Sky Hawks (Male Reader X Girl...

By Maybe_an_author

38.6K 536 992

Tankery. The age old sport that sees girls from all over the world compete to become the best tankers. Howeve... More

Chapter 1: Executive Decision
Chapter 2: Der Jäger
Chapter 3: The Thunderbolt
Chapter 5: Semi-Final Shithouses
Chapter 6: English Espionage
Chapter 7: Hawks In The Sky
Chapter 8: Birds In The Clouds
Chapter 9: Commander's Club
Chapter 10: The Ball
Chapter 11: The Ball II
Chapter 12: The Ace Up Our Sleeve
Chapter 13: Blitzkrieg
Chapter 14: Pravda's Downfall
Chapter 15: Storm Of Steel Part I
Chapter 16: Storm Of Steel Part II
Chapter 17: Das Finale
Possible Part 2?
New Book Is Out!

Chapter 4: The Thunderbolt II

2.6K 38 39
By Maybe_an_author


Bogey= Unidentified enemy

Bandit= Identified enemy

Splash= Hit

Immelman Turn= An acrobatic turn used by pilots to quickly turn into enemies and suprise them as shown below

Spotting the four bogeys on my radar, I instinctively banked left and caught sight of them. Two Eurofighters and two Aerospace Hawk T1's whizzed by, their pilots flying in tight formation waiting for me. Unfortunately, the A-10 is no dog fighter. However it can out-turn many jets, so that was my plan of attack. Force them infront of me and hit them with a missile. Soon spotting a rogue Typhoon that had lost itself in the break, I chased it down, aligning it with my sights before firing a missile. With a satisfying whoosh it sped into the Eurofighter, disabling the jet and forcing the pilot to bail out. I had no idea where the others were so I headed to the town, in search of the British tanks.

Y/n: This is Jäger to Commander Miho, a Eurofighter is down I repeat, Eurofighter down. Requesting targets over.

Over the radio I could hear Miho popping her head out of the hatch and looking up, spotting me coming towards her.

Miho: Erm Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah, what?

Miho: There's three others chasing you.

Y/n: There is?!

Checking my radar, the remaining jets were indeed tailing, and soon enough, catching me. Thinking fast, I performed a clean Immelman turn and faced one of the Aerospace Hawks and fired, the bullets tearing through one of the wings and sending the jet spiralling down into the ground. After a brief pause, a small mushroom cloud appeared on the grassy plains, signalling another jet was out.

Miho: You got two more on your tail Y/n.

Y/n: I know Miho, that's the idea. I need you to bait the tanks towards the town centre and hold them off before I tell you to move. Can you do that?

Miho sighed, looking around her and spotting said town centre.

Miho: I can do that, good luck with whatever you're planning.

Hearing only the engines now, I had to out-turn these bandits or else I would be a sitting duck for them. Banking right, I caught a slight glimpse of Miho being chased by two tanks, signalling that the plan was coming together nicely. I just needed to keep them on my tail until Miho was in position, hopefully she was because they were gaining on me, fast. Finally the radio sprung to life and Miho's voice could be heard.

Miho: We're here.

Y/n: Okay, hold them off for ten more seconds and then get out of there, understood?

Miho: Copy that.

Frantically I made my way towards the town centre, making sure the jets were still hot on my tail. The move I was going to pull off was risky, but in a situation like this it was a calculated risk I was willing to take. I dove straight for the two tanks tailing Miho, causing the bandits to fire off their missiles.

Y/n: Perfect.

I dispersed my flares speedily and managed to get them to hit the two tanks, causing the missiles intended for me to now head straight for the British tanks.

Y/n: Miho, splash on the tailing tanks. Both are now out of action.

Miho: Nice one, I'm going for their remaining two tanks, you deal with the jets.

Y/n: Solid copy Miho.

Performing a reverse Immelman turn I was able to catch the lone Eurofighter by suprise and spray the underside with bullets, rendering it useless and the pilot bailing out. The canopy shot open and out did the pilot, leaving the plane to spiral down into the town, taking a few buildings with it.

Lastly I faced the Hawk, who was now heading in a straight line towards the Anglerfish tank. I knew what they were planning, so had my finger on the trigger instead of arming the missiles.

Y/n: Miho! Do not panic at the jet heading towards you, it won't shoot. It's going to deploy a flare on your tank but I won't fire a missile, instead my Cannon will rip it to shreds. You copy?

Miho nervously breathed a shaky breath and looked out of the hatch, spotting the jet heading towards her.

Miho: Okay, I trust you.

Y/n: Good, keep heading towards their tanks. I've got this.

