning but you proved me so wrong.  It only took you a day to steal my heart.  Literally 1 damn day!  Now?  Now I'm madly in love with you.  I'm so in love with you, my head is spinning in circles, my heart is pounding right out of my chest, and my fingers and toes are tingling.  Your the Allie to my Noah, Ashlynn.  Right now, Im begging you.  Please come off this plane with me.  Youv'e become my world, and if you dont leave this airport with me, I'll have no reason to wake up tomorrow morning.  I'll have no reason to eat, or get dressed, or laugh.  I'll have no reason to live.  Please." I finished my speech, and waited anxiously for Ashlynn's reply, but I never got one.  She just stared at me.  Tears flowing out of both of our eyes.  I felt a pair of strong hands on my back.  

"Sir, its time for you to unboard the plane.  Please come along.  I'm sorry man, I really am, but you ned to come with me." The security guard from earlier pulled me off the plane, and away from Ashlynn.

I sat in the airport waiting area, my head in my hands.  I couldnt refrain from crying.  I'd done everything I could to get her to come with me, and my everything wasnt enough.  How could this have happened?  Just this morning, everything was perfect.  And now?  Now my life isnt even worth living.  

"Ehem..." I heard a familiar voice clear her throat from above me.  I slowly lifted my head up, and found Ashlynn standing before me, suitcase in hand.  

"So... you said you loved me?" She quirked an eyebrow at me.  Seeing her face made me the happeist man alive.  Exspecially after I thought I'd never see it again.

"YOU STAYED!?" I lept out of my seat, and pulled her into me, crashing my lips onto hers.  After a very long, and very passionate kiss, I pulled away.  I found Ashlynn's blue eyes sparkling into mine.  It pulled a giant grin onto my face. I couldnt believe it.  She'd decided to stay.  Athosan pound sand bag felt like itd just been lifted off of my shoulders.

"I love you so so much." She giggled, kissing one of my dimples.  I laughed, letting one arm fall from Ashlynn.  

"EXCUSE ME EVERYONE I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!  THIS GIRL JUST SAID SHE  LOVED ME!  I LOVE HER!  WE'RE IN LOVE!" I cheered, pulling Ashlynn through the airport.  I was so happy that I wanted evryone in this damned airport to know it!   I could hear Milly shushing me from behind, but I ignored her.  It was very early in the morning, and the airport was mostly filled with adults.  No fans.  So whats there to worry about? 

"harry love, people are sleepy." Ashlynn laughed from my side.  I shrugged and pulled her into another kiss, thankful that I got to do it again.

"Everyone in this airport should know how madly in love I am with you!" I laughed, hugging her again and again.

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