Demigods and others React

By johnson_yew

17.7K 166 117

Travis and Connor Stoll made a YouTube account to show how demigods react to videos. Some might feature Kane... More

Demigods React #1
Demigods React #2
Demigods React #3
Demigods React #4
Demigods React #5
Demigod React #6
Demigods React #7
Demigod React #8
Demigods React #9
Demigod React #10
Demigod React #12
Demigods React #13
Demigods React #14
Demigods React #15
Demigods React #16
Demigod React #17
Demigods React #18
Demigods React #19
Demigods React #20
Demigods React #21
Demigod React #22
Demigods React #23
Demigods React #24
Demigods React #25
Demigods React #26
Demigods React #27
Demigods React #28

Demigods React #11

412 5 0
By johnson_yew

Demigods React #11


Percy Nemo Jackson

Annabeth Chase




Praetor Reyna


Super-sized McSizzle

Ghost King




Stolls: Today you're not reacting to a video.

Hylla: Really?

Stolls: Instead, you have to do a challange.

Piper: Cinnamon challange? Ice-bucket challange?

Stolls: We'll show you videos but you cannot grin or smile.

Jason: Right. Hahahaha.

Luke: I'm not smiling. I'm not smiling.

Annabeth: I'll probably win this challange.

Try not to laugh or smile challange.
First video:Stormstropper Air Pumping

Frank and Hazel: ...

Hylla: ...

Calypso: What is this?

Piper: Duh.

Luke: Not funny.

Leo: I've seen this for a really long time.

Eliminated: None.
Second video: Wall Banging

Clarisse: Hahahahaha. Serve you right.

Leo: Hahaha. Oh gods. Haha.

Calypso: Oh goodness. Is he alright?

Nico: ...

Luke: Lol! Hahaha.

Thalia: (pull her face)

Percy: No one wants to laugh at this.

Elimination: Die&Rue, Super-sized McSizzle, LucaCee
Third video: Laddergoat

Jason: You want us not to laugh at PewDiePie? Or is this LucaCee?

Frank: psss. Hahaha.

Hazel: Hahahaha.

Annabeth: It just a game.

Calypso: Hehehe. Cute goat. (Smiles)

Jason: The thing that makes me feel funny is that you guys making faces trying not to smile.

Thalia: By the way,Jason. You're laughing right now. Ha!

Jason: Really. I didn't realize that. Damn it!

Nico: I think I heard that quote before. 'Laddergoat, you're so random.'

Elimination: Frazelnut, CallieMaybe, JaliaThason
Fourth video: Skype Laughter Chain

Percy: No! Not this one!

Annabeth: No. No way!

Hylla: I've seen this like thousands of times.

Piper: (tries hard not to laugh but-) Hahahahahahaha!

Reyna: Funny. Really funny....

Percy: Gods! That's ahahahahahaha. Sorry let me try again!

Nico: What is that? Is that a dolphin? Or some dying seal?

Hylla: No one actually laugh like this.

Elimination: PipesthePiper, Percy Nemo Jackson

Stolls: You've won!

Hylla: I knew it.

Reyna: See. I'll win anyway.

Nico: I've no soul.

Annabeth: Phew! I've managed to finish the challange! Although I nearly laughed or smiled a few time.

Question Time
Stolls: Do you find these video funny?

Luke: Yes!

Clarisse: Hell ya!

Hazel: Some don't but some eventually make you want to laugh.

Nico: They are all dead to me.

Stolls: Why do you think about the Laddergoat?

Frank: Funny.

Thalia: It doesn't look like something you want to laugh. But the speaker did a great job to make people laugh.

Leo: Laddergoat, you're so random. Ha!

Piper: What is this game called? Goat stimulator?

Stolls: What about the Skype Laughter Chain?

Calypso: The laughters are so weird.

Percy: How did they do that? That's the most random thing I've ever seen.

Reyna: They're definitely not human! No one laughs like that.

Annabeth: I believe that their voices are dubbed over of animals' sound.

Stolls: What is the technic to try not to laugh?

Hylla: When we were captured by the pirates, me and Reyna trained ourselves not to laugh easily. That's why people called us the Cold Sisters.

Reyna: We rocked at this kind of challenge.

Nico: I imagined that everything was a zombie apocalypse. By the way, they are not funny at all!

Clarisse: I have a dark sense of humor. I laugh at people getting killed or injured. They are funny as ****

Jason: Actually I have this ability for not laughing easily, but it's you guys made me laugh.

Stolls: Why people want to make this type of challange?

Percy: For fun?

Leo: I don't know. They are too free?

Frank: A test on how people can reach their limit of patience. This is not a torture, this challenge is to test on how you accept the changes around you.

Annabeth: I have to say this is a good challenge. It just test how cold-hearted of one else when they watch someone getting hurt.

Stolls: Why laughter is a great thing?

Calypso: Laughter is one of the way to reduce stress.

Hazel: Like the saying says, 'Laughter is the best medicine'.

Piper: Laughter can show the cheeky and fun side of oneself.

Thalia: Laughter can forget every sad memories. Like when I laugh with my fellow huntresses, I forget about Luke and other unhappy moments. So, laugh more!

Calypso: Thanks for watching. I hope you feel funny about these videos.

Clarisse: If you don't want to feel the wrath of my Maimer, vote and comment!

Percy: (pulls his face to make a fake smile)

Annabeth: Live and laugh, people!

Leo: Ahahahahaha! Sorry, my laugh is terrible.

Stolls: It's okay, keep on.

Leo: Ahahahahahaha!

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