Keeping my sights on the jet, soon enough it deployed the flares and that was my chance to strike. Hearing the cannon spin I knew what would happen next. The bullets shot out at supersonic speeds and struck the Hawk, sending charcoal black puffs of smoke from it's engines as the pilot bailed out, narrowly escaping the inferno that raged below her.

Y/n: Splash! All enemy fighters are out Miho, that just leaves the tanks.

Darjeeling p.o.v

Tank commander: We've been hit, assessing damage now.

Tank commander 2: Our engine's out, the tank is gone maam.

Fighter pilot: I'm bailing, the underside is ripped up!

Fighter pilot 2: My engine's smoking, bailing from the Hawk now.

I dropped my teacup. It smashed with a sickening sound of the porcelain colliding with the metal of the tank. Small splashes of the tea settled on my boots and began to stain the material, to which I simply smirked. Flicking my hair back, I ignored the spilled tea and admitted temporary defeat.

Darjeeling: He's good. Better than our pilot's that's for certain. Soon him and Miho will descend on our tanks. Assam, I want you to focus on the pilot and taking him out. Rosehip, focus on team Anglerfish and take them out.

Rosehip: Yes maam.

Darjeeling: Let's see what this pilot and Nishizumi combo can do.

Y/n p.o.v

Miho: Great work Y/n, if you can guide me towards the remaining tanks that would be much appreciated.

Y/n: Copy that.

A bit of reconnaissance was needed to ensure that Miho knew where to shoot, and I was up to the task. However, I didn't expect a flak round to graze my wing.

Y/n: Oh shit! Miho, I've gotta pull off, they've got flak rounds aimed at me. Their position is on Panzer backstreet, north of the tank memorabilia shop.

Miho: Copy that, circle round for a run on their flak tank.

Y/n: Solid copy Miho.

Doing as instructed, I peeled off and headed back to Miho, again circling round to attack the two tanks left. The churchill stuck out like a sore thumb, however since it was equipped with Flak rounds, I had to take out the other tank first. Lining up the shot I fired off a small burst, ripping through the tanks armour plating and immobilizing the tracks, however in return I took a Flak round to my Thunderbolt, rendering it now useless.

Y/n: Commander Miho this is Jäger. One tank is disabled however I've been hit. Ejecting now.

Pushing the eject button down hard I was flung from the plane, watching as the reliable Thunderbolt crashed into a building. I had to shield my eyes while opening the chute, drifting down and watching Miho round the corner.

Y/n: Miho they still have a Flak round in the barrel, take the shot!

The flash of the muzzle and panging of the shell signified that the shot had hit the tank, however no smoke arose, let alone a white flag. The turret slowly turned to face the Anglerfish tank and fired, prompting the flag to rise.

Y/n: No!

We had been defeated. After all of my effort to destroy the fighters and tanks, still we could not match St. Gloriana, let alone beat them. It put me in a sour mood as I touched down back at the runway and shrugged off the parachute, looking down on the tarmac until I reached Anzu.

Anzu: Well, we lost.

Y/n: You think?!

Anzu: Why are you mad?

Y/n: Because we just got stomped on by them, and no-one is taking it seriously!

Letting out my frustration, I punched a nearby storage container, not registering the pain thanks to a small adrenaline surge I had.

Anzu: Well, you should be the happiest. You just proved to us your worth to this team so, welcome to Ooarai Academy air force.

I was stunned at her words, not fully registering them until seconds later when I jumped for joy.

Y/n: Finally! Jeez that took some convincing. I'm glad to be on the team, even though I was already supposed to be on it. But no hard feelings, I get doubting me at first but now you have no excuse to drop me.

Momo: That we don't. Hey, act nice. Here comes Darjeeling and her team.

I leaned against the wall and looked into the sky as the two groups conversed for a short while before the student council stood beside Darjeeling's team and turned to me.

Y/n: Can I help you?

Darjeeling: Were you the pilot of that A-10?

Y/n: I was maam.

Darjeeling: I don't mean to sound like the stereotypical British person but that was a jolly good show you put on there. I can only wonder what would've happened if we offered you a place at St. Glorianas. But that's best left to the imagination, as it cannot be undone. However, do take my number, I would like to meet with you again sometime.

Anzu: I'm sure you would like to stick around for a while Darjeeling, because as punishment for losing we are performing the Anglerfish dance!

Y/n: ..............Say what now?


And so we did. Oh god why did I ever join this school. I had to wear this skin-tight outfit kitted out with little ears.

Saori: I'm never gonna be able to get married!

Y/n: How do you think I feel, all the girls are staring at my abs!

Yukari: Well you do have nice abs..

Y/n: Not cool!

And so we danced through the town, shamelessly performing the same dance moves until we were back at the ship once again.

Y/n: Remind me never to take part in this sport ever again...............

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